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Chamber of commerce. Ajit pai andude steph dickson. At sea tech, the chambers Technology Engagement center, we are working to establish a National Data privacy standard that protects all americans equally and promote policies that enable emerging technologies like artificial intelligence, automated vehicles, and Unmanned Aircraft to thrive. Workforces to see a that is skilled and prepared for the digital economy. The Common Thread running through our work is the issue of data. Without a thriving modern communications network, none of this is possible. That is why i am happy to be here today to introduce chairman pai. He is the son of immigrants that rose through Harvard University and the university of chicago law school. He has worked at the department of justice. He was first appointed to the fcc by president obama and later was appointed by President Trump to be chairman. Under his leadership, he has worked diligently to remove regulatory barriers and streamlined permitting for Communication Technologies like satellites, 5g, and even wireline broadband. I am appreciative of his leadership to ensure all americans are connected and benefiting from the digital economy. Please join me in welcoming chairman pai. [applause] thank you so much for that kind introduction. Good morning to all of you. It is great to be at the u. S. Chamber of commerces Second Annual space policy summit this is my second visit to the chamber this year. Ack in july, i was here for roundtable on small satellites where i discussed how the fcc is promoting American Innovation and investment in space. The fact you have asked me back suggests my presentation could not have been that bad. That is the good news. The bad news is many of you have already heard my favorite star trek quote. The final star wars movie comes out this month. I think star wars offers a useful Reference Point for todays discussion. If you think about our culture, it is hard to imagine anything bigger than star wars. It is the most profitable franchise in history, generating an estimated 68 billion in revenue. 68 billion in revenue. Thisanalysts project number could draw could grow to 3 trillion. Everyone on twitter maybe talking about baby yoda, but the space industry is a much bigger deal economically with tremendous potential for growth and innovation. Here is a quick example. Across the country, farmers and ranchers are using technologies to adduce waste, improve sustainability, and increase yields to the benefit of consumers like us. Many companies are employing machine to machine technologies in rural environments to collect and analyze data in realtime. The fcc recently established a precision Agricultural Task force to enhance the productivity and efficiency of our nations farms and ranchers through broadband based technologies. This Task Force Includes a representative of the satellite industry. These advances in the Agricultural Sector are empowered by tremendous growth and innovation in the space sector. Costeffective technologies needed to support agriculture have been restricted to the geographic footprint of cellular networks. That is changing fast. The fcc recently licensed a Company Called Swarm Technologies to promote mobile Satellite Service by 150 smaller satellites operating in earths orbit. They will unable farmers to have sensors where there is no cell coverage. We have entered an era in which innovation in the heavens is changing how our farmers work on the earth, which is a dramatic development. All across our economy, we increasingly see Satellite Services integrated. With other technologies, consider 5g, the next generation of satellite communication. 5g will offer a Common Network architecture that is accessible to a broader range of technologies including Satellite Services. Rather than playing catch up, Satellite Services will be operable with 5g from the get go. Many expect 5g to unlock advances in cars and its ability to multi task will reduce congestion. With the fcc, we have been doing our part to help our nation and this nation and this industry sees the opportunity of the space age. We see in industry that is changing quickly in space. We are trying to make sure our regulations change with it. Andt teen licensing approval systems could be a bottleneck that hurts consumers and innovators. That makes a difference because now, a satellite could be built in a matter of months or days and lodged by a private provider. That is what are my leadership, the fcc is committed to matching the tempo of the industry we regulate. One area we have been active is the promotion of new and expanded Services Using new nongeostationary satellite orbit. Instead of sending one bird and a orbit, we can end a whole bunch. At a price point that is comparable to terrestrial competitors. We cannot and will not endorse any particular business plan. What we are doing is giving every company a fair shot at innovating and competing in the american marketplace. That is why we have approved a number of applications for this new generation of low earth orbit constellation. Companies like spacex have successfully launched their group of low earth orbit satellites. Many companies will figure out a way to make it work technically and economically. The fcc has also seen an increase in applications for low earth orbit satellites. Aspire and plan are two examples of companies licensed by the commission to compete in the earth observation industry. These rapidly growing services are revolutionizing the oil industry, agriculture, maritime, and disaster relief. We are also excited about the possibilities of small satellites. Short duration satellite systems have myriad uses including Research Missions and remote sensing. Despite these advances, as of the summer, the Commission Still required small satellites to jump through the same regulatory hoops as larger, heavier satellites that stay in earths orbit for many years. As i previewed during my last visit to the chamber, the fcc adopted a separate streamlined licensing procedure for smaller satellites. The process enables satellites choose choose alternatives to e existing procedures. This process features an easier application process, a lower application fee, and a shorter time for review. It also offers potential radiofrequency interference protection. I have talked about all the ways the commission is making easier to put new satellite into orbit. Risk ofs raise a increased orbital debris. As you have probably heard, even a centimeter wide object can have devastating damage. That is what under my leadership, the commission is undertaking its First Comprehensive review of our orbital rules since they were adopted a decade and a half ago. Our goal is to address recent market development. New application process for smaller satellites also promotes orbital degree mitigation. To qualify, small satellites must be able to burn up completely in the earths atmosphere if something goes wrong. Trend, to another increasingly, American Consumers expect to be connected wherever they are. New marketning opportunities and connecting vehicles on land, on sea, and in the air. That is why the fcc has made it easier for satellite to target earth stations in motion, improving transmission of data to vehicles like ships and school buses. I saw a great example of this in person. I was in utah doing a Video Conference with a superintendent of the Kane County School district. We discussed how kids from remote and Rural Regions can have multihour bus rides to and from school or sporting events. During these trips, many kids would like to do their homework or taste a or take a test over email. This could help a lot of students and many others on the go in rule america. That is something the fcc is looking to encourage. I have talked mainly about new and emerging technologies, but the fcc is looking to boost Satellite Service with which many of us are familiar, which is gps. Last year, the Commission Voted to allow american access to the european satellite system known as get a leo system known as galileo. This should make gps more precise, more reliable, and more toilient, which is a boon consumers and businesses alike. Gains to highlight recent by the u. S. Delegation in egypt. This event comes around every four years. You can think of it. As the spectrum olympics i was you can think of it as the spectrum olympics. I was honored to help create a Regulatory Framework to allow for the growth of a multi trillion dollar global ict industry. The majority of the agenda focuses on we are cared additional flexibility to operate in additional bands. We established a Regulatory Framework for ngs owes to operate in key band. And made other progress as well. This global collaboration will need new opportunities will mean new opportunities for u. S. Companies. When i spoke in july, i talked about the upcoming 50th anniversary of the moon landing. I thought i would close my remarks today by going back to the 1960s again. When we think of the space race, we think of legendary astronauts. Neil armstrong, buzz aldrin, and john glenn. People forget they are part of a larger story. When i became fcc chairman, i had the privilege to meet newton middaugh, who was the chairman of the fcc during the early part of the kennedy administration. His description of the fcc when he was chair helped to spur the space industry. He believed putting satellites into space was more important than putting a human being and to space. Communication satellites are more important than sending a man into space because they will launch ideas. Ideas will last longer than men and women. That is the way i see it for the 21st century. We are setting the stage for a new spaceage. There is no telling what kind of innovation can be realized for the benefit of american and Global Consumers if we put in place the right policies. I look forward to working with you to do that and help companies here and around the world see opportunities presented by this new frontier. Thank you for your attention. I look forward to an engaging conversation to come. [applause] caleb henry from space news. I have two questions. First is about the orbital degree mitigation. Do you have any sense of when there might be movement on that or a ruling . Chairman pai we continue to consult with our federal partners. I do not have an update at this time, what i can tell you the fcc is engaged on the issue. We take this particular issue as an important component of our overall space agenda. We want to ensure the environment is safe not just for innovation but safe in terms of the amount of debris resulting from these launches. We are committed to the issue. I was going to ask about towards from a leaning a private option to announcing last month a public option lastd can you explain month to a public option. Can you explain why that change happened . Chairman pai i was very consistent that we had four policies we wanted to uphold. Number one, a framing of a substantial amount of spectrum. Ensuring the federal government receives revenue. Ensuring the continued delivery of services that are currently delivered using the spectrum. I consistently said all of the options were on the table, and they were on the table until he made my decision. The way i havet proposed to go forward will best capture those values. Chairman, thank you for coming. Im from the commercial faith commercial spaceflight federation. How do you balance licensing small satellites via constellations and the calls for overcrowding and space junk . How do you balance the two . Chairman pai on one hand, as i mentioned, we want to make sure we have a framework in place that allows any innovative idea to compete in the marketplace. We want every company to have a fair chance to succeed. We want to make sure the space environment is a safe one, especially because the costs of debris and other harms in space could last much longer than they would on earth. One of the things we are trying to strive for is to make sure we have in place the policies that encourage both of those values. I mentioned the things we are doing in terms of encouraging launches. Working with all the stakeholders to ensure we give everyone a fair chance to succeed even beyond the orbital debris rules. Thankfully, we have a lot of good staff at the fcc. We have federal partners committed to working with us. We have private stakeholders willing to come to the table with constructive suggestions as opposed to zerosum solutions. That allows us to thread the needle and deliver values for consumers in the short and longterm. A question, in the terrestrial in some terrestrial use cases for spectrum contention between between navy ships afloat coming dynamicts and a allocation of spectrum, a dynamic one, that seems to be a good solution, where people can coexist. Do you see that dynamic o leo,tion applying t and what might that look like . How would we dynamically allocate spectrum for leo . Chairman pai ive have to think a little more carefully about the implications of migrating that framework to leo. Orh respect to the cprs band we did explore that arrangement, where we did explore that arrangement, we feel that was the best of both worlds. Using things like the environmental sensing capability and the spectrum Access Systems of being able to make sure the incumbents are protected. Also to free up a substantial amount of spectrum across a huge part of the country where priority accents is party access licenses priority access licenses are appealing. I would have to think about the implications. I think the model we have established is a productive one. We are always looking forward to Innovative Solutions like that. If there is an application in leo, we would love to see the engineering analysis that would help us move forward. Solved the worlds problems. All right. [laughter] chairman pai anyone else . My right, well as one of favorite political philosophers George Costanza once said, leave on a high note. Thank you very much. [applause] steve now, the honorable ickson, an administrator at the federal aviation administration. Mr. Dickson hi, everybody. It is great to be here representing the faa at the chamber of commerce space summit. I think the title of the event this year, launched the space economy is very apropos for me about threemonth onthejob because sometime in the last several weeks, i felt like i was sitting at the top of the rocket myself as i have been around the world dealing with some very important issues to our country and our industry. It has been an exhilarating and fascinating ride. I just came back from the dubai airshow ryan met officials where i met officials from the space center that operates and builds satellites. Uae, it is an important and the uae is an important partner to the united states. Having center first astronaut to the International Space station in late september for an eightday mission. Next year, they plan to launch a probe to mars. Is tolongrange goal eventually colonize the red planet. I am all in to stretch goals, but that is a stretch goal if i ever heard one. If that is not proof of an expanding aerospace industry, i am not sure what is. Developments like that strengthened my resolve to unleash the power of commercial space transportation i paving the way for easier access to low systemrbit to the space and doing so safely and efficiently. The faa has maximum support for doing this work. It is a mission that is front and center for the Trump Administration and my boss, the chance secretary of transportation. Last year, President Trump signed space policy directive two, which called the faa to streamline rules for reentry and protecting National Security and public safety. The idea is to boost the confidence of the private sector to invest in commercial space. Those investments are substantial and already growing at a fast pace. According to the National Space council, in the first half of 2019, we saw almost as much investment in Space Companies as we saw in 2018. Over the past decade, we have seen a total of 25 billion invested in 500 Space Companies, most of which are american. What all those dollars are venturesre commercial that could be right out of a Science Fiction book. Space travel and tourism, debris removal, and space manufacturing and huge constellations of space satellites for Internet Connectivity and other services. Im sure there are many more innovations in the minds of the entrepreneurs out there. This is not just about commerce. All this innovation is exciting for americas youth in the same way the Apollo Program was for me and many others when i was a kid a few years ago. I am just seeing if you were paying attention. It was more than a few years ago. Met andi airshow i apollo module command pilot. Him, is speaking with was talking about how that program was the driving force behind generation of engineers and pilots. Three of our biggest commercial jeff bezos,tors, elon musk, and richard branson, say the Apollo Mission let the fuse to them becoming space entrepreneurs. Today, right from their high deaf smartphones, kids see the dashboard camera from a tesla roadster that elon musk launched and put into orbit around the sun. On social media, they see 260 foot tall space eggs boosters spacex boosters taking the landing. Floatingbeth moses free as the first woman to make a commercial spaceflight. They see the massive strata launcher taking to the skies on its first flight in preparation for dropping boosters at altitude for what they call Airline Style access to space. While us apollo kids can only imagine what it is like to go into space one day, todays youth can save their money to buy a ride on a suborbital excursion that could one day zoom them across the world in 30 minutes. From my perspective as a potential employer, they could take part in launching an experiment as early as fifth grade. Such engagement early on will newoff someday for a whole generation of scientists and engineers. Modernizing the way we regulate and license commercial Space Operations will allow all this to be done efficiently while keeping the focus on safety. It is a tall order, but we have to succeed or we will be left behind. The faa learned the hard way a few years ago with the Unmanned Aircraft revolution. In that case, an entirely new industry spring up overnight. We were not ready for it. I am happy to say the agency has changed course and has come a long way toward adding caught up, but we are determined not to let it happen again. Do . Can we to start with, we do the crucial work the administration has asked us to do. We rework our licensing regime regulations and work onore efficiently realtime operations in our extremely Safe National airspace system. Eventually, we envision commercial space will have a modern set of flexible perform space regulations that parallel commercial aviation with vehicle and crew certifications as well as operational approvals, installation of Safety Management systems, and the associated culture of reporting methodologies. Notion of suchle an industry, there was a moratorium on commercial spaceflight that has been extended several times and continues through 2023. The faa still has a mandate to protect the public on the ground and aircraft from the surface of 60,000 feet. For the public on the ground, we do this through launch, reentry, and spaceport regulations. Regulation, i will tell you about that in a minute. I regulations require us to license each requires the applicant to submit a systems safety analysis and a Ground Safety analysis, detailed documents that proved to the faa the intended lunch or reentry will not pose an undue threat to the public. While this way of doing business worked well for a few commercial lunches a year, the pace has picked up to the point where it is becoming impractical. A shoot ahe faa record 35 launch and reentry licenses. The total this year is expected to be similar. For 2020, we are on tap for for 52one a week, licensed activities. There is reasons to believe this license will this number will incline. Many locations you might not think about like new mexico, oklahoma, colorado. Licenseamline steprements is the first to modernizing access to space. The goal is to simplify the licensing process, enable operations, and reduce costs. One example, the roles would allow companies to use a single the faa license for multiple licenses for multiple launches from multiple sites. 154 submissions, many of which include detailed and thoughtout comments from industry. Are commercial space team is reviewing all of the input, and we are working toward publishing a final rule in the fall of 2020. One area or the faa kannehmason african process now in making lunches more efficient from an Overall Congress standpoint is moving to dynamic deconfliction of space vehicles and commercial airliners using shared data. Today, the faa uses a very crude manual process to close off relatively large spots for relatively long periods as there is no operational surveillance and communication between the launch providers and the faa air Traffic Controllers. Considering the number of lunches, these will only increase. The faa recognizes this issue. We are working on solutions. Key to concept is providing relief. We have a prototype that we have developed with space eggs that automate space x that automates luncheon rancheria data to the faas joint Space Operations group and air traffic managers. I had a chance to view the operation myself in Northern Virginia outside of d. C. In my first week on the job. Analysts review the information and determine how to modify aircraft hazard areas to reduce the impact of flights in the area. The end goal is launch reentry information thatll text that will allow for information sent air Traffic Controllers and eventually directly to the flight deck, which is an important capability, especially in lunch contingency in launch contingency situations. The faas Program Management organization is working to operationalize the first stage of sdi. Getting step will be the information integrated into the controllers system so they can see on their scope and finally to pilots. You can see that it is critical we get all of this right. There is too much important and innovative work to be done in space. Consider the payloads on the electron rocket with its running out of Fingers Mission set for lunch as soon this friday out of new zealand. Licenses the launch because it is a u. S. Company. Why is the mission called running out of fingers . It is the 10th mission. They have only been launching for two years. Imagine that. Payloads include a thermal experiment from a hungarian company, a Telecommunications Satellite that can fit in the palm of your hand developed by a spanish company, and a small satellite built by a Tokyo Company that aims to create manmade shooting stars by simulating media showers. The tagline may not surprise you. Shooting stars on demand. As they say, you cannot make this stuff up if you try. That one Mission Highlights a small does of the ms of the massive amount of creativity and collaboration that commercial space is bringing to the table. We at the faa are doing our part to make sure these payloads get the most efficient and safest access to space while making sure those on the ground will be able to enjoy their shooting stars on demand. Thanks. It is a privilege to be with you today. I look forward to being with you again soon. Thank you. [applause] here is a look at our live coverage tuesday. Cspan, a. M. Eastern on u. S. Institute of peace looks at the governing challenges facing fragile states around the world. At 2 00 p. M. , the house needs for legislative business. The first vote of the new year will be to establish a quorum for the second session of the 116th congress. Also on cspan, former state department and National Security officials discuss u. S. Policy toward around including the recent u. S. Air strike that killed a top Iranian Military official. On cspan two, the senate is tosidering the nomination head the Small Business administration. On cspan three at 9 30 a. M. Eastern, the Senate Finance Committee Meets to consider provisions within that u. S. Mexico canada trade agreement before it is sent to the full senate for a final vote. In the afternoon, a discussion on how opioid addiction is affecting the appellation region of the the appalachian of the u. S. Our Live Campaign 2020 coverage continues thursday at eastern. Watch live at cspan2 or listen on the go with the free cspan radio app. Guest next, we will hear frome exact director of the u. S. Advisory commission on public diplomacy, talking about recommendations for furthering its agenda. Once again, if i could have is thetion please, mike

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