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Born here. More than 60 of residents are not natives. Many come from massachusetts. Taxesame to escape higher and more regulation. But particular the on social issues, their progressive. That is what we have seen over the years in New Hampshire, is migration that has made the electric or center and less leaning, but also many residents they havehere are a greater expectation of Government Services that New Hampshire typically had. New is also what has led to hampshire becoming a swing state. The other piece is the fact that independence are such a strong ethic here. And they continue to grow in size. 25 years ago, independence rate up only 25 of the electorate. 50 at this rate it will be by 2030. It is now 43 of the electorate, our independence. We make it very easy for our independence to take part in primaries here in New Hampshire. And they can just show up on election day to register to vote. So as a result i think that has also created a very for tile group of folks for democrats to go after. Have been effective in president ial elections in getting independence about democratic. Host as you will know, look at the results of 2016. To give our audience a sense of how close the race was. Out Hillary Clinton eking eight narrow victory of a few thousand votes ahead of donald trump. Would you expect the same into 2020 . Guest yes it will be competitive. Trump is suffering from difficult disapproval ratings, rising disapproval ratings here in the last month or two. The poles herend under 10 points. Unlike Hillary Clinton, joe biden does not have a record of success in New Hampshire. He has run for president three times and he is never finished better than fifth in all three races. Primary, he left New Hampshire before the results were in and went to south finished in fifth place. Has been campaign active in organizing here. Very aggressively. For over a year. The president has been to New Hampshire three times since he 2016, andite house in twice in the last year, and has some very big rallies at both events. So, given the advantages of incumbency and bidens poor performance in the past, i think that makes it a tight race here. 2016 and winner in this year, the New Hampshire democratic primary from the neighboring state of vermont, senator Bernie Sanders. Does he add gravitas or organization to the Biting Campaign moving into the fall . Guest yes. I think it will help. They seem to have had a Good Relationship. You hit on something really important, steve. As we saw 2016, hillary had difficulty getting bernies huge organization here to line up behind her. That is what folks tend to forget. While she narrowly one in the general election, Bernie Sanders one by only 30 almost any percent over hillary almost 30 ady percent almost over hillary. Getting that grew behind her was important. Beau biden has not had that difficult with bernie. They have had a Good Relationship throughout the early campaign. And there were few low blows fired by either campaign. So folks are looking forward to getting behind biden. What is interesting, particularly for the Body Campaign, he is going to profit from september. In september we have a primary race for governor, which is statewide. Again, that is unusual in New Hampshire. In the democratic party, the leadership of the party tends to anoint their candidates for major office. Reallyn do not have aggressive active primaries on the democratic side. This will help the Body Campaign really as an exercise get out their right to vote, their get out the vote efforts, and hopefully be well tuned up in time for november. Host we will come back to the race this year. But lets look ahead four years from now. As you know, the debate continues as to why New Hampshires first in the nation. We thought happened in ohio in iowa. Thequestions as to whether iowa caucus will be around in 2024. Looking ahead, where would have to be in the political process . Guest it is a good question. Fortunately, we did not have the problems iowa had. The election was well held. The turnout was very good. The campaigns all felt they got a Good Opportunity to make their case there. That the election was fairly held. Theze here is that, belief here is that work truck to be reelected precedent, it would be difficult for the in leadership nationally not to take another run at really trying to shake up the calendar, which is to say in many respects a number of prominent democrats ive talked to feel this way. Bodycam when New Hampshire. Biden can win New Hampshire. And he can beat trump and get elected. He is less likely to want to upset the apple cart in a dramatic way. Moving forward New Hampshire Democratic Leaders in the secretary of state had said privately as well, we really have kind of a soulsearching discussion about our relationship with iowa, many of Party Leaders on the National Democratic side, are convinced it is time to do away with iowa or move it out of the first position, i think New Hampshire, political leaders in both parties now, our thinking about, ok, who would we partner with . If not iowa . Should it be eight caucus based, perhaps nevada comes to mind. Because we were not allowed to be a primary to come before New Hampshire. It is a serious subject. And it is going to get a lot of discussion. And it may turn on what happens in november, who wins. Host but you think one way or the other there could be some changes to the calendar, and four years . Guest yes i do, i relayed you. There i really do. There have been prominent people in both parties politically who have talk privately about, how , buttain the first primary change this relationship . And how should it be changed . Meeting, case in point. If New Hampshire keeps the first in the nation primary, should we consider permitting more than one state to hold a primary within one week or two weeks . In other words, you know how we have always had the early states the last two decades in that order. I think theres going to be an openness on you have to is part to allow more states to take part earlier, if it means we continue to have our first in the nation status. Host at looking ahead to the primary in september and the general election in november, more immediately, who has the stronger ground game right now . Guest in terms of the president ial campaign . Host correct. Guest i think the strut i think that Trump Campaign has done an excellent job in terms of expanding its base in New Hampshire. And it has used these rallies quitecial media to expand a bit of the volunteers they have on the ground now. Bankinge a doing phone for six months now in the Trump Campaign. They have also gotten involved in the special elections we have so many of. 424 legislators elected every two years, invariably people move out of the district or they die or they resign for some reason. So usually have a dozen special elections and the Trump Campaign has been really a bald in all of those really involved in all of those. It has not won all of those but it does help them grow their ground game, kinda feed the beast, if you will. We have not seen joe biden return here since the New Hampshire primary. I think he will be here and he will probably be here more than once. That will certainly help grow their game. The one advantage really someone essentially,s is, who else is at the top of the ticket, right . Jeanne shaheen running for reelection, very popular. There are two well spoken republicans running in a primary now. She is the odds on favorite to it. She is clearly, strategic wise, the most gifted democratic politician we have had since world war ii in New Hampshire. So she will help the Biden Campaign really get its act together and work with her Campaign Come tried to merge theres. Withrge with theres theirs. Host her husband, billy shaheen, has been legendary in Democratic Politics in the state. What role will he play . Guest as a democratic committeeman, he endorsed biden before the primary. That helps to have that kind of relationship. Conduit between the senator and the Vice President. That is going to be part of what ines this a competitive race november. If there was no senate race, as there was not two years ago, i think biden would have a tougher chance that having shaheens support. That will help bolster him in the state. Host because do such a competitive state we will check in with you often. Kevin landrigan is joining us from New Hampshire. His estate bureau chief with the union leader. Thank you for joining us. He is the state bureau chief. This november we are going to take back the house and hold the senate and keep the white house. [applause] President Trump return to the campaign trail saturday for a rally in tulsa. Watch live coverage starting at 8 00 p. M. Eastern on cspan. On at cspan. Org, or listen on the go, with the free cspan radio app. Today, President Trump a roundtable discussion on how to protect Senior Citizens during the crowbars pandemic. He also answered questions on Police Reform and race relations. From the white house, this is an hour. Pres. Trump ok. On the flight today. Hi. Ok, thank you very much. Today is elder abuse awareness day. We are here to discuss our commitment to protecting and caring for americas seniors. We are joined by Vice President mike pence, attorney general williamar

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