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Quite honestly, over all these years we faced some adversity and challenges. But, to be honest, its nothing like we are today. We have literally had to reinvent our business several times since the beginning of the year. Just to stay afloat. Our revenue for example, is off about 40 . We have half of the employees that we had free covid. Our customers are a little scared, our employees are sometimes afraid to come to work. Ecause of the covid to be honest with you, i am just frustrated. I dont understand how we got here. We are the greatest nation in the world. That, maybes to me if we just came together on this alone, maybe, as americans, and being united, we can overcome. Thank you for sharing your story. Im sure many Small Business owners feel the same way you are feeling now. We wish you the best for your business and your family. Marley whosen to 15 years old from west orange, new jersey. She is a literary activist and author and author of thousand black girl books. Some he people are struggling with the changes due to covid. How are you doing . I feel better every day. I thought this was going to be a few weeks when i would not see my friends and i would stick it out. Oneally want to focus activism and still spreading important messages given the fact i cannot go out. It has been so fun getting to interact and meet new kids and encourage and promote joy that we can fund find in reading and learning. Its fun to see teenagers going onto social media and talking about social issues and injustices they care about because sometimes we all have that space in school. I hope he year from now we get to go back and be safe and be protective and we could still have these conversations and a new possibility in a new world. An inspiration. I want will the guy was doing half of what you were doing at 15 and i love seeing how brave and creative your generation is to creating change. Thank you so much for your work. Lets check in with rick. Rick, you are a farmer from pennsylvania. Your farm has been in your family for generations. Has the trade wars and pandemic done to your familys life work . I would like to offer the trump family our condolences for his loss. Getting back to the business side of it, the trade war was a and trulysful devastating for the farm. Probably what people can relate to. Whenever you compound the effects of the covid19 virus nobody could have prevented that. Our leadership misinformed people like myself in a country on what was coming down the road. Is that thesecern trends continue with this type of leadership. I will be the last generation farming this farm. Eva it is a scary thought. Im sure a lot of farmers feel the same way. I dont have the answers, but past experiences, if something does not for you then its time for a change. Thats why i am supporting joe biden. Eva thank you so much. Rick, i could not agree with you more. We need meaningful change and leadership that will support family farms like yours. We wish you the best. Thank you for sharing your story. Lets hear from michelle from my home state of texas. You are a school nurse and a mother in el paso. How are you preparing for the new school year . Startedve already school, but it is a little challenging because every day something seems to change. Know right now its kind of sad not to see the kids go back. We will have to adapt impressive beer. I like it big about is keeping my kid safe. We had themin march home and we were doing ok. Now they are wanting us to take them back to school and its a little scary. I just want to say im committed to take care of my family, my students and all my staff in the school. I would do whatever it takes to ensure we are all ready to go back to school safe and healthy. I know that i am optimistic to , andforward with our life joe biden will be the one to take us there. I just want to say for everyone washease remember total their hands and where their mask because we are all in this together. Eva there is nothing more difficult for us as moms than to see our children suffered. You are doing a great job of guiding them through this difficult time. Thank you for the work you do as a nurse. Its truly heroic. I enjoy talking to all of you. I have one last question. Do you believe change is coming . Do you believe better days are ahead. Yes. Yes. Eva thank you for taking the time to speak with us and sharing your thoughts. My brother george was selfless. He always made sacrifices for his family, friends and even complete strangers. George had a giving spirit. A spirit that had shown up on streets around our nation and around the world. , all ages,ll races all genders, all backgrounds, peacefully protesting in the name of love and unity. Its a fitting legacy for our brother for george to be alive today. Rihanna taylor should be a life should be taylor alive today. Ahmaud arbery should be alive today. Stephan clark and tatyana jefferson, sandra bland, they should all be alive today. Its up to us to carry on the fight for justice. Our actions will be there legacy. We must always find ourselves for what john lewis called, the trouble. For the names we do not called good trouble. For the names and faces we will never see and those we cannot didn because there bases not go viral, please join me in a moment of silence. Many other souls we lost to hate and injustice. And when this moment ends. , lets make sure we never stop saying their names. Hi, im one of the many who has lost a loved one to covid. Should be here today, but he isnt. He had faith in donald trump. He voted for him, listened to believed him and his mouthpieces when they said that coronavirus was under control and going to disappear. That it was ok to end social distancing rules before it was safe. And that if you have no Underlying Health conditions he would probably be fine. Late may, after the stayathome order was listed in arizona, my dad went to a karaoke bar with his friends. A few weeks later he was put on a ventilator. After five agonizing days, he died alone, in the icu, with a nurse holding his hand. My dad was a healthy 65 are old. His only preexisting condition was trusting donald trump, and for that he paid with his life. I am not alone. Once i told my story, a lot of people reached out to me to share theirs. Asked me to help them to keep their community safe, especially communities of color, which have been disproportionately affected. They asked me, a normal person to help the cause donald trump wont. The coronavirus has made it clear that there are two americas. The america that donald trump lives in, and the america that my father died in. Enough is enough. Donald trump may not have caused the coronavirus, but his deese dishonesty and irresponsible actions made it so much worse. We need a leader who has a drivenl coordinated data response to stop this pandemic from claiming more lives and to safely reopen the country. We need a leader who will step in on day one and do his job, to care. Of the last things that my father said to me was that he felt the trade by the likes of donald the trade by the likes of donald trump. When i cast my vote for joe biden, i will do it for my dad. Rapinoeme is megan and i have the honor to host a conversation with four of our frontline workers here in america and we should rename them heroes. Can you tell us a little bit about how you are doing during this time. Was stille government china figure out proper protocols to protect frontline workers, i had unfortunately contracted covid through patient. Ontact i isolated myself for two weeks. We continue to take care of the sick. Watching people dialogue with no visitors. One was totally isolated. I knew for two weeks i was me. Not knowing if youre going to make it in who you were going to talk to and set aside. These were peoples moms, dads, brothers, sisters, sons and daughters dying alone. Onont know how many of us the front lines are going to survive that second round. Megan what are you seeing inside your hospital doors when it comes to the Covid Response . Its heavy. The Emergency Department is in tears and so are a lot of my colleagues. People are exhausted and we are looking at the tsunami coming this winter with covid and influenza. All of us are wondering how will our system collapse . When people come with her broken arms and their heart attacks or strokes and appendicitis, we wont be there. What were you seeing on the front lines in those very early days that you knew it would not disappear . Did you know it was a hoax . I absolutely knew that this was not a hoax. We were certain of it. Waswe knew from experience like the swine flu. We knew what a pandemic would look like. We knew we needed the tools, research and plans in place resources and plans in place. Then we had a lack of leadership from the administration. I have seen the worst of the worse. Not only have i answered thousands of calls from people sick, but people that are dying. Megan tell us a little bit about how its been for you on the frontlines, what your specific role is as a union nurse . I have been in the forefront on advocating that our Health Care Workers and our patients get to support get the support and the ppe that they need. 10 years ago i responded to the disaster in haiti. We were working in a tent hospital after the earthquake. The first time that i ever feared for my life, and my families walking into work was in my own country. We have the money, we have the means, we have the resources in this country. We are deeply lacking leadership in somebody who cares. Trump has made it perfectly clear how he feels. And we need a president who cares. That is joe biden. I cannot thank you all. Nough the American People are forever ,ndebted to you, to your work your sacrifice, and just you showing up every day and giving everything you have. Thank you for all of the work you do on the front line. There is no way we can ever repay you. Thank you so much. I see people on my elevator all the time. When they get off they go to their meetings. I had back to the lobby. In the short time i spent with joe biden, i could tell he really saw me. That he actually cared. That my life meant something to him. I knew, even when he went into the meeting, he would take my story in there with him. Thats because jill biden has remained his heart for more than just himself. We have been through a lot and we have tough days ahead. Nominating someone like that to be in the white house is a good place to start. Thats why i nominate my friend joe biden as the next president of the united states. How are you . You handsome boy. Born with a heart condition. He ended up requiring a transplant. Thankfully it had re taken effect, but now that is something we think of all the time. With the coverage and his initial hospital stay is over 3 million that was billed to the insurance. I remember thinking as though biden laid dying in beua laid dying in bed. Our member thinking what if the doctor walked in and said you have reached your cap for your insurance. I came from a part of the missouri were basically everyone was a republican and i was a republican. I lost my voice. Put off going to the doctor because we do not have Health Insurance. When we finally got into somebody who could take a look at my throat they said, you have cancer. It was stage for, the worst kind of cancer. Theife applied for myordable care act and coverage began on april 1 in 2012. That same day they start at my chemo and radiation and it saved my life. I am here today. At the church, you are concerned about people spiritually, but you are concerned about other areas of their life. That includes their physical and physiological wellbeing. The bible talks about all of us. Our countryople in and people in my church that cannot take advantage of it because they dont have good health care. Thats pretty discouraging to me. Its pretty discouraging to them. Because of the fact that i have a rare disease, a lot of our medications we have to fight for. Before the aca, we worried about our medication. We worried about the preexisting conditions for our children. We worried about age and the cap. Because having that cost of the medication we would have reached that milliondollar cap in no time. Past we noe aca longer have that cap on the million dollars. Biden the fear that you all live in, understandably, if somehow tomorrow they say no insurance, you are not covered, it is just devastating. Hey, how are you doing. You be hodgkins lymphoma, god love you. But trump was trying to rip away your coverage the day you got your first chemo the republicans voted to get the aca. The aca. I cant imagine what it was like going to sleep at night. Since i was diagnosed every night i would go to bed concerned about what news i would get in the morning. Today, there are still trying to take away our health care, even during a pandemic. Fmr. V. P. Biden we will make sure we wont lose that aca. We will provide a medicare like option. In a state when there if you are qualified for medicaid and ,he state does not qualify it you automatically get it. I will try to protect you like i protect my own family. I promise you that. By the time you are watching this you will have gone up to be strong and courageous. I dont know how much longer i will be around for you. , was diagnosed with als today which is a deadly debilitating disease. Diagnosed, they put my health care at risk. So i went to washington, d. C. Next guest made headlines when he confronted a republican senator on an airplane. Help create a better country for you to live in. All that matters to me is to make you proud. I am already so proud of you. Hello, america. I am speaking to you through this computer voice because i have been paralyzed i a Mysterious Illness called als. Like so many of you i have experienced the ways our Health Care System is fundamentally broken. Normans costs denied claims dehumanizing treatment when we are most in need. Since my shocking diagnosis, i have traveled the country meeting countless patients like me, demanding more of our representatives and our democracy. They, we are witnessing tragic consequences of our failing Health Care System. A pandemic, of nearly 100 million americans do not have sufficient Health Insurance. Insurance does not cover essential needs like longterm care. Our loved ones are dying in unsafe nursing homes. Are overwhelmed and unprotected, and our essential workers are treated as indispensable. We live in the richest country in history and yet we do not guarantee this most basic human right. Everyone living in america should get the health care they need, regardless of their Employment Status or ability to pay. Even during this terrible crisis. Org from an republican politicians are trying to take away millions of Peoples Health insurance. With the existential threat of another four years of this president , we all have a profound obligation to act. To make to vote, but sure our friends, family and neighbors vote as well. We must elect joe biden. Each of us must he a hero for our communities, for our country, and then with a compassionate and intelligent president. A bill put on his desk that guarantees us all the health care we deserve. Text devoted 3030 to learn how to vote safely because our lives depend on it. Mother and activist. In a split second a stray bullet shattered my familys life. My son was only 13 years old. He was recognized as a gifted and talented student. His possibilities were endless. He was dancing at a Birthday Party when he was shot in the back left side of his head. Shattering his goal. His skull one shot changed our lives forever. He does not talk and he does not walk. I know he knows me by the smile he shows when i walk in his room. But i am unsure if he knows a gunshot has changed his life. Since march ive only been able to see my son three times, but i cant touch or hug him due to covid19. People tell me that im lucky. I tell them we are blessed. I remind them that my son is in a wheelchair and unable to feed himself. I dont think he feels lucky when he has to be brave from tod bathed the from head toe or gets injections for muscle contractions. I am in a space of gratitude. I can touch him and hold his hand, but the child that i burst irhted is bird the b not able to live his dream and that hurts. Alone. Not every time across america there are families who know what a bullet can do. Thats why i am a mom volunteers to stop this. President trump, he doesnt care. He didnt care about the victims after parkland, las vegas or el paso. I want a president who cares about our pain and grief. A president who will take on the gun lobby to ban assault weapons and close the loopholes to keep guns out of the hands of criminals. Joe biden has taken on the nra twice and one. He will do it again as president. 13 when the most destructive wildfire in californias history broke out. Family nearly 100 miles away but my asthma flares badly. And i have been organizing young people around Climate Change since 2018. Climate changes impacting us now and its robbing my generation of the future. For people my age, every aspect of our lives, from where we go to school, to what kind of careers we have, to whether or not we can raise a family depends on us taking Climate Change seriously. Solve thiswont crisis in four years, no one can. But you will put us back on track so my generation can have a fighting chance. I am asking you to join us. Up inlet our futures go flames. There is a saying. Because of unpredictable and spring rain. I studied this in northern university. We could see the effect of Climate Change happening in front of us. We are trying to do our part. Switching the community knowledge. Using wetlands and using our research is to grow our food. Farmers can be part of the climate solution instead of the problem. We need our leaders to be part of the solution instead of parting the problem. We need to commit to the science. We need them to put more real plans on the table. Thats where joe biden is doing with his clean energy revolution. Instead of being left behind we can lead the world again. I spent a lot of time talking about Climate Change. The one question i get asked over and over again is, what are you doing here. Not a lot of climate activists looks like me. I am a climate activists. I grew up in a low income neighborhoods are a dilution rates are higher than wealthier areas. Lots of kids have asthma. Health and, better steady year income. Its some of the Fastest Growing jobs in the country. Joe bidens plan is transformative. He knows that saving the planet is not just the challenge to overcome, its an opportunity for a better way of life. Whats it going to be america . Are you ready to vote for joe biden . Are you ready to stop the Climate Crisis . Because our future depends on it. This is my mother and sister. We work hard to build. Bifida. Born with spina my spinal cord did not form as it should. The doctors in my town set i would not survive. They gave my mother no hope for my future. I am a u. S. Citizen but my mother is undocumented. Spanish]ing my mother did what any mother would do to save her babys life. [speaking spanish] my sister in her arms and traveled for days to reach the border. When they got to the river she looked at my sister and crossed. We came to america before i was one years old great she saved my life. [speaking spanish] my mother had no choice. There was no time to wait to see my sister. She came here looking for a miracle. Spanish]ing we were afraid they would find as and detain us so she had to save her daughter. Our home is here. North carolina is all i know. But donald for daca trump took away my ability to apply for the program. [speaking spanish] we work hard and we pay our taxes. I have built a good life for my two daughters. I want to help my community. Ever since donald trump was elected, all our fears have returned. We dont know if our family will be separated. All my mom and sister be detained . I will have the right id so i cannot get Health Insurance through the exchange. I need Health Insurance. I deserve it, right . [speaking spanish] it breaks our heart to the children separated from their families at the border. Thats wrong, those children need their parents. On november 3 i will vote for my mother, my easter and my daughters. Will ote for a future where we have dignity and respect. We need a leader who will fix the broken immigration system and keep families together. For joe biden and, why, the daughter of immigrants. Kamala harris, the daughter of immigrants. In 1992 my has been shot me and left me for dead. For 13 years my son and i were abused by him. We finally escaped, but he tracked us down. Helpthen there was limited available and no National Hotline to call. The name forn know what was happening to me then. Domestic violence. Now working to end of a cigarette is his my lifes work. Mariska when i started doing research to play detective benson online order svu, i would shocked to find out how may people comment including children experienced physical or sexual abuse. Fueled my resolve and i commit myself to the movement to end this violence. Hometown i did not feel like i could speak out about my experience with Sexual Assault. But at the university of puget sound i met an incredible force theeople working and culture of Sexual Assault. I went from survivor to advocate. Ofas the president and ceo the National Coalition against Domestic Violence, i have seen joe bidens passionate leadership in passing the Domestic Violence women act. We need congress to reauthorize and enhance that law. We need leaders who believe a womans life is worth fighting for. Joe biden is that kind of leader. I created the Joyful Heart Foundation to help survivors heal and to change the way our Society Response to sexual violence. The Vice President has worked tirelessly by our side to end the backlog of hundreds of thousands of untested rape kits. Will continue. Testing kits not only makes our country safer, but it sends a viral message to survivors that what happened to them matters. Important thing you can say to a survivor is i hear you. I became a leader and a program started by Vice President biden to eliminate Sexual Assault across campuses and support a new generation of advocates, including men and boys. Because if you are silent you are complicit. We are just getting started. Biden onoting for joe behalf of all victims and survivors of Domestic Violence. I am voting for joe biden because its on my generation to make sure we never go back. Mariska im voting for joe biden for my daughter, for my son, for all of our children. Fmr. V. P. Biden thats my team. Americans just want to live meekly comfortable. Ive got a wife that works. We have a 17yearold at home. We are still working thanks to our executive board for making sure its safe for a stewart turned back to work after eight weeks of being laid off. Now here we are fullblown. Future ofbiden the all the workers in america, and i really believe this, can be as back in the late 1940s, 1950s. Its an iconic industry and an american industry. It has been a very interesting point. I have never experienced anything like covid. We had to change the way we did our daytoday. Now the hurricane that just came we were doing things we never thought we would be doing. Water rescues and then having to worry about covid, it was interesting. Fmr. V. P. Biden how is your family . And iave a fiveyearold am very lucky that my parents are retired. Retired after my. Or was born to help us. She was looking forward to prek. Kovic came inely and out its all going to be online schooling. Areve a lot of guys that doubling incomes. They are trying to figure out how to do it. How much they will have to make because they wont be going to school. There are two people in the household. Of two and their kids are no one are in a household. But it takes two people to build. To findthe ongoing goal house in the next five years. Hopefully we will save, save, save. Fmr. V. P. Biden everybody talks about the middle class. The way the middle class generates wealth overwhelmingly is building up a new home. Thats what gets passed down from one generation to the next. We realized how important it was to have you in the white house. We have proper Energy Policies for resources. We know you have one. If we are going to build a middleclass, its about the jobs. Futurep. Biden the rests on investment. We will invest in 2 trillion for infrastructure. Making sure we have access to do things that really make a difference. Like what you do in that solar facility outside of harrisburg. I am a scranton bird. Central pennsylvania is ok, but, you know, northeast. Thank you, sir. , i am 95 years old, i am a veteran of world war ii and north korea. When i wear a uniform i wear only two badges, my parachute and combat infantry. I did make one combat over the line. Republican since the 1960s. I am a member of the nra, and i voted for trump. I think trump has been the worst president we have ever had. I will be glad to see him go. I think joe biden will be a great leader for the united states. , on my day of my jump into germany, i think joe biden cares about doing the proper duty for the united states. And if selected, that is what he will do. I am 13 years old. Without joe biden i would not be talking to you today. About a few months ago i met him in new hampshire. He told me that we were members of the same club. Stutter. It was really amazing to hear like meheres someone auld get advice from president. He told me about a book of poems he would read out loud to practice. He marks hishow addresses to make them easier to say out loud. I did the same thing today. And now i am here talking to you about the future. About our future. Says when then beforeeels better talking about something normal like going to the movies. We all want the world to feel better. We need the world to feel better. Kid. Just a regular in a short amount of time joe biden made me feel more confident. Joe biden caret. Imagine what he could do for all of us. Kids like me are counting on you to elect someone we can all look up to. Someone who cares. Someone who will make our country and the world feel better. We are counting on you to elect joe biden. Journal,s washington every day we are taking your calls live on the air on the news of the day, and we will discuss policy issues that impact you. Coming up sunday morning, the editor of the political report Discusses Campaign 2020. Then a former Deputy Assistant secretary of defense in the Trump Administration talks about a new pentagon report on chinas military buildup. Watch cspans washington journal, live at 7 00 eastern sunday morning. Be sure to watch washington journal monday morning as a feature a campaign 2020 battleground six states. North carolina, florida, ohio, wisconsin, pennsylvania and arizona. Q a. Nday night on the washington posts former talksistan bureau chief about her experiences covering the region. Sometimes people will say things that are very critical of westnited states or of the. That is more common than somebody saying something offensive about being a woman are causing problems. People tend to be, generally speaking, im speaking very broadly now, more helpful to a woman into a man. They can also try to take advantage of you in various ways. My experience has been that if they are not going to like something about you, or going to mistrust something about you, its not going to be because you are a woman, its because you are an american. At 8 00 sunday night p. M. Eastern on cspans q a. Americans affected by covid19, violent crime, and the economy spoke at a 2020 Republican National Convention Last week. Here are some of their comments

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