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Of the problems we dont have the same thing ten years from now and thats totally proper. So i do believe there is a compromise to be had. I do believe congress, we will work with our members to find it with a compromise is so that we can bring resolution to this very legitimate problem. Thank you. House democrats also held a briefing today. They talked about immigration policy and providing a path to citizenship for people who are undocumented will have temporary protected status. This is about 15 minutes. [inaudible conversations] good morning, everyone. Good morning, everyone. Thank you all for being here. We wanted to be on the steps of the capitol, and we will do this again soon. We will do it constantly until we pass the dream act. Its an honor to be here with the senator vitter, chuck schumer, with a champion on this issue, with the chair of the hispanic caucus in the house, congresswoman Michelle Lujan grisham of new mexico, senator dick durbin who, for at least 15, 16 years is it, senator durbin, has been a champion of the dreams, who first introduced this bill in 2001, even before 9 11 congresswoman lucille roybalallard has been a champion on this issue and now serves as the ranking democrat on the Homeland Security committee where she again continues her work to be vigilant protecting our dreamers. We have newcomers to the congress, Kamala Harris from california, representative castro from texas, slightly newcomer, and senator cortez masto of nevada bringin bring nw integration and new energy from the districts, from their states to this important issue. We all agree that President Trumps decision to end daca is a despicable act of political cowardice. Cowardice squared because he gave the announcement to his attorney general instead of just making the statement himself. And now he says congress should act. He has overturned what president obama did because it was in constitutional or legal, constitutional or legal, thank you, but if congress doesnt act he will do that, constitutional and illegal as he may consider it to be. As i turn over to our special guest here, and im so pleased that so many members of the house and senate are here, let me just say this. President trump is the first president in 30 years, leches go back to reagan. We can go back further. President reagan not only acted, he acted after congress acted. And he said congress didnt go far enough. So he and president , then to become president George Herbert walker bush did the family fairness agenda, to do more than congress did. President clinton followed suit. President george w. Bush was a great immigration president , and we know that president obama was a great leader, especially concerned about our dreamers. So this is the first president in modern time, in the lives of these dreamers, who has been antiimmigration, rejecting the idea that immigration is the lifeblood of our country that constantly every newcomer who comes to america with hopes, dreams, aspirations and optimism and courage makes america more american. In that spirit im pleased to give to the distinguished democratic leader of the senate, senator from new york, chuck schumer. Thank you. Thank you, leader pelosi. Its not great to be here. We wish we didnt have to be here, but be here we must. And i want to thank the Congressional Hispanic Caucus for organizing this event, and all of my colleagues in the senate who i would like to mention if i can see them all, senator klobuchar, van hollen, berkeley, udall, heinrich, blumenthal, warner hes tall. Anyone else . Modestly stood to the back. But let me say this. I want to cut to the chase. President s decision, president decision to end daca was heartless and it was brainless. If this order stands, hundreds, hundreds of thousands of families will be ripped apart. Tens of thousands of american businesses will lose hardworking employees. Were talking about folks who were brought here as children, through no fault of their own. They may have thank you. They may have known no other country but hours, and have voluntarily registered themselves with the government in order to live, work, and get back to our great country. They represent no threat to the country. In fact, in so many ways the dreamers represent the best of our country. I want to get right by the law by serving in the military, go to our schools, work and her companies, country meeting to our society, paying the taxes. They risk and sometimes give their lives to protect others in this country, overseas as members of the armed forces and here at home, like alonzo, i daca recipient who died just last week trying to save others on the unprecedented floodwaters in texas. So make no mistake, dreamers contribute greatly to our country, to our businesses, to our economy. A recent state the center for American Progress found that 91 of Daca Recipients are employed. They pay taxes, paying into social security. The same study found that ending daca would drain 433 billion from our national gdp over ten years. And even the Libertarian Cato Institute estimated that ending daca would cost employers nearly 2 billion over two years or its no wonder that 500 Business Leaders of america are up in arms over the president s decision. Now, im glad some republicans in congress have voiced their opposition to the president s decision because well need them to right the ship. Congress has an ability and obligation to act, which is why we today are calling on speaker ryan and leader mcconnell to immediately put the dream act on the floor for a vote in the house and senate. [cheers and applause] we are ready to pass it. I am confident that it put on the floor it will garner overwhelming support from both sides of the aisle. But let us say this. I think i speak for the leader as well. If a clean dream act does not come to the floor in september, we are prepared to attach it to other items this fall until it passes. [cheers and applause] now, its my honor to turn over to the leader of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, Michelle Lujan grisham of the great state of new mexico, both of whose senators are here. [applause] thank you very much, senator. I want to thank the senate and house for their incredible, Fearless Leadership on what i think is a hallmark issue of our time, which is making sure that American Values play out productively by protecting dreamers and their families. Youre going to hear it over and over and over again, because the president decision to end daca stands as an indefensible and unjust act of cruelty against nearly 800,000 young people who trusted the American Government with their hopes, their contributions and their dreams. Now, many of us, particularly coming from new mexico, no stranger to the issues of immigration, no stranger to the issue of mixed status families, but have to tell you i remember like it was yesterday the first time i met with the dreamers over lunch. And i really, hearing it from them directly that they dont know that this is not their country, right . Until they apply for drivers license or they go to college. In one fell swoop everything they know to be true, a country that they believed then, that they support, that they fight for, immediately is removed from them and their entire families. Jasmine, one of my constituents, as a Law School Graduate who wants to be an immigration lawyer. She wasnt aware just as i said about her status until she applied a drivers license. For many dreamers in addition to having it ripped away, heres another emotion. They are ashamed. They feel the potential was capped. They feel fear for themselves, and as important, you are afraid for the parents who risked everything to protect them and give them a better life. They feel this overwhelming burden of being undocumented. Daca changed all that good idea, perfect. It unlocked their potential. It freed them from the crippling fear of deportation. And as a result these young patriots have been living the american dream, and their deep gratitude fueled term in social and economic gains for cities, states that our nation as a whole but were fortunate to have jasmine and her twin sister, a student who is taken a leave of absence from medical school to advocate for community and the woman who inspired her the most, her mother who, in fact, save both their lies by coming no, i dont think right on here im here to tell you that the president and Congressional Republicans that dreamers lice are not bargaining chips. We should not be using them as pawns and furthering a twisted and true and hateful antiimmigrant agenda. Congress must and will act quickly to protect dreamers and immigrant families from the senseless cruelty of deportation and the president s divisive mass deportation agenda. I call on my republican colleagues as a letter today to greedily bring a clean dream act to the floor for a vote without delay when we believe unequivocally it would pass both the senate and the house. [applause] it is now my distinct honor to introduce some of that needs no introduction, someone who has long been a champion from the great state of illinois, her immigrant family, for dreamers, for comprehensive Immigration Reform. It gives me great honor and great pleasure to ask senator durbin to give you some remarks. [applause] thank you very much, michelle. Its an honor to be here today. President trump told us we love dreamers. And yesterday he announced that we love dreamers but were not going to deport dreamers. A countdown clock began yesterday with the trump administration, a sixmonth clock that says to the 780,000 who are protected by daca, your protection is going away. The protection they teach in this country without fear of deportation, the protection that allows you to work. And yesterday the attorney general of the United States of america swore to uphold the constitution and laws of this nation announced that he would not use the power of his office to protect those who are currently in the United States under the daca program. There was a smile on his face, and for those of us will follow his grit in the senate, it was no surprise. He has never, never supported the dreamers. He has never supported comprehensive Immigration Reform and its one of the reasons that many of us could not vote for him to be the attorney general of the United States. The president gave him this task of making this announcement, then he turned it over to Chris Goldbach dozen amery cabell . Secretary of state of of kansas and President Trumps appointment to a Voter Fraud Commission who said that those are protected i daca should leave the country, leave the country. Thats the answer. I know what happened across United States. There was a moment there when these dreamers and the families were in tears. Hugging one another wondering whats coming next. What will be next in our future . But but i know Something Else fm my experience. When i introduce dream act and i would go to audiences in chicago with Jan Schakowsky and robin kelly and the whiskey tiaras and we would talk about the dream act, the student would listen and nod their heads. I would go outside to my car and in the darkness at the way to get in my car, standing next to it would be two or three young people. They would look in both directions and a mistake to very quietly, senator, im a dreamer. The reason they whispered it was because they have been raised by the families to be extremely careful, never let anyone know who you are, where you are, that your undocumented. To fight for them and pass the d. R. E. A. M. Act. Are we ready to do that . Of course we are. [applause] i would say this to President Trump if you love the dreamers, help us pass the d. R. E. A. M. Act. I would say to the republicans in congress we are not swept away by the rhetoric which we have heard over and over again. Stand up with us and let me spell out a few of them at half and given credit for it. First my colleague Lindsey Graham republican of south carolina, mike cosponsored the d. R. E. A. M. Act and three others, three other republican senators who have come forward so far. Lisa murkowski, jeff and yesterday cory gardiner. We need eight more republican senators to step up for the 60 votes we need to passes in the senate. Chuck schumer and nancy pelosi of made it clear that our caucus is committed to the dreamers. We are committed to justice and we are demanding that we pass a clean j to this september, this year to protect these dreamers for generations to come. Thank you for letting me say a few words a day and let me turn it over to my friend congresswoman lucille roybalallard. Take it away. [applause] thank you senator. I stand here in outrage at President Trump uncomfortable and unamerican decision to destroy daca and i join my colleagues who are here today to declare our commitment to fight and defense of these young men and women who enrich our economy, our culture and our society. The president s decision simply to appease his base brings shame to our country and heartbreak and fear to these young people who were guard less of their immigration status are american in every way. His senseless and cruel decision upends the lives and the lives of their families and sends a chilling message to our immigrants in the community. Terminating this program also strikes a vicious blow to our American Economy by forcing hundreds of thousands of young people out of the workforce disrupting businesses and sending adverse shockwaves through the economy of most of our states. California alone stands to lose 11. 6 million annually and the u. S. Overall stands to lose 460 billion in gdp cumulatively over the next decade. The vast majority of americans as we have all been told and as we know support our nations. The recipients regardless of their political affiliation. Democrats are ready to join our republican colleagues in passing the d. R. E. A. M. Act of 2017 which i am proud to be a cosponsor with congresswoman ileana roslehtinen. This is a bipartisan bicameral bill that will allow u. S. Based immigrant youth to earn lawful permanent residence as a pathway to american citizenship. I. E. , as others have said, urge all of my colleagues to support the d. R. E. A. M. Act and i urge speaker ryan to bring a clean, a clean trey to the floor without delay. [applause] and now it is my pleasure to introduce a relatively new member of the california u. S. Senate, senator harris. [applause] thank you. Im honored to stand with my colleagues on the house and senate side. I would like to also mention the leadership of the Congressional Black Caucus in solidarity with their dreamers and in 2010 unanimous support from the cdc to the trey. We have got to stop playing politics with these kids and the reality is that rescinding daca is simply wrong. We are talking about a population of 800,000 young people. We have 220,000 in california alone. Lets be clear about the dynamics for which we are discussing this. I have met with senior members of this administration who, when i ask if they have ever met a dreamer, how can you form such strong opinions about people you have never met . People you dont know and then allow this population of people to be vilified . Its not only wrong, its irresponsible. So lets get on board with the facts before we start expressing opinions about this population of people we have called dreamers. They are serving in our military. They are working in fortune 500 companies. They are college students. They are law students. They are scientists. Lets be clear, 40 of the industry in terms of even tack in california was created by immigrants. Lets stop vilifying this population and lets get to work also understanding that this is about not only what is morally right, its also about what is economically right. To resent daca means to lose as many as 700,000 jobs in the United States because of the jobs that are created around this population. In california alone if we resent daca we will lose 11 billion and we are looking at hundreds of billions of dollars for the city economy as a whole to the taxpayer if we resent daca. There are many reasons to stand with our dreamers including the fact that we are talking about young people who were brought here many as toddlers. This is the only home they have known, to send them back to a country that is foreign to them where they may not even speak the language. Its just wrong. Lets give them the ability to be all that we know we are as a country. We are a country of dreamers. We are a country of people who know that we aspire to have a country of young people who want to develop themselves and help our country produced to be the greatest country on this earth but we will be only if we stand by her principles and morals and the ideals of who we are. So lets pass this. Lets get it done in september and i think everybody really leadership and senator durbin, thank you. And then joaquin and next is joaquin castro. Thank you to my colleagues in the senate and the house were fighting on behalf of dreamers today. Lets be clear about something. America is blessed to have these 800,000 young people in our nation. This is their home. Its the only home that many of them have ever known and is president obama said they are just as american as any of us except in one way atbats on paper. Our challenge in congress is to make sure that one difference is no longer. The dreamers that are here i want to say a message to you all first thank you for your courage thank you for standing up when times were tough. Thank you for fighting for your families. Know that we are going to fight like hell so that you can stay here and the reason we have gotten to this point, the reason there was a daca, the reason mccain close to comprehensive Immigration Reform was because of the incredible Youth Movement 10, 12 years ago and all the energy and passion that went into it. I will tell you what there are many people in congress who are ready to do the right thing and to pass the d. R. E. A. M. Act and we are going to fight to do that. But there are also folks over the last several years who have said about daca we agree with it but it should have been done legislatively. To those folks i say, now is your chance. To those of you who have been marching on the streets for years some folks here are going to need a little more inspiration and the most powerful movement that americans history is not coming on the top and not come from people in politics would have come from ordinary americans who have changed their country for the better. Its going to take us being out in the streets and their churches and their workplaces. American speaking out leading politicians know how they feel. May god bless you. Thank you. [applause] and now its fine honor to introduce the senator from nevada Catherine Cortez masto. [applause] thank you. Let me just add the herd for my colleague first of all leader pelosi and schumer. Thank you to all of you for being here today and your commitment and let me just say people ask what would you tell the dreamers and these families in your state . I would tell them you belong here because thats what this is about. We have all met with the kids in these families and our communities. They are not numbers. They are broke people that are contributing. I will tell you to a t. Every single one of them that i have met, they are working hard, they are putting themselves through school, they are paying for it. They are going home help their parents with their jobs. They are committed to doing everything that they can to be an integral part of our community and they are not getting wrecked ignition for that. Let me just say these kids are phenomenal. The ones that i have met with are too afraid to tell their stories because they are afraid to come forward. They are afraid that when they leave that home that day when they come home their parents may not be there. I dont know about all of you but i did not grow up that way. Why would we put kids in families and our communities to go to our churches who are in our grocery stores, who were in our schools who are our neighbors and friends why would we make them live a dual life . Why would we treat them differently . What we are doing here today is not enough. Its time to pass the d. R. E. A. M. Act. Its time to talk about the benefits of immigrants in our community. I am here today because my grandfather and greatgrandfather came to this country and have the courage to come to this country and my story is no different than anyone elses. So why do we shut the door behind us . Its time to get that door wide open. Its time we have them back and let me say one final thing which i hear constantly. There are over 12,000 dreamers and nevada alone and they contribute over 500 million to the state of nevada and our economy. If we are to deport them and their families we will lose billions of dollars in this economy. Thats why the business has supported across this country and thats where the farmers and the ranchers you name it across this country support passing comprehensive comprehensive Immigration Reform in keeping these families here paid let me throw this out here because this is a misnomer and this is not a true fact. The dreamers here are contributing to our economy and they are not depressing wages and they are not taking away other jobs. Ill tell you that right now. [applause] in nevada alone, in nevada alone not only did the republicans passed legislation to allow dreamers and their families to have it harbors license to get to their jobs the past will allow to allow them to be teachers in our community because we know we have teachers across the country. Thats what this is about. So its time for President Trump and those men that i hear on tv to really show hard and work with us to pass the d. R. E. A. M. Act. It is time to stop the discrimination the divisive rhetoric. Theres no room for it in the white house. Theres no room for it anywhere and its time to move forward. I cannot thank you all enough for being here and thank you to my colleagues across both houses of congress. We are going to get this done and we are not going to stop fighting until we make this happen so thank you for coming here today. [applause] i thank all of you or colleagues and are distinguished visitors from United States senate to my colleagues in the house. We did pass in the house of trey in 2010 under the leadership of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus. Today again under the leadership of congresswoman Lujan Grisham the caucuses taking the lead but they are working with asianpacific american caucus and the Congressional Black Caucus. I do know one thing, and the senate they pass comprehensive Immigration Reform. We pass the d. R. E. A. M. Act. We couldnt pass each others house and now its the time to get it done. Where is steny hoyer . Is steny hoyer has this way we will have 100 of the House Democrats voting for this. Thank you stephanie for that. Thank you all very much. [applause] [inaudible conversations] we will take you back live to the floor of the u. S. Senate. The senator from oklahoma a democrat is holding the floor with what they say they are going to do about 4 30 this afternoon. Live coverage on cspan2. Calif. Mrs. Feinstein i rise to speak about dreamerrers. The deferred action

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