Let me start by saying that as i indicated yesterday, ill think it is extremely important here in the next couple of months not to have any earthshaking changes with regard to defense and foreign policy. I think a precipitous drawdown in either afghanistan or iraq would be a mistake. I have so said publicly yesterday. And i hope that is precisely where these discussions end up. It is hard not to be really excited about the two new vaccines. Senator blunt was very much involved in that part of the cares act. If you look at the effectiveness of the cares act, it has to be one of the most dramatic and effective pieces of legislation ever passed by congress. And i would remind everyone that it passed first in the Republican Senate and then was approved on a voice vote by the house. I am focusing on the next couple of months. We hope to get on with the appropriation. I believe the speaker would like to do that. I would like to do that. Hopefully that will be the view of the administration as well. And of course we are still confirming wellqualified judges, largely to the District Courts at this stage. And we intend to continue doing that as well until the end of the session. The pandemic is present unimaginable hurdles in front of the American People. The one thing that has not been lost as American Ingenuity. As the leader pointed out the news on the vaccine this week is great news. An attribute to operation or warp speed. We have not one but two potential vaccines out there with perhaps more to come. And so it is a great accomplishment for the Trump Administration, the private companies who have worked together and record time to get these vaccines to the points where hopefully we will be able to get them out to the American People. And start the good work, the hard work of ensuring everything we can to defeat this virus. We have our job and work to do here in congress. Our responsibility, i think congress should pass the Coronavirus Relief bill. It has drawn a majority of sport and the senate, not once but twice. It is a targeted bill. It is a fiscally responsible bill. It does with schools, healthcar healthcare, ppp program which benefit Small Businesses all across the country. And it could become law. The House Speaker democrats and the democrats here in the senate for that matter, seem insistent on clinging to this multitrillion dollar liberal wish list that they have put out there. Even as their majority, the democrat majority in the house continues to shrink by the day. If nothing else i think the American People are sending a message that with the fiscally responsible approach to this challenge. When that targets the assistance where it is needed most and provides much needed relief to the American People. I certainly hope the democrats will come to conclusion here, soon and decid to work with republicans. Republicans are willing to compromise in the very beginning. The democrats clearly have not. We will continue to have an open door. And we are ready to negotiate at a moments notice if the democrats come to the realization that the position they hold right now is an untenable one. And one that is costing the American People. every newspaper, every major newspaper in america. In the new york times, another vaccine appears to work against the virus. Another one. That is two. Once about 94 percent in the second is 90 percent. Effectiveness in these numbers are remarkable. Just think about nothing long ago, dr. Anthony fauci said that if we could come up with the vaccine was 50 percent effective it would be really good news. As a doctor, i will tell you this is a modern day medical miracle. And maybe by the end of this year, 20 million americans make be able to be started during the vaccine process. This has tremendous news are you when you take a look at the spike that we are sing in coronavirus cases around the country and around the world, this vaccine truly is the light at the end of the tunnel. And it is made possible by the commitment of the republican majority in the senate in this administration and our efforts to focus on operation work speed. Now the same time, we have been doing this, the democrats seem to be rooting for failure. Starting with joe biden said that he was not sure the vaccine was even real. Kamala harris and president ial Vice President ial debate, said that it was a donald trump said theres a vaccine the worst, she would not take it. Nancy pelosi and her 3 trillion socalled heroes act, she has more money and that to do direct paychecks to Illegal Immigrants that she does to help with the vaccine. Last week on the first news came out about pfizer be 95 percent effective, what if the new york governor say. The governor of new york and say this about all of this goodness. He said, the bad news, he said the bad news is that it is about two months before joe biden takes over and that means, that this administration is going to be implementing vaccine plan. This administration will implement a vaccine plan any calls that bad news. My question to the governor of new york and democrats who think like him is like is a bad news. That American Ingenuity and invention and investment could come up with such recordbreaking efforts to develop a vaccine rated why is bad news. Families will be able to have parents give back to work and get back to school the Great American come back, to happen that much faster. Why is bad news. The millions if not tens of millions of people in america and around the world will have their lives saved by this vaccine. This is something to celebrate. This is a success to the world to turn to american say, you have done it and you have done it right. Maybe that is the reason. The democrats call it bad news. Why did mention our Conference Today that in the matrix of distribution, edited and been recommended to the governors, think the governors are all adopting about 15 percent of the whole population would be included in that healthcare workers first responders, and people most likely being at the highest risk of the got vaccine. In the next 35 percent would be the emergency workers of the country. By the time you get that 50 percent of the people that could have access to the vaccine, that they wanted to have access to the vaccine, probably end of march and everybody is safer if the people he most likely to come into contact with, outside of normal closest circle have been vaccinated and cannot get the vaccine. So with do think, or can get the virus. I think that is all headed in the right direction. It will talking more about that. I also think in the drawdown area, and i think in somalia, the discussions in somalia and in iraq and afghanistan, none of those places are nearly as secure if we leave as they are if we are there. I think there is some room depending on the discussion as to how when it could have a partial drawdown are not. But it particularly in afghanistan, if we want to continue to move forward with the piece discussions, with the taliban like we have to have a presence. And if we would have any chance of enforcing a Peace Agreement that involves the taliban, we have to have a presence and i hope youre looking carefully at the number that you would have to have that presence to be meaningful in those three places and anywhere else in the world that were thinking about repositioning. All of these things have significant longterm consequences. And my advice would be to remember the american presence doesnt matter. And does make a difference and it has made a difference and none of those places would be safe as state this week arent there as if it would be if we are there. This is. Darn amazing folks we are saying the developments of these vaccinations in such a short timeframe rated some internet of course, have nested they are very close to delivering on that vaccine when a highefficiency right. Amusing up from pfizer as well. But i also want to give kudos, not only to those in the pharmaceutical companies, in private industry but also to those wonderful folks at the department of defense that are working in collaboration with these private Industry Groups and delivering vaccination as well. Because we know that this will be an important part of making sure those vaccinations get from point a to point b. So kudos to every one has been involved in this process. Operation pork speed has been a tremendous success for this administration. I want to give a shout out to the Trump Administration for making this possible. By thinking outside of the box and by making sure that we can deliver as much needed vaccinations quickly, to the American People. So i also want to move on to another potential covid19 recovery package. I do think this is very important for you to keep stressing this over and over again. Actually sent down i guess it was friday afternoon with a communitybased Provider Group in red oak iowa. They work with those intellectuals and physically disabled. They have individuals go to work every single day caring for those who have difficulty caring for themselves. We want to know they are protected it. How do we do that, we make sure that we are getting another covid19 relief package out. So again the democrats in the house, the need to come back to the table. The need to focus on what is right for our frontline workers. It is essential workers that are out there every single day, caring for members of our communities. So lets get over the partisan politics. The election is over folks. Lets go back to the table and lets make sure that we are doing the right thing for our constituents is essential workers and celebrating the facts. Now we have a vaccine, is keep our economy strong and protect our essential workers. Thank you. I also want to celebrate the American Ingenuity and recognize the achievements of these two pharmaceutical Companies Recently announced developments of it appears highly effective vaccines to the covid19 virus. They of course in the coming weeks will be seeking formal approval for emergency use the fda. The sum of the drugs online that are notable as well. Eli lily out of indianapolis indiana, is a drug that is targeted towards those who are most at risk of contracting the covid19 virus and its already been approved by the fda. All of this is possible because of our innovators in our frontline scientists on our university system. But the Trump Administration is also to be commended for its operation work speed. But anyway to do business. Republicans in the u. S. Senate led by roy lund who helped author this initiative and the cares act. So very proud of my colleagues and we need to build on that success here in washington. In first order of business is waiting to make sure that all the leadership and might need to current covid19 develop its has access up to that that would be the Coronavirus Task force read in the second thing, as we had legislators need to build on our cares act success bypassing the next round of, the Small Businesses is especially important as we see hundreds of thousands of businesses having permanently been closed an account of this pandemic. The require additional help rita been talking about this for months. And continue to talk about this, fortunately the variance of the legislation i put former with senate minute, as part of the republican relief package. As is the additional essentials like school funding. Look, i understand for my colleagues on the far left have other priorities. The maybe of an intention with our more targeted relief bill. They may have additional sort of wish list priorities they want to talk onto this. This is not a time for voting for ideological initiatives. If there is one thing that i think we learned the recent election is that its been the rejection of this far left in polls of the National Democratic party. So hopefully, we can agree theres much to like in this senate bill and move on it in the coming days. Leader mcconnell. Women concerned about federal in the elections that are being administrator by the state. To have concerns rated members of the conference, reaching out to key officials in the states to raise concerns and questions about how voting is being conducted. You can senator bram about that. But i emphasized is that one of the beauties of the market election system is that we have 50 separate ways to conduct them. Every state is different. Not to stay that way. God not to try to nationalize how we handle elections. He states know how to do it. One of the Great Success stories of the Current Administration is you notice, you will not been writing about foreign intervention. Its a dramatic improvement from the 2016 under the Obama Administration to the 2020 under the Trump Administration. The coordination between Homeland Security and secretaries of state in charge of conducting elections all around the country. I know when things dont happen, they tend not to make a headline but no education, any for intervention, succeeded. They elections were smoothly conducted. The decision as to how the elections and happen in 50 different places. So next we will see election certification. In the states that are still close and endowed, georgia, pennsylvania, michigan, and nevada, and months of certifications appropriate if they occur, based upon litigation is being tried in various places, it will be final. Electoral college will meet in december and in operation will be on january 20th. Housing on time for them to ascertain joe biden. These lawsuits have been family. But insulin with more votes contracted in some of the states rediscovering house in a time for the gsa to allow him to transition ascertain. I had to give you the same answer again. But in all of these president ial elections we go through this process. There is a way to deal with disputes and is called the courts. The courts in the various states are dealing with whatever disputes there are. Whatever evidence may be divided. Might have an orderly transfer from this administration to the next one. What will say about it, is frankly irrelevant. All of this will happen as i laid out a minute ago. All of it will happen right on time. I will swear in the next administration january 20th. Is your pessimism on covid19 in late based on actual conversations you spent with democrats simply on the public statements and then secondly, it seems like youre going to take the lead back from secretary mission. Are you going to now asked Speaker Pelosi not president elect biden have a role. Will first, based on dancing publicly because we had no private discussions about this. And it looks to me like the speaker democratic leader of the senate, and former Vice President biden all have the view that to naturally and are enough. I should view my call exhibit express year period is more narrowly targeted proposals such as we laid out in september. And october the senate, deals with the actual problem. Some of you may or may not have noticed, the revenues and state level or basically of, almost everywhere. They continued to insist apparently in almost a trillion dollars in state and local governments, that has nothing to do with solving this problem. So to sum up, i am open to a targeted deal. And roughly of the amount that we recommended it. Have trillion dollars which is not nothing. Narrowly targeted the schools and Healthcare Providers in the ppe and of course Liability Reform to keep america from being engaged an epidemic of lawsuits on the heels of the pandemic. Im very open to that. But seen no evidence yet and several colleagues have suggested, that there are open to it. Thank you very much. [inaudible]. And Senate Minority chuck schumer, another democrats told reporters their priority continues to be passing pande

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