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In institute survey, more than one third of americans cannot name a single First Amendment right. 46 percent cannot even identify freedom of speech is one of those rights. Some 10 percent of College Graduates think that judge judy is a Supreme Court justice. I think all of us in this room are troubled about this state of affairs. The opening of the Learning Center marks the important milestone. The justice for all court and the Community Civic Education Initiative of the court of the Second Circuit. In this beautiful space, young people get to experience a world beyond the classroom walls to give them the tools to pursue the truth by learning research skill. It allows them to Work Together on group project. It helps to know that they have a role in building a better country. The judicial conference. One of the positions of the committee was to increase public understanding of the courts. We commissioned a study through the judicial center. Highlighted work that was being done. I became chief judge in 2010. I can when will this to another level. We began this project. We tried to reach out to students. We want to give students a sense of the possibilities and the future. Their graduates of Public School in new york. We have students come in and talk about the judiciary. Maybe that will encourage some the students are to think about the possibilities. The justice for all court is in the learning space. The fifth floor of the marshall courthouse. As you leave the elevator, you will see some of the exhibitions. To the Learning Center. We have exhibit. Pathway to citizenship. This is a sense of a very important aspect that happens in our court. We began with the exhibit that is posted. This is the largest ever. It took place on the constitution citizenship day. What that did by having the ceremony. Constitution. Was to reinforce. Those that know most about our government happen to be our own citizens. They have the passed. The rest of us were born in this country do not have to pass any test. That is a remarkable day that allah was member. Here is the poster of the three judges. They are naturalized citizens. Here we have several posters of great americans. Abroad. The architect. He was a famous choreographer. These are all people were believed to have been naturalized in the Second Circuit itself. Market establishment. There was a famous chef. Great basketball. Now he is the head coach at georgetown. Talk about the exhibit that comes across. Of our citizenship. The importance of citizenship and self. The ones they have. Lastly the role of the courts. In the process of naturalization. All that comes together in this exhibit. Now on the other side here, we have exhibits. Of our constitutional structure. On the left, we have posters to do with the legislative branch. Just for example, there is a map of the u. S. Court. You see how the judiciary was provided in accordance to the region. That means the Second Circuit. The federal courts. Here also, we have posters that describe the job of the Supreme Court justice. What is a u. S. Court of appeals circuit judge. That was a magistrate judge. Is one of the great judges. The Second Circuit. He was not a judge of the Second Circuit. He did a lot of great things. We are proud to highlight. Considered along with the judge. The judiciary. I would go through an exhibition. From the Supreme Court. What we have here are the justice. The e the judge on the Second Circuit or have some other obligation. Thurgood marshall. Justice ginsburg. Is a poster of the other Supreme Court justices. The Second Circuit in commissions. Very proud to have chief Justice Roberts as a justice with Second Circuit connections. He is connected in two ways. One he was born in buffalo. Secondly he thinks for family. One that is called the creating space. He does podcasts and videos. There is a lecture space. There is a library space. How to use the material. Opportunities. You see, above the line of things that are happening in the world. 1958. This is a case. I think we have to think about these children and their parents. These children that went through this everyday. The parent that stayed home wondering what was happening to their children. Listening to the radio about the bomb threats. I do not see how anybody under the sun to say that after those children and families want for years. All you have done is gone. Which are considered to be democracy. We go back to the segregated scope. I just do not believe it. If you are a student and you listen to it. Off of the teachers point of view. I became part of the discussion. You multiply that kind of thing up to the Learning Center 1000 times. Get a sense of the power of what the Learning Center can do. This was the first time we had visited this courthouse. The judge and the staff made us feel welcome. As we blunter. Hope the other schools will allow the students to visit and share our same experience. I hope they will learn more about the federal system and speak to the judges that have such an impact on our daily lives. Speaking with the judges on the panel showed me that we dont have the ability to excel. They have inspired me to to become a federal judge and a Supreme Court justice. To one day have my picture in the halls of the courthouse next to justice marshall. We thought we could use it as a port. It was pretty badly destroyed by the germans themselves. They destroyed the docs. Without we could use. It took them almost 2 months. He bumped into his back. He stopped short. He regained the balance looking all around the room. On what they were thinking. Is the clerk in the wrong room number or was a set up. Nothing in them. I stood up and i approach them. A secretary, in. The house will be in order

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