Legislators, mr. Chief justice, members of the judiciary, my fellow constitutional members, family, friends, my fellow idahoans, what a year. Life sure has changed for me. On some weekends i go home to the ranch, visit my family and friends. One day i was in my normal emmett uniform, levis, getting fuel. The guy at the adjacent fuel pump kind of glanced at me a couple of times. He sauntered up and says, has anyone ever told you you look like brad little . I proudly said yes. He said, makes you mad, doesnt it . [ laughter ] so much for glory in emmett. I could not have gotten through this past year, or most of my life, without the support of my wife, your first lady, theresa. [ applause ] its rewarding to watch so many people learn about her. Theresa is selfless and thoughtful. She loves our family and our state. And im proud of you, theresa, im grateful to have you at my side. The celebration of an important milestone is upon us in 2020. The 100th anniversary of womens voting rights. Weve come a long way. The faces in this chamber looked a lot different 100 years ago. Please join me in acknowledging all the women, elected, appointed, and serving all across State Government, for their contributions to idaho. [ applause ] after being in this position for a year i can say with certainty theres a lot of passion in idaho for making heir state the best it can be. We have much to be proud of and much to work towards. Ive learned that progress requires pushing the boundaries of whats comfortable in government. It requires a strong desire to get things done. And ive learned you cannot do it alone. Im proud of my partnership with you, the idaho legislature, for your collaboration in working with me to do the peoples work. From the beginning, ive stated that my goal is to make idaho the place where we all have the best possible opportunity to thrive and where our children and grandchildren choose to stay, and those who left to choose to return. [ applause ] in america, we get to choose our faith, our jobs, and where we live. I would like to acknowledge the role of our veterans, military members, and their families in making that a reality. This spring, the Army National guard will mobilize more than 4,000 soldiers to germany in support of a large scale exercise to demonstrate u. S. Military readiness. The idaho air National Guard will deploy more than 400 airmen to several locations throughout southwest asia in support of combat operation. We wish them well and pray for their safety. [ applause ] as we enter this year, 2020, my goals are sharp and in focus. My goals reflect the need to make idaho strong for today and prepared for tomorrow. Im committed to working with you to invest in education, reduce regulatory burdens, increase all idahoans prosperity and quality of life. I want to us champion Affordable Health care, make idaho safer and promote healthy lands and waters. I want idahoans to be confident in their State Government. Just last month i was joined by many of you, my partners in the legislature, in announcing that idaho had just surpassed south dakota and we were now the least regulated state in the nation. [ applause ] think about that. The least regulated of all 50 states. Together, we cut and simplified 75 of all regulations in less than one year. How did we achieve the largest regulatory cuts in history . I issued two executive orders aimed at scaling back and streamlining idahos legislative code. The legislature made it possible for us to examine the entirety of our administrative code in one sweeping step. Now, to be honest, when the legislature chose not to authorize the administrative code, i didnt know quite what to expect. But working together, we seized the opportunity before us and made history in the process. Our agency held 150 Public Meetings throughout idaho to ensure transparency and public involvement in the evaluation of all proposed changes. I would like to recognize my budget chief alex adams and his team along with many people in the state agencies who were a driving force behind our progress. Their intense focus helped get us here. Thank you for working so hard for the people of the state of idaho. [ applause ] so what does this mean to idahoans . It means Small Businesses can easily understand the regulations theyre required to follow without having to call a state agency for help interpreting them or hiring a lawyer, no offense. It means a Small Business owner in meridian was able to expand and open a telepharmacy in garden valley, creating jobs and making health care more accessible in rural idaho. When we reduce regulatory friction, good jobs follow. Last month [ applause ] last month i was honored to visit with President Trump and Vice President pence in the white house. President trump has taken on meaningful Regulatory Reform and he was looking to the states for help in achieving it. Guess who President Trump held up as a shining example of how to get it done. Idaho. [ applause ] folks, this is what idahoans expect. They expect the legislative branch and the executive branches to Work Together to make government work for them. And were not done yet. My First Executive order this year will make it a routine practice for idaho State Government to undergo the kind of successful regulatory review we saw in 2019. Im calling it zero based regulation. Were determined to have the administrative code remain clear and user friendly. We must also knock down barriers to prosperity by continuing to advance the licensing freedom act. Last year, we were successful in fast tracking licensing processes for veterans, members of the military, and their spouses, making it easier for them to start work after being relocated here. Building on that success, i pledge to work with the legislature this session and broaden those processes so that individuals moving to idaho from another state can start work as quickly as possible. Idahos statutes could use a good scrub too. This year, my administration will bring forth 30 pieces of legislation that repeal outdated statutes. From a wagon road to laws governing trespassing hogs, its time to put obsolete sections of the idaho code like the nonexistent board of cemeteryians in the grave. [ applause ] incredible joke writers. Just as regulatory restraint encourages investment and reduces the cost of doing business, a lean and efficient budget does the same. My budget for fiscal year 20 and 21 cuts spending, leaves a surplus, and bolsters a Rainy Day Fund. It focuses on conservative growth and transparent budget. Sound budgeting starts with sound economic forecasts. Thats why we started a new practice. Were tapping the expertise of Business Leaders and economists in the private sector to help us achieve revenue forecasts that are as accurate as possible. Idaho has experienced tremendous growth in recent years. But nationally and internationally, the pace of Economic Growth is expected to slow. Last fall i asked all state entities that receive general funds to undergo a spending reset, except for my highest priority area, public education. The time to prepare for potential downturn is now, when times are good. The spending reset also focuses on closer examination spending. We cannot lose our focus on the taxpayer. A former jfac cochair, my dad, stated the easiest thing to do is spend other peoples money. I understand its difficult for state agencies and our universities to tighten things up. But it must be done, habitually and willingly, because its the right thing to do. My budget [ applause ] my budget leaves an appropriate cash balance, shores up our Rainy Day Funds which has helped us weather economic storms that have forced other states to raise taxes. Idaho is ranked in the top ten states nationally for the balance of our state budget reserves. But incredible stress test shows we have more work to do to prepare for a recession. Thats why im also calling for us to raise the cap on our main Rainy Day Fund so we can better position our state for any economic condition. [ applause ] overall, my budget for fiscal year 21 limits true general Fund Spending growth to a conservative 3. 75 . From now on it will be easier for the public to discern true spending growth in the executive budget because ive instructed by budget staff not to rely on onetime transfers or other budget gimmicks. We are increasing transparency in state budgeting. [ applause ] one of the staples of conservative governing is to put money back into taxpayers pockets. Ive long supported tax relief for idahoans on the most basic of needs. Groceries. My budget leverages 35 million from the dedicated Tax Relief Fund to provide idaho families with grocery tax relief without competing against our general fund priorities. [ applause ] i believe our people have greater opportunities to prosper when government limits regulatory variables, respects taxpayers by spending their money as efficiently as possible, and focuses as much on the needs of tomorrow as the needs of today. [ applause ] that conservative approach alliance perfectly with my number one priority, education. As state elected leaders, our constitutional obligation to k12 education is clear. This is a little worn out. Article ix, section 1, states its our duty to, quote, establish and maintain a general uniform system of public schools. But we also have a moral obligation to all our younger citizens. I subscribe to the view that its better to prepare children today than to repair them later. [ applause ] i want to that anythio thank Th Legislature for joining me last year in passing significant investments in public education. We increased Funds Available for opportunity scholarships. We doubled the funding for one of my highest priorities, literacy. Opportunities. Every determine the best way way to use from hiring reading coaches to conducting Summer Reading programs to providing kindergarte kindergarten. Parts of the state are surging ahead in their progress on reading proficiency. We saw incredible proficiency. Reading proficients rose an astounding 32 . More than 85 of third graders were reading proficiently by the end of the school year. This is also the first school i saw doing monthly assessments so teachers can personalize reading instruction to each student. A high portion are learning english as a second language. Full age kindergarten game an option to help students get on track. Half the schools of incoming kindergarteners couldnt read at grade level last fall. By spring they saw a 30 improvement. When we commit to giving stru s students a strong start, provide with the flexibility to determine how best to chiachiev it, we see progress. [ applause ] about 12,000 kindergarteners are not an track to read on day one. The bush for literacy was a recommendation that came out of my are kids Idaho Future Task force. The task force is made of teachers, school administrate e Business Leaders and a Bipartisan Group of legislatures from every quarter of the state. I want to voice my appreciation for every member of the task force for taking on this important job. Thank you very much. The task force also continue to invest in teachers. A childs progress especially reading depends upon the intention and instruction of the good teaching. We cannot simply we lie o rely good hearts of teachers. We must pay them competitively. [ applause ] its out of balance and its not sustainable. [ applause ] we continue to increase teacher pay over the next several years. These events have been ongoing the past several years. I commend the legislature for stepping up to support us. Our effort should elevate the profession and help us keep good teachers in idaho classrooms. We have the perfect example of an excellent teacher with us today. Shes in spirit lake who focuses on the whole child. She goes beyond teaching subject matter and helps her students learn the skills they need to be successful in life, not just school. Please help me congratulate our 2020 teacher of the year, stacy law. [ applause ] stacy will use her teacher of the year to combat stigma around mental health. Teachers are on the front lines of all kinds of challenges. Im advancing another recommendation from my task force which should be good news to stacy and all who are concerned about safety and well being of our children. My budget provides teachers additional training and resources so they can identify and better serve students facing t trauma and mental illness. Giving parents peace of mind when they send their children to school each day. [ applause ] as students get older, our focus shifts to college and readiness. I have direction our universities, Community Colleges and state board of education to adopt a fresh, bold preach to Meeting Needs of idaho students and businesses. Working together as a more interconnected, higher education, to that im recommending the development of Cyber Security programs that will be offered jointly by Boise State University and university of idaho. This increased level of collaborati collaboration crossed levels to earn a degree and in high demand. We are identifying what employering need in their work force and we are responding. High School Across the states are offering more and more career Technical Education programs. Hand in hand with local businesses. This is especially important for businesses to rule idaho that are more susceptible. Im recommending 6 million in the Capital Budget for new facilities at the college of eastern isd id, louis clark state college, the department of juvenile kreks to strengthen our commitment to cte in idaho. [ applause ] im recommending for isd id job force, a three year project to connect 16 to 24yearolds to in demand jobs. In the first year the program will serve up to 150 students through the college of isd id. The Work Force Development council are facilitates and promoting more internships and apprenticeships. After all, the best way to learn is by doing. Combined with our increased opportunity through the advanced Opportunities Program which enables students to learn College Credit while in high school. The Opportunity Scholarship Program is becoming more college is becoming more and more affordable and obtainable for an entire generation of idahoans. [ applause ] last month was helping us secure future jobs. Congress finding ratified President Trumps trade agreement with two of idahos biggest exporter market, canada and mexico. I strongly supported the deal because it preserves and enhances critical gains made by previous trade agreements for idaho. Farmers and Agriculture Industries have good reason to rejoice to this important agreement making it across the finish line. Over the past year, i visited with a lot of businesses across the state. A few stood out to me because they embody my goal to make idaho for children and grand children choose to stay. Its a home grown business selling products worldwide. Training in local cte programs. Its a fourth generation isd id company that makes world class wooden boats and continues to expand and provide good jobs. Our isd id kids made good. They found way to pursue their passions while creating opportunities for others. Its a Technology Company relocated in idaho and offer apprenticeships to help train in demand cyber specialists. Its kind of business that is helping diversify and strengthen the economy in our rule communities. Investing 2 million. Welcome to idaho colleges. [ applause ] one thing i hear is about transportation. We must move people and products safely and as efficiently as possible. They are working on idaho transportation. After its complete ill work closely with you to formulate the sustainable funding plan. Im recommending that we direct close to 100 million to maintain and improve the states highway system. Im also pursuing another investment improvement in idaho for both urban and rule idaho to attract businesss and enhance our citizens quality of life. Idaho must be connected. Im adopting a recommendation for my task force. You will utilize the 15 resources of commerce and unite the efforts taking place across the state to ensure all areas of idaho are connected. Improving broad band will also help expand pharmacy access in rural idaho. To further address the shortage of positions in isd id idaho, i seeking legislative approval for 25 new medical residents. [ applause ] im happy to report thats the last time now offering beha Behavioral Crisis Centers nearby. Those recovering from Substance Abuse disorders need the resources to stay in recovery. It connects those individuals with the support system they need. Another scourge effecting our society is addiction to opioids. Because of misuse, prescription painkillers and Illegal Drugs for the first time americas Life Expectancy has dropped. Theres hope for a Better Future for these individuals. Isd id made great progress with the Prescription Drug monitoring program. Use of the database increased from 530,000 service a few years ago to a staggering 21 million searches last year. Theres more we can and must do