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The committee will come to order. Todays hearing will focus on the reauthorization of the vast act, the nations current surface transportation bill, that is embers decembers on september 30th. We will hear the perspective of key stakeholders. A long term reauthorization bill is critical to providing the certainty and stability that transit agencies, cities and states across the countries need to make responsible Transportation Planning decisions. Public transportation plays a key role in our nations economy, there are over 430,000 workers employed in Public Transportation in the united states, transit provides approximately 33 million trips every day, taking Many Americans to and from work, school, and medical appointments. And not just in big urban cities, but also in small, rural areas. However we find ourselves at yet another service says petition authorization is the most significant issue that needs to be addressed. In order to address a comprehensive, long term reauthorization bill. While this committee does not have jurisdiction over Health Service transportation bills are paid for, it is important that revenue shortfalls are addressed in a way that meets current transportation needs. The Highway Trust Fund was intended to be funded with federal gas taxes. But since 1933, congress has chosen to transfer money into the reauthorization bill. And the congress reappropriate 350 billion general funding dollars to pay for the fast act, and the transit portion of the fast act required an 18. 1 billion Dollar General fund in general fusion. And fanny may and a Federal Reserve surplus funds should not be used as a pig bank. Public transportation is an area that is known for over plumbing, and bipartisan support. I intend to work with senator brown to continue the bipartisan tradition as we seek to balance the needs of bus, rail and urban systems across the country. On demand service, transitions to electric vehicles and deployment of autonomous that should be addressed in a comprehensive bill. Traditional fixed Rate Services and central backbone for conference of transportation networks. However, there have been numerous technological advances that can enable a Higher Quality of service at a lower costs. For example, transit agencies should incorporate these technologies to complement outside of Service Hours to provide non emergency medical transportation, to bring riders from fixed Route Services to their final destinations and to modernize fair pavement collection, just to name a few. Federal policies should provide more treason transparency by addressing regulatory burdens in order to invite more innovation and the transit industry. Federal policy should encourage business like operations of Transit Systems. This includes streamlining efficiencies, assessing Current Service needs, maintaining assets and a state of good repair, leveraging resources for procurements and seeking a partnerships with the private sector where appropriate. While there are many challenges ahead, its possible for this committee to work a really appropriation bill that can garner the bipartisan support both here and on the senate floor. I look forward to hearing from each of our Witnesses Today of the priorities of their organizations, and i thank them for their willingness to appear here today. Senator brown . Thank you for calling this hearing, i look forward to working with you to develop a bipartisan transit title, thank you to the witnesses and all you do for Public Transit in this country. Public transportation help the people that we serve reach better jobs and spend a less of their time and money commuting. Hard work should pay off, but for most people, wages are flat. The cost of everything is up, housing, health care, and transportation. We know how transportation is a huge strain on Family Budgets and on their time it can limit job choices, it makes it harder to hold down jobs far from where people live. The average American Household spends 13 of its income on transportation. Low income workers spend more than 20 and 30 of their wages on commuting. We know how an unexpected can devastate families to rely on their ability to get work. 40 american americans cannot afford emergency. Renters spend half their income on rent and we know how so many people live on the edge, so what happens . They lose their job because they cant get to work they get trapped in a cycle of death, people feel trapped there, is not a lot of dignity in a job that your one car breakdown away from losing. High quality Transit Service have them, to and from work to school to a doctors appointment. Its Pretty Simple when you have better, faster Transit Service, more people use it. In columbus the Transit Authority quota designed a bus route and what happened are they had their highest ridership, what i probably comes supported increased ridership in the cleveland avenue corridor. Everyone winds, the cincinnati u. S. Understands that and to fund high ways. In addition to creating more, watts fewer people on the road, those that do have to traffic adore can get to work faster. In Public Transit, it reduces wrinkles gas anishinaabeg the transportation sector, the Fastest Growing source of carbon pollution. We hear about the tradeoff between creating new jobs but Public Transit does both. It reduces emissions about creating new jobs and an operating jobs. The fast act and Public Transportation, but expires at the end of september and they got a backlog repairs has continued to grow, speaking at 99 billion dollars in u. S. Most recent estimate. One of these backlogs . Mean more delays when they break down, the main longer commute, they mean more crowded highways. In cleveland, the rga operates a fleet of 74 rail cars, all of them, every single one of them is more than 34 years old and age to be replaced years ago. Cities like cleveland face sizable repairs and cant be delayed any longer. In addition to providing more funding for repairs, the next transportation bill need to record investment in the bust facilities program, and the low admission replace aging vehicles and began converting their fleets to zero admission technology. We must ensure that fta is processing applications under the Capital Investment grants program fairly and efficiently and in accordance with the law, and adding extra requirements or delaying projects. Every single one will be have investment in american, jobs we need to strengthen requirements, its not complicated. American tax are should be spent on American Products made in america. Safety is always a priority and will improve rail inspections, we should also make sure our transit and we need to have a fair workplace. I look forward to hearing from representatives of our nations transit providers i look forward to hearing for those who can speak to workforce needs, to move the transportation bill forward, they will need to find new funds for the Highway Trust Fund, will continue to work that the mass transit account receives, always as tradition, 20 or more of Highway Trust Fund. Why look forward to working on the transportation bill, housing is also critical infrastructure, and theres much for our committee to do, there are Health Hazards and homes across the country, including lead that we need to combat. We need to create more safe, Affordable Homes and preserve the ones that we have. I have the transportation bill can support opportunities for transit Oriented Residential Development and other development, but we need comprehensive investment in this countrys infrastructure. Housing needs to be part of that investment. Thank you. Thank you senator brown. Todays witnesses are president and chief executive officer of the american Public Transportation association, mr. Patrick mackinnon, president of the American Association of state highway transportation officials. Mr. Scott, executive director of the Community Transportation association of america. Mr. And mortar, Vice President of transportation and infrastructure of the u. S. Chamber of commerce. And mr. Willis, president of the transportation trades department, and welcome to all of you. Your written testimony has been entered into the record. I encourage each of you to wrap up your initial comments by paying attention to the clock and the five minutes. We do have a vote call that will jam us in a little while, i dont know if that will happen or not. But it will stay on time it will help us stay on time. With that, you may proceed. Chairman, Ranking Member brown, and members of the committee, thank you for this opportunity to testify today. My name is paul, im the president chief executive officer of the american Public Transportation association known as after, they represent over 1500 public and private sector organizations that touch all areas of Public Transit. We are the voice of Public Transit north america. At the outset, i want to thank you senator jones for your critical leadership in passing the Jones Mcsally amendment to the 2020 transportation appropriation bill, which blocked in automatic 12 , 1. 2 billion dollar reduction for transit agencies across the country, it wouldve affected every agency, we are deeply grateful for your efforts. Americans who by chance rotation, nearly ten billion times each year, with every trip meeting a need or providing an opportunity. Transit is ten times safer than driving an automobile, it saves money, people can save 10,000 dollars a year by writing Public Transit instead of driving. Yet, we still have work to do to provide these benefits and opportunities to more communities. As 45 of Americans Still do not have access to Public Transportation, transit is a job creator, it is a 74 billion dollar in industry that employs some 435,000 employees and supports 7 million private sector jobs. Importantly, 55 of all transit expenditures flow to the private sector. Creating or sustaining 50,000 jobs for every one billion dollar that is invested. Transit is also important for rural access, for people who live in rural areas transit for veterans and people with disabilities is a lifeline, ensuring that access to medical care and other essential appointments can be taken. We have three Top Priorities as part of the reauthorization that i want to share with you. Those priorities are the following, number one, providing 145 billion dollars over six years for Public Transit to fund critical projects that will address the entire state of good repair backlog. And find all the Capital Investment in the pipeline in the next six years. Number two, reestablishing the historical share of 20 Capital Funding for bus and bus facilities, and number three, creating a new ability innovation and Technology Initiative to integrate cutting edge technology, new Service Delivery approaches and Mobility Options in the transit marketplace. To make these necessary investments, pending shortfall and the Highway Trust Fund must be addressed. We support the chamber of commerce proposal to increase the gas tax by 5 a year, for five years. Were also open to any other reasonable bipartisan plan to increase revenue to the high trust fund. As you make these choices, necessary to fund this, bill we urge you to first fix the shortfall in the Highway Trust Fund. Second, after you fix the trust fund shortfall, we urge that you increase investment in Public Transportation and that it receives at least 20 of the new revenue. Bold investment in Public Transportation will address our state of good repair needs, 99 billion dollars is the d. O. D. Figured, several years old, that number is growing and likely will continue to grow. Almost one in five transit buses are beyond their useful life and the average days of a rail vehicle as close to 20 years. Transit is also a key link to equity an opportunity, Public Transportation provides a ladder opportunity for millions of americans. One out of five transit users are from households earning less than 50,000 dollars a year. Transit is also a contributor to ensuring cleaner air, as the industry is at the forefront of transitioning to cleaner fuel technologies and feel sources. Currently, more than half of the transit buses use alternative fuels, with more than 70 of those vehicles utilizing hybrid electric technology, and nearly 300 electric buses in Service Today with zero emissions. These are Battery Powered and hatred and field, and many more are on order. A major source of funding throughout the country is through our Capital Investment grand program that is administered by fta. Over the past decade, half of all states have benefited from the project, and the economic benefits are wide ranging, in addition to the critical look of each individual project, there are vehicles, parts, and supplies that are made in american states all across the nation. Part of the supply chain. Currently, there are 50 processes requesting nearly 25 billion in funding. Unfortunately, over the past two decades, both congress and fta have layered additional requirements, resulting in bureaucratic delays. At the strong urges to conduct a zero base review to assess all statutory, regulatory, and administrative requirements. On behalf of after, thank you for this opportunity to appear before you, we look forward to working with you and will be happy to answer any questions. Thank you. Mr. Mckinney . Ranking member brought embers of the committee, thank you for the opportunity to discuss the future of Public Transportation and the reauthorization of the fast act, im patrick mckenna, ive served as the director of the Missouri Department of transportation, and president of the america association, today its my honor to testify on behalf of the great state of missouri, representing the transportation departments, all 50 states, washington d. C. And puerto rico. Public transportation is a Vital Public Service in urban communities, providing more than 10 million passenger trips annually since 2006. Transit agencies are key providers of the services, and continue to make significant advances and states are able to commit more, and we will see more investment in order to receive this. We wanted to this transportation title that expires at the end of september, id like to emphasize the following priorities. Our vision for authorization, our Core Principles for reauthorization as it relates to federal Public Transportation policy and specific Public Transportation reauthorization policy recommendations. Ensuring the safety of americans using our Service Transportation system remains the foremost priority of each state and 37,000 lives were lost on our nations roadways, Human Behavior is the cause of more than 90 of fatalities and serious incidents each year, but that is a loss of 100 souls a day, and we should all find it is totally unacceptable. This provides 80 form of transportation, havent recorded it for 2018, and thankfully not and missouri. Public transportation delivers more than three billion dollars an economic, hand helps mitigate traffic, sir feel, enhanced highway sufficiency in addresses air quality issues. In october 2019 the board of directors adopted policy recommendations for the next surface transportation authorization bill, to summarize several key points, we must ensure a timely reauthorization hong term federal bills, fix the Highway Trust Fund and an act of long term sustainable revenue solution now, increase in prioritize formula base federal funding, provided by states, increased flexibility, reduce program burdens and improve product delivery, and ensure the ability to harness technology. In missouri, transit operators would like to increase the federal share for the assistance process to 90 , its difficult for rural and specialized transit agencies to meet the local requirements for new vehicles. Theres some key reauthorization from the council on we should support the goals, the public and petition state of good repair. Retain strength and for Public Transportation, retain the mass transit account within the Highway Trust Fund, maintain and grow the bus and bust facility formula and discretionary program, including the low or no Emission Vehicle discretionary grant program, maintain the current maximum federal funding match ratios for Public Transit programs to support whirl and urban communities. And officials with disabilities and seniors and our infrastructure. The state d. O. T. Has committed to assisting congress in the development of strategies to ensure a longterm Economic Growth and enhanced quality of life through robust investments and Public Transportation programs and processes. This has been one of the most important policy items and even if significant action is yet to be taken. Americans get it. They understand the benefits and they want to see investment and our Transportation Systems. This is a unique window of opportunity to take bold action to invest in our transportation infrastructure at the level to guarantee the success of our nations future. This action has the clear support of the American Public and its time for the president and congress to make it happen. We cannot streamline our way into providing a safe and sound Transportation System, we cannot cut our way to buying steel, concrete asked field and labor. We must Work Together and move transportation policy and direction of providing safety, service, and stability for all. Thank you again for the honor an opportunity to testify today, and im happy to answer any questions. Thank you. Good morning, and members of the community. Im here representing the more than 1400 members of the Community Transportation association of america, or we appreciate this important opportunity to discuss our views on surface transportation reauthorization. Cities membership is provides of Transportation Providers and smaller cities, and rural and tribal communities, and with those providing Specialized Services to older adults, people with disabilities, veterans, and those providing non medical emergency trips. Our membership has said that it needs fundings abilities and growth authorization, along with comments and regulatory reform. Because we have had a priority, and we certainly appreciate the support from the senate in recent appropriations that have boosted those funds. The reauthorization of the fast act is a prime opportunity for congress to make the nations surface Transportation System more responsive to the american people. Public and Community Transportation will play a vital role in playing this by keeping our growing population of older adults active, healthy and aging in place by connecting americans of all ages with the transportation dependent outpatient and Therapeutic Health care services, by taking millions of americans to and from work, by easing congestion in urban areas, or connecting increasingly regional rural areas. Members will help meet these objectives by employing new technologies and operational strategies to make it more customer friendly, efficient and cost effective. By taking a value based approach, that looks beyond ridership and instead focuses on the Economic Activity said take place after a passengers leave the bus, by Building Partnerships with the public and private sectors, predicated on Economic Impacts and outcomes and by uniting the full connection of transit providers into a response of network that includes both traditional Fixture Services and new on the man mobility. To meet these goals we need stable, predictable investment from the traditional partnerships that have built the current partnership. We need new systems that create new metrics of success like cost savings and cost avoidance in the health care industry, land values admission productions and outside operations. What we can maintain safety and quality while providing these systems room to grow. Its one thing to discuss issues the policy today but we must not forget that public and Community Transportation is a people business, and that the trip they provide every day are really a lifeline. Heres an example, this past fall, a passenger on one of our numbers systems began to cry after having been safely aborted, boarded on a potomac authority bus. After composing ourselves she told the fifth driver that shes been confined for, years only able to leave for medical appointments, and the systems only on demand service on rural areas, allow her to go independently to the store, hair appointments, the bank, as they began the trip she started to cry again and she told the driver, she realized how much she missed seeing the color of the leaves in eastern west virginia. This is kind of troops that makes the tee numbers unique. Authorization is an important opportunity to better support these commuting and public exploitation providers. For selfishly sullivan their communities, keeping our growing populations active, and connecting americans weaken critical services. Im happy to be here today. And look for to discussion is going to ensue. Thank you. Good morning chairman mike crapo, and members of the committee. Im Vice President said at the United Chamber of commerce. As of his he was established in 2000, it includes business, labor, tracking, and various stakeholders advocating for increased federal investment and the nations aging Transportation System. Public transportation provides very real and tangible benefits to employers, employees, and communities. One half of all trips taken on Public Transportation are to and from work. The changing travel patterns of americas today, underscores the rule of Public Transportation, as a critical control of the new mobility landscape. For many communities, urban and rural. It provides transportation to jobs. More communities nationwide, are using Public Transportation to attract a younger workforce. If that expects stab accessibility to these options. Public transportation can also played a role in providing previously underserved parts of our nation and opportunity for mobility and growth. Public transportation only spurs Economic Growth, but reduces condition, improves air quality, save time and money. As my written testimony describes, americas Service Transportation infrastructure, once the envy of the world, is that a crisis point. Much of our nations infrastructure was built 62 100 years ago. Our nation is move from brick and mortar economy, to one of ecommerce. The chamber believes that now is a time, not just to maintain our current Public Transportation program, but to modernize it. It has been building for many years, but this committee, and is congress has an opportunity to do something about it. One improvements of the state of good repair program, and the Capital Investment program are needed, as was a long term sustainable Funding Source for the future of the Highway Trust Fund. Without a timely reauthorization of surface transportation programs, gridlock will continue. And the moment at the last Service Transportation bill was enacted in 2015, business labor and other key state folders have worked tirelessly for prompt action in 2020. The reauthorize critical highway bridge in transit programs. The coalition have met with business and Community Leaders around the country. Thats what think third federal government should provide. From boise to cincinnati, accurately cities and towns, nationwide we have heard loud and clear the need for 24 century transportation networks. What that will ensure america can compete in the global marketplace. Provide Mobility Options for a growing diverse population. The chamber produced a four point plan to modernize americas infrastructure. They have discussable members of congress on both sides of the aisle, and both sides of capitol hill. We have express or willingness to work with both republicans and democrats, to ensure common sense funding, and policy solution. To get them and acted into law. Im glad to discuss the details of the chambers ideas during the question period. I want to use my Opening Statement to express the frustration of millions of americans, who way so much time stuck in congestion, mr. Gates baseball games, because a bridge was close. A transit like was delayed due to repairs. It is the america that this committee wants . As has been said many times, the cost of inaction is going to cost almost a pack. If the federal government to get back business, to the vision that made america the greatest nation on earth. From Teddy Roosevelt who oversaw the creation of a nations and waterways to eisenhower, who developed the interstate highway system, to Ronald Reagan who created the mass transit account of a Highway Trust Fund, and it by adjusting in the federal user fee. Federal leadership is key to connect our nation, the bottom line is the time to make the important investments is now, delaying actions only makes projects costly are from the perspective the question is not if you need to make these decisions, but when . The World Economic forum just ranked americas infrastructure 13th, thats 13 this is the legacy that we want to leave our kids . The reauthorization needs to be bipartisan ensure both rural and urban infrastructure issues are. Addressed the bill needs to be paid for and in the most transparent way to invest. The time to act is now. We look forward to your question. Thank you, mr. Willis. Good morning, on behalf of the transportation department, our 300 frontline employees who build, operate and maintain our rail care is and subway systems. I want to thank Ranking Member brown and members of the committee for inviting me to testify today. My friends on this panel have already raised the significant needs for our Public Transportation system, and i echo and support that call. Increasing federal funding is a critical step this committee can and must take to improve services across the country. Not just for our members who work in the sector, not just for the millions of americans who already rely on Public Transit each day, but for the family in des moines, iowa who has to walk two miles to the Grocery Store because the community in which they live is not served by the local bus system. They like to extend service there, if they had the funds to do so. But i am already here to talk about the need and concerns of our members, frontline employees and the steps that this committee can take to address their concerns and create good, safe jobs in this sector. First, we must end the epidemic of violence faced by transit operators, while the fast act contained a bipartisan agreement to help stop assaults to administrations have failed to implement this mandate, leaving drivers like thomas done in harms way. Don an air force veteran, husband and father drove to the Transit Authority in tampa, florida. Last may, he was stabbed to death while on duty. Heroically, and despite his injuries done fold his boss to the side of the road, ensuring the safety of his passengers. A few months before, dunn had complained of driver safety, and six months after his passing, one of his coworkers was hospitalized after being attacked while on duty. The transit Worker Protection act introduced by senator van hollen would help prevent these tragedies. Under this bill, Transit Authority to use would be required to get accurate assault data and work with unions to identify Real Solutions tailored to meet local needs. Second, the spread of new tech based Mobility Options, including ride hailing services, shared scooters, bikes, Automated Vehicle Pilot Projects is changing Public Transportation in our communities. What Mobility Options are adopted and how theyre implemented matter. Ride hailing may seem like a good, lowcost attorney for Transit Systems, but the appearance of affordability offered by the uber and lift of the world are dependent on a Business Model that passes operating costs onto drivers and denies those same drivers the fundamental right to fairway just and benefits that a Union Contracts can provide. We know that automated projects are already on the ground and a number of cities and more are on the way. We also know that this said ministration and some in congress are setting policies and Regulatory Frameworks to facilitate the deployment without considering the workforce impacts that these technologies and services can half. His three tells us that strong unions and Worker Engagement are essential to mitigate harms caused by rapid changes in industries. Tv urges this committee to ensure that transit workers and the public are given a real voice at the table, as any new Automation Services are discussed. Third, 90 of the transit workers are boston real operators, station employees and other non management positions, yet federal policy has failed to support the Training Needs of this workforce, risking major shortages and skill gaps in the coming years. Furthermore, as technology absolves in the transit sector, we know that the needs to recruit, train, and retrain the next generation of technicians and other high skilled workers will only expand. A challenges grands prix should be providing funding for eight strangers Training Center. Focuses on the need of these frontline workers. Finally. We know that jobs created by investment in Public Transit are good jobs that workers can raise families on. Thats because of high union debts and because of federal policies that have been associated with transit investments, is the creation of the program. It would be a mistake to use a service bill to attack these important laws, or to undercut collective arguments. This Community Must also strengthen and apply by makers rules, the transit investments, doing so will ensure that buses, rail cars, and raw materials, are made here in the u. S. Creating the kind of good jobs that we can be proud of, and supporting a another critical sector of our economy. With that, i would be happy to answer any questions. Thank you very much. First off, let me say i appreciate all the testimony that you have provided. Its been very interesting and helpful. I also want to acknowledge and the appreciation that you, in addition to testify, your colleagues and associates, are working very carefully with us and closely with us. We appreciate that, we want to get this right, we want to get it done. My first question is really going to be more of a statement, that i ask you to be sure to acknowledge. Am i not surprise you it is going to focus on rural needs in transit. Often when folks think of mass transit, they think about heavily populated areas. As has been so well indicated by a couple of you. This is a huge issue in Rural Communities as well. I was interested in your statistics about the Safety Record in rural areas. And as well as your story about the lady who cried, because she was being given access to so much more that we often take for granted in our lives. It is critical. Really, one of my focuses, i want to ask if you need cook with glee just acknowledge that we really need to strengthen and expand our focus on rural areas. As we deal with transit issues in this country. Mister chairman, certainly from the perspective we embrace entirely what you have described. Certainly our colleagues, those who we worked closely together, we represent in the largest authorities. From new york, its a very small systems. They have a handful of hands. Row transportation and transit is critical. We call for a doubling of funneling in rural areas. Also for significant increases in the historical share or bust facilities. That is a category in particular that is very helpful to those rule systems. It really is. Anyone else want to pitch in . Yes, thank you for the question. Missouri operates one of the largest rural Transit Networks in the nation. We have over 800 vehicles, it provides Service Throughout the state. It is critically important, when you think about the rural issues. Even thinking about the ability to age in place gracefully. Accessing the transit to rural areas, we have a very innovative program. It connects on the rural basis with the force development. Our cape girardeau, county transit, operates of ample. It works with the local communities there, working with a couple manufacturing facilities. We are bringing workers directly to those manufacturing facilities. A great example of how rural transit is trying to be dynamic, and meeting the needs of our citizens. Thank you. I certainly appreciate the emphasis. We have worked with rural chances isms. Ive been working with rural Transit Systems personally for 30 years. Liberal americas change quite a bit in that period. Were really looking at regions in many parts of the country now, they have health care, employment, higher ed. You have to go further distances. Our members are really focused on outcomes. And trying to create this kind of measurable outcomes. Employment, health care. Through what many now are calling on demand mobility, this is a new thing. In the rural space, this is all weve ever been. It really hasnt been the kind of population density did you traditional fix routes. Were talking about rural isolation, and other things like that. Transit is a very great solution. I appreciate that. They want to add anything . Yes mister chairman. We certainly recognize a Public Transit as a critical component in rural areas. Certainly connecting to more urban areas. For the global economy. I agree with the health care, the quality of life issues. Also, where the global economy. It is critical that we have a variety of options are going to connect a rural areas with or more urban areas. Mobility is key in the 24 century. Thank you. Do you have anything . Ill make it 20 seconds. Our members on the operating side, represent workers across the country. In both rural andkm obviously in the cities. We are supportive all the above. Our members are also commuters, the uses service in all the above communities. I think the emphasis that you pointed out is absolutely correct. And we support it. I appreciate it. All of you putting an exclamation point all my senators. This is an excellent comment from all of you. Think you for your advocacy for big city systems. There are eight in my state. But the chairman i were talking about your number of deaths in 2018 you said, was three. I think that is, im asking my staff to look at the number year by year. That is a tremendous argument for mr. Vogue in, and what he doesnt rural Transit Systems. As a chairman said, the look of this committee is certainly on the democratic side. We have a lot of urban systems. The republican side, they have fewer. But we have a number of rule systems in my state, and every one of the states. It matters in minneapolis, las vegas, d. C. Metro. Matters and western maryland. The iron range too. And in small towns. My staff is also said that your work with medicaid, to make sure to thank you for that. We thank you for your passion about this, i would ask your organization however, ask you to ask your organization, to put a little less Political Capital in tax cuts, and more in infrastructure. I have heard your position. You argued it beautifully. Thank you for that, genuinely insincerely. I see organization asking for money for infrastructure all the time. But not putting anything behind it, that they put behind asking for tax cuts and he looked regulation. And getting people on board up on Public Transportation. Mr. Willis thank you for your workers. Let me start with you. The cleveland rgas entire fleet of rail cars, is more than 34 years old. And use replacement as ive said. They are struggling to come up with a plan to come up with a new fleet. What happens when agencies operate vehicles have exceeded their service live like that . It is unfortunate. It is an isolated situation. There are many agencies all over the nation facing very similar circumstances. As you described for cleveland. It is very quite simple. Costco up. A reliability goes down. Ridership suffers. The analogy is very apropos. For our automobiles. If you have an automobile does 20 years old, and youre using it to take around. Youre using a lot more to keep in running condition. It is out of service very often. The reliability goes down. Its what happens for transit. As a result, we are seeing that. Weve it in washington d. C. Weve seen that really turned the corner. I think theyve done an admirable job the last few years by making an investment. Weve seen ridership increase, year to year growth. Their relationship is very clear. Cost increase, reliability goes down. Ridership suffers. Thank you for that. I will industry my Opening Statement about columbus introducing new routes. I assume cleveland, because of the aging of that fleet. I assume it would have a much more ridership if they could invest in it. Theres no question about it. Mr. Willis, the fda has not acted on the rulemaking of operators, that is required by the fast act issue. At the to mitigate any risk in further action . On certain issues like operator assault . Well thank you senator. He has, i do think that additional action is needed. As we have discussed earlier in my Opening Statement. We were able to work with you and others on this committee, and the other body, to make sure that in facts acts, we had a federal mandate to deal with driver assaults. Unfortunately, that has gone on implemented. The Trump Administrations fda put a document out last year that said that assaults could be considered in the context of the Public Transportation Safety Agency plants. But i didnt really direct or direct any specific actions. I should know within that document, we filed comments asking fta to deal with the driver assault. As part of their safety plans. They said that they would be separate rulemaking. Which now they are saying they will not do. Very frustrating. I think at a minimum. 30 to be a worker voice as for the safety plans, making sure that we can work with management. Making sure that we are getting real data. That is part of the problem under the current regime. Its that very little of this actual assault data is getting reported the right way to fta, because it has to be a serious injury a resulting and arrest. A lot of those assaults fall outside of that. We dont have a scope of the problem. We are not talking to workers on the front line. I think through the agency faith plane. You can do that. Hopefully deal with that issue. Senator. Thank you chairman for convening this hearing today and showing the long term viability of Transit Systems it is a critical component of broader infrastructure needs as a nation. Choices are economic driver communities. Generating four dollars of economic return, for every dollar invested. Creating over 50,000 jobs for every billion dollars invested. Ive always supported funding for a critical highway programs as well. We need to place as a memphis on our Transit System. They cannot be an afterthought. As a Ranking Member of the committees transit subcommittee, i hope the subcommittee can begin to engage more in this issue. And at this is the beginning of a robust process that results in the transit title for the fast act authorization we can all be proud of. Mr. More time are. Let me start with you. The northeast corridor. It produces our nation dvd. He would cost our economy 100 billion Dollars Per Day according to amtrak. The centuryold railed hunters under the hudson river that currently connect new jersey depend station in new york. Into nearly hundred ten year old lindo bridge, they are linchpins of the entire northeast corridor. In dire need of repair and replacement. The Gateway Program would replace its aging infrastructure. Make other improvements to a ten mile stretch of the northeast corridor, that serves over 200,000 daily new Jersey Transit and amtrak passenger trips on approximately 450 chariots. Do you believe, that gave way is a nationally significant project . To the viability of the northeast corridor . Senator, there is no doubt that the corridor is a key projects, and not only affects new york in new jersey, but the whole eastern seaboard. We believe that there is a federal component about that. We certainly want to see all of this stakeholders come together to address that issue. The longer we wait, the more its gonna cause. I do want to say real quick. I want to defend the u. S. Chamber of commerce. We have advocated extremely hard for infrastructure, as equally as hard as we had pretax really. Our ceo, i hear any senator say that there is not an advocate more for infrastructure than our ceo. We have been out there for years, so sir we really do care about infrastructure. This is a top issue. I am glad to hear that. I did not raise that question, i assume someone else did. You are taking my time to do that. Let me move on. Having discussed the importance of gateway on a national scale, you believe that the federal government has an Important Role to play and the funding are such nationally significant projects . Senator, i do. For the reasons that you mentioned and that more to more reiterated, theres no question about the importance of that investment and the merit that it does have, so we are very supportive, we think it should be supported and something we want to move forward. Mr. Willis, and can you speak to the impacts that gateway will have on your members as well as the importance of having federal engagement on transportation projects that have a National Economic impact . Thank you senator. What i can at is a couple of things. When you talk to our members who have to operate they trains through those tunnels, that have to maintain the signal systems, the electrical systems, they tell real horror stories. We have a big problem on our hand. You know the economic consequences of shutting down and reduced quality, but we will tell you that there is a real problem right now going on in there, that needs to be addressed. We heard that the administration changed the rating for brits north, disappointed that they did not do the same for the tunnel itself. The cost has been amtrak kicking in several hundred Million Dollars, the percentage of federal share has been reduced again, so this project is ready, we Hope Administration sees fit to approve it and get it funded in the right way. In the recommendation we reprimand coif qualifying the rough loans that should be used for a non federal share of a project, which is common sense, considering that these laws will have to be paid back by the project sponsors. The gateway project ran in to the Current Administration counting financing, which again, must be paid back as part of the federal share of the project. We thought to include language and recent appropriation bills to prevent this policy from taking effect, why is that important that Transit Systems have access to a wide array of financing tools, and that these loans, which again, must be paid back, be appropriately counted as a non federal share . Senator, i think it is critically important that the Public Transit industry be able to exercise a full view of all the tools that it can leverage to implement these major projects. The idea of loans being considered as federal financing really goes to an argument that we think its not hold water. We believe that loans and a rough launch should be paid backed by local dollars, are in the local sharon should be considered as such. Thank you. First of all, let me thank you for holding this, clearly important discussion that we should be working on to invest and our transportation, im glad that we hold this out and there will be a market at putting this, but i appreciate the bipartisan support that you have brought to this discussion, fourth so thank you. And mr. Mckenna, in many ways we are seeing challenges within our housing sector i have been working to find ways to help us better consider our affordable without seeing and within Transportation Planning. Can you speak to the opportunity and existing dynamics from how we lay out our roads and Transit Systems and how those who need it live and work. In other words, should you be planning, and how do we incentivize at the federal level that type of local planning when theyre looking at their Transit System and they should be incorporating that in for double housing. I love your comments on that. Thank you senator. We see that same issue, and in many cases what we found is that some of our communities, particularly bringing the outer edge of our major mehl matcha pelican areas, in some cases we have areas where the Housing Stock and the people that live in them, the access to vehicles is a difficult issue. In some areas, we have upwards of ten to 15 dont have access to, vehicles so when we are doing major reconstruction, and that is mostly what we are planning right now, we are about to embark on reconstructing a major part of interstate two 70, that reinvestment we are seeing the transit work, were adding a transit lane to connect with a transit stop i think it is critical to keep in mind and consider, and this is what we work with, Regional Planning that we do consider the time and cost with how you are seeking medical treatment. That is a critical part of what we are starting to incorporate in. Thats a great point and that is a relationship between the federal government and those planning commissions and the local communities is critical. Thank. You ill ask anyone to weigh in, but clearly the zoning happens when it comes to should we be doing a better job at incentivizing that connection as they move through that zoning peace . Thats my question. Can we do a better job at the federal level . I think theres a great deal, more that can be done. They are doing more in terms of planning their new investments along the lines of development, that has evolved into the point of discussing transit oriented communities. Lets make them in transit with an idea of mind, how we can best serve our residents, making sure they have availability a Public Transit, or at the very least half walkable options to get to Public Transit facilities. So that is a growing interest, a growing trend within agencies to take that great aggressive attack to work at our local communities. I think that can be more that can be done, into devising some of these transit grants, i think that is the way to do it. I think our agencies are very receptive to that planning we think the transit is very critical. Thank. You would you touch on, i know im running out of time here, but you touched on new technology . I worked with regional Transportation Community in the water, but one of the executive directors said that technology is the asphalt of the future. Can you talk a little bit about that . I truly think that, and thats why have legislation how we start incentivizing more smart communities and utilizing this technology in our transportation as part of the smart communities, smart cars that are connecting and communicating with the traffic lights or the Traffic Management system, do you see the potential for the technology to take us and give us more opportunities for commuters when we talk about transportation . Sure. Thats a great question. Theres no doubt that what we have seen in terms of the Tech Revolution over the last years has been a wake up call, that we needed to adapt and address this, thats happening all over the country. That is why we keep bringing attention to new partnerships evolving, new forms of transit, sometimes complementing, like uber and lift, other sides looking at how we can develop new Services Like microbial a transit options. So transit is driving it and i think the transit industry is receptive to that. I think its a very exciting future we have, but also in Public Transit. I think thats a critical component to replacing the Rolling Stock that exists. If you look at many trudging, being able to update with newer technologies that you are seeing, the forward Collision Convention systems, the backup systems that have automatic braking, this could improve safety dramatically. And just make sure that our operators have an easier time navigating through congested roadways. Thank you. Senator van hollen . Thank you, senator brown i want to thank you for having this hearing, ill think all of you for your testimony. Im a big supporter of moving forward as quickly as possible with this reauthorization, and i serve on the Environment Committee and we have already passed unanimously the highway portion of this bill. I am hopeful that this committee will achieve the same incessant moving forward with the transit portion. Of course funding is a key missing element. We have got to come up with an increase, more robust, Funding Source. Many of us have put it over the years. My challenge to people dont support those, is come up with another funding proposal. Lets get bipartisan support for. So we can move forward. We have been deadlocked on something that has broad support throughout the country for a long time. Because of that. Thank you for mentioning wamata. We have seen a 4 increase in ridership. That is easy because many of the improvements that were make. We took a timeout. We created inconvenience. We have seen an uptick that it as of course the nations metro. 40 of the federal workforce travels in peak hours. On our metro system. We are grateful for the federal contributions to that system. 150 Million Dollars a year. The surrounding states have been meeting their shares. They have changer laws in order to comply. I was pleased to see the Trump Administration include funding this year for that. I would just say, mister chairman in the committee, senator warner and i have introduced legislation to extend authorization for islamorada. Both increase the investment, but increase, and provide reforms and oversight in the process. I hope we can pull that into the legislation. Mr. Willis, thank you for mentioning the transit workforce safety bill that weve introduced. Hope we can also it folded into this reauthorization effort. I want to focus firm minute. You gave a great story about the woman in west virginia. Who is able to finally get out and about because of Public Transit. One of the challenges that we continue to phase is a first mile, last mile, issue. We have these great transportation networks. We also know that what we find ways to get people from that first mile to their home for transit. We can dramatically increase it. We can improve quality of life for people. As we look at this reauthorization, i am interested in your perspectives on how we can, as a federal government, incentivize first and last mile length. A maryland we have a Pilot Project in montgomery come marie. The counties got this over like system. Where they are beginning to take people back and forth, it is the component of the trip. I am interested in your thoughts on how we can expand those efforts. I live in german town. I take a ride on bus to the metro every morning. I am very familiar with the first and last mile trips in montgomery county. And one other ways in smaller communities, and smaller systems are looking at this, is using volunteer drivers. Providing incentives to have folks that are recently retired, or looking to get back to the community, particularly in western myron. This is a real resource that we need to tap into. That is one way to do it. The other thing. Is really to focus on the first mile, last mile. On the outcomes. What is the purpose . Are we feeding fixed routes . That is a good outcome. But there is sometimes, when we are forcing folks into fixed routes, that are just not the way they want to travel. And so. I think along with the kind of traditional getting someone into this is them, or shorter upset or health care related, human social care related, we can do a much better way with technology as a peace. All of these things, its asking the customers what they want. Appreciate. Any other thoughts . Yes. Whatever proposes it is a new category of mobility innovation and technology. Specifically to do the kinds of things that you are talking about here. Right now. There is a lot of experimentation going on what pilot programs all across the country. They were being very aggressive. They were very modest. They were learning, going forward. We believe that there needs to be an infusion of more resources there. So the agencies can take more risk. Try some additional things. Expand a scale of their demonstration projects. They come in all forms. A fix route system. It could be a tee and see partnership with the agency. It could be a micro mobility project. We need to accelerate that work, we believe the federal government has an interest here to help that process along. Appreciate. Any others . Yes senator. What are the things that we find from an operator perspective. Is the basic construct of creating flexibility between operating and capital accounts. To the Grant Management process. Every operators have more flexibility to convert, they could expansive is ours, get on a more flexible basis. They are not able to afford today. If they manage that, had the flexibility to the federal program, that could very well help that. Thank you. I appreciate. Senator smith . Thank you mister chair. I also really appreciate our partisan effort here. I dont completely see it here. But i know it exists. Thank you mister chairman. What i was lieutenant governor, i did a lot of work on transportation issues. Certainly a lot of it and big cities. Cities a size of duluth, st. Cloud. Cities a size of martial, wording ton, smaller communities. Rural areas. I appreciate what senator mike crapo and Sherrod Brown said. That this is not just a rural issue or a rural issue and urban issue. From all this county commissioners that ive heard, trying to address transportation issues, is that we need the federal government to be a partner on the funding side of this. We can sort of talk about this. But until we are ready to put our money where our mouth is on this, we are just going to be talking about it. I hope that we can come together around this. Understand this is a policy committee. But this is what i hear so much about. Let me just dive in on one thing related to that. Maybe all directors question to mr. Kogan. Department of transportation recently solicit hated comments further transit opportunities in rural areas. What i hear from a lot of my Rural Communities in minnesota, is that while this federal transportation funding is important for a small community, for them to come up with a matching funds that are required, it is a devilish choice. We want to help you. But we dont possibly have the taxpayers or population to support those matching dollars. We are talking about places where people are a long way from the nearest possible. Working people, who want to work, it just doesnt work. Could you address that issue. I would appreciate your thoughts on that. Certainly. I appreciate the question. Yes. This is a real challenge for rural Transit Systems. You have managers of the systems, who oftentimes maybe drive the vehicle in the afternoon. And then spend most of their evenings going to many other small towns in their regions, hoping to get 1000 dollars just to do exactly what you are talking about. All the work that goes into that. One of the things we have called for. In our plan. Is to be able to go and take into account, poverty levels, and the lack of health care. As for hospitals are moving further and further. It is harder for people on the east coast or understand, that in many parts of the country, you might have a two hour drive to the nearest dialysis clinic. That lack of health care is measured. Where we have that, along with poverty rates, we are calling for lower matching rates for those Rural Communities. Its for that reason. I also echo what mr. Mckenna had to say about operating versus mechanical. Operating is critical to this. Any flexibility on that would be helpful. I would like to answer to that. A bit of perspective as well. The need for service in the rural area is critically important as weve been discussing. Another aspect is often overlooked. That is the job availability. While a community, a small area, a small system, a small city. They may not have a large trances is them in place. They often are the creators and recipients of jobs that industry produces. A case is in alabama. New fires. Where they build a manufacture busses. A smaller community. But critically important in terms of job creation. We had developed a set of schematics that would be willing to share with you, it shows how the supply chain touches all aspects of the country. All 50 states. Many communities. That may not have a large role in Public Transit, in terms of Service Delivery. But they have the jobs that are supporting the industry. It is critically important piece. Absolutely. They have a very important facility in st. Cloud, minnesota. laughs we can cooperate on this doug. I have a couple minutes left. I would like to ask mr. Willis something. Another thing we hear about in minnesota. It is the challenge that recruiting and maintaining workers and transportation would be. Can we address that issue . Well. In addition to providing a safe workplace. You are very familiar with that. There are many issues in your state. In terms of attracting workers, and training those workers. I would say couple of things. We call for, in our testimony, a National Training transit center. To deal with the frontline needs of workers. This Committee Also funds transit to, it focuses more of the white collar workforce. The support that. There are no Training Centers that meet the needs of the frontline workers, that we know where are that, in the last appropriations bill, there were 2. 5 Million Dollars included in those bills for these onsite activities. That was supported by labor, and others around at this table. Those were sort of concrete things that you can do both on the appropriation side, and in the authorizing contacts, putting a Training Center in place. It is a very good step. Thank you. Senator jones. Thank you mr. Jones, thank you for being here today. This would really beat anybody. Thank you for the shadow, we are proud of new flyer in alabama. The electric buses. They make a growing demand as well. And december of last year, the city of birmingham watching new transportation micro Transit Pilot Program with via. Birmingham on demand is an on site shared service with a fleet of vans. In a comedy six passengers. Wheelchair excessive will. It complements and extends our Public Transportation. For select areas of the city. It focuses on increasing, and improving connections for work, education venues, offer a flat rate of a dollar 50. That is obviously. I would like to ask how those things can alleviate some of the Public Transportation concerns, were the first alas gap mile. In those programs, how basket we expand them into rural areas . I have a lot of rural areas. I know thats a big issue for everybody. On this panel. How can we expand those micro Transit Pilot Programs into rural areas . I will open it up. Whoever wants to best answer. Senator. For my part. Either what you described again is something that is occurring across our industry and cities all across the u. S. Looking for new options. How can we deliver more services in places that perhaps dont have it or had it before . How to do it more efficiently . I think it has great potential. We would like to see a special funding category mill realty Innovation Technology and reauthorization, that would encourage and help on these activities, committees on their own are limited in terms of risks. I think the federal government does have a role to accelerate that experimentation. We did it would be the most appropriate way to do it. Yes sir. Thank you for the question. I think it is important. And we were communities. Amber ming ham, you can put Something Like this together. I just kind of lay it out there for the general public. There isnt a population to do that. And Rural Communities, this similar process is a take place, but with more specific outcomes in mine. For instance. We have a project that we are working on with some of our members and west virginia. To put these types of systems together. The deals sits with would recovery and treatment. We have a project in oklahoma that is doing similarly with improvers formats in the foster care system. That is the key. As you get a smaller communities, you have to have it focused. You have to have that conversation with the community about what would you like to achieve, but for a lack of transportation. That youre not getting there. You will get all sorts of answers back to that. Then you finetune these concepts that are out there. To deal with that specific issue. Right. Thank you for that. Real quick. Briefly, i want to make sure we get on the record here. At how important it senses is to counting everyone and these communities. Especially the Rural Communities. And somebody, for the record, talk about that again . I try to push that in my state. Everywhere, every opportunity i can. Anybody. Sure. Please. Weve had a lot of conversations with our members about that. At our conference we have sessions, because the census when it comes to drawing lines around communities for urbanized a rule areas, when it comes to the counts, it is a concern. You get a rural area that is suddenly funding as part of different rules i have to apply. Every ten years, this kind of changes the whole landscape. For a lot of the way that we find a Public Transportation. Is there any information for the senses and needs to be updated to more accurately reflect mass Transit Needs for Rural Communities . That you know of . And you can get back to me. Obviously the census and the population numbers drive the formulas for distribution of the urban and rural funds. It is critically important we have the best information that we can get. To make sure we are not neglecting the proper counts, and that they draw the formulas. Last thing. Mr. Edward mortimer, i was in here earlier. I dont know what was said about infrastructure versus tax cuts. Probably a little more chamber friendly that most folks here. I would invite you to come to the office. In alabama we have a real seriously for infrastructure. We are also very concerned about ballooning deficits, that are in part caused by that tax bill. I would like to have a dialog about what we can do from a standpoint to balance those two. To get more infrastructure in the state of alabama. Thank you. Senator, i would be glad to. Im going to automobile to talk about the iten bridge. I know that is a critical project. Jump in that frying pan. I would love it. It is going to help, getting solutions, getting it done. It is badly needed there. Thank you. Tank you mister chairman. Thank you tour witnesses for being here today. Last year to Public Transit systems were developed. In september, the metro Valley Agency received federal approval to expand our light rail into south phoenix. It is a 26 mile long rail line that connects tempe, and mesa, and phoenix. It which is a three mile extension of the light rail that will further link downtown tempe, and eventually Arizona State tempe campus for the greater phoenix area. I supported both projects as my time in the house. Im very delighted to see the progress. Mayor group county is offense is growing county and the nation. We face a growing Public Transit system, which must be met with affective longterm planning. Transit projects like light rail and the tempe street are guaranteed that more arizonans can get to work, school, or where it is that they want to go. Thank you for being here. Raleigh metro is able to build the tv street are three combination of private investors, Arizona State university, local government funds, and funding for the federal transit investment program. What steps can Congress Makes to encourage similar Public Private partnerships in the Capital Investment program. Thank you for your question. A very familiar with the unix and the Great Success that theyve had. Including the initial 20 miles startup line which acts beaded its ridership expectations. By last count, a generates on a ten billion dollar investments in private investments. The process that the Investment Grant Program is so incredibly important. It allows continues to grow and tap into investment category funding, to advance her projects. What we are finding is that more more, developers, private interests, they recognize that importance. Just a psyche one that we all know. Amazon located are facilities in close connection to transit. And so. What is happening is that there is a greater recognition that this marriage between the investment and the private investment, it is their. The Capital Investment does provide some means to encourage that. We can see that being accelerated through some of the d. O. D. Planning work. It can feed into that process as well. I think that is a key piece. While again, municipalities local that process. That is one way that it can be encouraged these planning process. Into the grant process. Public transit is not just an economic issue for arizonans. It is also a health issue. Because i may agree doctor doesnt count if you can make it your appointment. We believe that good Public Transit can make it easier for arizona is of all ages, from all corners of the state, to see a doctor and get Central Health and wellness services. The cost is too high. The shortage of Health Care Professionals throughout our stay only makes it worse. For many especially seniors. Veterans those, who have how Chronic Health issues. It could be prohibitively expensive. The good news is that program such as the fdas coordinated access immobility program, and the grants provide arizonans with a safe and affordable way to get to their doctor. October question is for the whole panel. How these programs help to improve access to care for patients in need. And his progress how can we strengthen these programs to ensure that all americans can access, and afford, Quality Health care . I think it is critical. We see that with our members. We are having a productive conversations with the health care industry. Because we are starting to learn how they measure. Some of those measurements, equates to real economic impact. The things that they focus on. Producing no shows. The cost of a noshow, versus the cost of the trip to make sure that it does not happen. He already admits. The penalties are a lot of Health Care Facilities face. The proper use of ambulances, when we dont newton ambulance, have 500 dollars a trip. First is our services that can do that much more and expansively. And lastly, timely discharge. All of those things can really speak to the importance, and its nice to see that health care is looking to us now to provide the services for them. Senator. It is a great question. At the federal level, we would as congress to really consider making federal Agency Funding in program specifically, the 50 3 10, the 50 3 11 program, that ive served people with disabilities and seniors in Rural Communities. That they are flexible enough to Work Together. That they dont restrict passengers by purpose. As a critical aspect as we try to be flexible enough to meet the demands of the population. Senator, what i would add to that. Is that given what has been said. His increase the level of investment in Public Transportation will go a long way to helping that. Communities can figure out how best it is, whether it is fixed rue, or doortodoor demand system. More than 45 of our american system so have access to any Public Transportation. We have been an industry that has been under served for decades in terms of investment. Increasing an investment is worth asking for here. Calling for reauthorization would be a major step forward. More service, more expanded opportunities, whether its bus rapid trans rotation. Whatever it may be. Those are the resources that are necessary for communities to help make those decisions. Thank you. Thank you mister chairman. This is very important topic for my community. Thank you. Thank you. Senator warren. Thank you mister chairman. Im going to cover some brown. Senator Chris Van Hollen refer to it. We have a hearing on public chance for without talking about metro. As senator Chris Van Hollen and a lot of ways. The government literally runs on metro. Close to 40 of metros riders during rush hour our federal employees. That is critically important to the function of our government. Law models to serve an incredibly Important Role in the continuation of the government, in the event of a disaster. If you also have to deal with an evacuation, like imposed on 11, the burden falls on metro. As well as the fact that is the nations metro system. It is obviously use on a regular basis by tourists, who also come to washington. Its absolutely credible and National Events like inaugurations. Back in 2000 and a, congress put together and recognizes. The prelegislation back then, they laid out a ten year hundred and 50 Million Dollar a year commitment from the federal government to washingtons metro. To make sure that we would have that long Term Investment and the safety and viability of the system. At that moment, there was a request for the local jewish traction. D. C. , maryland, and virginia. For them to step up and do more. The local jurisdictions have stepped up, and they do more. They have committed an additional 500 Million Dollars to making sure that the metro can have a safe efficient system that the region needs. But that also our country is as well. It has been mention along with senator Chris Van Hollen, we have put in another tenyear reauthorization. With 150 dollars a year. Im happy to see that the administration this year, they have gone ahead and put forward in the president s budget 150 1 Million Dollars. We do need this tenyear authorization. Im looking forward to working on this committee, where members on both sides of the aisle. I think the chairman the Ranking Member. For their willingness and listen on this. It is critical that it is and this year. Have i forgotten anything in terms of my description of the importance of metro to the capital area, and frankly as the metro system of the nation . Now. I would simply say as someone whos been in this for 40 years, has been on the operating side as well. We have a marvelous system in the lamotta system and beyond. It underscores the importance of keeping up with the investment means that had. Otherwise we suffer as we have over the last several years with delays and breakdowns. With really unreliable service. I think lamotta as turn the corner on that in good measure. A large part because of the investment that is coming. There is no shortcuts getting where we need to go. Really lamotta, in washington d. C. , we are not the only example. We go to new york, chicago, san francisco. Not on my five minutes. We have a great need. We will be the first one acknowledge that is when the newest systems in our country, for a long time, we coasted without putting appropriate maintenance in. As weve seen in the last decade, literally, we have seen the failure to continue to reinvest in that maintenance. This is a mystery in the corner. But that continued federal commitment must be maintained. The local jurisdictions have stepped up in a level that frankly i wasnt sure they were going to step up. They have. We do need that tenyear reauthorization. Theyve been working with the chairman for sometime on this issue. I dont agree with this administration on a number of things, i was happy to see the president for that good faith, hundred and 50 Million Dollars down. We have had that predictability. The local jurisdictions have stepped up. As i mentioned, the federal government did not work without the metro. It has to do is share. My hope is that we can see that past this year. Ive got only one, and ill allow the other members to raise the other great metro systems around the country. One issue i want to briefly touch on with mr. Edward mortimer. One of the other areas in virginia, where we have challenges, is the i81 corridor. It is not necessarily Public Transit issue. With the amount of traffic, and particularly commerce that flows from the whole east coast on the i81. The bottlenecks, the safety concerns. I know what the chambers interest, in the bill grant programs. Youve been supported of these efforts. Ive legislation i would put additional financing tools in place. If you could speak to that, in the remaining seconds, i would appreciate it. Im aware that effort. I know a lot of our chambers in the region have tried to work with other leaders to figure that out. It is a chair responsibility. Federal, stay, and local. Visavis solution, we were talking about it for two long. We are certainly convincing our chambers. We recognize is not just a virginian issue, it is broader than that. That is where the federal in investment comes into play. We have chambers support, labor support, and others on the i81 corridor. We hope that we can get to a solution. Thank you senator more. Senator brown has another question. We may actually finish for time and votes on the floor. Thank you for the good answers from all five of you. A question to answer briefly. Going from right to left. There appears to be consensus within transit, to expand the bus and bus facilities program. And a lower Emission Vehicle programs. It counts as lesson one fifth the size of the larger competitive bus program. I support doubling the fast act. It supported fuel so program in places like ohio, electric buses and columbus. Its the largest county, our lake county, urbans the Bourbon County cleveland. As the a job progressive goals, should the share low no funding increase in the next reauthorization . Either a yes or no. If you can . Yes. But the caviar, we need real trading needs. What we manufacture the vehicles, lets make sure that we are doing procurement policies. Not only vying them here in america. Making sure that those are good jobs on the manufacturing side. Thank you. Yes but first mueller operators, there are not a lot of electric buses available yet. We are only buying 30 and 40 foot buses right now. I agree with that comment. Flexibility. Flexibility in procurement is important in particularly smaller operators. Yes we have proposed, we are proposing a tripling of the reinvestment level. Thank you. Thank you. The each of you, we appreciate testimony, and taking your time to be here. The work that you are putting in to help us get to the right place. It is, as you can see, a very important in critical issue. We do intend to move forward and get a result. Four senators who wishes amid questions for the record. Those questions are due on tuesday march 3rd. I encourage you if you have extra questions, this one is properly as you can. Thank you all again. The hearing is adjourned. noise

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