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Lyndon johnsonigned the highway beautification act, which called for removing some Outdoor Advertising signs and encouraged scenic enhancement along the interstate highway system. The beautification effort was championed by Lady Bird Johnson, who also worked with private organizations and Government Office to clean up the Nations Capital. Next on reel America Showcase for the nation, the story of mrs. Lyndon b johnsons Beautification Program, the 23 minute film by the Naval Photographic Center details the first ladys efforts to plant trees and flowers and improve parks and playgrounds in the district of columbia, with the hope that other cities would follow. The example. Of. Beautification, to my mind, is far more than a matter of cosmetics. To me, it describes the whole effort to bring the Natural World and the manmade world into harmony, to bring order, youthfulness, delight to our whole environment. After the president ial elections in 1964, mrs. Lyndon johnson felt that to be most effective as the nations first lady, she would constantly rate her efforts in a few major areas of concern. During a meeting at the lbj ranch, mrs. Johnson was urged by secretary of the interior Stewart Udall to share her lifelong interest in one of these Areas Conservation and beautification. Putting this interest into practice would require organization and hard work. Mrs. Johnson wanted to make her adopted hometown an example for others to follow. Washington, d. C. , would be a showcase for the nation, and so the committee for a more beautiful capital was born. Mrs. Johnson assembled her committee for the first time on february 11, 1965, at the white house. Its members were public officials, businessmen, architects, philanthropists, a true crosssection of the Many Americans who wanted to improve the Nations Capital ideas and inspiration began flowing at once, an overwhelming number of which would be funded by the more than 2 million given by private donors. Among the first proposals was a plan to adopt the countless traffic circles and grassy triangles that dot washington on intersections. They were to be enlivened with a variety of bright and colorful plantings. On march 9th, 1965, mrs. Johnson set out the first azalea of the Beautification Program at the triangle between third street and maryland and independence avenue, southwest. In may of 1965, the committee met aboard the u. S. S. Sequoia for a cruise and tour of the potomac river. Tours and short trips would become a regular part of the committees activities. This particular trip spotlighted the history and geography of the potomac and its waterfront and analyzed some of the problems connected with the river. The first lady had challenged her committee to find ways of implementing those beautification projects already underway, boosting those that should be underway and being a catalyst for new undertakings and Action Program was devised for tackling washingtons beautification problems. From the very beginning, mrs. Johnson received mail and support from people all over the country and all eyes were on washington for the inspiration that would stimulate similar projects in cities and towns across the land. The many donations of money and plants were handled by a couple of medal committee. The society for a more Beautiful National capital. Some of the early gifts included a 100,000 grant from the rockefeller foundation, 10,000 azaleas from mrs. Albert lasker and 4000 cherry trees from the people of japan. Along with the magnificence, statues and monuments. The delicate japanese cherry trees have always been provocative attractions to washington visitors. On a drizzly april afternoon in 1966. Mrs. Johnson attended the commemorative planting of a cherry tree at heinz point on the tip of east potomac park. This was the first of 1800 such trees that will grace a scenic drive around the peninsula. Haines point was the location of further activity when mrs. Johnson accepted a gift to the children of washington from the first lady of mexico, mrs. Gustavo diaz ordaz. Play is one of the universal languages that brings a smile to the face of mankind. Everywhere. In its largest sense, it underlies the imaginative questing spirit that leads man on the new invention. Another project to enliven hains point was a towering jet of water donated in honor of president and mrs. Johnson. On a crisp fall day, mrs. Johnson and the committee boarded busses for the trip to a bulb planting festival on Columbia Island, located in the potomac between washington and virginia. This uninspiring patch of earth is crossed by more than 150,000 commuters and visitors every day to brighten the way of these travelers. The committee decided to transform this approach to the Nations Capital. The National Park service was assisted by members of area garden clubs in planting the first of 800,000 daffodil bulbs provided by an anonymous donor. The improvement of School Grounds was also high on the committees list of priorities. This especially when it would involve the children themselves. In a ceremony at terrell junior high school, mrs. Johnson dedicated the landscaping of the northwest Washington School complex in the center of an urban renewal district to the principals and petas of these schools were eager to landscape their grounds and establish a program of nature education in the classroom. This two pronged effort would assure student involvement and active participation, a major endeavor of the committee. The project aimed at providing a stimulus for the entire neighborhood. A different plan involving recreational facilities was devised for buchanans school before the committee concentrated its efforts here. This school had been a depressing window broken eyesore, a sad place to send youngsters for an education. But thanks to a generous donation from the vincent astrovan foundation, all that has been changed. Buchanan plaza has now become the most exciting playground in all of washington. Here, mrs. Johnson, mrs. Astor and the rest of the committee gathered for the dedication ceremony for buchanan plaza. Malones first and foremost used to their school. It also belongs to everyone in the neighborhood. It is a place where all ages can come together and find when they get there that theres lots to do. Who can put a price tag on boredom . Who can add up the cost of unchallenged energies . This kind of round the clock Community Playground is a new and constructive answer to the urban problem. In 1967, the committee unveiled project trailblazers, a work study, Enrichment Program for ghetto teenagers. Mrs. Johnson paid a visit to one of the trailblazer activa shows a vest pocket park and outdoor exhibit area in anacostia. It is located next to the smithsonian neighborhood museum, where trailblazers had also worked. During the summer, these teenagers laid out nature trails, cleared picnic areas and built camping shelters. Each trailblazer was provided with a camera and film to record the groups accomplishments. In. Further to the north lies watts branch park, a good example of how even the most blighted area can be reclaimed from disaster. This had once been a junk strewn ravine, neglected and abused. However, with the aid of a donation, it has been made into an attractive and inviting park. Residents in this borderline neighborhood are proud of their park and pitch in to keep it lovely. Another problem of concern to the committee involved the Downtown Business district. As in many metropolitan communities, washington central city was becoming choked and unsightly. Inspired by the committees activities to improve washington, local officials and businessmen decided to counteract this deteriorating one with two beautifully planned and landscaped malls. First, the median strip of f street. The main shopping district was transformed into a gay pedestrian walkway with kiosks. Maple and pine oak trees and a Bright Post Office pagoda. On new york avenue, a busy traffic artery flanked by bus terminals and tawdry shops. The change was made with median plantings of grape myrtle, holly and piper camper. These combined with the stately old elms still remaining, have freshened and enlivened the whole area. Partially as a result of the prospect of winning white house recognition and partially as a result of the gentle and effective persuasiveness of the first lady business and commercial establishments throughout washington were becoming conscious of their appearance. They were learning that appealing surroundings bring an appealing return on the dollar. We live in a time when 75 of the population dwells and just 1 of our land. Obviously, the great need for our but attractive environment exists in our urban centers, where most americans spend most of their lives and we are doing something about it. In june of each year, mrs. Johnson, welcome to the white house. People who were doing something about their environment. The winners of the committees annual beautification awards. Public buildings. Civic organizations. Playground funds and Business Establishments from all over the district had representatives at these ceremonies. You are the doers. You do not dream idly. I give up in despair. You are showing all of us how each person can contribute something of positive value. Your accomplishments are important to your families and neighbors who are real proud of you and very important to me. This is a time when we recognize the power for good that each citizen has. In addition to awards ceremonies at the white house, there were many conferences like the First National Youth Conference on Natural Beauty with more than 500 young people from around the country. And the white house conference on Natural Beauty, in which more than 1000 experts in all phases of the Environmental Planning met for two days of intensive discussions. There were special ceremonies such as the arbor day planting on the white house lawn with district schoolchildren and of course, the monthly meetings of the Beautification Committee itself. At this meeting, after welcoming committee members, the first lady reported on the signing that very day of an act establishing a redwood National Park in california. And at last, its achieved. So thank you. Do get done. And we all have the feeling that making another check on the list. Mayor Walter Washington then presented a report on the Summer Employment Program in the district. But undergirding our whole effort was when we had this summer. Something that was beyond our expectation about. 18,500 children working, youth working in this city and a variety of projects this as a government and as well as private. As a matter of fact, we were the only city in the nation to make the president s goal for the national alliance. And i might say, as johnson gave benefit, that you would be most happy to know and certainly lawrence would be most happy to know that watts brands was kept clean, the streams were kept clean by by 100 kids who cleaned the streams so that you could enjoy even the water as well as the banks on the side. And also have had gainful employment. It was this kind of stuff that we kind of call hard stuff, you know, that keeps you a Little Something in your pocket. But the first ladys attention was not limited to washington alone. To salute the accomplishments of citizen in their own communities, mrs. Johnson personally crisscrossed the nation, giving speeches. Dedicating parks and fountains. Opening recreational use, inspiring further progress. Seeing and hearing firsthand the contagious effect. Her endeavors were having across the length and breadth of the land. After the many dedication ceremony she attended for others, mrs. Johnson returned to washington to dedicate one of her own favorite projects dredged out of the historic potomac. Some 50 years ago. Columbia to island is a gift of nature and man. Im so pleased that this piece of land challenged this committee. And we have concentrated much of our efforts and gifts in preparing it as a magnificent gateway to the capital. Having been there when the daffodils were planted, having seen them, and that drips of yellow along the slopes of the river. Having watched almost every one of those trees go into the ground and envision how that expanse of white and pink dogwoods is going to look next spring, you can be sure that i shall return. As a surprise to mrs. Johnson. Secretary udall announced that Columbia Island would have a new name. We have given it the name Lady Bird Johnson park. The washington mrs. Johnson shall be returning to in the coming years. Has been improved from one end of the city to the other. The evidence of this change is abundant at sherman square. In pershing square. Farragut square. Along rock creek parkway. At the triangle of third street and independence avenue, where it all began. And Neighborhood Parks like these on hobart place. At twining square. By the washington monument. Along the mall. At hains point. Much has been done, but this has really been only a beginning. The activities of mrs. Johnson and her committee were a jumping off point for washington and for the rest of the nation. They showed that in a time of complex urban crisis, functional, attractive surroundings can exist. Bringing joy and new opportunities to city dwellers. For in the words of her husband, maintain a livable environment has now become one of americas greatest challenge. When mrs. Johnson and mrs. Lasker, there are many other hardworking colleagues put some playground equipment in the schoolyard when they improve some Neighborhood Parks, when they plant an avenue of flowering trees, then i think theyre shovel out their shovels, dig deep into the future of this land, because those shovels, while digging deep, are really changing the lives of our children. These efforts are what history going to remember if by

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