= $1.474B… or rounded to $1.47B as disclosed in their 10-Q pic.twitter.com/PXJ3wZusrr
to which Tesla’s chief engineer replied,
“We don’t have that many Bitcoin, but it’s close”
The earning transcript
The piece of data Lee shared in an image form said, “During the six months ended June 30, 2021, we purchased and received $1.50 billion of bitcoin. During the three and six month ended June 30, 2021, we recorded $23 million and $50 million, respectively, of impairment losses on such digital assets. We also realized gains of $128 million in March 2021. Such gains are presented net of impairment losses in Restructuring and others in the consolidated statement of operations. As of June 30, 2021, the carrying value of our digital assets held was $1.31 billion, which reflects cumulative impairments of $50 million. The fair market value of such digital assets held as of June 30, 2021, was $1.47 billion.”