understandably a focus on the media story, the important story is about the relationship between the trump administration and russia. >> i agree with you. so let's talk about what you think happened here. >> our reporting was central to that and -- >> forget the cameras are on. >> it's hard. >> it is hard. what really happened, is it that trump said to cohen, take care of me, don't screw me? is it mob talk? it wasn't directing him to lie. it was, don't skroou screw this up, michael. >> do you have -- >> that's what i'm wondering. >> but you guys tell me, is that what happened? >> we don't know. we're trying to get the exact language that was used. we'll get there one day. we continue to report like mad, as we always do, but what we reported, the president of the united states directed michael cohen to lie to congress is accurate. that fundamentally accurate. we're going to get inside the room where it happened and bare it out. we've taken this to ground. here we'll go further to get