>> tucker: this is deflategate deflategate. i am not going to be the nfl commissioner here so i'm going to go right to the judges and saying we're going to have a re-click, okay? >> of the same question? >> tucker: of the same question. here we go, we haven't finished it. are you ready? >> yes. >> tucker: she's waiting for a certain someone to give her the go-ahead. who was she waiting to hear from? ed henry. >> come on! >> the almighty god. >> tucker: the almighty god says ed henry. to the tape. >> billionaires calling me uphe saying, i can get you a billion dollars, i can run your campaign and i actually went into prayer about it. god, if you think i'm supposed to run, you've got to tell me. and it has to be so clear that not even i could miss it. >> tucker: don't tell joy behar. when you're oprah, only god can be your campaign manager. there's nobody adequate for