so the claim that i later, that the tweet caused controversy brought heat on me was not true because until six weeks later, when assange did publish podesta e-mails there was no social media commentary, no media commentary. there was no congressional investigation. there was no mueller investigation. >> sean: let me ask this. >> there was no subpoenas. i had no need for a cover story. >> sean: with i construct and this is from jerry corsi. i will ask him in a minute. what i testified to the grand jury i believe i was creating a cover story for roger because roger wanted to explain the tweet. the special counsel knew this. they can tell my key strokes on that computer. what is that about? >> my point is i had no reason for a cover story. jerry said i was getting heat but there was no heat. for six weeks nobody noticed the tweet. it wasn't until the podesta papers were filed by wikileaks