around the world would be free. if security were easy, everybody around the world would be secure. they are not. >> governor pawlenty's presidential campaign despite those awesome ads did not go that well. it never really went anywhere in the polls and he quit after the ames, iowa, straw poll in august. even now that he's just a surrogate for mitt romney, a man he spent years running against, governor pawlenty is sticking with heman persona as best he can. >> tell her to come out and let's get it on. >> that was ono'donnell" november 10th. thinking there was a mistake, i had our booking producer call him the next day, said, we saw you on lawrence, we'd love tow have you on the show. the spokesperson said the governor is traveling but the governor will look the a his calendar and see when he's available. week and a half goes by, nothing. november 21st we called back and asked if governor pawlenty could