Posted: May 22, 2021 6:00 AM MT | Last Updated: May 22
Sheila Johnstone with the City of Calgary displays one of the mobile privacy folders Calgarians used to vote in the 2017 municipal election. Strathcona County plans to use a similar system for its drive-thru voting station in the 2021 municipal election.(Monty Kruger/CBC)
Voting from a vehicle will be possible for the first time in Strathcona County this fall.
The county plans to offer drive-thru voting at the Broadview Enviroservice Station in Sherwood Park in advance of the October 18 municipal election.
Jacqueline Roblin, Strathcona County's manager of legislative services and contract management, said plans for the drive-thru voting station predated the pandemic but the health crisis has heightened the need for spreading out voters.