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Channel t. V. My name is sharon my money from nairobi in kenya hello everyone. And im here in a big state Nigeria Today weve got some exciting environmental stories to tell you. Who will be visiting a German Company that found a way to produce paper out of. We go to on to a long long malawi where a committee of the vision is to make malawi set up to protect their only source of income. And well learn how farmers in zanzibar making a living from growing. But lets start in ethiopia the country has some of africas most Important National parks to help preserve these natural treasures for future generations the African Wildlife foundation has launched a special program classroom africa aims to teach schoolchildren about the importance of Wildlife Conservation so lets head over to northen if you apia and take a look. Simian Mountains National park boasts over a dozen peaks. Its one of the most spectacular reserves in africa and one of the continents oldest. The park is home to a range of rare species among them the gun lot of baboons those simian fox and a wild goat called the wailea ibex its natural attractions draw tourists from all over the world so you know shock is if you get called you call a phenomenal for a country its a World Heritage site as well source importantly for p. R. Its important for your peers it part of it is important to the global community. The African Wildlife foundation brun several projects in the region the park is listed as a unesco World Heritage site but nature is still under threat here thats because the human population in the park is growing and the push for more farm land is leading to overgrazing and deforestation and attend to avert the more dire effects of human activities the African Wildlife foundation is creating alternative sources of income for locals the foundation and its partners have built businesses around the park like this large we have just explained course our vision in terms of peoples livelihoods in terms of our way of life in terms of how contributes to the economy could evolve from a top court to that and the reality is true that cost of vision is a business. Is an ecology calling for a structure which is absolutely necessary for the court in its development. And the businesses dont just provide jobs profits from them are also used to fund local projects like this Primary School at the edge of the park here specially trained teachers educate students on Wildlife Conservation and how it benefits the local community who know seem to be heres how to get in that doesnt and ive been teaching students about the benefits and how to protect the wildlife in our park. The wildlife here is beneficial to the country but this it has come here to see the animals that are native to the region the visitors bring money to our community. And this money helps us build schools and health facilities. The schools will help raise literacy levels within a generation by the net and i came they said i bet that the hope is that investing in education will help preserve the park for generations to come if the concept fulfills its promise the benefits would be major vote for the local economy and people and for the environment and unique wildlife in simian Mountains National park. Today more and more communication is digital we send emails or Text Messages rather than letters o. Postcards but were still far off from being a Paperless Society and that finding grima ways off reducing people is vital one company in germany has taken out of a little approach to the problem its using. This farm in im going to make several times a year its used as animal fodder. But sometimes the meadows produce more than the livestock can eat. In a normal year well have something left over that was the case in the last few years and what do you use it for good on course and it goes to wholesalers in switzerland or austria sometimes here and ill go and. Get some of it is bought by done ya know. Because he has a company that markets paper based products from wedding invitations to calendars. If only in recent years that hes been making his company more environmentally friendly and is replacing paper made from wood pulp with paper made from grass. Puts you can for the manufacturer locally must be our Raw Materials grasses locally sourced we aim to source all the raw material we need within fifty kilometers process and on site and supply the paper factory so if you want to ship. Theres more moisture in grass than in wood but that has many advantages that its your cost for the username is a meadow grasses fibrous its much softer than wood and grows quickly and you dont have to keep replanting after youve mowed its. The First Factory manufacturing paper from grass on an industrial scale is nearby. Half the pulp used comes from dried grass its a decisive step toward regional environmentally friendly production. The grass paper first has to be tested for quality and tear resistant. The company says that making paper from grass makes a very efficient use of resources. Even if this is a product that has the potential to cut water usage by fifty percent per tonne of end product. Some of the production methods involving standard would pull up require thousands of liters of water when you use grass pulp those same methods require a maximum of just a couple of liters of that even though this is slightly. Reducing the ecological footprint of paper is a Research Focus of the Technical University in darmstadt. Recycled paper is even more environmentally friendly than paper from grass. But printer ink can leave residues on recycled paper. According to a new e. U. Guideline foodstuffs like fruit and pasta may not be packaged in direct contact with cardboard boxes found to be carrying mineral residues. The rule is posing a challenge to manufacturers of products made with recycled paper. I didnt. Think wasnt removed from a paper used for packaging because no one had to for it would have been a major cost factor it would make the paper much more expensive. Its moreover the process weve been examining in the lab doesnt get rid of all the ink it gets rid of a lot but not all of it unfortunately a lot of residue remains on the cardboard you know for a little field on indian cotton and plating. If recycled paper is no longer an option the grass paper manufacturers from the oil will seize their opportunity theyre considering packaging trays for fruits and vegetables ideally these would be made in the same place where the produce is grown and harvested for example south america or africa. Africa south africa is a leading paper manufacturer thats also where the patent for this design has been approved. And grass grows they are in plentiful supply. Fix that because theres enough raw material so we dont need to be shipping it over from brazil or europe why we can manufacture enough paper in south africa. For the time being paper made from grass is a lot more expensive than recycled paper but if overdone ya know manages to find enough suppliers it will eventually become more affordable. Although canada has risen to the bond plastic bags it will take time before they disappear from the roadside im sure this is also a problem in the idea too definitely sharon but do you know that you can make something useful out of them i mean sure to have here in the northwestern part of nigeria collects the bags recycles them and turns it into great handbags now see how these women are doing their bit for the environment. I know how to turn. In nigeria Waste Management is poor so littering is a major problem but when Plastic Waste doesnt break down it creates serious threats to both health and the environment. An initiative from waste to wealth decided to do something about the problem. The women involved collect discarded plastic bags then clean and. After that the bags are cut into strips and into accessories such as handbags. And even laptop bags. The Initiative Helps women learn a new skill provides them with an additional source of income and makes the environment just a little bit cleaner. Do you like them. If you are also doing tell us about. Visit our website or send us a tweet from. Doing your bit we share your story. For the next story i wish i was actually standing beside or on top of the lake but hey i am not standing out near any water body to tell me about lake malawi which is one of the largest leagues in africa it is also one of the most biodiverse on the continent several hundred species of fish live in the lake which only exists there but the population the around the lake has steadily grown and these residents live off its fish now there is too much of fishing and often the wrong kind of nets are used even near the National Park on the southern edge of the lake the park east also or unesco world Natural Heritage site but may music status because of its Illegal Fishing and pollution fortunately the people around the park have woken up they have now set up a protected area for face. Trips like these are rare because fuel is expensive this Fishing Committee is from the small village of chimpanzees in the south of lake malawi they control a protected area where fishing is prohibited the committee set up the zone themselves to protect their only source of income the fish. Fish numbers are declining and people are seeing their livelihoods slip away because wherever they are allowed to fish people are going to extreme lengths to get anything they can. Theyre not cool oh is a chairman on the committee. This is a very good because example this is a mosquito net if we are not allowing the inefficient money to use this table when it because as you can see the size of a mish even. The fish cannot pass through so sweet allow them to use this step over let alone to show they can school board that will be so will not have been a fish for years in the future. And now protecting the zone is no easy feat it lies between two villages that are expand. So food demand is also growing even children have to go out and provide for the family. Not among. Them you know this is a child with the chum bo a type of perch is the most important species to these fisherman. The chunk of wood that the children caught are very small they didnt use for big methods but theyre harming the lake all the same because these fish could have spawned if they growed up and went away and then there would have been more. You know. Like malawi has a rich biodiversity around seven hundred species of fish are found only here one and just around half of them have ever been scientifically recorded. Around the shore you mostly find. A native species of secluded that are sold around the world for aquariums were. The village of chimp pumbaa is in the middle of lake malawi National Park it shouldnt look like this but where can they go when there are so few fish left elsewhere there are around eighteen thousand People Living in the National Park almost ten times the number twenty five years ago. Fish is a staple here and many people can barely afford it anymore. The price is that what im. Going to say we walk around to find the place where theyre sitting some fish about because its one of this home because theyre cut from it now with very little. Garbage is also a big problem here there isnt a functional disposal system almost everything ends up in the water. But things are changing local communities have joined forces with the managers of a guest launch in the nearby town of cape may clear to clean the place up. The malawi military even sent a diving unit to help. Were the soldiers mainly. Collect plastic trash its everywhere water and land so its dangerous for humans as well as fish. What cans ripped up nets old pipes woken dishes theres all manner of garbage at the bottom of the one. Kenneth mckay is the founder of malawi an Environment Organization hed. Like malawi National Park is here in escrow World Heritage site and it is been threatened with being the listed because the feeling was that perhaps it wasnt being cared for as it should the people are out today National Parks is here department of culture and all the allowance for showing how important this is to them to keep it clean to keep it managed to stop any overfishing. After just a few hours a pile of garbage is collected from the beach and the water it will now be disposed of responsibly. In the evening the fishing fleet of jim pumbaa heads back out on to the lake theyll be out there all night hoping for a good home. But there are just too many fisherman and not enough fish. Their hope continues to dwindle along with the unique diversity of lake malawi. Africa enjoys plenty of some light and many people do not know exactly what to do with the amount of sunlight they get a young one in new south is nigeria is thinking of what to do with the sunlight he gets i thought why dont i build a solar. Clock that works others saw a light in the evening and also a charging point for forms and other devices in our home so he decided to go ahead and build wall clocks that actually run as solar panels and solar light in the evenings lets go see how hes doing his part for the environment where night falls in southeast nigeria light is a scarce resource many homes here are connected to the public grid but electricity is expensive and Power Outages are common. That often meant turning to diesel generators as a backup solution. Electrical engineer emmanuel bonner came up with another idea he built a multifunctional device charged by solar panels. Its a clock alarm and a mobile phone charger all in one when theres a power outage it uses solar energy stored in a battery. We do so far. As a result of that most people find it difficult. You know use lights up nights so the essence of this child would want us to walk a lot like this is there is to provide lights in the house when theres probably by outage. It takes a manual about three hours to make a single clock. The plop then costs the equivalent of about eighty euros so its not cheap but emanuel has still been able to sell sixteen of them. Taylor model church of cool was one of his first customers. C s i brought it out to help him. Especially the gym boaster. Twenty four hour swim i guess in light. Controls all of them even the. I. Am posting on but flight passes daily has been walking. Emanuel hopes his invention will soon be mass produced. That the clock will be much more affordable. What it is must produce the present for dubbed to. Get us out because here the clock will be about for jews to be about steroid use there will couple we have a huge dog we all give the job. Emanuel has big plans for the future he dreams of expanding his business and exporting his environmentally friendly invention to other african countries. When you hear them say but you probably think of spices rubberband seaweed but in fact this marine crop provides a livelihood for thousands of the farmers there most of them women so it is also a key export of this which is part of tanzania but Climate Change is twelve inning of this industry some of the most profitable seaward species are dying now the institute of Marine Sciences of the university of in tanzania is trying to set up Training Programs to help farmers to increase their yields on the island of zanzibar. When the sun rises the women of zanzibar head to their seaweed farms. All they need to help a sea weed grow are strings and sticks. On the archipelago thousands of people farm seaweed the majority of them are women. Forty five year old fatuma stuff is one of them for the last twenty years shes been wading into the knee high blue waters to tend her farm the crop has liberated her from being solely dependent on her husband. When i see weed has many uses first its used as food but we also make soap out of it and we make Beauty Products from it. My earnings have helped me educate my children and bring them to the hospital when theyre ill for the last few decades zanzibar has been one of the Worlds Largest export years of seaweed the island produces ten thousand tons annually supplying china korea vietnam the us and European Countries after tourism and cloves seaweed is zanzibar stirred Largest Foreign Exchange earner seaweed is used in toothpaste shampoos and medical products but theres a problem in recent years fatuma stop the and other farmers have less and less to harvest. We just pray for better yields farming thi weight is a struggle we harvest whatever we can find you can plant seaweed and still get a poor yield thats why its so hard. Many women have already quit the trade but finding other ways of making money is difficult Climate Change is causing the seaweed harvest to decline. Flower in syria is a marine scientist in zanzibar. In the last decade she says water temperatures have risen several degrees making the seaweed vulnerable. Because of that then the thing would get full of problems what will it be. Like you think this one here that he had anything he had a thing of the within that on this. And you think this one is going to full of gold and the head and i feel this is. When theyre going to get. It could be too much. And if. The call from the government of zanzibar is worried that Climate Change will kill the industry some scientists have suggested they move the farms farther off shore where the water is cooler. But the problem is most women in zanzibar cant swim. Thats why the government encourages seaweed farmers to not only sell the cash crop but also process the crop themselves that way they can earn more money. Safiya used to be a seaweed farmer today shes an entrepreneur running a womens group that makes a variety of products from seaweed where you may require any where lulu seaweed farming was good but i couldnt earn enough money when i came back home after studying i began making soaps. I took them to be inspected and they were approved they said i could make them so i did and started selling them at you know in daily. Safiya and her group have gone from making soap to making body lotions shampoo juice and even seaweed cakes for now theyre coping with Climate Change by adopting a new Business Model but still theyre worried about the impact of Climate Change and hope that seaweed in zanzibar will recover soon. Right and thats it for echo africa today we hope youve enjoyed the latest a decision about. The environment by men with sound money from Nairobi Kenya by foot today you can find out more about stories on our website all this does and also some media platforms and have your say thats free to facebook and all the others thanks for watching but well be back with you next week for another edition of our panel if we can in european embalming magazine by by phone. You know one state nigeria. Glibc. The be. Six. Sometimes you just have to pump up the. Music magazine the big smoke the. Glass. Tells us. The story. Makes a slow slow crawl a glib smile any. Celeb emotion the monks the busy. Its all about the moments that lie before. Its all about the stories inside. Its all about George Chance to discover the world from different perspectives. Join us and inspired by distinctive instagram or others at g. W. 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