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Germans are biggest and almost film company. A cinematic history from the german empire to the present one hundred years of. Starting february eighteenth. You. See them to save him dandelion is the deputy leader of the left party in the German Parliament i will talk to her about german arms exports turkey under president obama and courage welcome to the show. Thank you what other than you one stopped german chancellor Angela Merkel from leaving parliament during one of your speeches. Did you manage that you have the think a chef. Well we were the leading Opposition Party in parliament during the last election period i thought it was disrespectful for the chancellor to make a government declaration open the debate and then not wait to listen to the opposition it was. The parties of the grand Coalition Government are a lot of my lots of time to speak with but the opposition doesnt get much time. And i think that in a parliamentary democracy government should also listen to what the opposition has to say thats why i directly addressed the chancellor because i thought it was rude for her to try to leave carla meant when it was the oppositions time to speak so. Thats provided you have that proves youre not intimidated by the political heavyweights youve publicly argued with foreign minister in the leader of the greens in the bundestag getting a cart and even with the left party idle grey dog easier what gives you that courage. That when if well im from a working class background where i was born and grew up in a socially deprived neighborhood the book lowest of the low by investigative journalist going to evolve off people might remember it basically tells the story of my life because i grew up on that exact diesel in despair book house and it features prominently in the book and it was a pretty rough neighborhood i guess youd call it today. You have to assert yourself and growing up with five siblings i also had to learn to assert myself in school and in the neighborhood so i dont mince words and i fear nothing and i think its part and parcel of politics to be fearless and brave. Last month. Want to live your parents immigrated to germany from turkey your mother is kurdish does that mean you have three different identities. What well im often called a turk mostly by neo nazis telling me to go home by which they mean turkey will some call me a kurd because my mothers native language is the kurdish dialect. And my fathers native language is turkish but i think all these descriptions are just more projections than anything i was born here and grew up here i only have german citizenship and im very happy with that it puts you in relations between turkey germany and the kurds are a Major Political topic for you because turkey is using german built tanks to attack the kurds in Northern Syria because its a germanys ally in the fight against the Islamic State youve called the German Government cowardly like why. Because the German Government is turning a blind eye to a nato member violating International Law that. This clearly started as a war of aggression in violation of International Law because the Syrian Government in damascus did not request this intervention and there exists no Un Security Council mandate for it either and turkey was not attacked so this is a breach of International Law and i expect a democratically elected government to take a clear stand on this matter and declare this a violation of International Law. The government hasnt done that and turned a blind eye it turned a blind eye when images and footage surfaced showing turkey engaged in a war of aggression using german built lay upon tanks alongside bands of islamist murderers that turkey has been arming and training for years germanys government is cowardly refusing to admit it helped arm these aggressors with weapons exports and that these weapons are now being used in this war on what. You say that weapons x. Box are a political mistake was made but it doesnt not have to be stated that the delivery of german milan antitank missiles helps the cuts save many lives in their fight against the barbaric i ask you this as a god this example shows what madness german arms exports are germany is exporting weapons irrespective of all law and order into crisis stricken regionals in regions marked by tensions and even into war zones violation of our existing laws and without anyone controlling where these weapons might end up with it and it will include them and so is the fight against bias not justified. Of course the fight against the barbaric ah yes is justified. The kurds did join the coalition of the willing under leadership of the. United states to valiantly fight and defend themselves. But that makes it even more macabre that the German Government and its ally heir to one in turkey are fighting the kurds who stood up to the barbaric i ass and helped protect us theyre being fought with german made tanks. And it just goes to show what a failure german arms exports actually are in terms of German Defense and Foreign Policy. Also what if. You took i hope turkey wants the german made tanks it already owns to be upgraded the German Government has refused this by you at least pleased about that. Well id be happy if the government would actually reject this request but the government is being deceptive theyre reacting to the growing criticism and want to play for time by saying we have postponed the deal. But the turkish side says the meeting has been postponed and that nothing has been cancelled on the old or suspended. And that the provisional decision made on october sixteenth twenty seventeen concerning the modernization of layer part two tanks remains valid. I fear that the government will just want to continue its arms exports like before that. Turkey is on a path towards becoming an autocracy or maybe even a dictatorship how is germany supposed to deal with. Well theres been a lot of talk of between both sides since German Foreign minister gabriele poured tea for turkeys foreign minister at his private home is it on sensible to use Communication Channels during times of crisis certainly the left party absolutely favors engaging in dialogue and i personally support it. Without that Foreign Affairs will get nowhere but thats different to entertaining someone at home in some form of chummy living room diplomacy thats not engaging in dialogue i think arms exports dont contribute to Mutual Understanding but only add to conflict against the backdrop of turkeys domestic political crisis and its Foreign Policy role in the i was severely criticizing turkish president had a one two thirds of tax living in germany supported in the constitutional referendum do you have an explanation for why so many turks voted for someone who wants to abolish civil rights. If the up. Well several factors explain this one is that turkish president heir to one did push forward many reforms that produced a certain degree of wealth and that has earned him the support of many citizens including many living in germany. It has also earned him some international esteem but the president and his ruling party also control a dubious network that is also active in germany it connects lobby groups like the Turkish Islamic union for religious affairs. And thugs like the osman khan money a boxing gang who are armed and intimidate and threaten those with dissenting opinions in germany. This network aims to drum up support for the turkish ruling partys agenda mills. Took a slow build up call to live in and i have you personally experienced intimidation or being threatened. Sadly yes and i think its scandalous that elected delegates are threatened here in germany just for holding a mandate acting on this political mandate and acting on their conscience with the. War but what the turkish government and the president himself has repeated lee and to take did it against german lawmakers just for doing their jobs. With just for expressing our opinion and trying to reorient germanys Foreign Policy regarding turkey. Into a couple to. When they receive hateful messages on your social media profiles how do you deal with that. I take action if there are Death Threats then i report everything i will not accept this i dont accept that the internet is somehow a place where the law doesnt apply where you can just insult people. I think its ok to have tough fact based arguments and i encourage it. But there can be no insults hatred or hate speech thats what theyve been under Police Protection since twenty sixteen is that a high price to pay for being brave. The money if thats what it costs then im willing to pay the price. But its not nice of course because its no longer possible to just do ordinary things that normally id never think twice about. And never ask myself if i could put myself or family members at risk. By its very sad that my own personal freedom of movement has become restricted. But apparently that is the price i need to pay for freely exercising my political mandate. I think the German Government has partially allowed turkish president to ones network to intimidate critics in germany making protection like this necessary. That must be countered the most money. Unfortunately our time is almost done on the d w interview we like to end by giving you three sentences wed like you to complete i wish for germans and tux. Thats to have good relations. Especially on the sub government level sort of speak and that german turkish relations focus on peace and of course on the rule of law democracy and Civil Liberties including in turkey. For the future of my family i wish. That they remain healthy and stand strong by my side despite the present threat situation my life motto. Well that is to be fearless courageous and willing to fight we hope thats what youll continue to do. Think you so much thank you very much. This weeks highlights. Journeying through face finish photographer explore sacred places. Strolling through the bell a park a swiss relig turns the clock back a century. Soaring over an island adventure in the off season. Romance. For sarah willis. Is a passion. For fish join her on a journey of discovery. This time shes meeting japanese star chris dish and yes we search oil to hes responsible for acoustics and homburg for money and also for berlins new less concert hall. That doubles. The scars of. The pain still tangible. For good. For city. They have survived do they also have a future. I really understand people who say they dont want to stay here. But i also admire people who want to stay here and who decided to create something. In peace time what needs to happen if tolerance and reconciliation are to stand a chance. Darkness citys after war starting march tenth on t w. Everyone welcome to our highlights edition with the best of pics of the weekend heres a look at whats coming up. Like a motif luzzi called obama and her award to winning the creation. Of the abstract how to risk the delivery of lives a bygone era every winter

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