Take a deep breath yes thats male the fuse and sort stink of a dying industry the internal Combustion Engine faces a shaky future technology is overtaking the inventions of the past. So what is the future of driving well you emissions free systems using a range of technologies that are Climate Friendly and nonpolluting some models are already on the road Battery Powered like. Gulf a fully electric vehicle with a range of three hundred kilometers at the top speed of one hundred fifty kilometers an hour. Sun powers this prototype zeon made up or made by munich start up its called solar panels on the roof and even comes with moss as an air filter our green is that its two out next year and then there are Hydrogen Powered vehicles that use fuel cell technology. Reporter joachim ek is went to hamburg for a spin in a toyota mirai to see how the hydrogen car handles on the road lets take a right. Good may look a bit ungainly but this car isnt trying to win a beauty contest. Its powered by hydrogen gas pumped into the car right here. There are just three hundred cars like this in the whole of germany. Currently toyota and honda are the only money factories to offer them here according to the below. She works for a company that promotes Hydrogen Fuel infrastructure today shes taking us on test been through humbug. So whats it like. In your have to give it a try and get behind the wheel. I wouldnt say you know ive never thought i figured. That out because it belongs to the company i work for h two military but in fact i just ordered myself on. The force not exactly cheap no its not what does it cost. Them with the help of government incentives you can lease a car like this for about six hundred years a month. And it would cost about seventy five thousand euros to buy one. That said. Seventy five thousand euros would normally get you a luxury model so its no surprise that toyota leases most of its hundred fuel vehicles the car maker is hoping to win over germans to the idea of Hydrogen Powered emissions free vehicles. Ok but there. Are. Are about to go into a tunnel how long is it. No idea if youre a local the so very. Probably going north of south and south under the l. The river so not to adelaide. The way you could that would be no problem with Hydrogen Fuel on our app you can even see where you can get fuel. Be taking my own mare i on a ski holiday later this month will get fuel in this burg and we could also fill up in bulk sonam these Days International travel with a Hydrogen Powered car is no problem amazing isnt it. That. You believe us company h t m ability is working to expand the network of fueling stations for hundreds or because. The startup is based in berlin and receives funding from the German Government and industry partners. The fueling stations cost about one Million Euros each so does building them even make economic sense. Is or does markets always growing parallel in other words what infrastructure and consumer numbers are growing hand in hand in for us to make restructuring has to be a step ahead or take the first step we will have one hundred fueling stations rattled by a twenty nineteen when you know were seeing the number of cars and vehicle fleets girl cordingley. Currently germany has just forty one Hydrogen Fuel filling stations like this one in hamburg total and shell are two of the Companies Involved in h two mobility. Along with diesel and gasoline they also offer one hundred in fuel its sold by white not volume here it costs nine euros fifty per kilo. Ive a range to talk to a customer even on how much did he get heads to point to kilo of just under twenty one here and since i will found out how far can you drive on those two kilos like you know the go through it one time with i just made about. Two hundred kilometers give or tax i was going to make on the field i suppose not one hundred kilometers a kilo about but it can vary. But. Now its my turn. Now to thank you for this. War this will be interesting. Simple where in short order is the hunger that i guess you were kind enough to sign a Liability Agreement a cure greenman with. The taking of course you signed one stoat i cannot be here for i want to know when i can finally push the power mode but not for. My lets wait until we stop the light then youll really notice the exoneration. And when intends green well see. Burke here we go. Here we go. I can tell you about it for. No money running on. Us but if what happens if i now crash into a car. Will we blow up because of all the harvester on board. And is something people are worried about hydrogen is so light that immediately dissipates if you have a crash and if you have an accident with a gasoline powered vehicle that gasoline can leak onto the ground it remains flammable for some time afterwards just about hydrogen is lighter than air so it disperses in the end i like. To help. My manage to avoid crushing the car just as well given its price and rarity sibylla hopes well be seeing more hundreds of powered cars in the future. Mercedes use it to launch the worlds first plug in hard to be a good later this year. As you often found out Hydrogen Fuel cells are the admit water as a byproduct and dont need additional inputs so if a sustainable source generates the hydrogen the take is truly green even greener than the hydrogens biggest competition in replacing petrol and diesel lithium ion batteries expensive full of rare earths and Energy Intensive in production none the less theyre stealing the spotlight test of plans to triple battery production here in europe asian giants like samsung is setting up plants to tap into the growing market the battery cells german firms are finally realizing theyve got some catching up to do. Far too slow on the development. These are markets potentially worth billions of euros. What were lacking is experience and how to manufacture millions of these products. The product theyre all talking about batteries tiles they may not look that spectacular but theyre the beating heart of electric carts. It takes several hundred of them stuck together to provide the electricity that will power the motor. Electric and hybrid cars a growing in popularity due to their promising future german built models however have until now been polished by batteries made in asia not in germany itself and the countrys own comedy factories have shown little interest in getting to the production on the road. To leave theres any point making them in europe right now theres a global overcapacity in this market. Sees things differently hes found it a consortium bringing together companies and Research Institutions to establish production in germany was imus we have to remember one thing developing and implementing large Scale Production of battery cells cant be done in two years. We need to start today if we want to have a share in this market in ten years time. Span join the console on its inception last year his company and the various assembles eighty million bucks a year to various industries now he is among those investing in the production of electric cars a market worth billions of euros germany he says needs to get in on the action. A lot of the engineers employed by asian firms to make the battery cells come from germany and a lot of the chemistry used in them likewise. Comes from germany. So we have the Raw Materials and we have the engineering expertise to produce cells the problem is the size of the investment needed and the speed of development thats what deters many in germany. These on made by some still spend. Several hundred Million Euros to start up production of battery cells in germany but theyre now facing increased competition leading manufacturer such as some some. Monks in europe to supply cells to comment on the continent. While the germans did the koreans are already up and running. But the German Government is now set to charge up Domestic Production its committed around four hundred Million Euros to the development production. And this ministry availability will be a critical issue as demand grows from the one question is whether we will manage to acquire enough batteries from elsewhere. Carmakers in particular are starting to recognize that they need more control over how things develop in the future. So cars coming off the Assembly Line here at b. M. W. Could one day have. If they post superior quality but thats not the only factor involved. In companies that are innovative and quick to respond to start ups with the determination and ability to make a battery without much fuss. That is impossible when you need five signatures to get each step approved which is typical for germany. In korea things are different there you have one person taking all the decisions and the risks germans arent keen on risks. So. While the german comm make his take a back seat investment some risks a largely being borne by others. Not the worst of strategies just the germany risks being left behind with germanys labor market is booming bass numbers in a quarter century but so good theres a shortfall of skilled workers and professionals of over a million trades people are especially in demand the shortage forcing bosses to employ underqualified workers or pay a lot more for specialized stuff many positions are left unfilled as a result companies cant keep up with orders theyre paying penalties for the late deliveries forking out extra for overtime forty four percent of firms say that theyre stretched way past their limit just try ordering a plumber or competent here fat chance of finding one. Master roofer klaus is one of the most sought after men in westphalia. I dont take on major jobs from new clients he and his team work hard but theres only six of them. Mapped out as i did for the last year the market has been so busy that we really need three times as many people who we dont have them i cant get anybody that kind of nimble to come pull it off knife given to him. If you. Like his right hand man is his son lucas. Its great to leave work in the evening and see something youve made teachers for instance dont immediately see the results of what theyve been doing all day but i can leave a construction site and say i made that and then years later ill pass by and say look i did that roof. He wants to pass on his enthusiasm by giving High School Students a chance to see what he does hed like to take on some apprentices the businessman. Its a moment of my im still in training but this summer ill be working full time and ill be taking over the business. But theres a serious lack of young skilled craftsman in germany around fifteen thousand trainee positions arent filled in westphalia Business Owners have formed an association that gives young people and opportunity to try out various jobs were to. Go. Out its going to cost around and see whats out there maybe with a trial course or during School Breaks i think that gives you a handle on they sort of work you go away having formed an impression and can decide if you think it suits you. Its my mother in law time and again rupert lucas has to admit that young people just dont think his line of work is very cool what. If you study you can get a better job and then i guess you are more money you get. It go over thats a mistake to think that College Graduates earn a lot more than a skilled craftsman. The hourly rate is at least sixteen year olds twenty one for a foreman and thats not bad money and the left doesnt need to be. Next door these young people are retraining businesses are very keen to recruit them a lot of them come from office jobs or work that just didnt suit them. When theyre left with at school you think an office job will be pretty cushy but in fact its not as easy as you think and for the monday. Monday kids even the glans do have one young man training with them has one complained he doesnt like working outside in winter and freezing cold hands all day long here. So its hard work. Hes not planning on quitting his apprenticeship but his bosses know that theyll have to make him an offer he cant refuse if they want to keep him on. Hes an offer i would be able to turn down stay at home to look after the kids more most fathers a doing it but could it hurt your career we spoke to two dads who had very different experiences. I wanted to spend time with my children that was the starting point every day life not just showing up friday evening and leaving again with day sunday real life like taking them to kindergarten or school just everyday activities that script i wish id had a years parental leave to one year for the mother one for me or part time work until my daughter started school. But his boss was against it this father doesnt want to be identified because he still fears repartee cautions. To fathers in germany and their issues with reconciling work and family york as my son is a well known economist he worked for the finance ministry and was involved in tackling the financial crisis of two thousand and seven he then moved to the European Central bank as a member of the executive board. Gala but he said i would have liked to stay at the e. C. B. It would have been fantastic doing Monetary Policy for. The bank would have been supportive and understanding what the problem was its based in frankfurt and commuting was no longer an option once i had children. So he resigned that evidently touched a nerve. I was surprised by the flood of emails and posts ranged from you know my role model to your an idiot. More and more men in germany want to be closely involved in raising their children Many Employers however are dead set against that and create obstacles. Our anonymous father is an Insurance Agent he wanted to look after his daughter when she was little but his Company Refused to play along. With the boss said no he was very disparaging to the whole idea of real men dont look after kids thats womens work might as well start wearing stockings. It was really nasty you know what it was to want to look after your children as well his prejudices were ironclad an antiquated they dont belong in the present day and age but that was no consolation. Since he had to continue feeding his family he stuck it out. Its not everybody can just find another job i couldnt moving to a Different Department would have been hard taking parental leave only to face years of punishment at work afterwards is not such a great idea. As to york us misson after he left the e. C. B. He joined the Labor Ministry in berlin. Then he applied for a job at the k F W Development bank he didnt get it he says the problem was making time for his family. Career wise not getting the job but the case doubly was a setback i had to start over it was frustrating but you mustnt went on things like that but move on. I did find a good job with an employer who understood that i was serious about staying in berlin because of my children they said right away we hear you. Its easier to get to look after your kids if youre quite high up in the hierarchy i think its even considered cool the question is how can everybody get a chance to do it with us for. Our other father was lower down in the hierarchy there was no way around his hostile boss. I really regret it i missed out on this experience and that cant be made good if theres a hole in my life and i truly wish that every father today could take the time to be with his children who were. Basically he was only around on the weekends like many other fathers these days however more fathers especially younger ones are taking the time which is especially ones with the means to do so like doctors scientists people in high tech. If their profession is in high demand finding another job after time out is relatively easy. Even travel to system or my just hope it becomes entirely normal and nothing special for men as well as women to be with the children is just part of life from the way we work at least by the time my daughters have grown up by that would send a kid. In germany fathers currently take an average of three months parental leave mothers thirteen months. Men are also a feature at this is Berlin Film Festival but for all the wrong reasons dominance of the industry or abuse of power event will tackle Sexual Assault and discrimination with a Panel Discussion seminar and safe counseling korda it follows the maid to campaign on social media the festival opens those that night part of the mission or the Mission Rather is to screen films that address urgent social and political issues but what about films made by women is christina kubes. Can you name three filmmakers thank you and the name all three women filmmakers. And you couldnt think of even one little bit its not your fault blame it on the Film Industry that some native by men why cant women get their stories up on the silver screen. You may never have thought about the world behind the screen but you should because its a sector thats strictly divided by gender women in the world working makeup or you know its all or they turn up in sexy outfits on the red carpet. And then theyre the ones with the power they have to say theres this clean writers producers tell your nearest cinematographer directors. That means when we go to the movies were serious stories conceived produced states and they wrecked it by men major film festivals like those in cannes or venice still pack their competitions almost exclusively with productions by men this was the change. For bernie another thing fashionable is setting up what if i were one plank laughed at all hes thinking over the events and around a section. In your life that always lothar on what does the festival look like this year will it be hard to find films made by women love invest in my own festival including the competition section has a lot of films directed by women but the problem is that the issue is being pinned too much to directors only. Because some of them were better with him and women are involved in many other areas such as producing. The panorama section of the festival has the highest proportion of any was around thirty percent of the submitted films were made by women lessons group thats the thing that often the most women most am credits you get looking what hastert. Change to get more stories by women on to the screen youre going to like. This thats not easy to answer i mean its primarily an artistic decision and depends on the story the director wants to tell me about artistic freedom is crucial but Box Office Returns are also important for the interns stay away then the story will not be told and some of the stories are of interest but its the box office that ultimately decides everything thats why we all need to go to cinema and support these films you know what about it i think yeah i think were well whats your hot tip for this years festival i think it was a while ago thats hard to say personally my favorites are my entire program or if you brought im a complete thought so lets open meant so women as pretty ornaments in film its time for all of us to speak out women want lights cameras and above all x. Next time well meet a woman staking out her claim in the tech sector sherman is hoping to revolutionize the way businesses and people interact on the net the expert on crypto economics is a proponent of the chain the technology behind. In her utopian vision that will be businesses without c. E. O. s. Without bureaucrats and banks without Bank Managers she calls block sharing the driving force of the next internet think tank chain here in berlin. Join us for the next time if you enjoyed todays show. The be. The be. The be. The feel. Good. Shikha. Unusual ingredient in. The naturally alcohol free. Drink. Alcohol free drinks they finally. Cut. When the government declares war on freedom of the press. Has been in a turkish prison for a year and the. Colleagues of function for his release. Politicians and now the European Court of justice have taken a piece came. To me and the french a journalistic treat. Today. As was awful but. Dont. Believe movie. Music you. Created the milestone. It was an instrument of propaganda and. It underwent a bankruptcy and restructuring. But its still turning out films today. Germanys biggest and oldest film company. Cinematic history from the german empire to the present. The pioneers the vision areas and the business of. One hundred or so from the first starting february eighteenth. This is the wus coming to you live from berlin and south africas in battles president speaks out and jacob zuma tells state media that in c. Leaders have not given him any reason why he should resign and cause their treatment of him unfair thats a response to the a. N. C. Is ultimatum for the law to step down today or face a no confidence motion. Also coming up the case of the german journalist denis you chad has spent the past year behind bars in turkey on terrorism charges

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