I dont see we can let this seems go on if need be used or in those ways. A monstrous campaign of annihilation that is how the United Nations human rights chief has described the Syrian Government airstrikes pounding the rebel held damascus suburb of eastern hundreds have been reported dead and nearly four hundred thousand civilians are thought to be trapped in the area amid a siege over the past five years the International Committee of the red cross has requested access because it says local doctors and nurses have been overwhelmed the government say that they are only bombing rebel fighters but they have used similar siege tactics to drive rebels out of major towns including syria second city of aleppo and civilians are often those who suffer most plus back in two thousand and thirteen the government allegedly attacked the toe with chemical weapons our coverage begins with this report and a warning that you might find the following image images disturbing. Its risky. For a war thats been raging for nearly seven years the images in there less shocking and no less harrowing. This boys parents fate is unknown and whats will become of him. In towns already reduced to shells any hospital Still Standing is completely overwhelmed. Since sunday the Syrian Government reportedly aided by Russian Forces has stepped up its bombardment of this rebel on clay with little regard for those who inhabit it. And still the fighter jets keep coming if what happened in homs in aleppo is anything to go by they were installed as no one left those who survived this of being starved in their own homes. Under the sun those are the situation is getting worse and people are forced to stay on their grounds to avoid the shelling on able to go on to the streets or whatevers left of them to collect or buy food. World leaders condemning the Syrian Government but that comes as little consolation to the people of eastern pizza actions how far more facts than just words on a little longer. And for more on the situation there lets bring in now panel swum says he is the u. N. Humanitarian coordinator for the syria crisis and we thank you so much for joining us this evening from kuwait. Thank you thank you for all the now how does it weve just seen images of horrific conditions there and wed like you to describe to us according to the information that you have what is happening to civilians there is a situation for civilians is really beyond imagination this humanitarian situation is spiraling completely out of control. The protection of civilians has become extremely difficult basically theres been multiple its hard. To battle bombs that hold minutes apart in different locations of the ease with going claves where four hundred thousand people are living and whose life in the last few days has become impossible is what has been besieged is two thousand and thirty and we have not been able to take any convoy since the twenty eighth of november with the exception of one small i mean several. Theres no electricity there is no water markets everything is going to a complete halt weve had no multiple hospitals that have been attacked bombed where you know how facilities this is you know can constitute a war crime where houses that is. Inside hundreds of deaths its an area that has become hell on earth is really very very difficult for the people who live inside and we know that many other organizations including Amnesty International have also raised the specter of war crimes in this specific incident and we also know that this area has been under government siege for a year is and has suffered an alleged chemical attack back in twenty thirteen the assad regime really seeming to be relentless hair what do you think will happen to these people. Well we hope that we once you know let will scenario at least a little scenario is a place again because i think this is really i mean for for for all of us the for the protection of the civilians the military option is the one that has the most devastating impact on peoples lives and. You know even these children who go through this plane an aerial bombardment twenty unique about this is the fact that is one its one of the four deescalation areas also called the escalation saves all of that was established and if anything really weakened has become an escalation an area where we have seen a significant increase of hostilities from our side as United Nations were asking these for cease fire humanitarian pows political east thirty days which would allow us to bring in food and medical supplies also the. Cases of medical evacuations use of water is ten miles down the road from down central damascus so the moment we have hundreds of medical cases that need to be taken to a hospital and they cannot because of you i could leave the permission to go where the hospital is just a ten miles drive is easily solved so close to it. And of course to be able to be alleviated we are ready with return convoys to be able to take them in but we need the permission to do so and i talk of the Security Council. And us im so sorry for interrupting you there and we just have have a couple of moments left on but you know you mentioned there that youre not only involved on the humanitarian side but also lead to fanatic side and so id like to ask you started to talk about the Security Council there in new york do you think that the world will ever say enough is enough and really take resolute action to bring this campaign to an end do you see any hope on the horizon. I mean this is the question people are asking ourselves we have had no seven year seven years of relentless war in syria with hundreds of thousands of displaced millions of people that live half the people are our displays sold to our that hasnt been this one moment you say that was it really points to bring everybody together into a peaceful solution there is Security Council resolution in draft we hope it will pass this week to bring this is far is still being discussed but this is a moment where were leaders of the world really need to be thinking of the form in which in every pressure they concentrated change panels mum says un humanitarian coordinator for the syria crisis is joining us this evening from kuwait with the very latest on these reports from eastern go to a couple hundred reported dead there we thank you so much for joining us this evening. The United Nations Refugee Agency is warning that a humanitarian disaster of extraordinary proportions is about to hit the democratic republic of congo violence erupted late last year and the southeastern province of tanganyika it is estimated that in this area alone more than a fifth of the population that is six hundred and thirty thousand people have been displaced. Forced to flee their homes forced to seek refuge in camps like this each with a story to tell of the violence that is destroying lives. But they beheaded people they cut open their stomachs removed their guts and leave them to die thats how they killing people. John keys it can be its one of the six hundred thirty thousand congolese displaced in ten guinea its in the past year he says militias burnt his village to the ground while among women though i had to take all my clothes off and jump into the river but i didnt have a choice i was fleeing for my life only the injured were left behind. The violence witnessed by so many is taking its toll with ongoing conflicts between rival militias the un Refugee Agency is warning the democratic republic of congo is in crisis the humanitarian disaster extraordinary proportions is about to hit the south eastern part of the democratic republic of the congress the province of tanganyika plunges further into violence triggering spiralling displacement and human rights abuses with so many congolese now on the move the d. L. C. Has earned the an enviable title of having the highest number of internally displaced people in africa and with no end to the violence in sight its hard to imagine what lies ahead for them. And the conflict has been described as one of the worlds bloodiest yet it seems to go completely unnoticed yvonne with the United Nations office for coordination of humanitarian affairs in kinshasa and we asked him for his view on the situation right now. Well it is a pretty dire situation all across much of the east india or the. Lump on many of these provinces are today hosting a fall when the people of the place. Right now and there are about four point four Million People who are displaced in the earth and were only talking about east india or the make that the african country with the most displaced people children and woman. Them from the market and all of this is tied to go on per climate of security and bali and they have been thinking the whole four years have been higher you know one family in the n. P. O. Of on the ground the whether its you know or even whether its been going to go plus and all the other pleasant. Doing well we can with the means that we have last year with a pretty rough year for the werent able to get. Much money up and one or two. Percent of our needs. So yeah were able to do what we can we what we what we have but clearly the need to be more to be done for for the people in need and that was yvonne to do most speaking with us earlier from kinshasa he is with the United Nations office for coordination of humanitarian affairs and the democratic republic of congo. A german court is set to hand down a landmark ruling on thursday which could lead to a ban on diesel cars in german settings the case has been brought by an Environmental Group which says that the city of should gart has not done enough to limit the harm caused by emissions all did obvious Christopher Spring reports from the city ironically chairman a car making capital. Its the busiest time of day at this family run bakery and. Dozens of customers throughout the city are waiting for their morning deliveries. Like many Small Businesses in germany its invested in diesel powered delivery vehicles which are cheaper to run due to years of tax breaks for diesel a ban on day use would hit the company hard. If a ban on diesel powered vehicles covers the whole city then we have a problem in principle that we have to shut down. We cant deliver our products by public transport so we have nowhere to go so. This. Design of blames the sheer volume of traffic in german cities and has some of the countrys worst its in a city absorbs over four hundred thousand commuters every day this busy stretch of road in central stuttgart just called the nec a troll crossing and its become something of a household name in germany thats because with an average of almost seventy thousand vehicles passing through in both directions every single day its now one of the countrys absolute hotspots for air pollution. Last year the monitoring station at the nec atoll crossing measured an average of seventy three micrograms with nitrogen dioxide a cubic metre thats almost double the legal limit which is why activists are calling for tough measures. A lot of people here suffer from respiratory diseases old people in particular and. People move out of this area as soon as they can afford to and thats why we urgently need to diesel back here it would have an immediate effect. Is keen to avoid diesel bans so its introduced traffic reduction schemes and Public Awareness campaigns encouraging people to cycle to work or use public transport policy makers are also progressively reducing. The cost of public transport. And the city is also hosting this pioneering project using a wall of morse to suck car pollution out of the atmosphere the walls about one hundred meters long three meters high whether it works though isnt fully clear yet. Germanys powerful car makers are firmly against driving bans but in the wake of the emissions cheating scandal at the moment. Is of course the headquarters of one of germanys iconic Car Manufacturers Mercedes Benz we would have liked to get the views of the company on the air pollution that its vehicles are partly responsible for but our interview request was turned down. And for more lets bring in a very own gentle due along who has also been following this story just like my colleague there Christopher Springer gave who you saw there and stood guard and to now just walk us through what will happen if they do end up voting in favor of this ban well as we saw there there will be far reaching consequences all across the board so Small Businesses Car Manufacturers dealerships but i actually think the first to be affected are those who already own diesel vehicles and there are over fifteen million of them on the road so theyll be immediately hit by dropping resale prices and obviously the industry will also feel the pain but how much pain they actually feel will depend on how much momentum these bands gather and whether other european cities follow suit but what theyre most worried about is that they can that this could pave the way for a bad an all out ban on fossil fuel driven cars by twenty thirty which is also an idea thats been floating around and that already will have a price tag on it theyll be like forty eight billion dollars in terms of costs in the industry as well as the untold impact on Something Like eight hundred thousand auto sector jobs and heres what people think about it we actually we found this this study from view they say the following the majority of germans that is they say that they dont believe that the Auto Industry does enough for the environment and you know the image of the autumn Auto Industry just generally speaking has really suffered in the wake of the diesel gate scandal hasnt it well it definitely has and it suffered badly and you know we see evidence of that diesel cars are staying in dealerships theyre sitting there for months on end and obviously the longer it takes to sell them the higher the costs of maintaining them of keeping them in the shop and this is of course because of waning consumer interest now we also see that diesels have sunk to their lowest level of market share in years we now have a thirty percent market share thats compared to forty five percent last year but really the car industry only has itself to blame in this case there were so many missed opportunities they could have offered to retrofit retrofit the car. Theres give them Hardware Solutions instead of the token Software Solutions that have been cheaper and that really didnt fool anyone so the public has noticed that they affected this mess and they havent done very much to clean it up and you know when we look along those lines the fact that they havent done a whole lot to clean it up i mean this is also if we do have this role and this is probably also a chance for the car industry when it comes to profits isnt it because i mean if people cant drive the old diesels then perhaps they will be forced to buy new cars right i mean that doesnt seem fair either well you know its a chance for the car industry to move away from a business that will become unprofitable in the long run especially as Environmental Standards become increasingly stringent but thats not so much because people will start buying new cars to stay in the game what car makers actually have to do or to focus on future trends on broader Mobility Solutions car sharing will become even bigger in the future cities will need more mass transit options as populations continue to grow and in the brave new world of self driving cars that they can theoretically go off on their own and keep picking up passengers like taxis for example so the pace of transport is changing and the car makers are going to have to keep up and also adjust their ideas of vehicle ownership and how that will look like in the future you mentioned so many options there with regard to you know the future of future of smart city is a conversation that is certainly happening now on how car ownership could also change in the future i just want to talk a little bit more about electric powered vehicles though i mean because the german car industry generally speaking has it been too slow there well if you asked the person on the street to name an electric car model there unlikely come up with a german name but since the Diesel Scandal hit now and major automotive markets like china did a big push into electro billet he car makers in germany have also been coming up with their own ambitious plans but arguably theyve already spent too much time and resources on trying to improve upon these Old Technology the technology that made them so much money many many of them are still actually doing. So now thats also because consumer interest in electric cars in germany has been slow to pick up many still find them expensive many find the infrastructure in germany quite fairly so lacking there just arent enough charging stations now so not enough has been done to interest drivers at the same time not enough hasnt been done to interest drivers because drivers havent been interested if you see what i mean so its a bit of a chicken and egg situation absolutely so its a bit of supply and demand and also infrastructure it sounds like as well jenelle dylon breaking it all down for us ahead of this German Court Decision we mentioned on thursday set to hand down a landmark ruling which could lead to a ban on diesel cars in german cities ginnell thanks so much for putting it into perspective. Well its time for a bit of red carpet action here in berlin where the International Film festival is still in full swing and as always is charlotte telson pail and scott roxboro are patiently waiting by to give us the very latest happenings so guys whats been going on there tonight. Whats going on right now is the big question right behind us right now are clear for i am Steven Soderbergh right that the director and star of the film is having its World Premiere here tonight on saying you shouldve heard charlotte went clear for the start of the red carpet screening with a lot of schools. So i didnt know that she was going to be had and i read some press briefings before she wasnt in the press conference she wasnt meant to be here shes right behind the eyes you have to be walked up by this it was amazing you might remember her famous for the t. V. Series the crown the british t. V. Series where she represents Queen Elizabeth and now in a very different very very different role this film im saying from sort of one of his smaller films in between is the hollywood movies its a horror film and clear voice like weve never seen her before shes a woman on the run from a stalker very interesting role very very different role for a woman were used to seeing as the queen of england thats right this film isnt actually in the running for a golden bat the big prize nevertheless the sun is a huge buzz and a lot of excitement but with the stone lady right here absolutely silent you know what i would have reacted the same exact way im a big fan of hers as well she just. Means that now that you know this isnt the only film of course today there are so many films there at the berlin wall and we have to talk about one that was from iran. Yes that is quite right thats premier just a short time ago that tells the story of a director hes been blacklisted in iran and its a comedy but surprise twist is also about a serial killer who is taking office. Iranian directed one by one whats really interesting about this film in this director is its not at all what youd expect maybe as a westerner from iranian film its not a political film its not a grim documentary its a really lively exciting very very funny movie and for those who dont know the director to give you a little taste of what were talking about we have a small piece when we take a look. Good. Pig is the story of hostile and narcissistic film director furious that hes been blacklisted from irans movie industry. Is also furious that theres a serial killer decapitating irans top filmmakers only because he isnt one of them. But they have it in. Check it. Legit. Told them she laughs film aficionados wont forget that some of irans top directors really are banned from the country cinemas but pick director money huggy insists that his black comedy a contender for this years golden bear is only parody. And you guys i understand had an opportunity to actually speak with him about his film a little while earlier what did he have to say. Well we were at the press conference a short time the guy as a very funny film not say funny press conference yeah very very controversial or contra confrontational because as i said before this is a director who isnt doesnt like to be classified in this as a political filmmaker he comes from iran he lives under the century in iran but he makes films that are very different that arent are overtly political at all that was all that people want to ask about they all want to ask about the politics of iran what it what does this film say about the Politics Around was a say about the status of women and so on and so on yeah i think we have a little clip on exactly what he said about some of the strong women in the film lets take a listen. What has been bothering me for a long time of a state of iranian cinema as it is seen outside. Is that it. Sometimes it conforms to the specific image that audiences have. Which is usually go through news media things like this again you seem to be asking me how come there are these strong women in your film well because there are strong women in iran and i chose to show them. As opposed to conforming to this usual image that. That is presented to you of iranian women as victims you know thats not how it is. And its the berlin outloud you have to expect thats going to get a little political shall the charles impels got roxboro there at the red carpet thank you so much to both of you. All the days nearly done the conversation continues online at g. W. News my handle at sarah kelly t. V. On social media thanks for watching a few again tomorrow take care. What might sound like Science Fiction is actually a berlin starbucks vision of reality. Or against from a treaty printer. The enterprising biochemists hope to revolutionize transplants with this technology. And of course they intend to turn it into a lucrative business. Meeting in germany. Believe. 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