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On the squares and at the airport. Then let this little group come at us with their tanks and grenade launchers i know no power stronger than that of the people some of them would look at. A state of emergency is declared followed by large scale arrests thousands of people are accused of being terrorists and planning the attempted coup. Was. The one threatens to hunt them down across the globe. I. Will penetrate their caves. They will be purged. Kuala lumpur malaysia may 2017. This surveillance camera of a multistory car park records the kidnapping of a turkish citizen. Christina kossovo march 28th in a surveillance camera films turkish teaches being dragged off in the middle of the street. To she now republican all day via september 28th in a film on a mobile phone shows a turkish citizen being bundled into a car. Ankara the turkish capital. Is the older one regime pursuing a global kidnapping policy for several Months Research network a corrective and frontal 21 have conducted Research Based on this suspicion speaking to victims and witnesses everyone is afraid few people talk. One who does is told its not his real name he tells us that he was also abducted. I was on the street and suddenly someone appeared in front of me waving his arms 2 or 3 people came from behind grabbed me and dragged me into a van. They shoved a sack over my head and threw me to the ground. Then they started pummeling me with their fists. They tied my hands and feet with cable straps. My left ankle was injured. You soon realize how serious it is. I thought they were going to kill me. I thought they were going to take me to a place id never return from i didnt think id ever see my loved ones again. Says that in the building he was brought to there were 5 cells in a row and separate interrogation rooms. We made another man who tells us how he was kidnapped we call him ali. People in my circle were being arrested because the rule of law had been abolished i was forced into hiding i was hiding for about a year the kidnapping took place in a matter of seconds a group of men suddenly grabbed me on the street and forced me into a van. They put a sack over my head i could barely breathe they were yelling insults at me youre a terrorist youre a traitor then they punched me. I was incredibly frightened during the kidnapping when we arrived they pulled me out of the van and stripped me down to my underwear. Ali tells us how he was then tormented in prison. There was a microphone and they could hear every sound in the cell. There was also a camera watching you 247. That you had to obey were shouted through the loudspeaker it was unbearably loud music. After a while you cant take it anymore. You cant stand up any longer you fall down and they come into your cell and 2 or 3 people beat you up saying didnt we tell you not to fall over. And i was punched and kicked especially kicked in the cell imagine how that is what happens every day your feet swell up your whole body swells up. The torture methods they used in the cell or hunger and thirst isolation and insults they only gave me food when they felt like it just enough to keep me alive the same with water i lost over 20 kilos. Couldnt imagine i would ever get out alive. Really thought i would die in there and started mentally preparing myself for death i just hope that if they killed me they dumped my body somewhere my family would find it so they wouldnt have to look for me for years. I was told to and a supporters of the Good Men Movement since the attempted coup in the summer of 2016 the turkish government has declared them enemies of the state for a long time the muslim glenn movement was a part of the old one but now tens of thousands of soldiers teaches scientists and Civil Servants are being arrested as the alleged rebels behind the attempted coup the we will punish them so hard that they will beg us to slaughter them to stop their suffering well have them begging for death. As to one runs the Human Rights Organization i. H. T. In ankara hes documented up to 15 kidnapping so far only a few families dare to talk to him about the disappearance of their relatives. These are the actions of the secret service. Most of the families of the disappeared tell us that the victims were abducted from the street into a black van with darkened windows. Very many victims who were held captive for a long time and later released sadly do not talk about it. Their families told us that they were subjected to very serious torture. And. The families also told us that some of the victims could not handle the situation and committed suicide. Also speaks of torture. They put an object in my hand and asked me what it was it was a dildo a sex toy. Then they said you know what were going to do with it they stripped me below the waist and forced me into a stress position on the floor. Then they pinned me down as if they were going to use the sex toy on me and any minute. They threaten me with it constantly. They slapped me so hard in the face that one of my teeth broke. My lips were bleeding i was in such pain i could barely stand my face was beaten black and blue then they threaten me will bring your family in here to do the same to your wife your mother your father as were doing to you will make your children watch i was mentally and physically tortured so i would confess to a crime or denounce acquaintances. Describes the abuse that he suffered. Sometimes they put me in a kind of box they call it the coffin put a sack over my head and handcuffed me you lose all sense of orientation you cant breathe properly you cant tell if youve been inside for a minute or several hours then they take you out and continue torturing you. If you dont answer their questions they give you electric shocks on your back your feet your arms in other places the longer it lasts the worse the pain. Reports to Vincent Mccown skee director of the Organization Human rights watch. That this is systematic we have documented individual cases which are very typical. We know about many more cases but we have not made them public partly because people are afraid to talk about it but. A confidential report from the German Foreign office in 2017 verified the Human Rights Violations in turkey after the attempted coup quote as part of the investigations against those involved in the attempted coup allegations of torture have been made against the Turkish Police and judiciary according to Human Rights Organizations there are indications that violence and abuse no longer occurring in Police Stations but elsewhere including public areas. Ukrainian journalist and blogger who has been living with his family here for 30. However he no longer feel safe since i heard one has been openly threatening the opposition. Is this. Quite frankly its very dangerous for me here the Turkish Secret Service is present here in ukraine and is able to act freely. Ducted a turkish correspondent you know im from ukraine and. The correspondent was a nuisance to the air. One system and the Turkish Secret Service were able to kidnap him from here because the ukrainian and turkish authorities made a deal. He produced give us the governor leads from no grounds were given for the arrest of the journalist this man had lived in ukraine for 3 years and was simply deported to turkey without reason. Conditional based petition on out. It go do fees for his family along with 9 other turkish citizens his name is on a list of people who ukraine is supposed to deport he stands accused of writing for a Terror Organization on social media yeah. Yeah so i saw it in the turkish media and immediately spotted my name on the list of everyones enemies most of the people whose names were also on the list have already fled to the european union. Just a few like me have stayed here but i dont know how it should go on i have decided to stay here and ive already written my will i will stay here and die here. Yes this are still you right. Because its afraid of being arrested on the street by Ukrainian Police the family mostly stays at home in their flat. Grainy. Basic story there are lots of turks Walking Around in ukraine because they dont need a visa and most of them are followers of arda want. So. Great even though they know about me through social media my website and my blog. Media certainly made ye more site. You have a right to the news and thats why theyre against me i get a lot of threats on social media. Its dangerous for me to live here ive been at home for 5 months now i dont go out on the streets anymore. Kuala lumpur malaysia december 26th jane Police Arrest a man who fled his son in malaysia after the attempted coup in turkey. His name is. A physics teacher he son. Had hoped that his parents is met and had a child would be safe in malaysia but Malaysian Security forces helped to enforce will. To. The Police Showed us a document from the Turkish Embassy saying that my father was a member of a terrorist organisation. And his passport had been an old on august 21st 2016 supporting. The family managed to film the arrest. Of. The son is released after 16 days but hes father is to tell. In malaysia for 51 days. Hope sun in shock that it took the conditions in there were inhumane they did all kinds of brutal things to us in prison we were stripped naked and searched your heads were shaded. Our clothing was taken away put us if. We didnt have any cups or cutlery. We couldnt even fulfill our most basic human needs to 1000000 sunny hostin love the modem block. Finally the father is released yet soon afterwards on may 2nd 2017 Malaysian Police break down the door of his home to rest isnt it is to live and once again hes not they. 2 days light up the father and son stop at a gas station plainclothes officers are waiting for them. Both jewish plus only given the. First time as we drove into the gas station 4 or 5 cars surrounded us. 25. 00 maybe 30 men got out. Of them looked like a policeman with the insults q some of them had long hair or were wearing short. Shorts. Almost at the same time 2 more turks are arrested by Undercover Police in kuala lumpur surveillance cameras film one of them being abducted in an underground carriage. The Malaysian Police then hand over his mic is chile and 2 other men to the turkish secret police. Keep my stocks. On may 12th my father was flown to turkey along with 2 other men who had been arrested on may 2nd. We were not informed of this at all. Since then they have only had contact through letters it takes one and a half years from his a wrist for the trial to begin. With. One thing is clear my husband has a heart condition which is not that young and has diabetes theyve refused to medicine for a long time. Soon and his mother has moved to sweden as they no longer feel safe in malaysia. Im worried because turkey uses mafia methods but sweden would never do what they did to us in malaysia here there is democracy and justice. Turkish citizens kidnapped worldwide one announces that he will hunt down his political opponents. Followers of who have fled and believe they are now safe will be brought back here one by one we will hand them over to the judicial system we will pursue the fight against the supporters who have caused our country so much social political and economic damage until we have wiped them out. In more than 700. 00 turkey Civil Servants have applied for asylum in germany since the attempted coup they say from the regime here one thing is certain the Turkish Secret Service is also looking for them here the German Government confirms this in their answer to an inquiry from the Free Democratic party the core activities of the Turkish Secret Service mit in germany consist of investigating the opposition the mit has been closely following the movement behind the islamic preacher in cincy attempted coup in the summer of 26 dating. In september 28th. According to turkish media he demanded the extradition of regime opponents which the German Government denies. That the german chancellor addressed the issue of human rights abuses in turkey but would tolerate no criticism. I do not have the right to interfere with the german legal system any more than you have the right to criticize the turkish judiciary. Our Justice System is independent and its verdict have to be respected so you do. The chancellor reacts diplomatically with silence. As a member of the United Nations turkey has signed the general declaration of human rights. Dost it states that people cannot just disappear and that torture is not allowed turkey is glade greatly violating these very clearly defined human rights for us to talk about a journalist demonstration in the chancery for freedom of the press is a school should out by german place and one is clearly playing. While visiting berlin socalled plane spotters discovered this chat. Thursday 27th of september 28th ain 10 to 11 am t. C. K. L. Challenges 6 o 5 descending towards berlin tagle this is no ordinary aircraft. Preached an hour on the morning of march 29th 2018 challenger t. C. K. L 80 landed in the capital of kosovo. Just a few minutes beforehand this surveillance camera filmed an abduction. A police car stops the turkish carabiner familys car on a main road and drags the occupants out. Yes i mean carabiner was one of them. Shes a teacher and pushed her and tried to prevent her husband being kidnapped. Thats when all of that of the little one of the policeman grabbed my son by the neck and dragged him outside. Him until he lost consciousness i saw him sit on my son and then a scuffle broke out. The only policeman dragged my husband out of the car and ran after him from behind and put him in a police car. Eyewitnesses saw the kidnapping. Ever the policeman grabbed the boy and forced him out of the car but i missed the man and the plain clothes person body at ground 0. They arrested the man saying that they had a warrant for his arrest. Your daughter got out with his wife and was handcuffed. By the language i tried to stop a car that was passing and told them to go and inform the school so that they could help us i asked the passing motorist for help. Welcome all the same thats me on the road. Along with the use of carabiner 5 more men are abducted on the same day 5 of the kidnapped a teaches a private schools of the Glen Movement such as the minute a key college back was their downfall this womans husband is one of the kidnapped she does not wish to be recognized her husband was summoned to the Police Station in pristina. Usually lives in there about 100 meters in front of the Police Station plainclothes policemen were waiting for and they had a photo of him so you are not really they put him in a car allegedly to take him to Police Headquarters human. But he was taken directly to pristina airport my husband was tied up with cable straps plus character. Christian airport while their relatives search for them the men are taken through security controls and handed over to the Turkish Secret Service their heads are bound. They are forced to get on the turkish plane. To kimmie to shoot out the police mit staff were waiting on the plane. The men were subjected to verbal abuse and anyhow quite one of them was violently forced onto the plane there he fought back. And off they probably gave him an electric shock. The plane takes off at 10 oclock the official destination is the military airport of ankara. Yeah heres what he was lying on the floor the whole flight and apparently was still unconscious when he arrived in turkey. The challenger t. C. K. L. A. Is registered with the Tourism Company in ankara. The Company Address is directly next to the residential campus of the Turkish Secret Service the mit. Diary and those cited that in the 1st 24 to 48 hours the lawyers had no contact with our men. First we didnt believe that our men had already been deported to turkey because we had no reliable source of information though we didnt want to believe that the course of our authorities supported this illegal action that. Kosovo is dependent on investments from turkey one example the firm lemak which operates the airport of christian or is owned by a turkish businessman with close links to. This is where the kidnapping plane took off the opposition parliamentarian jealous chairs the parliamentary Investigations Committee hes convinced that kosovar authorities assisted the regime with the kidnapping. I just say the documents point towards the kidnappings being the greatest violation of the sovereignty of kosovo since our declaration of independence. And kosovo own authority is are responsible for this violation. Of astarte is an accessory to a crime of the turkish state during his visit to pristina the Turkish Foreign minister demanded that costs about should extradite more teachers who work in the girl in schools. These terrorists are fired on people from military helicopters. They could do the same things in kosovo. Thats why we must not allow these terrorists to penetrate because of our authorities by abusing their educational institutions of course we dont want our neighbor a cause of order to harbor these rebels. They must miss this. At least the relatives of the abducted know with their men are incarcerated. Here in this a livery prison in istanbul. On the streets of istanbul there is a show of hatred for those who allegedly attempted the coup followers of the preacher for to look good when here hanged in effigy thousands of his followers assiduous spent years behind bars false testimonies by the kidnapped a supposed to help our witnesses report they wanted me to betray my friends they used force to try to make me cooperate work for the state gather information for us and then well give you back your freedom it was their goal to use me as a spy within the movement as a witness i was supposed to confirm made up crimes and trials i was tortured so i would denounce acquaintances. Because they appeared to agree to the offer. Was set free they were then able to fly. Lawyer skin was present at trials against rebels she confirms that anonymous witnesses were used in court. What do you mean a lot you anonymous witnesses were used to strengthen the courts position because there is hardly any evidence. Thats why the courts use this method its a 90 dimma credit procedure which does not exist in a country operating under the rule of law you know my own. Videos and documents verify that the Turkish Secret Service attacks political opponents abroad witnesses report kidnappings from public streets that end in secret prisons they talk of torture and fakes witness accounts. Turkey is an important partner for the German Government what do they say about the serious allegations in their reply to an inquiry from the left party about abductions perpetrated by the Turkey Secret Service there is no mention of kidnapping and torture quote in the vast majority of cases as far as the German Federal government is aware the force deportations are official mischas of the respective host countries. Although they were initiated by turkey they were not independently carried out by turkey on foreign territory. Mitten i purposely given the severity of these cases i do not have the impression that the German Government is publicly or vehemently standing up for these people to stop such things from happening. Germanys reluctance to seek clarification on the matter leaves opponents of the earth a woman at the ministry of his regime wherever they live. 8000000. 00 tonnes of flowers dumped into the judges in india every year to test the site. Now a study of converts use flowers in such a cold and chemical free incense sticks. Even able to save 70 gauges up to a pesticide from getting into the water. And in the 30 minutes on the c. W. It closed the toppling of the president. And triggered a civil war if you dont know the banana this united fruit company. The history of a Us Corporation that determined the face of central america. Unbeknown to us and republics after that in 75 minutes on doubling. Down in the book you are no one on. The length of. Exposing and justice global news that matters w. May for minds. Sometimes books a more exciting than a real life. Brain tumor. Mom. What if theres no escape. Literature list. Chairman must. Look at. Jimmys the slow fund line has announced she will step down as the countrys defense minister on tuesday the european. How a man is set to vote on whether funded line is going to become a you Commission President shes faced opposition from some factions in the parliament who view her nomination binational it is as democratic. For u. S. Lawmakers him u. S. President donald trump told to go home have hit back they say the president is inciting white national

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