Those who showed personal courage. The future the fall of the wall didnt surprise me you should go 1st what does it take to change the course of history. Raising the iron curtain starts september 30th on d w. On this edition of world stories. Northern iraq recovering from war. Madagascar a tallit hes from measles but we start out in bangladesh where over a 1000000 will hinge are living in refugee camps theyre not allowed to work so they live in abject poverty making the women easy prey for the sex trade. In the Worlds Largest refugee camp in bangladesh life for women and children is particularly difficult. This woman fled from me and mom with her 3 children and husband after their village was burnt down 2 years ago. My husband left me and my children after we came here and it was difficult for me to make ends meet i didnt have any other option. Any other option that is going to work as a prostitute now when she gets the call she travels to the neighboring towns outside of their fiji counts. On the other 5 theres no other job i can do i cant do anything else if i were mary my new husband would take care of me but not my children. Its impossible to say how many red herring or refugees end up in the sex trade here many are as young as 14 according to local n. G. O. S thousands of women are trafficked across bangladesh and even abroad lured by false promises of jobs and marriage. We wanted to gauge how widespread the problem really is in the tourist town of cox the tsar roughly 40 kilometers from the camps we got in touch with a pimp who posted to have several rango women on call. Hello. Show you some girls and if you like them you can take them if not you can leave. Oh ok see you in an hour. A bit later a reporter meets the man at a prearranged point and gets into an auto rickshaw with him while we follow behind a reporter is secretly filming the entire encounter. 1st stop is a hotel which serves as a brothel to begin with the manager seems suspicious and denies having any prostitutes then he shows us pictures of a few women on his phone none of them seem to be wrecking. Around 10 pm the pimp sends a rectangle woman to our hotel shes too scared to talk to us when we reveal were journalists because shes worried the hotel might tell the pimps but she confirms she is a 23 year old wrecking a refugee she says she is a victim of her circumstances. Back at the camp the sex worker we met earlier tells us the hunger are not allowed to work and there have been several police raids on hotels doubling as brothels she herself was recently released from jail. The us and the now if i cant find any other way to make money ill have to go back to the work if i do i might get arrested again. But shes likely to take that risk again because for now she doesnt have a choice. And faced with such a bleak future bridging the women remain easy prey for the pimps and traffickers. Iraqs Armed Struggle against terrorist groups i guess hit the countrys economy hard including the autonomy of kurdistan region in the north a recovery is gradually taking hold but stability is still a long way off. This construction site just come alive again at last Real Estate Developer notch Martin Morehead in russia who are had invested millions of dollars in this group of high rise apartment blocks on the edge of the northern iraqi city of sort of money and then the islamic states reign of terror began. Before i yes came in we wanted to sell the apartments for 2000. 00 a square meter and we had lots of inquiries in the terrible battle against i. A. S. Began and prices fell from 2000. 00 down to 0 now as long as states been beaten were selling for a 1000. 00 a square metre so much with that and some by as are returning now that the economy in iraqs kurdish region is recovering much money in russia has furnished a showcase apartment to win over potential customers. Thats the working space and back there the cookers and you can go straight out to the fresh air the call of we bet is. The view of sulaymaniyah you can sit back on the balcony and enjoy a view row cross the city. With. Superman is one of the largest cities in iraqs kurdish region. Didnt manage to reach it but in the war against the terrorists the economy was paralyzed but theres been peace since 2017 and no Investor Confidence has returned as well oiled revenues are generating investment but to catch up with the prewar boom times more is needed says the governments finance committee chief banker. We have to bring in foreign banks to put up loans for agriculture and the manufacturing sector. Yes weve had good results with loans for small projects. To really get the economy Going International banks the Iraqi Central Bank and kurdish banks all have to supply all sectors with credit because you will get in there and good. Business is already going well at the citys biggest car market and here a car has to be impressive to sell. After all the disruption the kurds now have their eyes on the future but with tensions in the region rising again their optimism is also clouded by fear of yet another armed conflict. South to madagascar our. Children in europe catch the measles only because their parents dont want them to be vaccinated on this Tropical Island many parents cant afford it the result is an epidemic which has cost over a 1000. 00 lives. Not too long ago laughter filled this fishermans family home in madagascar. But now the family is trying to cope with their grief. They lost 3 children in january due to a measles infection they couldnt afford to vaccinate them. Theyre gone and it was all goes well but we didnt expect that they might die if they didnt get vaccinated that the fact that they were not vaccinated would kill them. Madagascar is struggling to contain its worst outbreak of measles in decades amid a desperate shortage of vaccines the highly contagious illness increases susceptibility to other diseases and can cause blindness brain swelling and death so far over 1200 people have died in the epidemic most of them children. And madagascar is not alone worldwide many countries are reporting an unprecedented rise of measles many of these cases could have been easily prevented with vaccination but like madagascar are some countries simply dont have access to the vaccines they need. And in high Income Countries where they are available some people opt to not vaccinate themselves and their children. They wrongly believe that vaccines are harmful. The socalled anti vax movement fears that vaccines are unsafe ineffective and produce serious side effects saying that they can even cause autism Scientists Say there is no evidence for any of that. Yet the misinformation is gaining momentum on social media now Health Professionals and governments are looking for Solutions Including making vaccinations mandatory and imposing fines on parents who refuse. In madagascar over 7000000 children have been vaccinated in an Emergency Response parents here are happy that vaccinations are available again. Many know what losing a child to measles feels like and hope they never have to endure such grief ever again. To this day they are pissed exist who claim they can cure homosexuality there in germany to the Health Minister plans to prohibit the socalled conversion therapy as they can have serious consequences as it did with mike. Havent i think i 1st became aware that something was different during kindergarten but of course i didnt know what it meant mike is just one of thousands of people in germany who have undergone a controversial therapy in an attempt to repress a harmless sexuality christianity shaped mikes life from an early age but as puberty hit he began to have Sexual Experiences with men. It was a nice time in life but then the conflict started to grow because at the same time i felt at home in christian circles where it was made very clear god doesnt want that you should lead another life. How can you stand before god this is a mortal sin. And other similar comments came from all sides. I mean up and i. Have to fall in terribly seeking out socalled conversion therapy might committed himself to ending all contact with homosexual friends and partners for decades he was abstinent the loneliness brought him to the brink of suicide. I reached the point where i couldnt go on anymore. But it was also because of my faith that i was too much of a coward to do it. Because then i wont have been granted eternal life today i can laugh about it how stupid that it was but i was actually the reason that kept me from ending my life. Not practitioners in germany of the socalled homosexual conversion therapy currently face no consequences but german Health Minister is preparing to take drastic action. We should ban conversion therapy in germany sexuality is not a disease and does not require treatment. She finishes invest uganda i think its important for example to put a ban in place especially for young people which makes it clear that doctors and therapists are not allowed to carry out this socalled conversion therapy and then theyll be a lot less of this nonsense. Underground to make of being. 20 years on since his socalled therapy might can now look forward to his wedding putting the past behind him hes been tied to nieman im not bitter towards anyone neither the christian circles where i learned and heard everything nor the therapist. Someone from my former parish actually reached out to me and said hats off to him and he was sorry for what happened so i can see something is happening change is on the way his path is this fast and gonna d. German voices. In the South African gray. In the beethoven test 29 teens campus project. 2 worlds are united through music. I just. Small so consume for the change you see people making it possible eco africa. Fantastic right to try that as they set out to save the environment. Learn from one another. And Work Together for a better future. C. B. S. Up. To 60 minutes on d w. Earth a home worth saving googling dias tells stories of creative people and innovative projects around the world ideas to protect the climate and boost Green Energy Solutions by global indias the entire series of global 3000 on d w and online. To. Get. To the polarity of the earth. And land there. That there are

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