Stressed out city dwellers. The bad what its like to take part in the capital right. But 1st lets go to greece the ninetys the island of colleen also was not yet a major holiday destination than an italian capital decided to celebrate for how mean will there be in some of the columbus immediately saw the potential of the rocky island with its amazing steep cliffs and cracks nowadays climbed us from all over the world to come here and there is even an International Climbing festival every year. Greek islands may be famous for their long sandy beaches and ideally but its the rough and rocky parts of color most that bring people here annually for the columbus climate festival over a 1000 climbers from all over the world. Class inventor of austria is in her element on the rugged island. Calling moses. Knows this special because the setting against the sea is so unique and theres just so many routes for every kind of climbing for every grade and different techniques in styles you can climb for years and still not cover everything here in public because the. Currently the island has catalogued 3700 groups about 200 new ones are added every year the climbers take their starting positions in pairs whoever does the most routes where there are no checks this is about having fun and about trying out new things so. I came to call them nose because i really liked the news and the sea and also i wanted to enjoy my overhanging go days because i really like overhanging climbing and i wanted to try to do 1st. The climbers are drawn to the obstacle shaped box kind of tough how do you say good to you and her friend came all the way from france to climb here. To many its magnificent and very special to climb on the still at tights these big rounded pillars were not used to it normally we mainly use our fingertips but here we have to use our legs are absent arms our whole body and the view from the top is magnificent. To see is more than a scenic backdrop deep water soloing means free climbing over deep water which sir. As a safety if. They just take a refreshing. Risto main isp and open those numbers among the best climbers in greece hes created several routes for deepwater soloing in his home country. So the. Deepwater soloing is the purest form of rock climbing its the most minimalistic if you dont have a rope you dont have anything besides your shoes and the magnesium chalk this type of climbing is simply more authentic. Deep water soloing takes very little preparation its more spontaneous than climbing in the mountains. Explains what to do. With an apple 1st you have to make sure the water is deep enough and there are no hidden reefs if you fall its better to keep your hands close to your body you should keep your mouth closed so you dont bite your tongue and just before you hit the water its a good idea to open your arms and legs so you dont dive down too deeply. About. Many International Guests come to kill him and usually they come to the island more than once. I think is my 2nd time here in terms of the things i like about it if you look at just behind us there is this like beautiful deep water so they can come to a short ride away its really easy to get all the crowd was there just like a playground of climbing trees like all these different grades on the last evening the victors are awarded this time its flu can be at risk loosing there from germany theyre the team that covered the most troops. We knew about the climbing festival so we came in registered and thought well give it all weve got we had nothing to lose and the main thing was to have fun and just taking part is everything. The greek island. Climbers paradise between heaven and earth. Here in germany the fast in munich is long over the be a bench of the brass bands have gone home and to be a pair of bought their other october fest celebrations elsewhere weve been showing you some of the serious october 1st world whites and you can always go to our Youtube Channel if youve missed them this time we travel all the way to bloom and now in brazil the city was founded by german sedulous and 850. 00 so lets take a look at their version of october fest. The october fest procession implement on every october the descendants of the citys german founders celebrate their heritage with a festival of their own. Who knows october fest numbers among brazils most popular and most exotic and with some 600000 patrons its the 2nd largest in brazil after the famous carnival in rio de janeiro. Im here with him here both from sao paolo and he invited me along this is my 1st time here and its a great festival everythings marvelous with the festivals wonderful and the people are hospitable i love it and i want to come back. 29 year old sales clerk looked as german grandparents today should be representing the old country as an october 1st princess she has no shortage of enthusiasm for. The best. And very grateful its an honor because as a little girl i dreamt of being october 1st royalty and here i am its in just. Drivable Everybody Loves that and lots of people join in for the parade we love that too so its a very emotional thing because its a dream come true. But then everyone heads to the fairgrounds called the germantown revelers all join in both ethnic germans and tourists anyone who care and shows up in later hosen or dirndl its. Up to the other but its a german festival so we dressed as tradition dictates besides it pays off the guests who show up in costume dont have to pay admission as it says in traditional dress we feel more a part of the festival and its just nice. But its fun everyone dresses up like this. The queen and her 2 princesses make their daily rounds they keep a tight schedule for the 3 weeks of the festival. During the day were added then in the evenings here at the festival so people can take pictures and get acquainted with us we represent the festival and people simply love the attention that it was so you want to thank you very important every evening they stroll around the festival pavilions opening events like the traditional drinking contest. Many brazilians falsely believe meter drinking is a typically german custom the idea is to chug the contents of a one metre long glass tube the fastest. Arrangements of german october fest standards are danced to brazilian moves for instance the song of the airmen song in both german and portuguese. Everyone can dance along with it. Instead of wooden benches or revelers lock arms and sway to and fro. Here the brazilian october fest we have a huge dance for. In germany we noticed that people prefer to sit its more dignified here we like to get loose we hop around and have a party. While the royal highnesses have to retire at midnight the party goes on to the wee hours of the morning unlike the original munich to bloom in october 1st is not subject to a legal closing time. If youve had enough of padding and need some peace and quiet how about a walk in the woods to hand for mushrooms this is becoming more and more popular among city to us also here in berlin spending time in the forests is the perfect balance to busy stressed for city life and mushroom picking is an added bonus as long as they have. Commercial photographer Moritz Schmidt enjoys the peace in a delicate nature of a forest bursting with life in autumn he spends as much time as he can in the woods searching for mushrooms he feels its the ideal way to relax the sun sure its really great sometimes youll just see a little cap sticking out and with 4 chinos if youre lucky youll find an enormous mushroom hiding underneath down among the pine needles in mass. The mushrooms go pretty deep down so its always a surprise what you discover. That. Being in the forest can bring a lot of joy. Decided to share his experience with others when he finds a mushroom he photographs it and tries to capture its beauty his book into the woods is a visual journey through the forest into the realm of mushrooms. Through prof as a Photographer Im not just interested in mushrooms for their taste but for their shape too but there are endless varieties you discover new kinds of every forest i just cant get enough of the shapes and colors. Schmidt has been working as a photographer in east berlin studios since 2009 but in fact hes rarely there most of his assignments taken abroad to hire professional demand International Photo shoots create one thing in abundance stress you know theres been lots of time on the road i fly a lot and have a terrible c o 2 footprint i travel around the world and meet lots of people often large groups of people. Playing everywhere all day i kind of have to play the clown for everyone i enjoy it all of course but as a counterbalance i need the nice and quiet of the forest. The aesthetics of commercial photography also influenced the images in his book all of the photos reflect his love for the forest and mushrooms its a bit like more personal. The happiness. Of the book is not only about mushrooms its about an approach to life finding joy in the forest thats why the book is called into the woods hunting mushrooms and finding happiness and. Often its the young upwardly mobile urbanites who have discovered the advantages of mushroom foraging over partying whether a project director in marketing or a d. J. In label head many people are taking to the woods to hunt for mushrooms. My life as a d. J. Means i spend discs internationally and always on the road this kind of tranquility is the exact opposite. Its a big adventure to roam through the woods learn about new mushrooms and then take them home to cook its fine. In order to trade the urban jungle for the forest and mushroom hunting all thats needed is the pocket knife a sturdy shoes and a basket and getting an early start is a good idea. If you go into the forest early youll be rewarded with a great atmosphere its often still foggy the birds are singing and of course being the 1st one there is key to hunting mushrooms nothings more frustrating than just finding mushroom cuttings or no mushrooms at all. A few rainy days in a little sunshine brings the mushrooms shooting out of the ground many are edible but a few are highly poisonous schmidt has a tip for beginners. As a general rule its good to gather beliefs you can tell by looking underneath but they have little spongy porous layer instead of gills gills would be little stripes almost none of the beliefs are poisonous mushrooms so its hardly possible to mix them up these mushrooms are really full proof of. Your. Past stick with delicious mushrooms just waiting to be prepared frying red pine concepts together will provide a wonderfully fresh an intensive taste experience. What a satisfying way to end a walk in the woods. And our next report a former stockbroker and successful businessman in the pharmaceutical industry gave it all up to take over his parents winery in france that was 30 years ago when nikolaus really long ago lost interest in chemistry finances and to restaurant banalities now he believes in the cosmic palace of. Harnessing the moon and the cosmos to make wine may sound like mumble jumble but the frenchman is now considered one of the pioneers of biodynamic wine growing. Its called the garden of france it stretches across the center of the country and for centuries has been the site for the cultivation of some of frances best wines like the legendary white wines of the chateau. Winery insiders called. The wine pope his latest counts as one of the worlds best white wines and as the father of biodynamic little culture. The culture as the solution connects the location with the earths natural cycle of life thats whats unique you might get smaller yields a higher cost for the result is an authentic flavor. The grapes are harvested the winery as they have been for 889 autumn is now susteren monks planted the 1st grade in 1130. The grapes have ripened perfectly and they have a slight yellow orange tinge they harvested until then theyre tended and given her is for greater balance and harmony. For 5 weeks before the harvest i always give them a wash of honey from our beehives and rose hips for the wild roses quite extraordinary. Biodynamic compound that ones work to the. Case that way down the grapes with far more flavor. Times for planting the vineyards hectares and fertilizing and harvesting the grapes so influenced by the planets. Only insists the phases of the moon have a decisive effect on the flow of juices in the plants as do the tidal ebb and flow of the lunar calendar is an essential factor in the biodynamic methods at the winery now run by nicolaus daughter. City. See the movie also the interaction of all the planets its a ballet of the planets in relation to the constellations throughout the year. They influence the growth of the vines the folks. See themselves as natures assistance they never use artificial fertilisers only the dung from their own livestock which are also part of the biodynamic concept they keep cattle especially for this purpose and initially strictly controls the. Diet today they get apples from the wineries on the orchard. Biodynamic growers regard the cow horns filled with dung as a kind of Super Premium fertilizer for the vines. Its not all sweet altering but theyre buried in left in the ground for 8 months. Now is the right time for them we did them up again in spring said by then they count down in the horns this thoroughly composed as is and can be used as fertilizer for the soil profile the cut most strongly strongly sort of. The great harvest is going into the final stretch twice a day nicolaus only personally serves the pickers a little picnic with coffee tea and home baked cakes and. Once for fresh they take the hand picked grapes to the press. A good pressing takes about 3 hours. Then the grape juice is poured into oaken barrels which go into the winery cellar for 6 months then the wine is ready to drink nothing is added. The annual production averages some 50000 bottles the unique pure white wine from those only winery can even be enjoyed 20 years later. Will soon be taking over completely from her father. Just finished this i was born here and you could say this wine flows in my veins. Were part of the old i cant imagine ever doing anything else on. Just one sides this place has lots of history my brother and i want to continue this history so the lifestyle here can be preserved with the help of biodynamic video culture as far as possible what are you doing. To others may dismiss the wineries methods or even scoffed at them as new. Hokus pokus but they cant argue with success not only their showpiece wine. But all their white wines get good reviews from consumers and consumers alike. Family knows the truth is in the flavor. Every year in arts and traditional cattle drives take place all over the alps when they kept a return from the eye of pine pestis its a huge event and people come from all over to take part in the celebration the cow was even decorated for our series quickly cast as i decided to join one in south taro its a province in italy but they speak german there and the coasts dont care the way. I have to kiss an ox and swing a whip for this adventure. That is the largest of highest meadow in the alps im here uphill from cast of old selves to roll out with a cattle drive. This day means the end of the summer for the cows and my term and so there is to bring them back to the. Morning high up in the meadow the herd of nearly 40 belongs to the leak i couldnt ever bring them all down by myself the farmers have to help out. For the occasion. And before we have down to the valley everybody has to fuel up well be walking 23 kilometers today. And here we have a kind of beauty salon for the i have a couch they be decorated for the drive the farmer has a clear favorite. As he does it this is my sunshine shell stay with us until she dies thats certain. No sunshine has taken part in 7 cattle drives running at some point enough is enough here were at an altitude of 2000 meters you can keep the cattle up here forever its a wonder that they even stay up here that they dont start wandering down on their own right wandering down on their own. The winter cold sets an alley and the high madames im actually interested with the leading one bull i have to take care of louis the ox for the next few hours but hes stubborn as well as an ox. I turn on the charm to try to win over them is every one has its own personality but in the end all of them can be handled. The herd gets on the way slowly but single mindedly and unstoppably lewis does whatever he wants. Well hes not far we wont be stopping for any brakes till we reach the back thats a 5 hour march down here at a brisk pace. Farther down we pass a little hamlets like company which spectators lines of both locals and tourists the cattle drive is an important festival for the entire region but those couples a pretty noisy. Then suddenly trouble one of the oxen has broken away and must be chased down the tourists must have spooked in one of the help a spot him high up the mountainside. One wrong move and he might fall to his death but the farmer son knows how to calm him down even so the bull has to climb back down on its own hes quite eager to return to the herd. Down among the traffic and well wait that one of the cows might become. Theyre fine they calmly navigate the roundabout no problem but a little Property Damage can hardly be avoided. Here and cast of the farmers and the herd greeted like celebrities hundreds lined the streets to witness at least part of the cattle drive and the foremost get well we walked. The last few metres to the farm. The cows know their home theyd be able to stay outside in the pasture next to the farmhouse for one moment meanwhile i check up on luis the ox one last time. Hes not lost you know. Everything. Even after a 5 hour down to the pharmacy to help us and. Family at licola are still wound up. All of the work the farmers have throughout the whole year is really celebrated on this one day and the farmers can show how proud they are of their cows and that is a really nice thing. I may not be born to be a cow though but at least i held out to the end and the cows probably like the summer and the alps better but here they make it through the winter. And i can tell you i had some mussels for. That kettle dry but it was a fall today check us out online for more exciting stories and this weeks draw from me and the whole team here and ballen. I go to college. Keep learning merged reality wait a 2nd we want the whole picture our facts instead of make ideas shift deliver us. From imagined realities of cryptocurrency to your topics for live in an ever changing Digital World lets start going to devise a simple. Shift. D. W. Fast as its name is along that the person comes from a hybrid. Of our house an environmental topic a. Joke nasa innovation and the c x 30 a gasoline engine that works like a diesel the new sky activex. Engine takes the best from both combustible worlds. Private and 30 minute w. 2 navy and justice and freedom the 1st words of the German National anthem and the 3 Central Valley news that form the foundation of this country how have these values developed in much more germany come hard is it to live by and defend the principles of unity justice and freedom and i want to give money to you miles. Oh in germany. Syrians starts october 21st on d w. Sitting in rooms are a. Symbol of a long conflict in the philippines. Between the muslims and the christian population last place as fighters occupied the city center in 2017 president to churchs response was. The original. Game book called. Conquest turned into tragedy this is not the kind of freedom that we want. Oh didnt know where you could become a gateway to islamist her. Exclusive report from a destroyed city. Village in the sights of our guests starts october 24th on d w play. Play. Play play. This is d w news live from berlin protesters in hong kong despite a ban on making it that voices thousands of demonstrators take to the streets friends and also rise rally undeterred by recent Violent Attacks on true democracy activists also coming out bolivians although saying in elections that will the time end whether left wing president evo morales will be given an unprecedented 4th time in office and

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