Reporter visits the german state of touring with the far right it could deliver another singing go to chancellor Angela Merkel in recent elections on sunday. And welcome good to have you with us how long will the European Union latest brags that extension be thats what the British Government and opposition parties are waiting anxiously to find out from mr Boris Johnson wants only a short extension until mid november he thinks saturday or tresh on armament to possibly exit deal was reached with the e. U. Last week johnson wants to get his deal through and then hold early elections in december riis. The hughes chief exec negotiator Michel Bonnie has been keeping tight lipped about the liberation so far today have a listen. Newcomer to produce 27 new impression he. Refused to go on current funding requests for music for the decisions on his own. So let me go and our correspondents a shot of fosse in london and guelph matus in brussels so until after todays e. U. Meeting we still dont know how long the delay to breaks it will be out on exactly what investors have decided today heres what we know and retire you sources have told me that in principle all passengers have agreed that there will be an extension for the u. K. As you have pointed out we dont know how long that extension will be that they will work out of the weekend and they also have full agreement on the fact that they do not need another special summit in order to agree on such an extension but they will wait until the early next week is what the sources here say until they decide about over the length of that extension so sharp what does this is decision on the lack of actually saying how long this extension will be mean for Boris Johnson. Well Boris Johnson has said once that hed rather be dead in a ditch then ask the e. U. For an extension of course that has happened and the government admitted for the 1st time this morning that the deadline of the 31st of october is not doable and now Boris Johnson wants a general election he wants parliament to vote on it on monday and for that you would need a 2 thirds majority in parliament and now this is where it becomes really tricky because opposition parties would need to agree to a general election and they say that they want the e. U. 1st to say we grant this extension of 3 months before they decide to back a general election so here we run into this problem of chicken and egg westminster once clarity from the e. U. But the European Union once clarity from westminster so you know weve heard this chicken and egg situation now from charlotte is the block united or well course on drugs the door did divisions prevent them from agreeing on a full extension a day today and how long that extension should be. Very often in brussels you speak about divisions on the part of the European Union and that those 2728 Member States in that case i wouldnt i wouldnt use that use that word i would rather say its looking for the rights tactics looking into the choreography of this monumental mess that breaks it has created and making sure that the e. U. Is not direct interests the french consolidates that they only want to ground an extension if theres a good reason for instance the general election on the table that well have to see on monday whether thats still up as pointed out becomes a reality and that would be a good reason to grant an extension the concern really is the e. U. Does not want to get given the extension that drags on for ever so so theres quite a bit of a breakfast for for t. Q. Really in brussels i should as you said Boris Johnson is desperate to get an early election that is more about his strategy here well Boris Johnson wants to get a clear mandate from the British Public that they say look we agree with you a deal that you have negotiated we agree with your breakfast strategy and with that he wants to shake up the numbers and compliment and get a majority of the 2 then finally passed his deal so that is his strategy that is why hes pushing for it the question of is here and b. U. K. Of parliament doesnt agree on a general election on monday what happens then and the government has said very un conservatively lets say well go on strike well pull the bill we dont do anything anymore so we could be looking at another standstill here in the u. K. Starting on monday i shall have votes in london matus in brussels thank you both very much. Talk about bricks and fatigue the years of break the debates have led to a precedented level of polarization in British Society and to some very extreme talk a survey by academics recently found that a majority of voters on both sides of the debate think the risk of violence against members of parliament is quote a price worth paying to get their desired breaks its outcome is london doris wanted to get moss takes a look at the everyday trysts faced by lawmakers as a result of the big debate with her if i got a very bad order to hurt her there is a crowd outside the palace of westminster every day made up of both angry leavers and remain ors the police often have to intervene m. P. s arriving for work face verbal abuse and sometimes even physical attack. Nigel raj leader of the bracks a party had a milkshake thrown at him earlier this year a relatively harmless incident compared to what other politicians have experienced. I have threats of violence including a death threat to civil Death Threats several secu shouldnt by the police so i sat in a meeting recently with some other bricks here senior colleagues and some he said just look around so does anyone not a death threat and the answer was weve all had Death Threats. Including tom brake. The liberal democrat is a staunch opponent of brecks it. One Facebook Page contain comments suggesting he should be strangled. It varies from level abuse to Death Threats are suspect probably every other member of parliament in the house of commons has had Death Threats and theres no doubt that these things have got worse since the referendum mediately all through the referendum there was a very clear increase. 3 years ago labor m. P. Jo cox was murdered on the way to a drop in in her constituency her attacker has links to a neo nazi group. Members of the opposition also blame the Prime Minister. They think this talk of capitulation and surrender is fueling hatred. But Prime Minister Boris Johnson merely dismisses threats of violence against m. P. s as humbug thanks to the right i. Have to say to just be cried never heard John Trumbull you know my life. Britains divide between remainders and labours grows ever starker many m. P. s receive threats every day usually via facebook or twitter their references to hanging and firing squads civil war and gunning for blood theres no way of knowing if some of these users might perpetrate violence in the real world. Liberal democrat tom brink believes that the political culture needs to change the way back is for i mean i think in the u. K. To resolve the issue breaks it i think until this is dealt with one way or another than we will continue to see this level of aggression the sort of language news for now the brics it crisis remains ongoing and that makes all m. P. s potential targets wherever they stand on the political spectrum. The good muslim joins me from london to give how much of a tool are these threats taking on the lawmakers. Im rita quite a big toy speaking to many m. P. s and even though most of them put a brave face on it and they are convicted that they want to do the right thing when it comes to braggs it they all have had threats i mean really most of them really quite severe threats one female m. P. That we talked to she had rape scenes center had pictures with you know decapitated bodies and shes even had her children being approached at home in the garden so shes had to build around a fence around her house so she said she has some escape mechanism she tries to do things every day that dont have to do with politics but just to go get outside of holman but she also describes how she feels vulnerable when shes out and about how when shes inside a house of parliament she knows that there is security and that shes safe but she doesnt know whether actually her family is safe at home so to have that sort of level of threat against you it does take a toll on these m. P. s thats for sure and you get a sense that this level of threats is having an impact on their decisions. And that is syrians im not sure breaks it has been such a polarizing experience for the whole country and if anything people as well as m. P. s is my impression are even more getting more entrenched in their views and you can see that when it comes to the debates in parliament where the language is getting really sharp and aggressive and even though m. P. s some of the might be friends across the party benches bought when theyre in parliament you can just see how really how strongly people find their words and that has definitely i would say changed soon since the bracks referendum so i didnt bring it on there on any of their voting behavior but we also see that a lot of m. P. s are have said they are stopping at the next election and theyre going to stand out and say its really shaken up british politics theres braggs of experience so with emotions running high on both sides of the break the debates are there any attempts to overcome these divisions. There are attempts and m. P. s them selves have gone public with the abuse they received theyve also theyre also people too to moderate the language for example in the chamber there is one group its called united which is a cross party. Across prachi group that works also with members of the public it would bring peace together but i have to say for the moment it doesnt look as though that brings a lot of fruit and you can also see that when it comes to breaks when it comes to. The government for example not involving the opposition m. P. s and their bread strategy this is probably one of the core problems that has already started on the under trees or may that she sort of ploughed along with her strategy without really involving any opposition m. P. s and that has polarized fat m. P. s and so any attempt to bring people together thats just one part of the coin but on the other hand there are still many attempts or many particularly in government i would say are really trying to also shout out their opponents big mass in london thank you very much not a 2nd and a look at some of the stories making news around the last British Police have arrested 2 more people after 39 bodies were found in the back of a truck in south east an England Office is believed the victims. The latest arrests on suspicion of manslaughter and trafficking come as police are still questioning the lorry driver from Northern Ireland on suspicion of murder. Iraqi Officials Say one protest has been killed as for the antigovernment demonstrations erupt in Baghdad Police fired tear gas and live shots into the air to disperse demonstrators marching on government buildings to protest against corruption its a renewal of the deadly protests earlier this month 150 people were killed and 3000. 00 injured in a police crackdown. In indonesia a final report by investigators into the last years crash of a lion and boeing 737 max jet has blamed a combination of design flaws maintenance problems and inadequate training the report said pilots were not told how to react quickly to malfunctions of the jets Flight Control system. It is only last year that california experiences deadliest and most destructive wildfire now flames are once again raging across the state in the Los Angeles Area around 50000. 00 people have been doing to evacuate mandatory evacuation orders ellison effect for the north in sonoma wine country. Moving fast through the canyons north of los angeles driven by high winds the wildfire in Southern California broke out thursday mandatory evacuation orders are in place over 500 firefighters are battling the blaze backed by air tankers and helicopters. Do not be loaded by that that you may not see open flames right now because there are plenty of hot spots out in the incident will help us out all night trying to work on those hot spots and try to work in between increasing or containment. The fires are not only raging in the Los Angeles Area but also further north in the wine region of Sonoma County where residents were evacuated to escape the fire. And that was 30 in the morning i woke up and the mountain was on fire and so i woke up my husband and i and we checked it out and it was across the river lot of people i know lost their house in the previous fires and i know for people who lost their houses in this one and its just. Its a real big reality check in the past california so large as to 2 of the company p. G. And e. Has been responsible for numerous wildfires in the state p. G. And e. Said they are investigating whether their equipment had been involved in stoking the fire in Sonoma Valley to reduce the risk of accidental fires power cuts to hundreds of thousands of customers in california governor Gavin Newsome criticized the utilities for how they handled Wildfire Protection is infuriating beyond words. To live in a state as innovative and extraordinarily. And capable as the state of california to be living in an environment where were seeing this kind of disruption in these kinds of blackouts with hot dry winds expected to hit california over the weekend and is not in sight. Youre watching the news coming up ahead on guard for who relies on his county brain cretin was born blind but his lifelong friend sue guides him along the fairway. But 1st voters in the german state of to go to the polls this weekend in an election thats shaping up into another crucial test for chancellor c. D. U. Party the far right if he has been polling strongly and could overtake the conservatives as the states number 2 party behind the post communist left of doing it was sponsor former east germany before really difficult in 1990 is the only german state with a governing coalition headed by the left 40 did the reporter on their cock return to the old home town effort to gauge the mood ahead of sundays vote. No bated brickhouse this and narrow anyways just like in fairy tales. Small medieval cities like our well known and loft in the eastern state of the ranger. That was my home for a long time i spent most of my youth and syringes and went to effort to study when i lived here people didnt argue much about politics than if they didnt even exist but now they are likely to win at least 20 percent of the road and i wonder whether they have changed the region. Leftest off right thats often what people here want to know is politics dividing the state into. I tried to talk about it with former classmates but then i noticed that most of the people i was friends with have moved away to big cities just like i did i was right back saying its a delicate topic society i hear is bitterly divided but no one wants to talk to me about it on camera. To get an idea of whats going on now i go to an a. S. D. Campaign event the far right edgy take is considered the top candidate here and he insults other parties and journalists too but can his constituency except of opinions those who are. Or. If you are in more i always look for an arena where i could influence people and if there is someone who doesnt want to accept this and then im sorry they consider the next table and drink his beer alone. When we have a family celebration sometimes we start arguing my wife keeps the arguments from escalating by changing the subject. I meet with bow to him until he has been the state premier of 3 india for the past 5 years hes the only left party state premier in germany many think hes down to earth and hes pragmatic but while he was in office the a if he succeeded in expanding its base so why couldnt the left party keep the f. T. In check put when i try to keep them in check they began polarizing the constituency i want to talk to the people on the streets and i want an end to this polarization and i want to let the people know where we stand and where were headed or know if they can vixen. The only problem is that the range is becoming increasingly polarized thats what left Party Supporters keep telling me this is a vision for this small rebellion but its not a small as wed like it to be. Some people irreconcilable if that speech is harsha more vicious and dimwitted. My old hometown seems withdrawn and i fear of the stadia lections might make things worse. According to a poll of the left party with the board over im in or have the most support but might not succeed in forming a Coalition Government since no one wants to work with me a day the federal state is that drift off the political block which would further deepen the social tensions. Sometimes when i go back home i feel like a stranger. Severe talking mother friend sitting jamey that is highly politically polarized a senior Political Correspondent hans joins me now to talk more about the situation the sons welcome and did us was why are we seeing this level of polarization with bodies at the opposite end of the political spectrum the far right and the left expected to make big gains paradoxically the support for both these parties feeds from similar sources during you know was part of east germany and people in that area of germany off to german unification feel left behind in some sense feel some sense of being 2nd class citizens and unified germany and this feeling of being left behind of being a 2nd class citizen feeds both into support for the left party and inserted into support for the right wing. 50 traditionally the left party is a successor to the communist party that used to rule in east germany it was a protest party before but more recently they have he has also gathered protest votes because of the migration coming into germany from Foreign Countries and that has strengthened that party but both of them in this in a sense of protest parties now we are seeing those for jesting that the right wing populist if he could win up to 20 percent of the votes could that end up being a part of the recent government into the i think thats very very unlikely effect we can say that that will not be the case that offer all 2 other parties that are of a similar size are probably stronger that is the currently ruling left party and the christian democrats the conservatives. Americal and all other parties have said they will never go into government with the a of d. And into ring it thats especially important since this is a and if he is particularly right wing its leader is someone who has one has to say fascist tendencies so the possibility of this party in this region being in any way respected by the other parties and taken into some sort of Ruling Coalition is impossible and do you think the Election Results in 2 dingell has implications for johnson and the americans a government at the National Level yes indeed whats important there is the question of how well or in fact how badly the social democrats to thats the Coalition Partner in Americas National government the social democrats are likely to do very very badly in this region if the polls are to be believed to be believed and that increases the pressure within that party to leave the Coalition Government because many people within that party feel that being part of the Coalition Government is something that is not to the benefit of the social democrats but in fact one has to say in the end these discussions have been going on for a while they will continue and as such is not going to be the decisive factor in whether or not this Coalition Government at the National Level continues right hands front thank you very much for sharing your political expertise with us to lifelong friends have been playing golf together for 15 years and have been a huge amount of trust along the way the partnership between graeme cuttin and longtime caddie sue copping to is quite hugh nique who was born blind and copping to has become his eyes on the fairways. Caddy sue carpenter sets up the ball for her blind frayne graham the golfer. Right hurt theyve been close for decades on the course hed be lost without his caddie if you havent got them to assist you while youre getting all right getting around the golf course you can ply their phone in the boat for you longing in the club for you theyre telling you. If you havent got trust in your caddy to wise to tone graham has improved his game since taking up the sport with the lions share of the credit going to his lifelong friend. With a she had history of working to get close to 30 odd. And strange and then working together and talking about things on a golf course and the hardest thing ill take management blogging golf has been played in australia for over 30 years and is now played in 16 countries but the sport is constantly looking to expand and bring new players to the game. Now to a rather unusual Guinness World record broken by a group of martial arts experts in india take a look at this a 9 member team made by vist be cut adi broke the record for the highest number of people on a bed of nails on top of each other some spectators appeared a bit crazy fortune the spin for and potentially dangerous feats and it goes without saying that we do not recommend that anyone tries this at home alone. Heres a recap of the story that youre funding for you. Just meeting with the chief exec then go see it in Michel Barnier agreed on the need for a break sit extension but they have yet to decide in condo mentally theyre prepared to grant the u. K. s current the set in the on of the 21st. And dont forget you can always get your news on the go just download the app from google play all from the app and stroll thatll give you access to all the latest news from around the want as well as push notifications for any breaking news you can also use the app to send us photos and videos. Coming up next a d w z looks at pakistans plan to police its internet thats coming up shortly and remember you can always get the latest news and information round the clock from our web site thats dot com ill be back with you in half an hour of focusing is that about it. Luxury behind the mirror humans are exploited and animals cruelly small herd. Big brands have committed to fair working conditions and sustainable production. But who is monitoring to some contractors mum. And investigative documentary goes to italy and china and looks behind the glamorous facade of fashion house a place luxury her starts no membership on t. W. Red the real talent resides. I come from their loss of people in fact more than the built in egypt of blood not just democracy thats one reason why im passionate about people and the aspirations i make and the sadness. The finishing the book is trying to in the name of the for the flooding one i remember thinking at the time the sublime in broken for what the past. If people come together and unite for the kids. But i do the news i often confront difficult situations for conflict screen Disaster Health crises response my child to confront good to be does on policies and development to focus spotlight on issues that matter most to the congo Food Security question marshall nicely should. Not have been achieved the so much more needs to be job and i think people have to be at the heart of solutions my name is on the top and i work hard to tell you. This is a new coming up pakistans plan to police its internet. Revealed as lum about to deal with an overseas Surveillance Company what does this mean for Civil Liberties in the country. And north Koreas Kim Jong un has decided south korean built hotels are not good enough for him we take a look at a joint piece of project that is on the road

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