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A string with Regional Elections that fact the cd use chair is under pressure and she could face a leadership challenge. Last falls new struggles to cope with the influx of migrants trying to reach the European Union the United Nations is calling on the balkan country to close a migrant camp built on the site of a home a rubbish dump but also he say they have no way to resettle the microbes. 500. 00 humphry glad you could join me hong kongs police chief says edging a handful of protesters still barricaded inside the Polytechnic University that to surrender peacefully now they have been holed up since occupying the campus over the weekend is the latest confrontation in hong kong 5 months of anti. Government protests while Mainland China has issued a series of increasingly tough warnings against the demonstrators and well they beijing has not directly intervened in the territory although hes have been targeting individual protesters correspondent as he is putting a met with one of them and he says that he was arrested and beaten by police at the Hong Kong China border to protect his identity over his chain the change the activists fois in this next report it started like a routine business trip and indeed in china a secret detention system stanley wong was crossing the border to Mainland China when he was stopped would a police searched his phone and questioned him for several hours. Then in the evening 2 Police Officers came they handcuffed me and put a black hood on my head. Then they took me away. For fear of retribution we cannot show his face stanley wong is not his real name his accounts cannot be very fight independently but his story is in line with accounts from other detainees. At that time Border Police have begun systematically searching the phones of hong kong as crossing the border between hong kong and the mainland. The photo of wong attending a peaceful march in june caught their attention he explained it was unauthorized march and that hong kong rules allowed him to participate but they wouldnt listen. They said this was about a matter of National Security and that it wasnt up to me to decide what in danger in it means National Security is above all other laws where National Security is concerned they said we can catch you in hong kong or any other place in the world. One was held in a single cell that had been covered in soft material a glass door was translucent from the outside only lights left permanently on over and over they interrogated him asking about photos on his vote and contacts to foreign nationals i had to crouch like this for the whole generation of the interrogation. They placed me right under an air conditioner with the wind blowing at me constantly each interrogation lasted a few hours and whenever they thought i didnt sit well they would beat me like this punch my back or kick me in the legs. The number of people whove been detained at the border remains and no one says he was able to catch glimpses into other cells that help people we believed were fellow hong kong escort at the border after 36 hours he was released. My family tried to ask the Public Security where i was but they just wouldnt say anything the police even denied they knew me and that i had crossed the border i understood that i could easily be disappeared any time. Hes dealt with the experience quite well he says and he wont let it stop him but now when he crosses the border his heart starts to beat a little faster. It has been us and us that report and he joins us now from beijing welcome to you mathias is there any way to know how widespread this intimidation of freshest is is. There are no numbers that we know what we know is that some time during Summer Police started systematically checking peoples phones at the border and questioning them if they had any compromising material that could be messages on all that could also be photos off protests. How many people worse if he currently detained is completely unclear most people were questioned at the border and then they were let go off to a few hours or even quicker but this seems like a method of intimidation at the time one employee off the british consulate in hong kong was teach to was detained as well he was held for 15 days and he. Just just this week he gave an account of the torture that has happened to him and that is much worse than the man we talked to now new report Mathias Sistan he wont talk about his fate yeah as being dissipated essential how much of a risk is this for hong kong processed as. Well many people in hong kong reconsider any travel plans to the mainland at the moment within the mainland being disappeared something that frequently happens to dissidents they can disappear for much longer periods for 6 months or you can for more than a year and there are accounts of torture of much worse than those that weve heard of hong kong those that we know about so far. For people being kidnapped within hong kong and being disappeared from there we have no cases that are known to us during these protests some are however for high profile protesters i wouldnt excluded their work aces in the past one bookseller for example disappeared at some point he is contextualised forced confession reappeared later on chinese t. V. And when he was released much later he said that he was kidnapped in hong kong and with that in mind would you say that over all these tactics of intimidation are they working. Well besides the intimidation that is exercised directly by the mainland chinese authorities like at these border controls or people who have been disappeared in the mainland in relation to the protest mainland supporters of the protests several so being disappeared there is of course tactics of escalation and intimidation of protesters on the ground mainly by the Hong Kong Police we see that they are much more violent and they used to be in the beginning detentions have risen a few 1000 people have been detained although few of them have been charged so far but all these tactics seem to have no effect on the protests at all if anything they tend to radicalize people further so that support for the protest has not vanished people do blame the escalation mostly on the government and on the police. All right mathias putting it in beijing for us thank you. Now as the k. Gets ready to vote in december fears of russian meddling in the election have been reignited this week the Ruling Conservative Party orville that received a major donation from the wife of a former russian minister that was also evidence and the british Prime Minister Boris Johnson to a russian on a god well the Guardian Newspaper reported that Boris Johnson met with a russian billionaire and form a k. G. B. Officer and examine that lever they have in italy in april 28th at a party organized by evidence son you have danny until recently and eggs on 11 have had tonight that meeting. And now hes further distance himself from Boris Johnson and rejected accusations that he contributed to the conservative partys campaign anyway well the rachet i met up with Alexander Lebedev in moscow and sent us this report. Alexander lebedev likes being in the spotlight he used to be a secret Service Officer today hes one of russias richest businessmen in a restaurant in moscow is launching his new book in it he denounces the corruption of the russian elite. But the multimillionaire is making headlines for another reason hes supposed interference in brics it. Would be most of your friends with forest johnson. Not with friends with him but i know him maybe zhenya is friends with him union. He genya is let the dead son of gainey he played host to british Prime Minister Boris Johnson then the foreign minister but his villa in italy. When was the last time you met Boris Johnson. The world wide 32. 00 or 3 years ago but i think in total of michel more than 10 times. We want to know more about a party at your italian villa. As it was of kennys birthday with but i myself didnt see johnson there he was tired and just relaxing what do you want me to say that i saw him or not either way i did not talk to him and your son when was the last time he saw johnson that he was i dont know ask him yourself theyve been friends for years did your son contribute money to the conservatives. Were at my dont know anything about. Newspapers that could theoretically influence people but i doubt hes done that british journalists are hard to influence im sure my son didnt turn out money. To the conservative all labor party or anyone else for that matter. Government issues or the eating of it what about you. You kidding i cant afford to do that. So where are these suspicions coming from. This is fake news written by the guardian they want to compromise boris or the coal bin can become the next Prime Minister of course with a little help from the k. G. B. The british media is convinced that supported Boris Johnson and his party they point to a parliamentary investigation whose results should have been published 3 weeks ago. But lets just wait until the results are official to manage their published immediately i want to know exactly what was written before i comment on it means you would you feel. The British Government has pushed back publication by a month. Now the controversial report is set to come out in december. And he. Filed that report joins me now from moscow good to see you yuri what exactly is Alexander Lebedev accused of. Well mr lee but if is reported to have interference in directly in the bronx its come pain how exactly is unclear the british newspaper the sunday times however names him among other russians who allegedly called finance the banks that he would have been involved either as the owner of 2 newspapers and the t. V. Station in the u. K. Or through his son if anybody saw him this in my report now who invite the british Prime Minister johnson to a private party in italy the name a little bit if it will most likely be one of the 9 names of the russians who reportedly are going to appear in a previously unpublished report by the British Intelligence services and hes denied the accusations year but how credible is he well honestly i have to say that i was on the limit is a comfortable target for allegations that with this kind because he himself used to be a member of the k. G. B. He is the secret service here in russia 20 years ago because he himself or of as a diplomat at the Russian Embassy in london and because he later became a reporter titian here in russia and worked as a member of the Russian Parliament of the duma but he says that he was that was all a long time ago and the liberty of has long been a businessman and not a politician anymore and his argument in every discussion ive had with him is that he himself has been a victim of the Intelligence Services however his business was targeted he has even published a book on corruption in the Russian Elites and in his view that should free him from any accusations of being close to the russian state yuri as you mentioned he is not the only person facing accusations so overall what is your assessment did russia meddle in the break that campaign. So the 1000000. 00 question i think. The British Secret services have to find out and to convincingly prove russian involvement but its clear that we leave in a time of toll told mistrust everything began with the allegations of russian meddling in the u. S. Election campaign and in russia such allegations always provoke a tit for tat response the russians have now even established to parliamentary commissions here in moscow to investigate but tensional for influence in the sierra internal of total affair as this issue of socalled foreign into interference is extremely high tea in russia and these new potential a geisha is from the u. K. Are no different that they are the big news here but we have to wait for the report from london to be able to see beyond to the hype all right will bring us the view from moscow d w z or chateau thanks yuri lets take a look now at some of the other stories making news around the world u. S. Lawmakers have wrapped up public impeachment hearings against President Donald Trump counsel to david holmes describe the overheard telephone calls about a probe into trumps democratic rival joe biden from a white house adviser a few and a hill rejected claims that ukraine not russia meddled in the u. S. Election. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been indicted for bribery forward and breach of trust in 3 separate cases hes denied wrongdoing and says that the colonel case is politically motivated and this new law is still battling to stay in power off to septembers elections produced no clear winner. For german chancellor Angela Merkels Christian Democratic Union has kicked off a 2 day Party Conference in leipzig officially the question of Party Leadership is not on the agenda but it is a still expected to play iraq since angloamerican announced last year that she would not run as chancellor again there has been a struggle for power within the party on top of that the conservatives are under pressure from the east side to maintain their position as the dominant party in german politics. And in leipzig is our chief Political Editor me now we can cross over to her now we know the angle americal has been on the podium addressing the audience there but otherwise it appears that shes taking a backseat why is that. Because she no longer leads the christian democrats you can hear behind me and it did come havent i was speaking her successor who was elected at the Party Conference one year ago and has since been struggling to turn around the downward trend both in her own opinion polls but also in the polls and Regional Elections the c. D. U. Is struggling and that trend is still continuing of this conservative Big Tent Party at the same time its very difficult to step out of the shadow of anger mckelvie 14 years ago to the day it became german chancellor for the very 1st time just when she was welcomed before she even said a word she received one minute and 38 seconds of Standing Ovations so its a very long shot or to step out of going to come combo indeed well for an update come karaman its been quite tough shes not uncontroversial have popularity has been dwindling can anything threaten her leadership there the Party Convention a revolt perhaps. Well revolt there was a lot of talk about this the past couple of weeks that is off but we do expect to hear from mats who lost out to a year ago in a tight race for the Party Leadership he still sees himself as the right man to step into uncle americal shoes so when youre talking who could become the next candidate for chance in the elections scheduled in 2 years time he believes hes the man and he does have significant support from the conservative camp within the c. D. U. Hes announced the speech which we will certainly be listening to very carefully but for the mets himself said that that clash that showdown that many are expected is simply not going to happen at the same time hes to say the other camp a bad loser because he simply wont stop to continue that race to step into the americas to briefly tell you if you dont mind that you can use or at least criticize and create. But he basically sees himself as the better one to take on he criticized the government which honestly belongs to simply not performing he wants to see a more business oriented more conservative c. D. U. And click come to a certain degree has been trying to kill the argument by herself setting a new agenda also pledging that germany should take on a much stronger role also in International Military missions in the future she got a lot of positive feedback for that well see how much of a banter will come from the podium behind me in a short time from now monitoring it all for us is our chief Political Editor of the. New Party Conference thank you. Now some of the other stories making news around the world police and protesters have clashed cheering rallies in the Columbia Capital bogota tens of thousands of demonstrators opposed to the policies of president even duke a call for more economic equality they expressed concerns about alleged plans to raise the pension age and though the minimum wage. The spanish coast guard has rescued 79 migrants off the Canary Islands after they spent 6 days at sea the group was taken to a pool in southern gran canaria where they receive medical attention. Now the advance of wintry conditions in parts of europe is raising concerns over the nevin conditions for many migrants trying to reach the e. U. One acute case is there more than 8000 migrants remain stranded most of them in the countrys northwest now theyre hoping to cross the border into neighboring croatia and now this week e. U. Officials repeated their calls for the closure of the vote shack camp need be hatched to avoid was sitting on what is already a dire humanitarian situation hoffman went there to get a firsthand impression. Water is only delivered here once a day by tanker. The hygenic conditions are catastrophic since last summer some 600 migrants mostly from pakistan and afghanistan have settled in can vote check or form a rubbish dump in North Western boss near. The local red cross is helping with basic necessities but for half a year now the local authorities have been bringing migrants here from the city of the hutch 8 kilometers away against the advice of the un and International Aid organisations everyone is saying regardless of the most the thing that has been said over the 5 months of this today it was announced that this has to be because you know. That the neighboring creational is just a few kilometers beyond these mountains microns try to cross into the e. U. Here many are presented and sent back by creation police soon temperatures are expected to drop winter is particularly severe in this mountainous part of bosnia as is becoming clear to the camps residents. Thats an appalling conditions you know people and i. Thought despite the danger no one in other parts of boston wants to take these people in. This is what aid workers believe to be one of the most dangerous micron camps in europe at the moment doctors report cases of scary bees and other serious diseases but still local authorities dont want to close the camp they want to keep up pressure in other regions and the government in sarajevo to open a different collective center elsewhere in the country. For the last 2 years more and more refugees have free shaved one of bosnias largest cities more than 5000 of them knowledge here in the northwest and more arrive every day the mayor of the hutches demanding a long term solution. Camp must remain permanently open of course we could said the migrants from elsewhere but the migrant crisis as a whole has not been solved if the authorities want to transfer them elsewhere weve got no problem with taking them to sarajevo. On the outskirts of the Ns International organisation for migration runs a refugee camp for up to 2000 people in a form affect rebuilding but the local authorities are opposed to more migrants being accommodated here the un has been negotiating for months to open more refugee camps in the country its not difficult to imagine what will happen if you have 2300 people more living in the streets when it gets cold these people be forced to find solutions in water dissolutions is going to public buildings going to shopping malls going into abandoned houses maybe stealing food all the start of negative coping. Type of behavior will manifest itself people continue to arrive it would shock with wings on its way without a viable solution for the residents of the camp bosnias migration crisis continues to escalate. Now how do you transform a problematic Plastic Waste into a floating paradise with a start up in the ivory coast has turned a pressing environmental problem into a Business Opportunity proving one persons trash is anothers treasure. A Treasure Island but not as you know it this floating paradise parks not with gold plastic. 700000 pieces of these bottles are bringing buoyancy with it the creation of this french entrepreneur who wanted a way to tar and waste into one. I was studying here and people from the marina were all on the edge and so thats how i discovered the lagoon and its advantages and its disadvantages such as the pollution. And so little by little my idea of building a travel boat turned into how to build a system a Village Corner by using the pollution in the lagoon. The drums from that. The resulting entertainment resorts has become a draw for curious locals untar waist. For 25. 00 guests can spend a day on the island dancing eating drinking swimming and even sleeping. That for many. Of them its really innovative ecologically it was something that was really worth thinking about and its the place to be sometimes because it proves that nothing is wasted nothing gained everything can be preserved so they did something really innovative and i had to come and see for myself that this is different its a world away from the sea of plastic that surrounds it becker and his team do what they can to clean up the shores here and hopes his idea will encourage others to recycle it. He admits though his efforts alone are just a drop in the a good. Electric or to make a test that has unveiled its fur. Asked of a pickup truck at the north in los angeles a demonstration all of the vehicles toughness when it didnt quite go. Yeah. Well while off to chief executive even last claimed it wouldnt scratch an assistant on stage them broke to supposedly impact proof windows the cyber truck as musk has named it is expected to go into production in 12021 at a cost of just under 40000. 00. At the maker of this is deja vu news live from berlin im helena hong free more news on the top of the hour see a. Clear Position International perspective. Its time to stop talking about out. Recut and start working with that chancellor merkel shes calling on German Companies to invest more there but do firms have enough thrust to take the leap economic upswing in africa who really promise. To cut the next time on the doubling of. Human food shape doctor constantly construct visits a Dentists Office which is different. And this is amazing because you dont see any patients and i mean interviewed few of the some of the frill who said mrs duncan people overcome their fear of dentists for ever. Come up with a bright smile. Good shit in 60 minutes on g. W. And now comes look at me on the station of late years especially as you can. Bloody near putin in the middle of his Election Campaign did you turn the camera back on the horse in the year 2000 a documentary secretly chronicled a power grab and. Actually once everything was precisely planned destruction of the freedom of russia. Vladimir vladimirovich did the ends justify the means. Putins witnesses starts december 13th on d w. You know. As Great Power Competition in africa heats up germanys chancellor says its time for own countrys firms to take a new look at the continents Economic Opportunities to that end she invited heads of state from 12 african countries to berlin this week her Initiative Compact with africa foresees a mutually beneficial deal of african governments promote reformed germany

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