Removed. Explained. Welcome to news asia its good to have you with us taiwan is headed to president ial elections in january of next year but allegations of election into fattens are already being made no less than the president of taiwan has alleged that beijing is interfering in the election process ill be speaking to taiwans Deputy Foreign minister about those allegations in a minute but taiwan is already taking action it has detained a couple whose company is alleged to be a front for chinese spying activities in taiwan the interior ministry is investigating if shunk chin and his wife were involved in activities to interfere in the election process a process that many in taiwan are claiming has long been a target of beijings activities. As elections go it looks and feels like any other. 2 but beneath the placard to noisy Campaign Events accusations of fol play persist leveled by taiwans president who is seeking a 2nd term. China is using various means to intervene in taiwan selection to damage our democracy. As a large country internationally and regionally they have to take on the responsibility to maintain Regional Peace and stability. To get there is really a day goes by in the tense up the spear of this vote without some mention of their mighty neighbor you know this coming from the e. U. In perspective. New zealand perspective taiwan is the most seriously affected by train us imports operation out about it like this a 55000 ton Aircraft Carrier sailing through the strait of taiwan last week a routine operation say china and interrogation tactics say the taiwanese other aspects are less conspicuous like what was going on inside this Hong Kong Office chinese espionage efforts according to the explosive claims of a selfconfessed spy. On the taiwan was the most important work of ours. The infiltration into media the temples and grassroots organizations china has dismissed him as a thief and says taiwans interests are best served as part of china. I want to say to taiwan but we have been cooperating in a friendly way with many countries in the world based on mutual benefits. So these benefits not only suit chinas interests but also other countries interests. Its a view shared by the china friendly president ial contender. If he can overcome the odds to win in january it may not be entirely a mark of his own success and for more im joined in the studio by taiwans Deputy Foreign minister dr suit. Welcome taiwan is headed to president ial elections next. January and the current president has already accused china of attempting to influence this election what proof is there of this. Well i think. Experience of last election last year we had a local election and there are a lot of. Fake accounts on the social media that boosts certain candidates and if we trace them. The their address changes day by day sometimes in istanbuls sometimes kill sometimes is neuropathy and so you know there are a lot of these think accounts and eventually they play a very Important Role in making big success for certain candidates and also our ruling Party Experience defeat and we learn from that. So there are still this kind of figure counts thats one thing and also there were spread of this information how can you be so certain that these fake account just on this particular point were driven by people in china or the chinese government. Of course from the perspective of my Ministry Ministry of Foreign Affairs were not in charge of investigating into these cases. But i think a lot of people would have to see their legitimacy. Because some of them thats the thing is a bit of the foreign minister i mean one of the suspicions the other disproves so if statements are made from the highest portals of government accusing another government all directly influencing the merchants you can see how that is a cause for consternation if it is just on the basis of suspicion and not proof so of course there are texts that were written in. To the simplified chinese character and which is not used in taiwan we use the traditional ones in there a certain way of the that the way they face things are different from what we face in taiwan so these are indirect you make quoted evidence or. Hints but i think. From the our bureau of investigation they have a grasp certain evidence is that date in the china side the chinese side there were such things court contant farm. That has been traced and they create certain kind of information content and these constant will be copied in the social media group in taiwan spread it to the Mainstream Media so if china is active in spreading disinformation and influencing the upcoming taiwanese election who is china trying to prop up. There are certain Political Party social groups and people in taiwan that are more sympathetic to this position of you weenies cation with with china i think these people are disproved are chinas target just to stratify to me what taiwans position on the unification slash one giant. Being a separate entity is concerned because we go back to the consensus of 9092 in which there was some agreement on the term one china but then the current government of sighing when appears to discard has a different take so where exactly does taiwan stand right now it is not true that not in 92. 00 there was a consensus on one chart he not invited to both sides met in singapore and at that time both sides agrees agreed that there is only one china but get. Different sides we and them we can express or we can describe what one china means being our way so that was the so to speak agreement but this agreement to disagree because there is a 2nd part. However right now from day beijing site they take only the 1st part that did this 11. 00 time they discard the 2nd right so theres only actually no consensus so really looking at the 1st but on the 2nd part and im just wondering in terms of the way forward when there is disagreement along these lines what is the way forward after the elections. To pass the way to solve any disagreement in Human Society is through talk so we we dont have any preconditions to have a talk with beijing and i think that will be the only healthy weight to solve our disagreement so when we come back again its not true that we discard some agreement because from our perspective there was no good relief there for the time being dr shu thanks so much for coming in thank you. Philippines is Vice President lenny of bread always asking if the government has something to hide in its Lethal Campaign against Illegal Drugs thats after president broderick a dictator fired from her job as cochair of a body that coordinates the response to Illegal Drugs she had been appointed less than 3 weeks back from brandos dismissal was Headline News when it was announced on sunday to take his office said robredo had a court wish to get the opportunity to give it to her using it instead to attack the governments methods for some background and context in the philippines the Vice President and president elected separately and can be from different parties robredo has been a fiasco tick of dictators socalled war on drugs out of point earlier in the month as socalled drug czar surprised many this is what robredo said after she was fired. You know one thing about you know when i took on this job i 1st asked them are you ready for me you know i asked what year free zone what do you fear that i would discover you know what do you fear that the public would find him and so what happened the double correspondent. Is for us and why was it of bread a sad. Vice president regret it was fired because mr to the president was very rankled for 2 reasons 1st Vice President regret i had asked for a list of the high value a big time drug lords at the antidrug agency was supposed to go after and secondly in the stake and the thought that she had invited the United Nations to investigate of abuses related to the drug war we have to remember that president the territory is always seen the Vice President as Something Like a thorn in his side she has always been vocal about the tablets of the drug war and has always called for a huge market main drug policy one that will not necessitate the killing of suspected drug users and drug pushers exactly a very much a critic of president this socalled war on drugs why was she then appointed the drug czar of the battle against drugs in the philippines. You know it was really more of a dare the president was taunting the Vice President he said to her you know youre always criticizing the drug war can you do a better job why dont you take this job and so she did and it surprised a lot of people and most especially the president it was a clear display of you know how mr deterrent is really like a man baby he views government as in sand box and he seems women like Vice President little girls who he can bully and whose pigtails that he can pull well this time the man baby met his match a woman who is determined to do her job and sometimes thanks so much for putting it in those words. Thats a very remove all words images from the philippines that tell the story of the socalled war on drugs with the boss for your. Coach of the for. Joining us from africa the floor link to exceptional stories and discussion. Of easy its our website deputed com smash africa join us on facebook. For cars. 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Was on kenya so the occasion of ali babas 20th anniversary we have argued in an important milestone which is to come home come back to hong kong for the listing

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