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Going to welcome to. Its good to have you with us its been called the worlds worst industrial disaster but the description barely captures what happened in bhopal 35 years ago bhopal is a capital of the indian state of multiple dish in the intervening night of december the 2nd 1900 boys nest gas leak from a pesticide plant spreading rapidly across the city in that 1st night according to some estimates more than 3000 people died that number would go up to 15000 those who survived didnt have a much better yes the words of 2 who lived through that night. Aziza says i was 2 months pregnant at the time i had a miscarriage right there in the middle of the street i was unable to control my bowels and the feces ran down my legs jump of a vision closer is it fair fleck somebody had filled our bodies up with red chillies our eyes had coming out noses were watering we had froth in our belts survivors continue to suffer then a call is a call disorders and so birth defects among a long list of Health Problems but it doesnt stop there they also need to find the strength to receive adequate Compensation Health care above all justice. For decades they have been campaigning some still living with their injuries. Of is still baring their grief. Like that but with this about that night everything was destroyed my sons and daughter in law died and my leg was amputated. I have to drag myself around these killers did not heed anything why have they not been brought to court why havent they been hanged they are responsible for this yet. It was december 1984 when 40 tons of deadly methyl i so psion 8 known as am i see gas escape to pesticide factory in the indian city of bhopal within the 1st few hours 3000 people were dead some dying in their own homes hundreds of thousands more were injured many of them children. Over the years the death toll has risen and official estimate stands at around 15000. 00. The Company Responsible Union Carbide has never faced prosecution but it did you agree a 470000000. 00 payout in 1989 campaigners say the company which is now owned by dow chemicals must pay much more in compensation including to the families whose children have been born with brain damage and with disabilities the people are waiting for appropriate health care the standard medical treatment protocol is needed thats not yet available and finally in some ways the most important question is whether the justices. The question many have been asking for 35 years and still it seems there is no. Joining me for more is the rights nor danger an activist working with survivors of the pope of tragedy she joins me now from bhopal russia not good to have you on the program youve been working with the survivors for quite some time what other immediate needs. Thank you for an answer eric this thing im going today currently this is probably the biggest on going corporate mass. And people have only gotten about 300. 00 in compensation since the operations missed ponselle for the disaster Union Carbide dow chemical their criminal liability teams are steer and thinks that is 6 housings of tons of toxic waste that is still sitting inside the factory im outside the factory but just in time when it hit the ground water of more than 100000 people. Doubt some of the refuses to clean up and because of this toxic contamination and a lot of children are being affected as well as the parents who have consumed this what is right here and that as gas disasters concern people are really sick there are 10 times more cancer rates there are just now we have come across a study that the Indian Council of medical research was the way in which basically showed just as there are 700 times more by defects in gas and mothers that unexposed mothers the tragedies there the evidence is there as you have presented today do you think adequate response ability has at all been fixed for this disaster. No absolutely not these are the most powerful chemical corporations and they have the support of the most powerful government the u. S. Government who has been supporting them supporting them from day one and they also have support of the indian comment who has no political will in holding them accountable the u. S. Department of justice has not been able to get summons good outcome of an Indian Government has been asking them to do that for the last 5 years just like the did when Warren Anderson who was the chairman of Union Carbide to act was responsible lot of killing people in bhopal he was never extradited from us because the u. S. Government never gave a damn about its criminal liability in india and the same things we see as far as the cleanup of the toxic waste is a concern whereas the department of justice is not it seen in a hoarding to organisations like b. P. Accountable for what they did in us but when it comes to now have a completely double standard and in the name of Foreign Investment people of what i considered expendable and even in india we have seen in the last 5 years every cent of the governments and whether it has been to p. R. Honest they have always sided with the corporations will not what does of the core of the. Peoples lives do that automatically. But i just want to say that this is not something that happened 35 years ago people are dying people have been born dope are defects still today. Yet so people and people and all other times it acts spend a bit in the name of Foreign Investment and that is pretty much been spread out for us when it came to extradite in Warren Anderson people like good old d army lisa rice and colin powell said that sending absent already sent shock waves in and vice Investment Community and now when dow chemical is being to appear or to have people like Hillary Clinton did some supporting them that they should not occur in india and using all pressure that they have with the Indian Government to make sure that they are not. Right we have to leave it there for the time being but thank you so much for joining us for us on dinner. Making. Jeff a job have a family and enjoy life its what most of us want and yet according to the United Nations that a systemic body has an issue blocking does able to people from these basic human desires perhaps you know these are just personally perhaps youre disabled yourself or you have a disabled Family Member in isha one in every 6 persons has a disability today is the United Nations International Day of us ans with disabilities a day in that empowerment and into city but as this report from myanmar shows theres still a long way to go. Calero so so gets the tables ready for banquet at a young gun hotel she has difficulty walking and is one of 13 disabled workers at this hotel. Including this cook who is deaf and a floor or 2 as a perspective left leg below the knee and locally i know when i got this job i felt encouraged that i can do something and that i can help support my family. With. This situation is all too rare me m. R. Were 85 percent of adults with moderate to severe disabilities are unemployed. And about 2 out of every 3 disabled children are not in school boman the director of the Myanmar Center for responsible business says the disabled in myanmar face adversity for many directions so the main problem is that people disabilities face it is that there is next to no Government Support for them there are very few government institutions supporting them and within the School System does no established way to help children so as a result discrimination starts from a very early age children disabilities are excluded from school and then this goes on to have an impact on their ability to get jobs and later life me out to women is one of the most visible advocates for the disabled to me and maher from his appearances on local television in meetings across the country with disabled people to discuss ways to improve their lives. We have a vision to create a 0 discrimination environment for education jobs a mall. Owners say was sure he knows many of the challenges firsthand. You have to win have Cerebral Palsy and needs help with basic things whether its just taking a seat or eating dinner. But that is not stop this married father of 2 sons he has a University Degree and owns a Real Estate Agency as well. As a Printing Company he also started a foundation to help the disabled but me ask you when acknowledges that throughout his life he has had resources that most disabled people myanmar do not have his family could afford to hire people to accompany him to school as a child and his professional success and nails and to have assistance by his side today but hes fighting alongside other advocates to help the disabled in this impoverished country get more support progress in recent years includes more job Training Programs strengthening relationships with businesses so more of them hire disabled workers and spreading the word across the country to try to inform all families and educators that disabled children have a legal right to go to school and that they belong there step by step advocates for the disabled are chipping away at the barriers in this country but they say continued progress requires changing the attitudes of the general public. We have to stop people from making any judgments so they dont think that a disabled person doesnt really need schooling because even if they graduate they wont be able to get a job. We have to change that mindset or email. Its a long road ahead but me out there when another advocates say theyll keep fighting to help the disabled have the quality of life they deserve. Even though with this man. On the quality of life he leaves as a 44 year old blind man. Thats according to your next star. I dont need to. Go for over a mention on the force im. Also assuming that the claim. That the nasa dragon was worth the hard truth. On. Something tyson and i as cantor jurors are doing more than enough that i killed many civilians. Coming including my father while. I was a student because i wanted to build a life for myself. But suddenly life became mellish kind of song. Providing insights global news that matters v. W. Made for mines. Can a trade deal with china wait until after the us elections President Trump is now suggesting just that markets are not happy will bring you the latest. Also on the show hong kongs leaders as u. S. Support for protesters is a roading Business Confidence their top torbor sponsors. And will go to malaysia where a business scandal involving a former Prime Minister has become the talk of the country. This is your Business Report im Stephen Beard thanks for joining us u. S. President donald trump has alarmed investors by saying that a trade deal with china may have to wait until after the u. S. President ial election in 2020 during a visit to london claim that china was keen to agree to a deal but that he was in no rush and was happy to wait markets have been hoping for an end to the trade war by the end of this year. And for more on this lets check in now with our financial correspondent in frankfurt Chelsea Delaney so josie how are markets there reacting to these comments. Its a lot of red if you if i mean this is the dax the tax it started up it had a strong start to the day its been going further and further downward as as weve got on u. S. Stock futures are down about 0. 3 percent the footsie in london about one percent these comments are really a bit of a surprise to traders they had expected a deal over the next couple of weeks just last week that said were in the final throes of an agreement so there had been a lot of optimus

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