Months of drought suddenly followed by terentia will rain theyve destroyed our pastures he never used to be like this. Climate change is changing life for farmers in a remote region of bolivia. Hello im terry martin good to have you with us the leaders of russia and ukraine have agreed to implement a cease fire in Eastern Ukraine as part of efforts to end the conflict there it was one of the number and number of steps agreed by ukrainian president a lot of new selenski and his russian counterpart Vladimir Putin at their 1st face to face meeting brokered by the french and german leaders the meeting in paris left many issues on result the leaders made separate announcements after their closed door talks theres still. The meeting was long and difficult but the mood was rather positive thats the truth and i really want to emphasize that point. We will continue the discussions in 4 months and see the results of what weve achieved. This is certainly an important step towards deescalating the situation in Eastern Ukraine as well as easing tensions. Our correspondent nick conley is in paris and hes been covering those talks nic the russian and ukrainian leaders have agreed to a prisoner swap i understand and they say theyll implement the cease fire now but how much progress was actually made on ending the conflict in Eastern Ukraine. Well good morning terry i think if they managed to converge on those promises alone that already will be a big step after all over these 5 years of conflict 20 attempts been made to create a lasting cease fire none of those have been successful none of those have stopped for more than a couple of days at best in terms of the Prisoner Exchange that is obviously a deeply emotive act especially ahead of the new years celebrations and christmas in russia and ukraine so that deep symbolism in that if those prisoners are able to return to families in time for those holidays on the real sticking points on the crunch points and thats basically about who compromises 1st does ukraine give the separatist regions and autonomy status allow them to hold elections 1st or does russia and the separatists compromise 1st and how ukraine to regain control over its eastern border with russia that is essentially a game of chicken thats been going on for 5 years and maybe unsurprisingly not much progress was made on that those real hard issues staying irresolvable at this meeting you got the sense that both sides were able to agree to disagree park what they were able to change and agree to meet again so it sounds like some progress has been made this is the 1st time that the 2 leaders had met what impression did you get of their ability to work together. Well all eyes were on the body language and the atmospherics of this meeting on the one hand you have. Ukraines comedian turned president who this time last year wasnt even in politics up against village. Putin russias leader almost 20 years there was really expectation there interest to see how he would do up against putin they did their best to be demonstrative really polite about each other to each other there was speculation about whether thered been a handshake yes or no that wasnt clear. But i think those expectations were a little high that somehow this personal chemistry this personal meeting would in effect basically achieve more than what traditional negotiations could and would somehow over way that the political gravity as it were of the situation but you definitely have to recognize it is the 1st time the road the leaders of ukraine and russia have met face to face since 2016 so that of itself is really important and allows you to go back to his voters in ukraine the people who are often say to us how tired they are of the war and just think that the leaders should sit down together and talk this through that he has made this attempt he has reached out and that its now up to the russian sides to translate on their part of the bargain nic thank you very much nic connelly there in paris. Now to new zealand where police are launching a criminal investigation into the deaths of at least 5 tourists in mondays ball Chemical Reaction the threat level was raised last week prompting questions about whether tour group should have been allowed to visit the popular destination of new zealands north island the crew kerry or kane also known as white island spewed plumes of ash into the air. Panicked tourists watched as a wall of all kind of ash threatens to envelop them. Minutes earlier they stood on the volcanoes now theyve all witnessed to its might. 47 people were on for caare island of the time of the eruption some managed to narrow escape. Refrains look at the last of me that have been taken craziest thing to ever happen in our lives just happened. We were touring the volcano for about an hour but just 10 minutes after we left and got on the boat the volcano started erupting. In the bottom of the boat turned around went back to the island to try to help the people who are still there. Im not sure if everyone got out of life going in the. A number of those on the island were too close to the eruption emergency crews and if the injured some in a critical condition. This cruise ship couldnt leave. A group of its passengers were on the island. New zealands Prime Minister just send out spoke of her grief at the loss of life she said the main focus was now on recovery and returning loved ones to their families and also confirmed she had been in touch with her australian counterparts. Scientists had noted an uptake in volcanic activity on the ice. And in recent weeks now questions of his 2 white people who were allowed so close to the designs to wait seemed to happen. Earlier we spoke to caruso paramita a journalist in auckland we asked her why the tourists were even allowed to visit wide island when there were warnings about increased volcanic activity it is ultimately up to tour operators to decide whether to take visitors to the privately owned island with the necessary permits one local company wide island tourist stated on their website that it operates through variety alert levels but added that passengers should be aware that there is always a risk erupt effectivity regardless of the alert level alert levels change on a relative frequent basis and one folk analogise pointed out that an announcement of eruptions from volcanoes such as white island could be expected at any time despite that around 10000. 00 tourists visit the volcano most active each year and those journalists chris a permit to there in auckland now lets get a round up of some other stories making headlines around the world today australias biggest city city the city is again shrouded in smoke from bushfires weather conditions have worsened across the state of New South Wales and fanned the flames weather forecasters say temperatures are likely to rise above 40 degrees celsius. In the u. S. House democrats are to unveil 2 articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump the abuse of power and obstruction of congress the democrats are pushing ahead with formal charges saying the president put u. S. Elections and National Security at risk by asking ukraine to investigate his rival democrat president ial hopeful joe biden. Theres been protests by both pro and antigovernment demonstrators in algeria ahead of a controversial president ial election on thursday antigovernment protesters say the election will not be fair isle geria has experienced months of unrest since the last president ial the last president was ousted from power in february. It was a reaction to the tragedy of the 2nd world war on this day the 10th of december 948. 00 the United Nations adopted the universal declaration of human rights today many countries around the world are marking the occasion in a moment well talk to someone whose job it is to make sure human rights are respected and to call governments to a kalpa 1st a look at efforts by young people around the globe to make their voices heard and fight for what they see as their rights. Hong kong. Bogota. Beirut all around the world young people taking to the streets saying no more business as usual. By this you tube or in moscow arrested for organizing protests this past summer that included tens of thousands of demonstrators many of them fed up you only do it when you dont look young people want dialogue with the government but they dont have the means for creating change that civilized countries have like fair elections. So the only option that remains is to take to the streets people are protesting because they want change. But i took what he was human rights of very much and coached upon in our country and thats because the people themselves have allowed their voices to be ignored. In your. Local youth part of a global trend young people standing up for human rights in countries. That are run by what they see as out of touch old elites. Hong kong ers are demanding more democracy and respect for basic freedoms. I joined the protest years i think its important to fight for your rights. If youre just complacent and you dont. Stand up for your rights and your beliefs then theyll get taken away without you realizing when theyre. The same in iraq why in sudan. Can come along young people insisting the government respond to peoples needs we have human rights here in colombia but not for everybody the higher your status the more rights you have if youre at the bottom you have none. In lebanon theyre protesting against Sexual Violence and government corruption one young woman expressed frustration the protests were necessary at all. Its sad that we we as humans these rights its our bites in each country we need to have them and its sad that we have this thing for something that its our own but thats all. Different places one message young people aware of human rights and of what theyre missing they just hope that the authorities listen up before its too late. Well joining us now in the studio is duke roshis head of politics and activism unit a and a c. International here in germany thanks for being with us this morning though your organization documents human rights abuses globally i hope you think it is that people get out into the streets as we just saw in our report and demand that their human rights be respected. We think its very important that they do we have seen that 2019 marked really the year of the protest and weve seen a lot of political changes through protesting they still care for example weve just had the example of sudan but in the many other countries in Eastern European countries we have experience that people go and protest against the government because its corrupt and they crying out for their rights and we think the duty of states is to guarantee that people can go and protest and can assemble and associate to projects press the rights they demand for and i were marking the universal declaration of human rights anniversary what makes the document so significant and what impact has it had since it was introduced nearly 50 years ago yeah i think i mean it is a universal declaration which was decided upon after world war 2 where the world really light and in pieces and it is that to make sure that we live in peace and in Human Dignity and out of the human rights out of the universal declaration many comments came out which have binding elements and also in Many National legislations the rights were entrenched so it is still really really important and we should make sure that we dont erode that that we dont talk it weak and make it weak and out of it many institutions came like the Human Rights Council which guarantees you know that the right governments make sure that they stick to the rights so we still think its a very very its the crucial the basis for human rights protection what do you see as the biggest obstacles to assuring that human rights are respected around the world well more and more governments try to erode human rights standards and try to weaken the institutions which should make sure that the human rights are implemented we have seen that for example in egypt the situation worsens we have seen also in russia we have there. People go on the streets as well young people but the government has. In trenches the greatest repressions we have seen in iraq that people were killed for going on the street so i think the problem is that states do not make sure that rights are protected and we miss more and more an International Outcry for the protection of human rights and obviously we have in many even germany the German Government tries to speak to other countries to make sure you mean rights protected but when it comes down to business interests and trade interests and also interests of security and also migration control is one issue then we dont see a coherent approach and we need a coherent and also consistent approach that human rights are being talked about and being demanded for you to do crow from Amnesty International thank you so much. The u. N. Climate talks in madrid are expected to kick into high gear today as high level delegates begin to arrive the talks are in their 2nd week but are reported to be stalled well have more from madrid in a moment but 1st this report on how Climate Change is affecting one of south americas oldest Indigenous Peoples in bolivia say extreme weather patterns are threatening a way of life that has existed for 4000 years. Every time farmer stocky omani visits his fields he gets a sharp reminder of the extreme weather of recent months he was stocky who is one of the chip piaa of people who have subsisted on the rough and again highlands of bolivia for more than 4000 years their territory is more than 3000 metres above sea level yet even in this remote region extreme weather patterns are on the rise. And suddenly there was this danger from above funder and lightning sheep were even killed in the storms. But you never used to happen that we never had such heavy rain and thunder in the past. The farmer lost his entire harvest mainly because of flooding and hes not alone everyone here is feeling the effects of the changing climate. Sometimes we think about moving away. The weather extremes are increasing. Months of drought suddenly followed by torrential rain theyve destroyed our pastures and never used to be like this. Several endian glaziers lie within the world to fire territory Global Warming has caused them to retreat less glacial water means longer periods of drought soils and rivers are gradually drying out of. The water to pyar have survived on this barren andean plateau for thousands of years but now theyre up against it. Only one crop can cope with the dries salty ground here. This is where they were now and protein rich superfood hails from. Up to now the high demand for kilowatt has provided many supplier with a stable income but this year the extreme weather has really taken its toll. Sudden storms flooded vast swathes of to pie and land. Smart phone footage like this shows how once dried up rivers have burst their banks and. A stocky oh like most others in the village lost his kin one harvest. Hes convinced the seasons are somehow mixed up. Its getting worse the weather is becoming more extreme a dam was built around the village to protect it from flooding you know. Without that the water would just destroy the houses all. Around 2000 to pio live in the village the last descendants of one of south americas oldest people they have their own language and culture. Without a name in it miracle could one day disappear entirely from their own territory climatic extremes having destroyed their livelihoods. Of more now lets talk to spend he joins us from the u. N. Climate conference in madrid is Global Policy elite on Climate Change and resilience Care International humanitarian organization thanks for being with us Greenhouse Gas emissions hit a record in 2018 as you know and its been described as a Climate Emergency what we have now what can this conference in madrid do to address the. Yeah good morning i think thats a very important question of course our expectations are that the conference does the utmost it can do to address this and a couple of things here on the one hand its about initiating that all governments when they get back home will work on revising the National Climate plans and submit new ones by next year and thats been the schedule of the National Policy process for quite some time so to say as we know the plans dont add up but at the moment to put us on a very dangerous for directory and we hope that this conference gives a strong call and incentives to governments to exactly do that were also looking to rypien union and the next days which needs to step up their own time a target and then this in addition theres of course important work going on in relation to Climate Change impacts supporting developing countries with facing james lawson damage and some other rules on the table for the negotiations do you see any Real Progress being made in halting or reversing Climate Change or is the focus now more on coping with the consequences of a planet thats warming out of control. I mean i think its very clear that we dont have to choice 2 to decide on one or the other we need to do both we need to do with build resilience against Climate Change america but they can learn the most one of the countries and communities and cares experience is also in particular about supporting Women Empowerment in the context. But its also essential that we achieve progress on the emissions side of things unfortunately that progress is not there on the lets say in the big picture emissions as you said are still rising i think there are some but theres a lot of positive developments where more and more countries and for example cities have just declared a Climate Emergency have taken measures to go 200 Percent Renewables and there are many positive things but at the moment they still dont have enough the need to be accelerated the climate activists aggressive turnberry told the Climate Conference quote we need to lend our voices to Indigenous People and people in the global south do you agree with that. I absolutely agree and thats also part of our going well also have part mostly of him from the international from Different Countries who are speaking out and will be working on. Setting up joined events where this was going to be heard i think we need all we need always as well and particularly those from countries particularly affected. Some degree with written statement or. Spent hobbling from Care International at the u. N. Climate change conference in madrid thank you so much. Thank you. The World Anti Doping Agency or wada has banned russia from taking part in International Sporting competitions for 4 years that includes the upcoming Tokyo Olympics in 2020 the beijing winter games in 2022 and the football world cup in qatar in 2022 whatever ruled that russia should be punished for manipulating Laboratory Data planting fake evidence and deleting files linked to positive doping tests that could have helped identify drug chips. A. German journalist. Has investigated allegations of russian government sanctioning sanctioned doping he says that although the ban is a severe penalty it may not have the effect of preventing more cheating in russia some people would say is its not enough. Should have been imposed total ban for russia as a nation because i think this is worst Case Scenario doping of cheating of corruption sports must have a consequential issues on the same level but i would say this is. Hitting. The russian so Russian Sports so well because its from that country no not allowed for 4 years to know where their own. Jerseys to and to see their own russian track and to listen to or. So that means it is really all. And also a strict conditions. For. Sleep from russia they have to undergo a very strict. Regime so i dont see very many have computer be cubans i would say only a few but also not very many which means it is a punishment for russia what i dont know. And changed the culture of cheating. And that was german sports journalist heigho speaking there now former pakistani cricketer jumpshot has splendid guilty to conspiring to bribe other players into spot fixing initially he himself was the target of bribery but then acted as a go between encouraging others to cheat in pakistans super League Matches the 30 year old was banned from the sport for 10 years in august last year and now admitted his crime in a trial in england represented pakistan over 60 times change his original not guilty plea during the trial and will be sentenced in february. And. This is state of the news and these are our top stories. The leaders of ukraine and russia have agreed to measures to implement a cease fire by the end of this year in Eastern Ukraine the conflict there started in 2014 and has caused the deaths of more than 13000 people. And police have opened a criminal investigation into what led to the deaths of at least 5 people in mondays volcanic eruption 8 others are missing presumed dead medics say some of the injured are not expected to survive. The World Antidoping Agency has banned russia from International Sports for 4 years that includes the upcoming summer and Winter Olympics says russia faked Laboratory Data and destroyed evidence of doping russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said the ban was politically motivated. Australias biggest city sydney is again shrouded in smoke from bushfires after conditions worsen to cross the state of New South Wales weather forecasters say temperatures are likely to rise above 40 degrees celsius. This is news from berlin for more follow us on twitter news or visit our website thats a call. Youre watching good news live from berlin up next the w t os top court is on the verge of collapse rob watts will have more in d. W. Business im terry martin dont forget you can get all this news and information relics off on our web site thats at the w dot com thanks for being with us. To. Kick off. Another blockbuster weekend for misleading a good amount most of our income in the 1st place. Like 60 hoffenheim on the 2nd. Black box of corn in injury time to take all 3 points against Bayern Munich and state top of the table. Im 16 i just dont. Read the real talent resides. I come from there are lots of people in fact more than a breed in egypt it was not just democracy to me thats one reason im passionate about people and aspirations and they can send. Such an image and the book is right here in london after the floor of the berlin wall and i remember thinking at the time if the bomb in brooklyn for what anything can happen if people come together and unite for a cool. When i do the news i often confront difficult situations more conflict between does themselves i see despite my job to confront good leaders on policies and development to put the spotlight on issues that matter most tons of Food Security question martian isolation. Or not has been achieved so much more needs to be john and i think people have to be at the heart of solutions my name is on the time and i work at details. On. A crisis moment for global trade the u. S. Pressure has hollowed out the w t os top courts now its just hours away from collapse. Bringing dead factories back to life well look at one business thats found ways to reuse old copper power packs. And this years nobel Prize Winners are about to get their medals well take you inside the factory where theyre focused. This is day to be a business on role

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