What does it take to become an opera star. Only very few make the leap into the worlds best stages. 90 percent of Opera Singers never manage to land a fixed contract at an opera house. The risk of burnout is acute as young as cough man realized early on. 2 2 2 2 that says if you look at the news in this innocence why am i saying many roles in the 1st 2 years but it almost cost me my Mental Health and by horse i was overstretched out of all. The pressures are considerable especially on young performers. The 28 year old as a devices has a promising career ahead of her. Here at the zurich opera house the french danish soprano is performing her 1st title role model well. Since kid theres a dress rehearsal today. Her costar is one of the worlds top 10 are piotr and. The last thing chevy a degree in june must nace opera 7 years ago at new yorks metropolitan opera alongside on a new trip. Set for this is why its a gift to sing along. At you to sing in and of course. As a device which has been rehearsing for 6 long weeks as a special. This is its been very exhausting. Id say they were her skills are the hardest part runs says you because youre singing almost every day. Against very demanding and i think i hope the performances are easier. Because right now ive almost run out of energy ive reached my limit left of it. The premiere is in 2 days time. Housemate gregorian knows what its like to reach her limit. I had laws for them so i mean when i went on stage i was totally not prepared i did and they havent had any single idea how to stick. To the lithuanian singer finds time between looking after her children doctor visits and rehearsals to meet up with me in her hometown of vilnius. In 2006 she cofounded the private initiative the vilnius city opera. It doesnt have its own venue its productions are hosted by the citys Congress Hall for. The most of you know there are no dressing rooms and the stars do their own makeup but the performances are top notch. The ville new city opera is fostering a new generation of talent. We want and we ate young people and i think in those 12 years we did kind of big revolution in this country really about the young people. These days the ville new city opera attracts world class performers who also sing at the bolshoi in moscow and the met in new york. On the way home from rehearsals ozma gregorian tells me that she was almost destroyed by work i started with big roles i never saw any tiny roles or something and of course i heard myself when i was 30 i was that already and i was always doing too much too big roles. The breakthrough she was hoping for never came instead she started all over again and completely we learned her vocal technique she also learned to stop overtaxing her voice. A mistake many Opera Singers make just as so often i was to be tortured just the fact that it sometimes hurts is a painful realization because youre loved doing it you know sort of hurts your bank balance especially when youre young it does open and thats actually quite an important point youre often forced to do certain things to survive financially. And so couldnt. Once they finish their studies which can take as long as 6 years an opera singer with a fixed contract in germany makes around 2000 euros a month before taxes a stage technician arns more. Get to fassbender is an opera legend shes trodden the boards all over the world but these days shes mainly a director. So i thought come shes currently staging shotton the woman without a shadow by rijkaard strauss. I could never say no youre always afraid youll drop off the map and never be asked again locke is now 80 this grown dom of german opera knows the industry inside and out. Shes been a singer a teacher and a managing director. Also hope youll follow the daily beast. When most of you want to truly inhabit your role also as an actor. This is thats always been a priority of mine and you need charisma when you go on stage and everyone should look at you. Thats what you must aim for. In 2 days time the curtain will go up on the opera manon in zurich. Polish tenor piotr a big shower is getting ready to go on stage. But they cannot get over. Todays the dress rehearsal a lot works well but there is also some room for improvement and a lot can still go wrong enough to machine. How well can he judge his own performance this is the also. The schools are probably in my. The biggest problems for Opera Singers is that we never hear ourselves as vice and if you missed i dont know how my voice actually sounds league is big and im its why its so important to have someone you really trust among the audience and such as your wife always see as if he she said i know his voice very well and that all his performances so good i listened to his voice and i take note of what his teacher said foster 41 percent how to find the optimal resonates and i hear if hes good to see. His wife gave up her own career as an opera singer to support his. Shes undoubtedly one of the secrets of piotr big show a success. Was. Still just the rehearsal is over elza devices. Have been on stage for 4 hours for suspicion so its ok to be asleep this is most yes and it has to do shelf the sets and i just love to dance and once again that was the 1st time ive sung the whole part from beginning to end. But as you can see i havent lost my voice and thats the main thing. But i feel completely drained its been over the next 2 days ill try not to talk too much ill do some cooking some exercise ill try to relax have that go over my role and work on 3 or 4 parts thats it. And thats thats as i desperately need a break a good book. Elsa device it has been a member of the berlin state operas ensemble since 2017 when it reopened after years of refurbishment. She said. The role of correction and what scenes from good times fast the production that kicked off the new season. 2 competitions are one way that singers can make a name for themselves past mcgrory and admits that shes never taken part in one in her life. I just could not do that because i always had this huge fear of stage and i was just so afraid and i couldnt even 20 percent of. Years ago i really thought that i can come on stage and because it was like it was so big and its really physical its not just a fear you know you stop to feel your arms or you know your face is thinking and of course you know it you know. Disturbs your breathing and everything. Even now backstage in frankfurt shes palpably nervous. Shes. Bad to learn about general director of the frankfurt opera discovered her 5 years ago she. Says 1st time this year i always love. It so. Yeah its not for me because. I was very very serious. So i wish you well the thank you very much thank you michel in the 1st scene yet shes always captivated me with not only her singing but also her simplicity in talk to or in the way she can command attention by holding back and the song some call it. I know maria callas from a similar. Color but in the little footage that exists of. What you see is a woman who singing commands attention because she has presence even when doing very little. You know pales in. Mists to. Its a smear thats something that arsenic picks up on. My wish more thing aside the sophistication on intelligence in key moments to do less rather than more on stage gets to feel. Less is more. Its a phrase i hear often while making this film along with talk of pacing oneself and being in the moment. Music director of the Royal Opera House in london and tonio pano works with stars like Eunice Kaufman and on a new truck oh i ask why so many Opera Singers end up ruining their voices. I know their face the doing of. Those 01 of the Biggest Challenges for Opera Singers is knowing how to calibrate their intensity and emotion and also their volume. Is get seen far too many singers are too loud. Oh the atmospheric singing piano and creates a more interesting atmosphere and zing and if see that if you sing too loudly youre going to get tired but none get schnell moved by in a loud in the loud word most warriors who are sworn in as well why you know you draw. The curtains her 1st book was her the law was. The. War. The. World. But these days an extraordinary voice will only get you so far. Up or singers cant afford to ignore social media posting is now part of the job even the stars are doing it often sharing glimpses of their private lives. Such as on the trip here shes posted a rehearsal with maestro. Even if the mood was a beautiful kid. To keep going. Its a. Much opens he does in theme movie stars they can see and this is this is i see some Opera Singers who are almost like movie stars. Ok as the us does most but their job demands a certain respect and concentration and constant at sea on thats the most important thing that they may be a comedian cant make a career yet about and when you have to get up on stage and prove yourself a new every time psyching either smile us money east is. Think im ansel yes and this is. The magic i feel that the job is losing some of its magic. Because people can see that were just normal and all this is so i see it in myself. As a tool when i go to the office and theres a singer for i go straight to instagram or facebook to find out who they are or you tube is. Owned. But i think you can lose yourself in social media mankinds is sworn in does a medium. But then you can end up thinking youre a good singer. Just because you have 30000 followers. 2 these days the industry is teeming with people who are talented singers but more importantly look good. Nowadays you have to look like a model at least on your record covers sometimes when you see someone on stage you wonder how they managed to look the way they do on their record. And to say you cant blame the singers its the fault of the people who know nothing about singing and base everything on looks. They only cast certain types was it how do you see. The im going to feel its my i knows what shes talking about shes sung in opera houses all over the world obviously she can Fly Charleston im one of you know what isnt enough food for you to enjoy my business going. Oh yes the rose to go to a certain types you have to be thin young you have to be affordable the situation is getting worse and worse. Come to. I hear my voice is getting deeper i never felt comfortable singing soprano theyd say to me anyone who says good morning the way you do cant be a soprano kind of kinds of braeside. I was prospering though trial fassbender always said youre not really a soprano you dont enjoy your upper register and i would say yes im always glad when im allowed to go deeper no dishonest onside that was a clue and now finally i found the fact that feels right to me. She isnt the only opera singer who spent years singing in the wrong. In germany in particular operatic training could be improved the country is home to one 3rd of the worlds opera houses. But germany is failing to properly train young talent. The soloists performing in germanys many opera houses tend to come from the us russia and increasingly also from south korea and china. Here in kiel in got fields maya is something of an exception. I salute the singers from overseas are much better than us this is why is that for us and them to understand the training up. There are 24 state conservatories in germany. But their graduates dont always amount to much. From sponsorship on the 20 Young Americans audition for me i could hire 19 of them and me and i but if i auditioned students in german conservatories before theyre 19 of them on employable. Maybe one. Last time so obviously theres something wrong with our system. We could learn from those other systems that are doing something right. This i always thought that germanys conservatories were world class but it seems that the standard of teaching let students down. Flush the nasty possible the best voice teachers on here or overseas because they were unhappy with the conditions here. And just keep it civil and i think there are very few teachers actually experience at this stage 1st. Spoon in law. They know the theory but they dont know the practice. A lot of rules in the house spin dont. Even. Belong to leuchter teachers are people who failed to make it in the music world using good frustrated singers who were no good. But who studied technique as woman of the 15 plus forms because. To me its a serious 1st up sort of this theme training is done by people who arent passing on technique but rather their own complexes and problems in a complex and probably met. Moreover singers from russia the us china and south korea are more disciplined than their german colleagues thats the conclusion reached by a recent study commissioned by the bettles month foundation. But regardless of where they come from all Opera Singers have to learn to resist the opera worlds many temptations as well as agents promising big bucks. Agents have always been dangerous complex because obviously they make their money from singers keep so there are more respectable agents who really help singers nurture their voices because they have a vested interest. But if a singer goes and ruins their voice never mind theres always another one waiting in the wings im pretty negative in this respect. But voice needs time to develop. A singer needs to learn their limitations as a device he tells me these are the prerequisites of a lasting career. But some agents expect the impossible from singers the slight feet of hidden by the edge of a desire. I once lots of managers say look there are 365 days in a year lets do as much as possible this. Gets the smog the system its got space to fit at my age you tend to think come on. I can do it im young. I can do everything. In this. But if thats what youre always thinking thats what you do. Its the way it is with soap its the more you use it the less of it there is thats how it is if you dont give your voice a break it gets less and less and suddenly youve got nothing left to work with. The gregorian also thought she could do everything when she was young but then she had a vocal crisis in her late twentys she was faced with the choice of carrying on knowing she was ruining her voice or starting all over again from scratch and learning a whole new technique. She opted to make a new start. Then in 2016 she sang the role of tatyana in eugene at the coma show opener in berlin. Her potential was obvious but she wasnt able to demonstrate the full extent of her talent. This time. For election really hard for me because 1st when i was pregnant my father was dying and he was next to me it was some of the woman special interview when i thought i could manage. She divided her time between rehearsals and the hospital her father himself a famous tenor eventually died but she had to keep going. You cant cry extreme than was before the performance after performance but in the performance and kind of i noticed me and then all the make. In the summer of 2019 asked me were gorean captivated the opera world with a stunning performance as a zalmay. Her voice was powerful acting mesmerizing. After her star turn at the prestigious results book festival shes now in demand all over the world plus carla the met emma while opera house in london are all eager to engage her. First of all you must to have it we can call that a card or whatever i mean but its really interesting. You know we must have this big big emotions always we cant share with with people and with the years you must to learn how to control those emotions without stopping them. But us make the gorgon is hardly an overnight star. She has spent years owning her craft. And she takes nothing for granted. Its a bit of a plot a chance but i always say that if you do everything right at the start of your career and success will come to you as a young singer you dont always have to be striving for success but when youre young you have to learn that serenity thats your message. Of ninetys arc ive often turned down major opportunities and when i felt that im not in a position to do something as well as id like to mom does this mean youre all my moms pushing good luck or. Might mean thats the wheel of your career turned slower. But thats good because you can use the time to build up your career step by step. Does fundamental time 1st time off boat. Opera is a tough Business Training as an opera singer and going on to earn a living as a performer takes not only talent but stamina to. For those who persevered its a great privilege. The world is getting worse and worse lawrence could substitute another problems. The global 3000 talks with senior british researchers to take a more optimistic view. While. It does not always a good plan but its much much better than it was a hot against the roof really getting better. 3039 d. W. With different languages we fight for Different Things thats fine but we all stick up for Freedom Freedom of speech and freedom of press. Giving freedom of Choice Global news that matters w. Made for minds. This is the w. s line from budding u. S. Airstrikes in iraq for both im very reactions in baghdad an attack from american warplanes are targets for along too i mean iran supported militias that works closely with iraqi forces what could these retaliatory raids provoke more violent bring your analysis from washington also on the program and so

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