I dont they can there was raining that day the river had flooded. Before last we couldnt cross the river with our babies and children and we were sitting on the riverbank and when his soldiers came and surrounded us. By sailors a big an arrogant is a layer. There and there will they started stabbing our men and shooting at them the same they shouted shop. They hit us the women with long sticks rangan ran a mile and. A lot of only. Very very professional soldiers carried me off along with 6 other women that were there done the damage that as are. Going on and i dont know as they took us away my youngest brother said to me farewell my sister. In law i cant say all the terrible things they did to us. You know they were there that. The my. Mother. What happened was called a cleansing operation. In the summer of 2017 the myanmar army laid waste to the Western State of rakhine formerly our contracts. Nearly 500 villages were burnt down. The row hinge of population fled to the forests and hills muslims one wanted in a mainly putus country. After days on foot the survivors reached the border. On the opposite bank bangladesh. And i looked to see when we had enough time any more the soldiers beat us. I lost my daughter she is a little bigger than this child here my father and my mother are missing when they set the village on fire i took my wife and the children who were there and ran away as fast as i could since then i dont know where my daughter is 400 mothers day. Therefore they got in the street and by the river i saw many dead bodies including children wherever we looked there were mutilated and burned bodies there because the food i didnt level below it. The crackdown left thousands dead in rakhine the province where the range of people used to live. Most of them fled myanmar their own country. Bangladesh has taken 700000 refugees. The situation remains a textbook example of ethnic cleansing can anyone rule out but elements of genocide may be present. Genocide. International law is yet to decide but thats what many academics and diplomats are calling the situation. What is not in doubt is that the events were premeditated. And that requires decisions by people in power that requires time and resources to plan. Unless it be meditated nothing. Happens without a plan theres always a master plan. Bangladesh is home to the largest refugee camp in the world. The row him jump all told the same story citing the same violence the same methods. The name of one village has become synonymous with crimes against humanity. To law told. Far from their homeland the survivors in this village tell their stories. To describe a well oiled machine. That the mother left that day at 8 in the morning and it is soldiers attacked our village from the north they set our houses on fire and fired their guns we knew we had to get away. With a lot of we took our things and fled. Why dont they go. For then we knew that we took our bags and our children and ran to the beach we hid by the riverbank. Again the soldiers surrounded us like a mother to decide all about the. Plus that a lot of them im of the people ran away in all directions some fell down others jumped in the water. In the end they drove us all out of the in the bank many mothers couldnt download then they separated the men and the women who did it layover in buffalo to the late. One. Of the 3 are there were nominated shot and killed the men that are about and they might have had a better. Shot of the law and with the where they got there to escape the bullets we jumped into the river and there were 4 or 5 of us we fled to the opposite riverbank from there we saw what they did to my wife and the other women. We had to watch what was happening. So i think. They didnt stop shooting we watched and cried. My wife and i had a baby it was our 1st child. I watched and i wept. They had said if. Youre gonna want to let on my women all the men were dead they started to throw the babies in the water and they killed the children with machetes before they threw them in the river to. My what is the beat and kill people they set my house on fire and threw my baby into the file. The other boys in the hole before them after they had killed the man and children they started dragging the women off in groups of 5 or 6. Got on with little girl they brought this to my house blindfolded us and bound arms and legs they raped us. They knew no massey. When. The soldiers came to us 3 times then they left us lying on the ground and like to see. It was late afternoon. I thought i was going to die. I close my eyes and said my last prayer. At that moment they set the house on fire. But i managed to crawl out. I used to be afraid of death but im not afraid anymore of the father of. Men and women separated children massacred systematic rape. They used the same methods and almost all the villages they attacked. Matthew smith as an ngo the defense human rights in asia. Hes investigating the violence suffered by the rock in japan. We documented upwards of 11000 soldiers from 27 battalions that were operational during these attacks that requires decisions by people in power that requires time and resources to plan so all of these all of these aspects certainly speak to a genocidal intent. Of. The eyewitness accounts of the. Vipers are unanimous the soldiers want to love. Their men it is what i should do and it would be hands on soldiers acted together to yes tell you there are at least 500. 00 of them there to do jumping villages less and killed people and burned down houses and that then i saw them attacking people with knives cutting people struts and throwing babies into the file. The haha as they did it on the soldiers orders the minute it out of there then an ingot of the. Civilians and soldiers acting together. Daily in these images filmed by a myanmar soldier an officer in combat care is addressing some buddhist villagers. These people are breeding like rabbits there are more and more of them thats why theyre a threat to our ethnic minorities. They want to populate the whole of rakhine. Then they will conquer the whole country and take control of it thats what theyre planning to do. We cant be afraid of these foreigners. Where. The officer reveals the me and more armys plans no no no no we will hit them hard and fast have no doubt we will cleanse their villages. One group of soldiers will be in charge of cleansing the area while another group will prevent the russian ship from escaping. So they dont scatter anywhere. I dont know you know them is essentially describing what the military ended up doing which was attacking rethinking villages in some cases blocking them from from from fleeing and then massacring them and in other cases just driving them out towards bangladesh they are though i dont know we have no backpacks no food and we wont sleep we have come only with our guns and bullets so that we can defeat them. But were counting on your help in this mission show your courage. On yourselves with machetes he sticks around and we even have to fight the old and small children to make sure we defeat them. Yeah there you hear the soldiers encouraging the civilians to themselves take up arms and so and we ended up seeing this this this ended up taking place villagers were armed with Farm Equipment with long swords with knives in some cases with firearms and they flanked me im Army Soldiers and police one eyewitness described it to us after watching some of these trains described to us as they were being trained to kill it looked like they were being trained to kill he said to us. Arming civilians creating a militia to attack an ethnic Group Amounts to a war crime. Was a crime against humanity. And in the last few years one man has played a central role in changing mindsets. Starting in 2012 when he was released from prison this month has been touring the country to convince the poor of the dangers of islam. A holy man turned politician. d d d machine we run through has harnessed the anti rohingya hatred inherited from the colonial era. During the 2nd world war prior to independence the Muslim Minority supported the british. Many buddhist of me and mark never forgave him d. We met the market the height of his favor. Sometimes they call me the neo nazi the bald nazi or the bin laden of myanmar but ive already made my statements about that. A lot of. The racist preacher was protected and financed by the generals in power. Ah machine iraq the exploited his popularity to have mixed faith marriages prohibited. A little bit cool im very active on social media especially on the issues of foreigners and the rape i. Listen to the biggest threat to all of us are the muslims who marry several women and have lots of children because they want to become a majority and me on mars. I asked quietly get a. Little by little the radical sides influence growing with hindsight his words could be understood as a warning. For. The government made the right decision they no longer use the word. They say they are Illegal Immigrants and they should be put in a camp where they wont even be prepared to send them to another country. Driving the wrong hinge of muslims out of me and mar the country where they had lived for centuries. That day the monk revealed the generals plans years before any action was taken. It was also at this time that london based academic thomas pick manners went to southern rakhine. There were media reports about the problems with muslims there were reports about muslims raping buddhists making the front pages of the media. There were a group so monks touring the country to explain to schoolchildren the problems of islam. A specialist in state crimes mcmanus quickly became convinced that an act of genocide was imminent. This is part of a stigmatize ation stage of genocide you problematize another group theyre still accepted to the still part of society but you point to them and you say look what they do theres something wrong with them and that is the 1st stage in genocide. The theatrics to turn from words into actions. Led by radical monks and accompanied by the police the buddhists attacked muslim villages. It was the 1st act of a tragedy that would last 5 years. In june 2012120000 broken just muslims were driven from their villages and forced into camps. Southern rakhine had been cleansed. Little by little the ropin just lost the remaining rights. They could no longer study seek healthcare or even leave the camps. Or any. Of. Those not in prison camps but confined to their villages in a rest day link. Or who were 00000000000000000000000. 00000000 hope. Well not. Really well. On either gone. But after years of persecution in our movement was born in regard to rock n roll in just salvation army. Only going to jews of this mysterious Guerrilla Army and these propaganda films. Are never going to murder. Without uniforms under equipped the militants attacked me and more police stations in the summer of 2017 the powder keg had been lit. When august 25th came around and running in the attendance attacked and killed a handful of. Myanmar officials the authorities essentially activated what appeared to be a very well planned operation. A massive repression of the wreckage a minority led to the myanmar army being accused of crimes against humanity. By the. Volume of the Rakhine State to me and mark. The region is off limits to journalists. Since 27000. Humanitarian organizations have also been banned its a territory devoid of outside witnesses. I mean if youre. Going to if you dont know where to go about it let me know when i go. To defend itself against accusations of genocide the myanmar government invited in a handful of journalists. The trip is tightly controlled. But. We take the only road leading north to where the injured lived before they were driven out. Everywhere military camps and forts took the place of birth villages the ruins of which are barely visible. Slowdown the. Wall of low level slowed down but stopping its up to question each time we pass a bill in the car speeds on. The past what used to be booked in jakarta and for only the charred stops of palm trees remain. The driver seen it all. But he has been warned. He has only one word to say color. A pejorative ethnic slur used by the regions buddhists to describe the region. As soon as we arrive in the Northern Capital of rakhine were taken to a press conference. Where you might think. The propaganda lesson delivered by the governor and a handful of officials in the finest room talent. In the minority even when we look back in history we see it was always the muslims who attack the local buddhists now they seized the land whenever they had the opportunity. The government just did what was necessary to retain our national territory. The official version of the genocide. I think. It was neither the police nor the army who drove these people out nobody forced them to leave it was rohingya terrorists who burned down their houses forced them to flee with. The accusations of crimes against humanity or brushed aside by the mayor. There was no genocide here it has never happened and never will. If that were true why are muslims still living in the region. But how can that be. If it had really been genocide and they wouldnt be here anymore. And you know the moment. Theyve managed to kill 22000 then my estimates range and drive up to a 1000000 out of the country without any repercussions and theyve managed to convince the people that this is all fake news that this never happened that the ruins burned their own houses and left on their own accord. After the genocide its the last stage its about the nile its about rewriting history its about understanding what happened in another way as part of the new national story. What has happened since the injured were driven out. Of. The convoy heads to northern rakhine their trucks everywhere. The road is still being built but whole villages have appeared only one year after the wreckage of flight. Prefabricated houses that the government has given to buddhists moving here from other parts of the country. The settlement show that the rock in july and did not stay empty for long. Though. The International Community is increasingly taking a stand and denouncing the crimes against the injured. But justice takes time. In the corridors of the palace of nations one woman is once again preparing to defend the range of cards. Since 2014 Yankee League has been the un special rapporteur for human rights for me and mark. Theres no one to provide them to. You and if not ill go get some. I think. Mr president distinguished representatives ladies and gentleman im honored to once again to address you and represent you my report to this council on the situation of human rights in myanmar. I read the International Community going to tell bangladesh they must continue their generosity indefinitely for a crisis but that was caused in myanmar i really going to tell the writing to refugees that they are going to have to endure the situation and definitely the answer to the above questions must be unequivocally no i encourage you to stop talking and start doing i thank you for attention thank you. For instance to interject this is an easy time for children to snuff out when for people yes of course its been delayed a long and yet as you know justice delayed is justice denied. Could a high level of generals who really did see or doing. Atrocity crimes they must be tried and as long and as well as others to me to make. It. Please you know that exceptionally you who are these others to whom the diplomat refers. Given her knowledge of the workings of the myanmar political machinery at the start of her mandate young he leave regularly met with Nobel Peace Prize winner. But in 2015 the lady from the un gone refused to express an opinion on the rock into question. We met her briefly during her election campaign. But since we werent sure at this stage. Yeah. Its ok to love something that you tell you and. Its. One supported state counselor her position became clear it was that of the military with whom she shared power. During the lead of the Nobel Peace Prize winner had been close for years for the 1st time the south korean diplomat revealed what was said during their last meeting. I would have a tete a tete very private meeting and i would raise many issues in had a very good we talk you know she asked my mother about how my father is doing we talked about family when i met her and her 1st fight after she was elected use of it and she said oh no we dont use the word range and i told her no i cant use Something Else and principle i am going to separate right. Despite having a mandate from the United Nations the diplomat was only able to visit north and rakhine once. When i saw her in 2017 she was very better. And. And i asked her i need more access to different areas and in july she said to me if you continue there now this narrative of the u. S. General to you may not get any access. 3 days later sons who cheat as in march parliament to withdraw the diplomats accreditation young he lead was forced to leave me and mark. And son suchi had built up a lot of Political Capital over the years she is a Nobel Peace Prize winner and she used this capital to provide cover for the military to carry out their operations every time the International Community came in and said look we have reports we have evidence they were frankly bamboozled by ansons to cheat using her capital she built up over the years to provide cover for the military to carry out a Genocidal Campaign this is complicity in genocide and uncensored shes should be investigated for complicity in genocide. If our own sons who choose image has been tarnished by the route into crisis those who caused the chaos in rakhine are using it to their advantage. After 50 years of dictatorship in 2011 in march started moving toward democracy. A transfer of power from the military to a civilian government. But in fact it didnt happen the general still controlled the country. Is going to benefit from the destruction of the ranger from there and i aleisha in the genocide the military need a way of explaining to the burmese people why they still need such a huge military at all. So the question is do we need a minutes rise country so that so the military are creating problems like the ranger so that the country will rally around the military is their defenders they remained in power there in complete control of the country the strategy was a success. A strategy that worked in the generals favor not only on a political it could also mean big profits. We know state is resource rich so we know that the military are going to want to get their teeth into the resources that are there it shouldnt have been one of the poorest state and. We have some evidence some reports that in central. There is are irena. There is nicole there is all those what you call it specialists and that is official government secret almost where you have no access to any information theres no data and so to have access to those resources. We cant have People Living there. Having driven out the undesirables you mark claims to be ready to welcome them back. At least thats the official adopted under international pressure. The fortys take us to the border to the bridge over which hundreds of thousands of rangers are meant to cross on their return. To myanmar authorities promised to house the rohinton in this empty camp. The camps are guarded by the same brigades which drove them from their villages. Inside officials are waiting for the new arrivals the scene is carefully staged. Yeah you know that who day this is the authority for immigration and identification. All return hes will register here. But you. Know. If you go that then we will issue them with this identity card. For the card as a condition of their return. Will be doubled and then they can apply for an official i. D. Card. But it doesnt mean they are citizens of myanmar. This card merely states that the holder is an immigrant who wants to live in myanmar theyre going to allow we dont know about a body well have it big yeah yeah. Yeah. If they accepted the enjoy away for their burmese nationality. They all refuse. The last visit camp on the border i mean mark. These rohinton chose to stay in their country. Myanmar has imprisoned them behind barbed wire. How is it possible to believe a 1000000 exiles will return. To trust the promises of a country which tortured them. What is going to happen next for the ranger come bangladesh absorb them into their size what does that mean for the right india as a culture. The genocide is continuing is going on as we speak so people have to ask the question how do we get through hinge a whole and how do we rekindle their culture how do we get people back together and if we dont do it the genocides continuing so so every day that nothing is done is the world continuing the genocide of the ridge or. 2 2 with no guarantees for their safety with no recognition of their identity the range i dont want to return to their land. One of the most persecuted minorities in the world is waiting for justice. Go to college. Keep learning merged reality wait a 2nd we want to hold to check our facts instead of make ideas shift to live us. From atlanta to reality to cryptocurrency to your topics for live in an ever changing Digital World lets start with digital is a sure fire shift. Of 15 minutes now to total. 77 percent of the screen to date from if the opium. How does this country and indeed africa and the rest of the world define that line between freedom of expression and powerful utterances. Trip is there because its a full 360. 00 shows. A hit speech that brings all these problems to the country moves 77 percent to. 30 minutes on the dollar. The global corona crisis you can find more information on mindset e. W. Dot com and on t w social media channels. This is deja news live from berlin another terrible record in eataly as the Coronavirus Claims 100 small lives exactly one month after its 1st day the virus kills nearly 800. 00 people in just 24 hours its the deadliest day ever for the worlds worst hit country also coming out to Health Care Workers in spain rush

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