Support russia dispatches doctors and medical equipment to help the country thats now the hardest hit in the pandemic. And the deserted streets of new york u. S. States tighten the rules as an emergency bill to help businesses keep going through the crowd of virus crisis stalls in congress. Hello im terry march and thanks for joining us. Has gone into home quarantine after a doctor who treated her was diagnosed with the corona virus on friday merkle who is 65 was back sated against a different biros by the doctor who later test of pauls of 4 kobe had 19 medical Spokesman Says she will now undergo daily testing her last act before going into quarantine was to announce sweeping restrictions on freedom of movement and social interaction. And get america about to announce the most severe infringement on individual freedoms seen in germany since world war 2 the coronavirus continues to spread rapidly convincing the chancellor that further containment measures are needed so far it has largely been left to states and municipalities to curb the contagion creating a patchwork of rules and guidelines the new measures will be rolled out across germany. Yeah im aware that i have a few ones looking we have discussed today how all countermeasures are working we have no vaccine and we have no drug against the disease all we have assessed the the efforts we are making to prepare our Health Care System especially hospitals for the expected continued high rise in infections. And secondly our own behavior. That is currently most effective measure. Books im still. In a Video Conference and state leaders decided to ban gatherings of more than 2 people excluding families and housemates she thanked the population for observing measures and guidelines already in place its wise. I know that it entail sekret fights both economically and on a personal level when shops have to close and its not possible to socialise its even more painful not being able to visit grandparents or meet friends we all have to live without this for a while i am deeply touched that so many people are following those rules thats but with me. Within an hour of her leaving the press Conference News she was going into quarantine broke and get america has put herself front and center of germanys response to the pandemic she now gets to lead by example. Well for more lets cross straight over to our Political Correspondent kate brady kate im going to call is now at home in quarantine what does this mean for her and her ability to govern. Well so far we know that she will be continuing to at least as much as possible from work now the Cabinet Meeting the usual monday Cabinet Meeting will be taking place today and she will be participating most likely via video by a telephone Conference Call but the idea is that it will very much be business as usual here of course as still constant changes here in germany to be dealt with possible new measures later this week but particularly when it comes to Financial Aid as well here in germany were expecting to see a supplementary budget come out this week of up to 156000000000. 00 euros that would be around 43 percent of germanys normal budget so theres still a lot to be done here in germany and of course and america will be trying to participate in as much of that as possible while she remains at home in south korea and. When will we find out kate whether the chance actually has been 19. Well all we know so far is that the Government Spokesperson stephens i but actually said yesterday that machall will be tested regularly in the coming days but so far we dont yet have. A test result but of course that will be published and made public a soon as we have it. Well just before it was announced the chancellor was going into quarantine she announced new restrictions on movement and social interaction tell us more about those restrictions. Well one of the biggest new measures is that groups of more than 2 people are now banned in germany now excluded from that new measure families and people that you might live with in a house for example but this is a big measure thats being implemented nationwide today now people are however still allowed to travel to the Grocery Stores to work if they can prove theyre on their way to help someone for example but of course this is also being implemented in different ways around the country as well for him here in berlin in the in the state city stays of them for example local Authorities Police are asking people to carry some piece of identification on the times as well so that they can check indeed where they live and and see whether might be going but we did indeed over the weekend see a decrease at least here in the capital of people gathering in large groups it seems that people have started to listen here and dias to the advice is being given not only by Health Experts but also by the german chancellor Angela Merkel to stay at home wherever possible because right now the implementation of these measures and staying at home and reducing the risk of spreading this virus as much as possible is all about winning time and flattening that curve to minimize the spread of 90 kate thank you so much that was our Political Correspondent kate brady in while in italy authorities said on sunday that a further 651 people have died from the corona virus thats fewer than saturdays Record Number of deaths but still the 2nd worst day so for italy is close nonessential businesses to try to control the break and help is on the way doctors from cuba and medical supplies from russia have been dispatched to help support the overwhelmed medical system. And eerie sight thats now the norm in many italian cities romes piazza vonetta see a practically deserted apart from police cars and military vehicles rules confining italians to their homes were tightened even further the Prime Minister announced all public offices Building Sites and businesses would close unless they are essential to keeping the countrys supply chain going. Were sure youre dozing sacrifices that today can look like a step behind will allow us tomorrow to run and to come back soon into our factories. Into our offices in trust squares into the arms of relatives and friends. Were giving up our most beloved habits because we love italy but were not giving up our confidence in the future united we will make it. As italy ramps up its lockdown measures with a Greater Police and military presence the 1st of 9 russian army planes were preparing to fly to italy carrying up to 100 military experts and medics the aid Mission Comes after russian president putin offered support to the italian Prime Minister on the phone its help that italy badly needs. Behind closed doors and shattered windows of the long body region people already reeling from the 546 deaths recorded on saturday here like all over the country just one hope that maybe italy will emerge soon from one of the darkest chapters in recent history. Is covering the story and joins us now from milan the capital of lombardy in italy alessio whats the latest whats the situation at the moment in lombardy. Hi good morning and thanks for having me i think the situation is theres a lot of death and trauma lately especially in the provinces of the more pressure more not to the east of the of milan to the east of here spoke to a priest recently. And so many people have died in the community where hes. Been member of the he told me its going to be difficult to even imagine what life would be like when this is over because so many iconic people of the village are gone. And so weve all seen the pictures weve all seen the pictures of the trucks carrying bodies away from them all weve seen the pictures of the rows of caskets waiting to be buried in the citys cemetery and i think at this point all of them but hes wondering when does this stop or when will it slow down when do we see the effects of the lockdown thats been in place for over 2 weeks already we were told in the beginning that we would see the effects in 2 or 3 weeks time so were about to enter the 3rd week of the of of lockdown here in number day and so people are just collectively i think nervously waiting to see the spread slowdown and finally looking at italy as a whole we did see a slight drop in the number the daily number of deaths reported for the country as a whole are things still getting worse in italy or are there indications that the outbreak may have peaked. Yes youre right even here in lumberton yesterday i mean its its still hard to call the data positive or a good sign when so many people are dying but compared to saturdays information yesterdays bulletin was actually it looked it looked much better so you are looking at figures now and in long but there we had almost 550 dead people on saturday and. And 361. 00 yesterday so its 200 feet or less. Now a deal thought is at warners its hard its hard to tell now if this is a sign that the spread is slowing or if were just what if its just one day well get good data. Thank you very much for talking to is that was journalist alessio padrona in milan thanks for having me. Yes government is redoubling its hafitz to halt the spread of the corona virus the country has more than 33000. 00 confirmed cases thats the 3rd highest number of to china and italy several states have already ordered citizens to stay at home new york is a hot spot and its the latest state to tighten social distancing rules. Even the buzzing heart of manhattan has now gone quiet all nonessential businesses must stay closed and their workers must remain at home its part of a stringent a set of rules coming into force as new york scrambles to contain its surge of current virus infections and their pressure from state governors President Donald Trump has now pledged to send help to the states worst affected by the outbreak including new york. In addition to large quantities of supplies ive also directed fema to supply the following 4 large federal medical stations with 1000 beds for new york 8 large federal medical stations with 2000 beds for california and 3 large federal medical stations and 4 small federal medical stations with 1000 beds for the state of washington the u. S. Economy is also reeling from the virus on sunday the u. S. Senate was expected but failed to reach a go ahead for a trillion dollar economy to rescue package aimed at helping businesses and regular americans democrats dismissed the bill saying it was still to tour helping large corporations. Legislation has many problems at the top of the list includes a large Corporate Bailout with no protections for workers and virtually no oversight. Also very troubling in the bill were significant shortfalls of money that our hospitals state cities and medical workers desperately needed this is a Public Health crisis it is inexplicable to skimp on funding to address the pandemic weakness senate to set to vote on the emergency bill again on monday both or it is in new york urge the peak of the contagion is yet to come and warn of stricter measures if citizens fail to comply. Well stock markets quickly reacted to the senates failure to pass an emergency aid bill futures on wall street point to heavy losses later in the day meanwhile most asian stock markets are down as well shares in shanghai and hong kong are falling markets in singapore down 8 percent while indias main index collapsed by 10 percent after opening forcing a 45 minute halt to trading the only winners so far today japans nikkei leaping 2 percent on speculation that the Olympic Games there could merely be postponed for other than cancelled. Youre watching did up in the years up next for world stories the week in reports and we have extensive coverage of all the coronavirus on our website thats at d. W. Dot com im terry Martin Thanks for watching. What secrets lie behind these walls. Discover new her adventures in 360 degree. And explore fascinating World Heritage sites. T. W. World heritage 360. Now

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