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Building in the u. S. State of michigan to demand an end to go on a virus restrictions. That. Im simply so much god i thank you for joining us u. N. Chief antonio terrorists is criticizing the lack of International Cooperation in the Coronavirus Crisis he said there was a lack of leadership and that the International Community was not united but divided now protests also says a u. N. Appeal for 2000000000. 00 for the most vulnerable including refugees and internally displaced people has only been half funded he says hes especially concerned about the situation in africa these are the companies with lots of vulnerabilities vulnerability in their all systems vulnerabilities in their economies and their societies and there is really not enough solidarity of the International Community to support these countries built quickly capacity to address the pandemic itself and protect their economies evolution to the devastating impacts. Of the coffee. Well in kenya the government has banned entry to 2 refugee camps housing 400000 people because of fear fears about the coronavirus. Reports. You know a place miles away from home this group are vulnerable refugees is facing an unknown enemy. Its a fear that keeps this up but not see the mohammedan very disadvantaged violence and drugs in neighboring somalia before arriving in this crowded field you come more than 25 years ago. There is a lot of fear we cant sleep and restricted theres not much work we pray to god that there will be no criminal cases here because if the virus reaches us i dont think a lot of people will survive. A concern it could buy you an n. C. O. The u. N. Refugee agency which has called for emergency funding to help displaced people though theyve been no confirmed cases of the virus here yet the existing conditions would fuel its spread half of you are do we all are very close to each other to certain people live in one camp section this includes children elderly people with diabetes and high Blood Pressure that could become a big problem a tragedy. That. Many of the refugees seem more concerned about their livelihoods than the virus itself. But whatever. It has had to begin there are so many businesses have closed how do i run a small shop but im also been affected its really hard for us to make ends meet actually. Were not making any money i said. And i got out but on the whole is a much more satisfying because the. Problem what i have heard and im like most people here i follow the news and social media very closely what corona can be prevented by washing your hands covering your face with a mask and if youre feeling unwell youre seeing a doctor was someone who can take care of you out of that cup. For now you see this very much a believer that the virus can be stalked everyone plays their part. For more on the situation in one of the biggest refugee camps in the world we spoke to philippa crossland Taylor Country director at Care International in kenya we asked what she thinks will happen if the coronavirus reaches the dadaab camp. If the corona virus is. In many parts that can you know its. I mean we have. Been working in the government but still we have to sort of his for 2100. In an isolation. 270000 people. You know. Just was very close he didnt go to a refugee. All right lets get a round up now of some of the latest developments in the pandemic worldwide and the World Health Organization has warned that the outbreak is still picking up speed across africa despite efforts to contain it russia has recorded its biggest daily rise and confirmed cases with almost 8000 new cases registered malaysia will allow the majority of businesses to reopen next week as the pace of new cases there has slowed in recent days and a 1000000 people are now known to have recovered from corona virus infections worldwide though its unclear how many of them have Permanent Health damage due to the virus. Here in germany the institute for Infectious Diseases says that the number of confirmed cases is now over 160001 thursday german chancellor Angela Merkel announced a further easing of lockdown restrictions but warned that they could be reimposed if the rate of infection starts to increase again. Chancellor Angela Merkel defended a step by step approach as she outlined details of the latest easing of restrictions in germany following a Virtual Meeting with the 16 state premiers in the 1st new words for i am firmly convinced that the interests of the economy and also the interests of social contacts are best pursued if we consider that we can take steps forward and allowing more contacts but only if we dont have to take steps back and thats why we have to stay careful and idiot a hygiene measures. Under the new rules religious gatherings are allowed again provided hygiene and distancing requirements are met in churches synagogues and mosques visits to zoos museums and memorials will also be possible again under the same requirements intensive care units and hospitals will start receiving non covert 1000 patients again and playgrounds can reopen as early as this week. But 2 decisions were postponed for now one should germanys blunder sleeker Soccer League resume its season with games behind closed doors and to just which requirements need to be met before schools and child care facilities can reopen gradually. Said it was important to get a clear idea of the impact of the 1st steps to ease the lockdown 2 weeks ago before deciding on the next steps and that will happen next wednesday. All right lets bring in our Political Correspondent hans broad for more on the story holmes good to see you what do these latest announce announcements are from the German Government tell us. I think the major message from michael a macro and her colleagues in the various regions of germany was that it is still this a sorry took on the side of caution and i wish to proceed very very carefully with relaxation of locking all rules German Government has set up a process which foresees every 2 weeks there would be for the relaxation of measures the 1st such relaxation measures the major ones were announced of all 10 days ago so those 2 weeks have not yet cost so in fact much of the relaxation set were announced yesterday such as the tonic oh god certain kinds of church and religious services and so on and these are kind of not scheduled events of the not also i have the normal schedule the normal steps that the government has been taking. The experts consider that in these areas impacted all of the number of infections that could be caused by further relaxing these areas would not be that great so it was in a sense in a sense a signal of hope to the restless population but at the same time an affirmation that few major steps to relax the lock on rules what i need to be taken off exactly and that us as all the data with the instructions of the coronavirus. Really seems like something about balancing act that the chancellor and the leaders of germany states have to perform here isnt it. Oh absolutely i mean they are under enormous pressure we have to see that this is not only the case in germany youre off of course but here in germany to millions of people well how do you go on any money at the moment who are on short time work all on short pay. Tens of thousands of businesses who are facing ruin and of course that is that restlessness in the population people have been confined to their homes for the last few weeks especially people with Young Children i think im losing patients so there is a lot of pressure a full record for the relaxation of these rules such a test to be balanced against the need for health in the population and im glad that disposition is that taking steps literally taking steps slightly without the need to reimpose restrictions in the end wont get tossed to the point of a no manatee foster that if we. Extended the relaxations and then have to reimpose them again you get these hands front reporting for us there has got to talk to you now a survey commissioned by due to the sports has revealed that public support for a resumption of the bundesliga season is fading dramatically the majority of people surveyed say they do not support football resuming in may with socalled ghost games. When disney games behind closed door was necessary for survival sports sending the wrong message to g. W. Commission survey shows the majority and now against socalled ghost games 49 percent of people dont support a resumption in may without fans thats almost 20 percent more than an identical survey conducted 3 weeks ago. When does the league clubs and officials at desperate to play again to guarantee some 300000000 euros in missing t. V. Revenue the leagues plans for a restart would involve things like testing players and restricting stadium access the head of the league says some clubs will go out of business if the season contrie starts. From a lie im asking all of those who are interested in the bundesliga really all of the go for leniency and support. Playing without spectators is not what we want to avoid the only thing that seems possible at the moment and put in the end any return to action depends on political sign off with the public mood shifting that sign off may now be harder to get now one group affected back 1000 like no other is Health Workers doctors and nurses around the globe have been working relentlessly to help patients in addition to physical exhaustion they also have to deal with the emotional strain of seeing so many people die some are also risking their own lives because of a lack of personal protective equipment we look now at the difficulties facing community Health Workers in india who have suddenly found themselves on the front line for an extra 12 year olds a month. Every morning this is how rajan we do he gets ready for work. Or she has to protect herself out of his car and haim watched march as she visits homes in her neighborhood to check her symptoms you will know by. Doing is an accident to social Health Activist in india also known as an actual book. In addition to the mean growth and community her educators asha workers have now been deployed as the very 1st line of defense in indias fight against school with 19. To reach assigned area where she conducts sobeys with other workers rajan has to either visit or fast by areas called red zones where numerous positive pieces of the wires had been detected despite this she has been provided with only one mosque that she washes and uses every day. Most are shell workers also cannot afford protective equipment on their own. This chemical now that is government whatever it i gather the 1st time when i was made to visit a red zone i had never gloves nor a mask we received just 33 rupees a day the government treats us worse than bonded labor. We got our get away from the. Other russia workers have also at times been forced to with a just periods without gloves marts and sanitizer. Some of them have refused to work as a consequence the Indian Government has promised insurance each Health Worker on the front lines of course would 19 but that is only if they die in the line of duty. The actual workers are not insured if they fall ill with biters the Delhi Government however tells us that they are ensuring a regular supply of protective equipment to all the frontline Health Workers but workers like arjun are not the only ones struggling to reach people without sufficient protective gear this is one of hundreds of Community Clinics in delhi these primary Health Centers run by the State Government have been especially important in providing health care in underserved areas now they play an Important Role in the capital in the struggle against the spread of the virus while the doctors at these clinics are equipped with basic protective gear the to run a risk of Contracting Corp of 19 from symptomatic areas this doctor wanted his Name Withheld because he feared professional repercussions 100 percent risk. 100 percent risk because there may be asymptomatic patients coming to us have not been tested we too can be asymptomatic carriers we should get tested this. With a number of cases in india still on the Rise Community Health Workers like large and have a tough task ahead. Or have you thought that we might also be infecting something we do want to work on but not by putting our lives at stake majority of our viewers are at dragon passes by this red zone every day to conduct her duty she and many Health Workers like could i breathing a life and death threat. All right that report from many the childfree and she joins us from delhi now for more on this story how many you know we saw there the images of frontline workers who are afraid for their own health because they dont have enough protective equipment is this a problem across india where we are seeing similar reports coming from different parts of the country where what you saw these are community Health Workers called our show workers now the government guidelines prescribe that what our fellows need are only a triple leg mosque and a pair of gloves but clearly these workers think that frankly they feel theyre going from the home checking post symptoms and theyre sometimes even need to go in areas where positive cases have been detected so they dont really wondered well and as we saw in the report they sometimes even have to put up a fight to get a mask or a pair of gloves in the Community Clinic doctor we spoke to borders that they should also be getting the full b. B. Kit not b. P. Kit had a lot of confidence including the head mosque and a Free Exchange in the show covered in a gown etc so these doctors they strongly feel that they should be provided with that as well so they can examine the patients properly because they dont feel actual risk because there might be many asymptomatic gavia which are coming to them for consultation for Different Reasons and also as an appeals have been coming in the demand for full p. P. Kits or some basic competence claim that sanitizer or gloves or mask the demand far exceeds the supply many if we look at the numbers overall in india you know its a country of more than a 1000000000 people but the number of infections is relatively low while only 35000 registered cases why is that is because the countries containment measures have been effective. Its too soon to tell actually if you go by just the number of quarter reported cases it does look like a promising picture if you compare especially with other countries but there are a lot of reports on that a lot of medical experts who are saying that they are not doing the number of testing that we should be doing every day especially with respect to the population that india has so unless we really ramp up our Testing Capacity we dont know what the true picture is so and apart from the daughter number of reported cases what has become a matter of concern in the past few days is the number of positive cases rising on a body basis and another challenge with the faces right now is on the way as an exit strategy from this nationwide lockdown because several economy experts have made it clear that if a nationwide log down a top down it is announced then the impact on the economy would be catastrophic because the economy was already on a downhill slope before the corporate crisis now the government is walking a tightrope now they have to make sure that the bomb some laid back and the economy by allowing some sectors to resume but at the same time maintain a tight hold on the number of cases in general how are people in india coping with the lockdown measures well there isnt was going to be uncertainty there is a net loss there are things i. Really seen the markets the orders of the Migrant Workers after the 1st lockdown was announced we have seen that they are what about their livelihood they have lost their only source of livelihood apart from that for others as well they are feeling at an uncertain future in which theyre not sure how long this is going to continue or whether they will retain their jobs as theyre also facing so at the moment people do need a strong voice of reassurance and i feel the coming few weeks we made the picture much clearer. Monita choudary reporting from delhi for us thank you. Lets take a look at some other stories making headlines around the world protesters have gathered in athens for a traditional may day marchers that despite of that hes urging unions to move their demonstrations to next week when the lockdown measures start easing the organizers of the event adhere to all necessary Protection Measures demonstrators were masks and kept distance between each other. South africans were out on the streets this morning after the government sanctioned Outdoor Activities cycling walking and running are now allowed for just 3 hours in the morning as south africa imposed one of the worlds strictest coronavirus lock downs the sale of alcohol and cigarettes remains banned European Central Bank President cristina god has warned the euro zone economy is facing a dramatic contraction of between 5 and 12 percent this year she said the slump was on a scale never seen in peace time the e. C. B. Has unveiled stimulus measures to protect the economy. In germany a new study is warning that almost half of all Midsized Companies are struggling because of the pandemic and many may not survive. Riccardo is the worlds leading producer of Economy Class aircraft seats prior to the krona pandemic it was doing well but since the sector has overwhelmingly ground to a halt the companys order numbers have plunged its cut costs and reduced workers hours in an effort to survive. Now a major client boeing has started production again ricardo hopes that could mean orders will also soon return. Germanys trade and Service Sectors have been especially hard hit by the crisis for many the relaxation of lockdown measures has come too late restaurant chain fabiano was already in trouble before the pandemic now has declared insolvency many fear the credit crisis could lead to a drastic shake out of markets. And that feeds concerns that german Midsize Companies will become takeover targets 4 years ago a Chinese Company paid 4600000000 euros for robotics developer kuka an especially painful episode the berlin doesnt want repeated. In the u. S. State of michigan hundreds of demonstrators crowded inside the Capitol Building on thursday to protest the governors coronavirus lockdown order some demonstrators carried rifles and attempted to enter the legislative chamber but they were held back by police. For the 2nd time in 2 weeks protesters gathered outside the state capital in michigan to demand an end to stay at home or does and business restrictions. But this time they didnt stop there. Hundreds of demonstrators stormed the Capitol Building to condemn a plan by the Democratic State governor to extend Emergency Powers for another month some of them with rifles i signed an executive order this morning governor Gretchen Whitman has already issued an executive order to extend a state of emergency and protests to say thats a violation of their rights to buy or says here its going to be here so we need to get out and live our lives you quit taking our economy deep into socialism. Its time to let people go back to work its all there is to. The measures imposed to contain the penn demick have inflicted unprecedented economic pain and uncertainty. There are people that are compromised. People that are recurring they cant take it theyre reaching soon there will stay thats what freedom is. This isnt we dont. Already more than 30000000 americans have filed for Unemployment Benefits something not seen since the great depression. To prevent further economic decline some states are preparing to leeson coronavirus restrictions and restart their economies in georgia the shelter in place rules ended at midnight for all but the elderly and fragile. Movie theaters in germany are closed until further notice due to the crisis but that doesnt mean people can only watch films on their tablets or t. V. s one project in the capital berlin is offering film fans the cinema experience from their own balcony. Architect olaf kharkov reckons people should still be able to watch films on the big screen despite the corona crisis his solution projecting the film onto the outside of an empty apartment building. Grates because its so big the wall is white so once you get stark the coolest look purrfect is just a right distance away making an excellent big screen is going to be a great show tonight perfect. The film is being projected from a balcony across the street this screening with a difference is part of a Fundraising Campaign to help art house cinema hours which have had to go dark during the lockdown. Things are difficult enough over smaller cinemas even in normal times this closure is killing them off they probably wont be able to open it to august at the earliest were i mean to raise 700000 euros and weve already hit 100000 euros for. The idea is generating plenty of interest many of the residents want to watch its a welcome relief from the tedium of the lockdown. Were all looking forward to it people have been quite bored and worried this is like a breath of fresh air. And theres even popcorn and a burley in start up is delivering free supplies of the snack everyone is making the best of things. With some vegan popcorn carrot in mandarin weve also got salted caramel. Finally darkness falls and its show time on the bill is Loving Vincent an animation about the artist Vincent Van Gogh the residents are ready made audience for the apartment block screening. Today to relax a bit to not sing. Coronavirus something healthy foods. Its. Inquiries of already come from other parts of the city but lane is full of buildings suitable for screenings as it can work lie really pleased its gone so well its been a Great Success the. Focus was as our. Film shows on the outside of top blocks are now planned twice a week moving location each time a welcome twist on openness cinema and a creative response to the crisis. Youre watching t. V. News a before we go the nigerian drumming legend tony allen has died in paris at the age of 79 alan is credited with creating the afro beat sound along with his former bandmates well leave you with one of his hits this ones called crazy afro beat. Enter the conflict zone in these extraordinary times we decided to take the opportunity to focus on the impact that the coronavirus pandemic is having on human rights around the world there are reports of invasive surveillance of authoritarian power grabs my guest is the head of Human Rights Watch kind of thought of how many limitations are people willing to accept in order to fight a threat like coronavirus conflict. Next month d. W. Eco africa my 1st graph electronic gear cameron has just one collection site the materials are recycled resold the fair price but it was just too good to sicamous is one of all objectives is to stay a decision of more than technology that is to keep people defended by a new device coquetry to to get that 52nd one from us one who fought for. 60 d w. Like. Oh. My god says i was before the russians sold. Out runs deep and. So many different walks of life. Some are pumpin and oddly im trying to get all of them comes straight from the heart to look for a cd or even when theres no money dealers in the marsh to enjoy. From the 1st glimpse of the road to their foreign resting place the russians on t. W. Documentary. Censorship kills it literally is apathetic. But ok you have called corona virus the new terrorism nobody wants to see a dictatorship go to over over their head this week conflict zone has a different look and in these extraordinary times we decided to take the opportunity to focus on the impact that the coronavirus pandemic is having on human rights around the world there are rip

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