Cracked. And in the u. S. President drums Campaign Team predicted a huge turnout for a much hyped rally in oklahoma so who is to blame for all the empty seats. Im Claire Richards and the welcome to the show germanys coronavirus reproduction rate has jumped to 2. 00 amidst a huge outbreak at a meat packing plant in the northwest of the country that means that one infected person is on average infecting almost 3 others a rate of less than one is needed to contain the disease more than 1300. 00 workers have tested positive for the corona virus at the Meat Processing plant in goods as though almost 7000 employees at the plant are under quarantine most of the workers are from romania and bulgaria and live in cramped company accommodations. With more than a 1000 confirmed cases of corona virus the outbreak at the tin yes Meat Processing plant has now become the biggest in germanys most populous state and with the situation worsening the military has been called in to help test plant with his all of the companys 6500 employees are now in quarantine and around hoff have been tested. Here and this is this situation is very difficult because we have employees living in 1300 different locations so this poses an enormous pandemic risk. Enormous pond in the reason cool. Authorities say theyre working around the clock to get the situation and the control they have complained however that the management of europes largest Meat Processing plant 10 years has been making their job difficult by not providing grain of an employee information the head of the Crisis Management team ses hes lost all faith in the meat packing company. I do it with as much as i want to say clearly that the trust we have an attorney whose company is 0 i have to say this clearly. That statement prompted a response from the owner of the plant he said his firm had struggled to collect the personal data of employees and contractors. Nor not a lot for me and truly good i can only offer my complete apologies and i give my apology because were the cause of the issue and carry full responsibility for me as a businessman and the company as a whole because im all for it hes now have the information needed to properly trace many of those infected mobile to sting units have begun visiting private residences in the region to test for further spreading many people in the local community are a nervous and frustrated with the ongoing situation. Should cut us off this is serious its catastrophic we all have to suffer again we dont know if a shutdown is coming which will benefit us all its not nice. This could be that they should have started testing earlier with so many people working there dont know if you go on. With the situation threatening to spiral out of control authority as have closed the factory for 14 days. Well for more im joined in the studio by d. W. Political correspondent and i do our jobs and i know this is not the 1st time that theres been a corona Virus Outbreak at a slaughterhouse in germany have no lessons been learned well its intended to be decays its not the 1st time it happened in germany to happen in france it happened in the u. S. And its often in slaughterhouses indeed that it happened so of course it sheds a light on the working conditions on the Living Conditions of the workers of such places and here in germany most of those workers come from lesser well off countries such as romania and bulgaria for example then these those workers are actually paid way less than german workers would be so this says a light on the whole system of the Meat Industry which has to be revised in light of those events and how is this outbreak break affecting and germanys coronavirus numbers as a whole well youve mentioned the reproduction rate of dividers which jumped up to point 88. 00 which means when you have 100. 00 people infected 288. 00 people will be infected by does people and so as for the pandemic to be under control you have to have a reproduction weights of one above one means that the hospitals wont be in capacity to receive older patients to treat older patients and thats when the red line the line is crossed thats when were in the red so the fact that we have a reproduction rate of 288 is quite worrying however such clusters have happened before that happened a few days ago in getting them 700 people are currently a quarantine dennet happen in a suburb of bellina as well where tree 100 families are being quarantined so even if we see the number jumping to 2. 00 this is also due to the clusters and if those clusters are masters. Theres no need to wear in now so what kind of action can we expect to see. Going forward well theres going to be more testing being carried out in those regions in those clusters when it comes to to meet industry there would be for example in made a government decided that it will the use of sept contractors so as to avoid for cheap. Cheap working force to be imported in germany in fact there would be a whole we thinking about the dire conditions of the workers and german labor minister who actually say did night of those events that he promote he promised more controls in the Meat Industry and those controls will happen immediately we wont wait until a law is passed if they will happen quite soon so much as they do so much for your reporting thank you its well staying in germany a number of Police Officers were injured saturday night when a large number of people ran a rampage through the streets of the southwestern city of stuttgart more than 20 arrests were made after dozens of people smashed windows gauged in looting. Shattered glass ransacked shops still cut streets after saturday nights chaos hundreds of people came to this park to party when the Police Arrived suspecting a drugs offense the situation escalated. People threw stones and bottles and attacked police cars several officers were injured Police Called to the scene described it as completely out of control. Into someone sinful its the police all in all 1000 Police Officers were injured last night the engine is that it was designed inst one of them was hurt so badly had to be taken off duty this number could still rise as officers often report their injuries afterwards that weve made and understand using narcan gun combs videos circulating on social media shows several groups turning violent destroying shop fronts and losing until the early hours of the morning this all into something very different for love throughout the night 40 stores are attacked. At the moment we see in shop windows were smashed and destroyed shop and. From what we know at present 9 shops were looted always does noise in large english if they get. The next day start cut residents reacted to the destruction. Weve never seen the sense that god im completely shocked i just cant really believe it. Clogs up this was the i found out about it through a video i just saw someone throwing stones at the shop was lucky to criminal damage destroying other peoples property thats not ok. Police are currently gathering evidence from the shops destroyed overnight more than 20 people arrested during the violence and now being questioned. Rebecca tamara has the latest from. Jakarta starting to clean up after a night that saw unprecedented levels of violence against police in the city piles of broken glass have been swept up in front of stores that were smashed during alter cations between police and hundreds of members of the citys socalled party scene authorities are ruling out a political motive at this time but say that alcohol and the influence of social media may have played a role and investigation has been launched to determine the identities of the people who were involved but one of the main questions that remains in the minds of people in the streets of strict guard the question of why did it escalate to this degree remains unanswered for now well lets go now to some other stories making news around the world in serbia president aleksander of which has claimed a landslide victory in parliamentary elections his center right Serbian Progressive Party looks set to take more than 60 percent after many opposition parties boycotted the vote a citing unfair conditions and the danger to public health. British police are now treating saturday nights stabbing attack in the town of reading as a terrorist incident 3 people were killed a 25 year old man was arrested at the scene and remains in Custody Police say theyre still looking for a motive. Spain has ended its 3 month long lockdown as of sunday most of its borders with the e. U. Countries have been reopened some restrictions still remain and masks are required in shops and on public transport spain suffered one of europes worst coronaVirus Outbreaks. Brazils Health Ministry says the death toll from the corona virus has risen it to nearly 50000 the latin american nation has topped 1000000 confirmed cases and experts say it could overtake the u. S. As the country as the worlds worst hit country president has been downplaying social distancing calling it a job killing measure. Well u. S. President on held his 1st Reelection Campaign rally and 3 months and told so oklahoma on saturday the indoor events went ahead despite concerns that it might spark a fresh corona Virus Outbreak trumbull was in a defiant mood but the much hyped event was marred by low turnout something trump said was down to Media Coverage of covert 19 and protesters blocking attendees from getting access. Yes well this was supposed to have been trumps a big come back to the campaign trail instead empty seats and what appears to be an embarrassed president so tell us more im joined now by our reporter. Peter a look on social media raises the question did trump get trolls. It looks like it you know it turns out that a lot of these nearly 1000000 people who signed up for the event never really intended to show in the 1st place instead they were really out to stick it to trump whom you know we learned after of knock aeration really cares about crowd sizes it appears that a 51 year old grandmother by the name of mary jo long had a Little Something to do with it when she last week posted this message on tech talk its 2 free tickets per cell phone number because when you register you have to give them your cell phone number they sent you to come on you get the code in and your tickets are reserved for you so i recommend all of those of us that want to see this 90000 seat others where you barely filled or completely empty dont reserve tickets now and leave them standing there alone on the stage what do you say. Right so you know tick tocks a platform that is better known for dancing teenagers unemployable activists this video kind of seems have changed out or at least brought the 2 together its been viewed more than 700000 times including by these 2 talk uses that were seeing right here. Who all signed up for the event and used their platform to help spread the message and get others to do the same the idea then spread to twitter where thousands of followers to posting pictures of their tickets to the event a couple with you know talking in cheek excuses about why they wouldnt be able to attend after all and you know that appears to be at least part of the story as to why trouble speak come back turned out to be an even bigger disappointment but as were seeing calls to action across various social media but can we really say that this is the reason why attendance was so much lower than expected no it to be fair it does seem unlikely after all there was no cap on the amount of tickets available. It was kind of a matter of 1st come 1st serve. So thats probably not the real excuse for the arena not being completely full but what this does tell us is that trump is facing a much tougher crowd then he did in 2016 in part because theres this new crop of you know incredibly tech savvy teenagers and young voters who understand social media so much better than trump does and who really proved themselves incredibly adept at using social media to mobilize politically out of breath taking rate we saw earlier this month when the black lives matter protests started sweeping the u. S. We saw fans of k. Pop music. Many of whom have like a huge following on social media rallying on twitter to drown out anti black lives matter protests they also essentially crashed a police app that was used to collect pictures of protesters so trump is facing a tough Reelection Campaign on all fronts and including on his favorite strip stage which is social media all right thank you so much for your reporting thank you. Youre watching dont forget you can get all the latest on our web site at g. W. Dot com you can follow us on twitter and instagram at t w news m k richard and then Anthony Howard is up next with more headlines in 45 minutes. My 1st buy steak was a sewing machine. I come from women are bound by this notion for. Something as simple as learning how to write a bicycle it isnt. Since i was them i wanted to have a bicycle of my own and it took me as the

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