Those that will follow are part of a new process. They could be the future of. Granting opportunities global news that matters d. W. Laid mines. This is mary mallon you might know or better have typhoid mary quite possibly the worlds most famous super spreader melon was an asymptomatic typhoid carrier worked as a cook for a wealthy families in new york in the early 20th century she infected at least 53 others most of them people should prepare the meals for eventually after triggering multiple outbreaks she was tracked down and forcibly quarantined by authorities until her death 3 decades later. Comes forward to the present a new pandemic and a novel virus what have we learned about super spreaders. Welcome to w. s covert 19 special im joined now the milan thanks for joining us we start in south korea where a few incidences saw individuals spread the disease to hundreds and even thousands socalled super spreading events the preventive measures in place today measures aimed at groups most likely to infect others students especially seem to be listening the w. S Frank Smith reports. Young South Koreans are increasingly sensitive to the potential they have to carry and infect others with coded 19 even if they are not suffering from serious symptoms these University Students say they do not have the virus and they go out occasionally but behave much differently than they did before the pandemic so all. I have sensitive loans in the so i catch a cold and have a runny nose and sneeze a lot and these may be symptoms of covered 19 it also has a systematic cases so im afraid that ill harm others so im careful and. So korea is concerned stems from several events in which individual carriers caused a large cluster of outbreaks. The plight of the one shopping in Entertainment District in seoul demonstrates the potential Economic Impact of a super spreader cluster in early may reportedly a symptomatic virus carrier visited several bars and nightclubs in the area hundreds became infected with kobe had 19 and businesses here still havent recovered. The government is now looking to reopen some socalled high risk venues all those strict antivirus measures will be enforced because of you know we have 12 types of facility including night clubs and karaoke rooms that are designated high risk in such a place with a pretty to and customer will be required by law to follow prevention guidelines including keeping a visitor log. And practicing sort of ventilation and disinfection. The transmission of the virus by asymptomatic carriers remains a contentious issue some experts believe socalled super spreaders lied to authorities when they actually had coped with 900 symptoms still such events have generated stronger adherence to prevention. Taiwan clip incident had the biggest impact on me because the pirates had almost disappeared with the little cat i thought things could get better and i hoped i could go to school next semester it was hard for me to see the current virus situation get serious again after that cluster outbreak. South koreas new cases this week again dropped below 50 per day but everyone knows just one event could change the situation dramatically joining us now is dr qualities and a key to me although just specializing in infectious respiratory diseases here in germany welcome to our program dr bucholtz now clearly super spreaders have existed before in this history of pandemics is there anything different about the phenomena. Super spending in todays covert 19 pandemic compared to previous flights well i dont really think so what is perhaps different is that we now are starting to understand as the nominee who was driving better. To my mind 3 major 3 important ingredients 3 the 1st is the person at this infectious. So there seem to be a difference between persons if they are in terms of how many small particles they emit and there are infectious and when we measure 10 different persons when they just read our speak. At the same centers are the same groups they emit very different amount of these smart particles that are particularly now capable of being inhaled and then getting to the to the deep ours of the lung directly the 2nd ingredient is the 2nd. Receive frequently. Outbreaks when they have a high attack rates that can occur in close settings very rally outdoors up close settings and when they are thank you a to cool event render people at state a long time in it. And the mendez high article and here to say like singing screaming and so on and then the 3rd aspect is of course the. Be the person at the other end were exposed to to the infectious articles so Vulnerable People who are not proposals and older age that have certain preconditions when there is a man the group has a large part of those and then theres a higher chance also or record having iraq right. So were talking about people settings and susceptibility given that how someone assessed risk when going to well Populated Areas or attending large events as we know not every mass gathering has resulted in lots of new infections at the same time smaller gatherings have also been known to produce new clusters. The thing is to always behave as if there was an infectious person around or where i am and then it comes down to what i call them the 5 seas as a sort of acronym so number one is. Keep your hands clean doesnt affect them regularly and hygiene then the 2nd one is cover your nose and your mouth always there are important not just one of them and then obvious re avoidance is avoid close contact. Close contact other persons or close contact settings. Then number 4 is. Avoid close rooms touch when they are poorly ventilated that isnt very important issue in our days and last the 5th season of all crowded places is there any way to stop super spreaders and is concentrating on individuals even a sensible strategy. I would not concentrate i believe on one person there but what is probably the more important part is the setting. And there are a number of. Our bravest whether has been intense transmission where there was that it wasnt. Indoors environment its all something closed doors and we have Convention Nation and then in addition perhaps some activity that created a lot of particles lets say like singing or screaming and such but out speaking so that these small particles that are able to flow in the air and do not drop very rapidly they are kind of cumulate over time its also a measure of how much time this group spends in that sort of. Setting or room now as public life reawakens in many places in many parts of the world you have bars being reopened and restaurants in gyms it talked about the importance of event elation and perhaps like not spending too much time indoors but how well it can see prescribing events and be prevented from that sort of general Public Health center point one of the most important ones it depends which drama you which room you choose for which kind of event so if you have a sort of short meeting business meeting you can actually choose another side type of room then when you are a quiet one to want to rehearse so you perhaps need some some other type of food webs ready ready errors go is drawn away as coming from below a strong will likely sort of cinema sort of thing they have often that are concert rooms sometimes to have that so they they should be very careful which kind of room they are so redefining which rooms are fit for which purpose thank you very much a doctor would a book called she specializes in infectious respiratory diseases at the robert Clark Institute in germany thank you for your insights iraq im. And now its time for your question here is our science correspondent garrick williams. Mother who is a symptomatic breastfeeding. It must be terrifying for the mother of an infant to test positive for a covert 19 whether she displays symptoms or not because the relationship is such an intimate one physically that it seems highly unlikely that the baby wont contracts the disease as well despite the threat though both the w. H. O. And most National Health authorities urge mothers who have tested positive for the disease whether theyre symptomatic or not to continue to breast feed because the benefits of breastfeeding and skin to skin contact between mother and child a substantially outweigh any risks associated with covert 19 for the child so it still isnt 100 percent certain that breast milk always remains completely free from the virus but but the evidence indicates that its not really spread that way the mothers who test positive should however follow a list of precautions to try to prevent passing the virus along to their baby if this is an issue for you i recommend really taking the time to read the much more extensive information posted on the w. H. O. And c. D. C. Web sites you can actually help calm your fears especially to learn that most newborns and infants who get cove at 19 have mild or no symptoms and will eventually as far as we can tell recover fully. And before we let you go londons famous victoria and Albert Museum reopens this week after the coronavirus shut down and it is getting ready to welcome visitors i put in a bit of sparkle in their lives the art and design to 0 is a readying. And 8 metre high class culture in its Entrance Hall after closing for 4 months for the pandemic as well as the sculpture made up of 1300. 00 pieces of blue and green glass the museum will have taken in time slots and sanitizer stations and mass wearing guidelines to make its interest feel safe. Number one priority that wraps up our show if you want more in the meantime visit the coronavirus section of the d. W. Website at www dot com thanks for watching. Into the conflict zone to sebastian. Hong kong never leave the news for loneliness days now its the draft of a new security law to be imposed by beijing provoking controversy and protests joining me this week from long gone is regina if a member of the citys Legislative Council and chair of the probate new peoples party. Conflict. This woman is defining the regime. To a must move has been searching for her husband and son for years both might be victims of syrias secret service know theres a ray of hope. Suspected henchmen of us on our own trial in germany. Some can still in europe. 62 dont. Make peace for me. Is free you. Asked for help. Beethoven. Is for. Beethoven as far as. The telephone is for. Beethoven 202250th anniversary year on new. Look in detail at how beijing uses its National Security yours on the mainland you dont really understand the real situation in hong kong i also itll come back to the situation in hong kong how one country 2 systems lately operate this week were replaying an interview about hong kong recorded in early june by then many fear that a new security law to be imposed by beijing

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