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Not the 1st russian critic of the kremlin to be poisoned the former spy Alexander Litvinenko died in 2006 after he drank poisoned tea before her assassination journalist Anna Politkovskaya said she had survived an attempt to poison her and the opposition politician boris and then soft was gunned down in 2015 and now this suspected attack for politician norbert wrote ken its clear whos behind it these are this latest attempted murder and the threats and intimidation against anyone linked to the opposition has once again revealed the true face of the regime and in particular Vladimir Putin could start. Doctors say alexina vell nice condition is serious but not life threatening. For more on this story john rockers spondon Emily Sherman emily the kremlin has not reacted to the statements of the chancellor of the search takes any demanding and investigations investigation what did the kremlin say well we heard from the kremlin spokesperson that me through his cough and he said that doctors had been a bit hasty because they actually havent identified what substance may have been used against another viney or was found in his body at all in fact its just a group of substances that had been found its worth pointing out of course that that group of substances includes dangerous nerve agents and initially the kremlin had said that if it was found that he had been poisoned that an investigation would be absolutely necessary now today we heard that its much too early to open an investigation because all we know about these health at the moment is that hes in a coma and we dont know what substance may have been used against him if any at all according to the kremlin or the president of course denies any involvement but given the history that weve heard in our report how credible is. Well of course we absolutely dont know whos behind this alleged poisoning if it is one and we know that now viney had a lot of enemies including in high up places hes known for his Anti Corruption investigations and media there have been media reports that in siberia he may have been carrying out an Anti Corruption investigation into local politicians there from the Ruling United Russia Party his team havent confirmed that yet but it does seem likely and when it comes to kremlin involvement we may never find out its important i think to point out that. When people talk about putins involvement there are there its a system that has been created its not necessarily personal involvement by the kremlin there have been much discussed articles in Russian Media about how much. Viney had been followed in siberia by Security Forces who apparently knew everything from what he was eating to where he was staying how many rooms his team had rented when he ordered sushi and so on considering that level of surveillance that he seems to have been under it does seem unlikely that the author already is wouldnt have known about a potential poisoning but we obviously dont know and are unlikely to find out whether the kremlin or authorities are behind this as weve heard many a position this is uncritical journalists have been poised targeted in some other way inside and outside of russia what do ordinary russians say julius. Well this has been a big story here particularly of course in off the zisha media with people kind of discussing it after all nobody has supporters and offices across the country hes called in the past for office dition protests as well and his Anti Corruption videos on you tube some of them have had millions of hits including for example his investigation into former president and prime minister. But i think the vast majority of russians probably think that if he was meddling and investigating such such high up people such high up politicians then this is surprising do you know because moscow correspondent emily serve and thank you emily. For a look at some of the other stories making headlines around the world officials in afghanistan say at least 12 people died and scores were injured in a wave of attacks across the country violence including a truck bombing started at the base or Afghan Forces in Northern Province the taliban of transportability. Facebook has blocked access to a group that is critical of thailands molecule of the Thai Government threaten the company with legal action it comes as prodemocracy rallies are spreading across thailand the bloc group has a 1000000 members its found that shes face book of cooperating with the regime to obstruct democracy in. The gaza strip and to do a full lockdown for the 1st time since the start of the coronavirus pandemic comes a day after the 1st cases of Community Transmission were detected Health Authorities are concerned about the ability to cope with an outbreak in the poor and densely populated territories. Americas summer of racial reckoning is intensifying with more in wisconsin over the shooting of a black man by Police Officers protesters in the city of clash with police and threw bottles of fun. Refused to disperse despite the curfew the city has become the latest flashpoint for outrage over racial injustice. Began after officers shot 29 year old jacob blake several times in the back on sunday bystanders filmed the shooting on their cell phones like survived but is seriously wounded in hospital. I. Dont do it on lookers you know. 7 shots are fired. Because a hole in blairs under body weighs. 29 year old jacob blake was trying to stop a neighborhood dispute according to his familys lawyer you know his Young Children were in the vehicle his fiance witnessed the shooting it was 2 male officers and one female and the 2 male officers instantly like detained im like you know put your hands about like no questions or none of it and im just trying to simply get the keys out the car my wait a minute like he didnt do not the wrong like you know just answering questions 1st before you pin this man up against the cover and not even say no no my furthermore the kids in the car they didnt even know the kids was in a car. Blake survived and remains in a serious condition in hospital several Police Officers have been placed on administrative leave a state investigation is under way. And will be clear this was not an accident this was a Bad Police Work this felt like some sort of been dead or being taken now on a member of our community. Protests erupted on sunday night in the town of can no show wisconsin vehicles were set ablaze windows smashed. Outrage grew on monday demonstrators once more having to insist that black lives matter. It always comes back to this heads up dont shoot thats what we do heads up dont shoot but doesnt matter no because it doesnt get there. We still we still get. The. Demonstrations have spread to other cities jacob breaks name is now added to the long list of victims of Police Violence in america. Has been reporting on the unrest and throughout the night he sent us this the situation. This is the 2nd night of protest of unrest in can also wisconsin and as you see here those Law Enforcement officers should local sheriffs but also National Guard are protecting the courthouse in the middle of kenosha now during the course of the night there were several fires several cars were put on fires but also now several buildings and it was a really really busy night for the Fire Department here so far and no real clashes between protesters who are now still around and Law Enforcement and speaking of Law Enforcement we have seen some Law Enforcement troops or officers who were all dressed in black and head knowing see no identification no name takes nothing and it is probably fair to assume that also federal Law Enforcement is seeing kenosha to try to control this situation or get a handle on it the curfew which was imposed by the county earlier tonight did have no effect as you can clearly see there still protesters now out in about in the middle of the night here and can osha local time protesters are very very upset very very angry they are asking the question what has changed in america in the last 3 months since the murder of george florida in minneapolis what has changed they think not so much and only this can be an explanation for what we have seen in this video where Police Officer in can osha shoots of like the f africanamerican and black man with 7 shots in the back. It was staying in the u. S. Where republicans have formally nominated donald trump as their confidence in the president ial election will face the democrats kind of the joe biden trump secured the nomination on the 1st day of the Republican National convention in Charlotte North Carolina in a speech the president accused his opponents of trying to rig the election this election years the battle for the soul of America America its all on the line and what the Republican National convention marks and numbers its certainly making up for in passion. Your destiny ladies and gentlemen. Is inside as our freedom and liberty and the american dream. Is yet. In a scaled back event donald trump junior partner was among the key speakers on the opening night. Land of promise. Of the sun himself went on the attack youre trying Democratic Candidates joe biden as a puppet of the radical left whose agenda would mean the end of the law and order. People of faith are under attack youre not allowed to go to church but mass chaos in the streets gets a pass. Its almost like this election is shaping up to be church work and school versus writing looting and there was something america such a great country a narrative also picked up by the missouri couple who went viral when they were films pointing their guns at black lives matter protesters you were watching from quite neighbors so make no mistake no matter where you live your family will not be safe and the radical democrats america. Donald trump made an unscheduled appearance at the Convention Center in charlotte after he formally won the nomination to buy for a 2nd term. Trump repeated his unsubstantiated claim that the democrats would steal the election got him doing some really bad things we have to be very careful because theyre trying it again with this whole 80000000 mail in ballots that theyre working on and the only way they can take this election away from us is if this is a rigged election were going to win this election right. Thank you for a 4 Day Convention gives the republicans a chance to reassure the American Public his concern has grown over the handling of the covert crisis and racial injustice. Donald trump is expected to use every one of those days to prove hes ready for a fight. Will include. Joins me this too for some analysis. Almost 180000 americans have died the coronavirus pandemic black lab spent approaches rocking the country is it is team are they trying to turn that into an advantage somehow of course theyre going to have to try donald trump for being an incumbent president all the advantages that come with being the incumbent president for being in a good position to win reelection is nonetheless in a very difficult spot i mean none of the polls are in his direction not only is his Approval Rating only in the low fortys biden is up in most polls both nationally and states anyone 7. 00 to 10. 00 points americans only 23 percent of americans say in a recent a. P. Poll that the country is going in the right direction and less than 40 percent of americans say that the Trump Administration has been handling the coronavirus pandemic in a good way lets not forget the top of black lives matter and the coronavirus is also historic economic crisis so what we saw yesterday and what were going to be seeing over the course this campaign is either distracting from these issues or trying to find a way to make it look like donald trump has actually been on top of these issues we already saw testimonials from people regarding the growing of virus saying that trump has done a good job weve seen donald trump in a more empathetic a listening position where we saw him meeting with people hearing their stories last night in the opening of the of the convention and as it comes to whats going on now restock because of what happened in kosher this yet another black man being shot its going to be come down between social injustice which is what the democrats are really me pushing versus a law and order whats the what the Trump Campaign is going to be pushing and wherever you see yourself is probably where youre going to be siding talk about the democrats if you compare the tone of this going to the convention its only day one of us compared to the democratic women. Last week whats the difference i actually find a very interesting how similar they are both are walking is very fine line of darkness and light to use joe bidens terminology at last week both are trying to paint an optimistic picture of course you vote for me whether its all trump whether its joe biden and a very very dark picture if you dont the democrats trying to say america is a great country american do so much better but america will not be the country you know anymore if donald trump wins america cannot handle or withstand another 4 years of donald trump and the child administration trying to say the exact same thing so much is great we made America Great again before the coronavirus we had the greatest economy job growth especially among minorities ever lets go back to that its very difficult to walk that line remember donald trump started his his presidency with american carnage that is a very dark place to start and the other thing the trump ministration wants to do is try to paint the Biden Campaign and democrats as calling America Racist calling individuals racist nobody wants to think that theyre racist dont want to think theyre voting for someone whos racist so donald trump by saying this is nonsense might make people who are skeptical about that more comfortable in voting for donald trump donald trump usually thrives on these become ventures with lots and lots of support is cheering him on this is of different type of conventions its very virtual hows he doing with that belief if you hes also a t. V. Man and this is a t. V. Event so we already saw some of those pictures very slick pictures very slick background very slick production values so while donald trump does thrive on that live experience the t. V. s thanks very good as well and remember this kind of vent virtual preplanned means its much more controlled he stays on script less chance of him saying something that might get him into trouble. From the peep from from voters with a new quote thank you very much for this analysis. You are saying he knew still to come to migrants whose lives turned out to be very different as part of a new serious look in the fallout from europes migration crisis 5 years ago we meet 2 men who came to germany full of. The 1st to india where at least 2 people died and many more were injured when an apartment block collapsed and my heart thats south of mumbai some 60 people have been pulled from the wreckage of a 5 Story Building but dozens are believed to be still trapped its not clear what caused the collapse. Can you hear me a rescue worker beckons for survivors to answer his call. Under the glare of floodlights for signs of life amid the mountain of rubble one eyewitness said the building shook before it disintegrated. But people of a minute though. I live on the 5th floor i went home and had hardly been there for 10 minutes when my daughter came into the bedroom and she said papa the building is shaking. Because now what everything you read again. Officials fear a dozen people could still be trapped National Disaster Response Teams are now on the scene. In total subtlety and youd have already been discharged go through a critically injured had been moved to a hospital in mumbai for better care. Come morning crew sent cameras into the debris. Meanwhile an investigation is underway into what triggered this 10 year old apartment complex to collapse. The one of the possible causes had begun to thwart rescue efforts indias monsoon rains. 5 years ago in the summer off 2015 europe faced its biggest migration crisis since world war 2 hundreds of thousands of desperate people fleeing war and Economic Hardship trying to reach the continent the Largest Group of migrants making the thrill use journey came from syria 4 years civil war had forced them to flee president Bashar Assads forces increase their attacks on Opposition Strongholds and the socalled Islamic State was gaining strength but people from many other countries including afghanistan and iraq pakistan and every train also left their homelands in search of a Better Future in your. Face with an unprecedented wave chancellor Angela Merkels government decided to let them in almost a 1000000 migrants claimed asylum here as part of a serious looking back on that sum of 5 years ago we met up with 2 of those who came and face very different futures. That my name is. I was born in 1980. I fled eritrea because i could no longer stand the never ending military service at the us of the house. You know. Im 31 years old. I arrived in germany in 2015. I had to leave syria. And then after 2 years of military service i came home for the 1st time i had only seen my daughter once at birth and never again after that when i got home i walked right past or i just didnt recognize her nothing in life could be any sadder than that. I learned. That i was arrested by the secret service. When i got out of prison i couldnt stay in syria. I wasnt afraid to flee my youre often hungry your toilet. You want to sleep in a real bed not on the ground and they made it there. Yeah i never would have moved to the courts is what i went off on my own at 1st. I didnt want the whole family to flee together. If something were to happen i wanted it to happen only to me. With nothing and i thought i came to germany on may 2nd 2015 at 1st i was in munich then i was sent to berlin. You still got a body. In syria i was a doctor. And i wanted to get professional training and continue that he. The doctors here in germany are not allowed to work without a license so i thought ok what can i do. I could work as an interpreter as a volunteer. People were nice and told me some german words you have been all. Over the one up d. N. A. Said i thought it to me during the asylum procedure and i was told that i could apply for a family reunification. But i would then have to show documents that do not exist in eritrea. Marriage certificates birth certificates i wanted to have. Been 2017 my wife finally had a hearing at the german embassy. Right after that i wanted to call her to see how it went. To work then i found out that she died suddenly that he didnt get a home and i didnt understand it at all i lost my will to live. Tried 1000. And 2017 i passed the professional language exam at the medical association of berlin then the knowledge exam that theyre not got my license to Practice Medicine it is stated as such as 10000. 00 and i got my 1st job as a resident in your mind out of my work is my life its my whole life i was just completely leaving. My own little business where nothing was not well. I can never be well without my 4 children in the house because if i had to say goodbye i cannot sleep and im powerless. To its mind. I cant say whether i want to go back to syria and leave all stay here forever. Live and. Die just maybe i can still be possible or teen if all goes well in the us at this. Time someone has moved my hope is that my children can come to me. After all thats what im fighting for as well because i cant go back. To was a movie. Heres a reminder of the top story were following for you russia has rejected calls for an immediate investigation into the suspected poisoning the Opposition Leader of. The kremlin accuse the german doctors of jumping to conclusions by using the word poisoning saying but have no conclusive proof off the substance causing the ball is still. Coming up next in news asia a brutal military crackdown force of revenge of muslims to flee myanmar now i return home seems more distant than ever. So stay tuned for news asia with paris fantasy coming up right after this news broke and thats it from me for now phil dale will have a news update for you at the top of the hour is from the other news stream thanks for watching. Because finally years ago a german chancellor on the American Made a famous claim of his us and us. Germany opened its borders to refugees 5 years later we take an indepth look at what happened then. What follows. And the consequences of the refugee crisis that were still facing today. Our talk on daily news. I think is everything challenging 1st on her make a muslim. So much different culture between here and there still challenging for if he would lead. An islamist think it was worth it for me to come to germany. And got my license to work as a swimming instructor im sure now our 2 children nothing to us just want us to just destroy. Whats your story take part cherish on info migrants document. Like. Oh. My god just love was food for the russian soul. Comes here steve. So many different walks of life. Some are compact and ugly trying to put all of this comes straight from the heart to its former c. E. O. Even when theres no money dilution the marsh fork in trucks come. From the 1st months of the last to their final resting place the russians d. W. Documentary. This is the doctor coming up trapped. Under the bridge refugees remain in. A brutal crackdown. Drove them from their homes to help one of them to return to talk to an official

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