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Im Anthony Howard thanks for joining us we begin here in berlin with protesters have tried to storm the German Parliament building the Group Holding in period german flags managed to reach the entrance of the rocks die before police force them back this happened during a vast protest on the streets of the german capital against the countrys coronavirus restrictions that saw hundreds of everests. Taken by the thousands to demand germanys government changing its course in the corona crisis. But for many the demonstrations in the heart of berlin ended in arrest. Police say they were forced to make the detentions after far right activists who marched alongside coronavirus skeptics clashed with police. In a small group even managed stormed the steps of the German Parliament before being detained. Saturdays demonstrations attracted a Wide Coalition of activists from right wing radicals to those who reject the authority of the German Government or doubt the severity or even existence of the pandemic they were unified by one belief the governments measures to tackle the coronavirus pandemic go too far i think. Personally i dont believe that theres a pandemic i do think the disease exists but not a pandemic kind of thats the lead definitely on from the cording to the new definition of a pandemic its a pandemic. Was the can from the fall guy but that has to do with how much it spread and not with how dangerous it is that they always cut through authorities demanded protesters are here to mask in social distancing requirements during the demonstrations requirements many participants flouted a Predictable Development says berlins interior senator nelson infallibility. And i certainly would have liked to avoid scenes like this because Berlin Police predicted that today would turn out like this is going to. Have people not respecting distancing rules. Despite the u. S. Thousands continued their march a clear sign that their anger is here to stay. Well for more on this im joined now by catherine and now can i barely advice and civil rights activists catarina welcome i wonder whats driving people what you thinks driving people to take to the streets shoulder to shoulder in the midst of a pandemic. You know its really hard to tell because we are going iser say they are against the measures taken by the government against the pandemic but we really saw of variety of groups on that demonstrate demonstration which informed the radical far violent riot of conspiracy believers who is a kerry groups so its really hard to tell what the demonstration was really about because for organise organizers of us demonstrations they dont distance themselves from is a terror groups form conspiracy believer groups from far right groups based say we are one and we have one common and an enemy which is the governments and frightening. Part with someone who lives and balance those were very frightening days why do you think people in times like these fall back on conspiracy theories or conspiracy myths as you call them. We know from Scientific Study is that people tend to. Tend more to believe in conspiracy theories when they are confronted with situations that makes that create fear that create uncertainty so a pandemic so to save the perfect breeding ground for conspiracy ideologists to spread fear is and this is. A situation we already use i think because its an International Phenomenon are the real world consequences to these conspiracy theories. Of course we know from scientific studies that people who believe in conspiracy furious they change their behavior they tend to. Believe less and measures taken against the pandemic saw they are more likely not to wear masks and Public Transportation and supermarkets and pharmacies they are more likely to saw prepping. Behavior which means that they. Believe that yeah we could have a civil war Something Like bessel bell really confronted with strong fears which also means that this is also something very very troubling for families were confronted with someone whos really sticking to be a few years gathering and ok thank you so much thank you. Now lets take a look at some of the other stories that is making news around the world. The family of jacob blake had led a rally against Police Violence in commercial wisconsin the 29 year old black man was shot in the back by a white officer one week ago sparking days of on wrist shooting has become the latest focal point in the 5 inspirational in justice in the u. S. Israeli police have dragged away antigovernment protesters from a square in central jerusalem thousands of people across israel demonstrated for the 11th straight weekend against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu protesters demands the resignation of netanyahu over corruption charges and his handling of the coronavirus crisis. Brazils farokh government has published new regulations that are likely to make it even harder for rape victims to seek an abortion abortions are only allowed in brazil in very few cases including right and even those exceptions are controversy all among the countries religious conservatives. Scuffles break out in front of a hospital where a 10 Year Old Girl has come to get an abortion she was raped by her uncle abortion opponents attempt to storm the hospital to stop the procedure among the members of president in president ial year both scenarios party by. Murder a murderous they scream at the doctors. That you know is also seeking an abortion its only legal in brazil in the case of rape or if the mothers life is in danger even so many doctors refused to carry out the procedure she says she feels abandoned. A recent nor has restricted access to abortion even in the case of rape forcing the patients to look at pictures of the fetus and describe their attack in detail. Requirements the countrys family minister agrees with the complaint shes a pastor of. An Evangelical Church that she was that we want to brazil free from abortion instead we want to support family planning. Religious fundamentalists are gaining more and more influence in brazil 3 members of both scenarios government are evangelical pastors and strong allies of the Anti Abortion Movement for this 10 Year Old Girl has been brutalized twice once by her attack on brands by the government. The debate over abortion rights shows just how deep political and social divisions have grown in brazil. Illiteracy and have taken to the streets of the capital minsk in record numbers these past weeks have been protesting president Alexander Lukashenko at his success in elections that observers have called neither free nor fair a correspondent nic conley traveled outside the capital to see how citizens elsewhere in the country have responded to the president s refusal to step aside. This is. A series of mines with the city in between place that provides much of the world with fertilizers and Alexander Lucas and his government with a significant chunk of its revenues any unrest here and so he goes let alone a strike would be devastating for the regime both financially and symbolically. Not such a studio we have lived with one man in charge of everything for 26 years after this years election we saw appalling violence against ordinary people. This regime is in human and has already committed crimes against humanity it needs to go its human nature because of his spent all his working life in these mines and now hes trying to bring them to a standstill with a full scale strike so far the results have been so great only a few dozen miners have joined in the others he says just too scared and not without good reason all the strikers is set to lose their jobs and most likely the company. We try to ask the workers clocking off and their shifts where they make of it all no one is willing to talk to Companies Given strict instructions to keep quiet. Its early evening the queue snakes once across the city square a queue to sign a petition to recall local deputies something almost no one believes will actually happen but a chance for people to make themselves heard. That is it wasnt political because i dont agree with our president s politics ive had enough of seeing his face its been 26 years if you dont if youre sure shall not that it. Really election and now he wont go to new particularly funny how one of the people who are empowered right now are you i want to work for ordinary people to at least show i do want the politicians to just serve one person i knew she had knowledge that you like it which was good at it that you slowly step by step you need to take the system apart. And yes yes i am a student. Teacher that i reversed his position is clear if i catch it one of these protests or if youre charged even if someone just recognizes you had one of these protests to throw you out immediately. Just. Would filming him waiting in line to sign a petition be enough to get him in trouble with his university would should we stop filming. He told us hed had enough of being afraid to phrase you hear time and time again in the streets right now this weekends demonstrations will show whether Alexander Lukashenko as ever while the threat still hold their power after a quarter of a century in office. When black athletes in the u. S. Particularly n. B. A. Players have been using their platforms to draw attention to social justice issues in recent weeks here in germany a professional basketball player has followed suit off the building decided to change the night of more street mosts poking wants the city straight and trying station toms cabin to be also given a new night after the site of the slavery era book that prompted the name is offensive. To a. German pro basketball player moses poking wants to see some changes in berlin he wants to change the name of this street and strange station from Uncle Toms Cabin to Something Else but why. Coming into contact with that street and the subway station almost all want to have us 5 years and i had a bad feeling in my stomach you know. All the stuff that i encountered in my life made me feel you know just wont call a lot about it mostly Uncle Toms Cabin is a novel about a slave written by american author Harriet Beecher stowe an 852 the book was considered to be antislavery but it has always been controversial the book you know is full of racial stereotypes and and all kinds of racial scenarios due to the way of thinking back in the day in stows view slaves could be free but they could not assume a place in American Society on equal footing with whites. She wants to race she was just against slavery you know and people tend to forget it. Is a good and courageous slave who loved his master even after he was sold to a slave trader stage depictions portrayed uncle tom as a subservient fool who bals down to the white man a slave who will sell out any black man if it will curry favor with whites calling someone in uncle tom is just and offensive. From the character of the protagonist. Thats why poll king started a petition to change the name it has over 13000. 00 signatures already already started a conversation in politics about it with and certain parties that are responsible for the district if you like isnt something of the races and other people think its his race races. Should Uncle Toms Cabin be changed theyre not going to solve that issue by just naming one name but the sub conscious of the fact that you have an every day life you know it will change that. Youre watching news from berlin theres a lot more news on our web site should you need it at all at any time you can also follow us on twitter and instagram as well to handle. A News Reporter hes up next with a look at Syrian Refugees up to 5 years in general thats a question. Which is were brutally stolen from africa and carted off to europe by colonialists. Each

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