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Visit our families to come to visit thats the process that you have and its something that we would really appreciate and have people do but the timing on this we felt was not good and so we did make a request for him to do it in a different time. And he raises and demonstrations and mostly peaceful has been taking place in can osha since police shot to black president jacob blake in the back in august. But they too took a turn for the worst last week after 17 year old white man Karl Rittenhouse allegedly killed 2 black lives to protest his and injured a 3rd on monday trump appeared to defend the teenager fueling fears that the president s presence would cause further division in the city and he was trying to get away from them i guess it looks like and he fell and then they very violently attacked him and it was something that were looking at right now and its under investigation but. I guess he was a very big trouble for someone like champus hyping the unrest ahead of the election to shift the focus away from his failure to manage the pandemic democrats opponent joe biden has a step further accusing chump for mentoring the violence fires are burning we have a president who faired the flames rather than fighting the flames. But the fear among trump critics is that he will use the disturbances in places like portland to ramp up calls for law and order but only he can provide. Them. More we have joined by. Us on the story for us so tell us i mean we heard it there we heard biden saying trump is for moti violence we heard trump saying hes the lawn order candidate what a voter is make of the tactics will do are signs actually that it is working at least with crucial groups you know heading into this election polling numbers and such have not really gone up as favor bill your ratings are not going to buy it is still leading the race but support for the black lives about approaches is shrinking especially with white suburban voters and thats a group that you know has turned its back on trump since you know actually helping him win the 2016 election but because of his inflammatory rhetoric a lot of people felt like it was becoming a bit too much now trump is now it looks like its pretty successfully employing a strategy that Richard Nixon used in 68 where he was you know essentially painting unrest civic unrest as a threat to suburban voters and you know the safety of suburbia and essentially try to scare suburban voters back into his fold it worked for nixon in trump sped is that it will work for him too hes heading to nashville wisconsin so whats expected then yeah against the explicit wishes as was all there of not just the governor was gone but also the mayor of konoha a lot of other high ranking officials and can osha who as we saw you know asked him to stay away afraid that he would inflame tensions so. You know the question why is he going anyway certainly not to try to quote tensions as. As i would expect instead it seems like hes trying to you know project strength to paint Democratic Leaders democratic mayor democratic governor in wisconsin to try to paint them as weak and to show that he is really in control at a time when a lot of critics are you know saying that he has completely lost control of not just the racial unrest in the country but also with the pen demick so hes trying to project some strength there also is really important you know wisconsin is an important swing state and help to the 26000 election a recent poll from wisconsin show that support for the black guys matter also theyre down by more than 20 points since june especially among white was consonants so you know numbers like that are really grist to the mill for the trump camp and these politicians theyre certainly looking at those numbers on especially as weve seen this on rafts weve seen violence pour out onto the streets frustration among many voters there in the u. S. Peter what can we expect now going into november well i think i mean weve weve definitely seen from strategy i think he will keep hammering home this message it does appear to be you what is working for him you know the best at the moment for biden hes a much more painting himself as you know and to emphasize certain chiva people who can relate to the struggle and the pain that a lot of people are feeling right now who will try to you know get the nation in a deeply divided nation to come together unite you know focus on on you know their commonalities and that the things that they share the values they share supposed to the division so i think that is really what theyre going to try to keep it also biden you know saying trump is the reason were in this mess in the 1st place and hes going to stay with that message thank you thank you. Thanks and lets have a look at some other stories making news around the world riot police in bella ruse have detained at least 18 University Students protesting against the authoritarian president Alexander Lukashenko the students were marching through the capital minsk on the 1st day of the Academic Year calling on the go to quit one rights Group Reported some students were beaten up. A powerful typhoon has hit japan Southern Islands and is making its way up the Korean Peninsula thai food has brought to rental rains and dangerous winds authorities in the okinawa region are urging residents to evacuate. Germanys economy minister has revised his Economic Forecast for this year despite the coronavirus recession the economy is expected to shrink by 5. 8 percent thats less than feared at the beginning of the pandemic but growth forecasts for next year are going to just sit down. Chinas foreign minister says that the head of the czech senate crossed a red line by leading a delegation to taiwan media loesch visitor to look further inflamed tension with beijing by calling himself taiwanese during a speech to the islands parliament and china claims taiwan as its own territory. Hong kong has begun mass coronavirus testing in an attempt to stop a 3rd wave of infections chief executive kerry lam was among thousands tested but distrust surrounds the program some prodemocracy activists fear that china will use the test to collect d. N. A. Data of the Hong Kong Government says that no personal data will be attached to samples lets get more now were joined by a few become who has the view from Hong Kong Phoebe what is the government hoping to achieve. Well there must have things been missed one of the measures as you have mentioned to tackle the wave of infections we have. Infection over the past 2 months in hong kong and now the pressure wave in lashley so the government aid to i know those asymmetric haitians by laying out this mass has think so but this is free and voluntary so people can decide who would have to go to conduct the test or not on their own and the government said they hope to conduct the test or they will accept social distancing rules and also to research the Economic Activities in hong kong and what has the response been so far. Well originally the government has expected to to attack it of 5000000. 00 hong kong residents to go border test which is 2 thirds after population in hong kong on the 1st day we saw so far only. Less than 10 percent of the populations have actually register bods or departed have the game down on a per say around 8000. 00 is of any doubt and people have to go to 2 to conduct the test so the terrorists actually follow it and its late by the government at the 1st place there are hong kong or is they are some of them distrusting this Testing Program just walk us through what some of their fears are. So this kind of blow the whole taxing scheme issues is actually quite political in hong kong so the government has been praising the mass have not matched have seen as a helping hand although by the beijing government but on the other hand there activists and opposition lawmakers they raise privacy concerns so many are fears that theyre there they say and samples will be sent to the main theyre not for 2 years so this is pretty much. In the midst of the political life this trust between the hong kong that is there and the beijing government so even some of the medical professionals in hong kong they get the car that they are not pressure about is. That a mask casting him in hong kong without laying laying out locked out or wind up down so there are many questions so we dont see it maybe the reaction to us is kind of game is. Actually many people are indifferent to to this. In hong kong thank you. Youre watching news still to come on the program we look at how he further and artist is giving new meaning to old photos from tony old times. But 1st millions of students across europe are returning to school for the 1st time since the Coronavirus Crisis to cold and france students headed back to the classroom with masks required for all teachers and pupils over the age of 10 in several parts of europe parents and unions are worried about returning to classrooms when infections are rising again but governments insist that childrens education must be protected. Well meantime young people in belgium are monger students returning to school after the summer break belgium has one of the highest coronal related death rates in europe nonetheless more and more belgians say that they are no longer willing to stick to restrictions a study in the dutch speaking region of flanders where more than half of the population lives shows that 7 in 10 do not support the curbs. Teri schultz reports. The covered 19 infection rate is declining in belgium but kovac 19 fatigue is growing so many months of isolation so many masks for me its like something really oppressive t. Bo who doesnt want to give his last name despises social distancing and defies the rule to wear a mask in downtown brussels if i fire and if i go into metro ok but if i walk alone in the street no no that is really too much and tivo is hardly alone in his opposition michael for stratton who represents the protest group virus madness says no one should have to follow restrictions except to the most vulnerable how many people would die if we would not take any measures at all at the moment we dont know in fact we have no idea new Research Shows just one in 3 people surveyed in the dutch speaking part of belgium still supports the Safety Measures thats down from more than 80 percent in march when the pandemic 1st hit here university of ghent professor Martin Feldstein who led the study blames poor official communication for the dramatic drop in motivation he says its been a wake up call for authorities to pay more attention to people state of mind i dont think we have sufficiently been informing people on the consequences of their behavior for them to take a wise decision and now with the 1st of september comes the traditional client. Ok in belgium a return from holidays back to work and school it could be a toxic coronavirus cocktail youre quite worried leading belgian virologist stephen vang says experts are stealing for a potential september surge he nonetheless agrees people should be given more information about actions and consequences and then more autonomy so people can have some freedom to choose what they think is a group for their situation and they can adapt their behavior but are people so sick of restrictions by now they wont follow them believes most do comply but just think if i dont obey them too strictly because its very difficult to do but i try anyway they command i feel much safer wearing it we must do it all together but skepticism is clearly growing in recent days open letters have been published in belgian media signed by hundreds of experts including doctors scientists and researchers suggesting the strict measures should be reviewed to see if theyre stopping the virus or just the vitality of every day life. And we are joined now by spokesperson dr Margaret Harris she is joining us from geneva welcome to the program and thank you so much for joining us how do you think the team from corona virus measures could impact infection rates. Certainly should take is something you do see it with an outbreak like and one of the problems is people with fantastic about accepting Fairly Extreme measures quite often and i and what people think is that ok weve done this we did we were fantastic now we go back to normal now the problem is normal is what got us into this into this mess in the 1st place is we have to learn to dance with the virus yes we need to be able to resume our society yes we need to be able to resume human activities but weve got to find ways to do it safely. And so people have to be listen to the things theyre raising their concerns do have to be listened to and responded to but always with an overarching idea is right or is it a community its killing way too many of us we have. To live safely so then concretely what does the w. H. O. Recommend because i mean we have seen thousands taking to the streets in recent anti corona protests. So we particularly recommend dont be clustered together especially in indoor areas so my director general referred to the trip will see. 2 courses of things to avoid crowded spaces spaces and close contact so close contact is a hard one because we as humans love to be together we are classic animals we feel safe we feel more comfortable when were in large groups but this is exactly what the virus is exploiting so if were going to be smart about this we really still need to get into stance and try to avoid being close together crowded spaces indoors particularly indoors with ventilation we have all the im about to arrive here in europe there are parts of the Northern Hemisphere on top of this a little bit about your level of concern especially as we head into the Colder Weather what is what is the science saying right now what could potentially be bracing for. Its 2 things the Colder Weather makes us go indoors so theres 3 scenes i was talking about they become more attractive as the weather gets colder and we can already feel the cooling of the autumn really is a relative thing so if were going to spend more time indoors we have to look at ventilation and we have to look at how we can space ourselves if thats not possible thats why the face coverings they recommend so there would be a limit on the amount of birol know thats floating around we are seeing any signs that perhaps theres a big chance of people not getting as ill if they dont get such a big dose of virus so all these things we can do to improve the ventilation limit the amount of virus thats being spread keeping their hands clean keeping the environment clean that will help us beat this thing so we should all go out and get sweaters because maybe we have to keep the windows open but dr Margaret Harris joining us. From the World Health Organization thank you so much. Now to a bit of history one outcome of the black lives matter protests has been a new focus on european behavior and attitudes during the colonial era of the 19th century in photographs from that time non europeans were often shown in a demeaning manner while now at artists here in berlin herself the daughter of an indian immigrant is reinterpreting those old photos and giving them a new meaning. For me as girl whos just gotten a taste of revenge. An indian boy smoking a water pipe while his sisters make music their mother weaving for the global superpower solomon islanders showing solidarity. Images made for and by europeans now reclaimed by artist raj come. For her the century old ethnographic photos are not just history she says even today these pictures have primed people to see her as other. These images exert power and they still exert power over my life how i see myself and how i see others and i think thats true for every everyone and so why these images can still exert this influence is what im interested in exploring. This german book titled peoples of the earth is the source of many of her images published in 1902 as a scientific volume she calls it a colonial fairy tale. The people pictured are captioned only by type bush boys madagascar. A persian dervish. Its also about the type of representation and where people are picture so that their humor. It is not the purse thing that you encounter when you look at their pictures and for me the projects all my projects are about kind of bringing this humanity about. Her latest project is about travel contrast in societies perceptions of migrants and refugees with those of more privileged travelers. The paintings are made on pages from a famous european travel account arabian sands by wilfred thats it. For me wilfrid this is your symbolize kind of everything i hate. And and this is a big thing to say but in fact he is an aristocratic british and who traveled with tribal people in saudi arabia and hes considered a hero by everyone in the world he gets to define what history is he gets to think what is the what and people listen. To over messages words migrants as heroic travelers who stories matter she uses faces recorded by colonial photographers a century ago to tell a story about today. All ecologists are warning that the Worlds Largest colony of african penguins is at risk they say that ships refueling near the birds habitat off the coast of south africa are spilling oil into the ocean the government and shipping companies insists their practices are safe. For. Africa is a spectacular migration route where the rate of sea lots far reaches and. It is also home to around haas the global population of endangered africa the penguins. But in recent years ships have been refuted by now environments its have raised. It was my 2nd obliged to him for the girl but ill say as he proceeded as. This is a nice idea for you. All for a little indulging in things with oil and we all knew how the sizes of all the worlds biggest reading squad meals estimate and thats whats inside. Bunkering the practice of refueling one ship from another in the open sea started here in 2016 it saves time and makes money only 3. 00 Companies Currently have operating licenses but they were already small oil spills here in 20172019. Penguin numbers have dropped by more than 60 percent over the pass. This the south African Maritime Safety Authority which oversees bunkering strace is that the necessary consultations and environmental studies were done to make sure that the practice is a safe as possible. We need to protect the area and we need to use the opportunity. And there is the bylaws and that is that. A difficult balance indeed more than 40000 people in the bay area rely on tourism for a living. Beyond the environmental tragedy if the marine life should disappear so with the tourists and much needed income. Some sports news for you now in germanys top skier victoria ravens bird has stunned the sport by announcing her retirement at the age of just 30 she won gold in the giant slalom in the vancouver olympics in 2 1010. 00 and has 3 world cup titles in the discipline now she said that she felt in recent months that her training levels were below her usual standard after an injury earlier in the year. And finally cave hop sensation b. T. S. Have become the 1st korean act to debut at number one in the u. S. Singles charts the boys band single dynamite their 1st song entirely in english notched 3000000 streams and 300000 sales in its 1st we have a listen. Congratulations to them and with that now youre up to date on d w news up next a d w news asia chinas foreign minister is in berlin and faces questions over hong kongs new security law. All that more coming up of my colleague to rush better g in just a few moments im sara kelly in berlin dont forget you can always get up to date on our web site t w dot com you can also follow us on twitter and instagram a t w news my handle is access t. V. From all of us here thank you so much for watching take care. If. Life on earth moves are coming to an end. But join together to coincidence. That standoff previously the 1st was just a messy chemistry last time i thought mission suck. Where the improbable the 1st 2 through the awfulness of the creation of our solar system which are flat it is a bit like winning the lottery that comes up there is a little good that. What is earth more unique start september 18th on d w. Under of soft leaves in my cuts. Where i come from rajoy remains an important fountain soft transmitting new homes and for mish and when i was young my country was in brawley and confidence the war throb enough to keep most people would gods of our own garage to see if. It was my job to 2 in one off the lot of just logical states so as not everyone in the town. Listened to those updates. Nothing has been from incident i have known codea in Jonathan Morris on so long even if its not by us i was a twit and much more. By choice the scottish because given their way toward transmittance the troops. My name is nicholas mom mitch and i will. Keep up. This is the doppler news a show coming up today china germany touch base in the shadow of increased chinese authoritarianism in hong kong. Chinas foreign minister says beijings actions in hong kong are legitimate what his german counterpart proposes greater dodgeball the. Book one activist says the time for thought all these over and concrete

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