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Representatives about how to deal with either one and well show you how women in afghanistan are pushing ahead with their own business. Im chris welcome to the program the u. S. President himself is one of more than 7000000 americans to have contracted kovac 19 and amid continuing uncertainty over his own personal health but the prognosis for the u. S. Economy remains anything but clear a new survey from the National Association for business economics paints and indeed bleak picture more than half of the economists polled believe the biggest risk facing the u. S. Economy is the pandemic and the possibility of further lock downs and restrictions as cases continue to rise its not the only threat though one in 5 economists think the biggest problem is the failure of republicans and democrats to Work Together to agree aid packages for Unemployed People and stricken businesses the overall picture is that the u. S. Economy is expected to contract by 4. 3 percent this year with the majority of those polled believing the economy will not return to prepare. Until 2022 at least now for more lets cross over to our frankfurt correspondent our women on the markets Chelsea Delaney chelsea welcome to the program the u. S. President apparently feeling better the outlook for the u. S. Economy is still pretty grim but our markets making of that picture on monday morning. So markets have gotten off to a more optimistic start this week from where they ended on friday when there was a lot of concern about the health of donald trump. President trump is expected to be released from the hospital today so thats easing some of the concerns that we could potentially see more political disruption but i would just stress that there are still a lot of a lot of questions and a lot of really negative potential scenarios for the u. S. And for the Global Economy we still have a very disputed election about a month ahead congress is not anywhere closer to a stimulus package we have the rising number of corona virus infection so still a lot of uncertainty for the markets to delay me in frankfurt thank you. Lets take a look at the auto sector not all the problems since the start of the year for carmakers have well been documented many major parts suppliers have also had to close plants and dismissed thousands of employees but for smaller suppliers theyve been clinging to the very. The purple plasma here is blowing into every 1000 degrees celcius and today is company in kemet since saxony operates 12 of these specialist. 15 employees use them to put the smooth surface finish on crank shelf and give books pumps. The food. Is one of the most important customers normally he supplies it with a view 200000. 00 components put a year. But the coronavirus pandemic has. Global sales. Mindful. I have to guarantee my clients in the car industry a minimum of supply volumes and pieces have to be ready for specification changes but when no orders come in then i am left in the lurch right now. Then is lucky not to be entirely dependent on the auto industry. He also has orders from Rail Technology companies and some Engineering Enterprises but other automotive supplies in the region are already experiencing the knock on effects of the accelerating transition from combustion to electric motors. And electrical more to an electric motor is designed differently and the Combustion Engine has way more parts which have to be processed and he treated others dont have any of that when electric motors electric Motor Mission the coronavirus his hits just as the auto sector embarks on a historic transformation major suppliers are also affected but they can respond more flexibly bush converted production lines on several continents to manufacture medical protective masks. Today the Worlds Largest automotive supplier is making the coveted masks on its own machines in germany india and mexico. Of course were not an automotive production here we havent mass production a totally new product for us here so the main challenge was to give people who work in the home office mainly in mexico and in india an impression of how this mass production will work we mainly worked with pictures and let them profit from our ramp up experience and lessons learned. And today is booms more Modest Company still manages to run a Research Department with she says its an advantage when it comes to diversifying. Being dependent on the car industry is hard in future we want to move away from that and get a foothold in machinery and plant construction. That many other automotive suppliers wont survive the sector wide collapse in august analyst a full costing a deluge of bankruptcies i for more lets bring in martin percy is the managing director of the German Association of the Automotive Industry broadcom to g. W. Martin how much of the supply sector will not. Well we are in the middle of a crisis actually we are facing a crisis the record on our own when it comes to market and market share and we face a transformation process that youre in a scene roughly 60 percent of the companies that we recall to say that they are planning to cut more. Or into the corona crisis around half of these firms tend to cut 5 to 10 percent of their workforce so we are facing really tough times and the question is when are we coming back to a to a level there because before carone our crisis and that group that wont be before 2022 so we are facing a never seen crisis and a never seen transformation at the same time and that is the big challenge especially for a small and Medium Sized Companies you mentioned the job because industry heavyweights like bosh and others have announced to axe thousands of positions has been the appropriate response to the current crisis. Well we have to see if there are capacities and if we are facing a lurching marker their ex has around 14 to 15000000. S. In registration in order to make that is the same as if in whole europe wouldnt be any car to be registered home on the European Market is around 40000000. 00 cars and there were parts market 1x4w1x5w cars you know below the normal level and that means there are capacities post mall and Medium Size Companies but also for manufacturers that are not used and you have just to make a business out of it and therefore the question is what do we think the political measures to support a business taking effect not only in germany also in other countries but however we now expect a long period of difficulties and like mentioned its not we call 20 and through now. We are before corona level and therefore industry and politicians we have to take her hands together politicians companies and the trade unions and germany must Work Together in order to everything that can prevent production from being moved out of germany and a virtual further job cuts to Corona Martin the automotive sector is going through deep changes towards the mobility now electric engines are likely to provide less work for supply companies particularly small entities could be very hard hit what are they to do. Well i mean we are in the middle of a transformation process and therefore companies have to transform the events of. That they are in the middle of a transformation process but of course we have to distinguish is a supplier for example that is very much focused on a specific technology is it very much focused on the Combustion Engine or is it so supply in different areas that for example he produces a product that is also used in cars that are battery electric we as a german industry are convinced that the transformation process is not only battery electric cars we have fuel we have electric. If you wants her example of that and also we use with a Combustion Engine and they are well off the question of time is we have to take the transformation and we have to take that formation with in the corona crisis as well and that is the big challenge also what Smaller Companies martin kearse managing director of the German Association of the Automotive Industry thank you for talking to g. W. Thank you very much into afghanistan now and after 40 years of unrest few other places in the world have become synonymous with violence destruction and death not the kind of place where Business Ideas can blossom you think but women are the nurse in afghanistan are on the rise according to the local ministries estimate from 28000 there are almost 900 small and medium sized female owned enterprises around the country one such enterprise is a Fitness Center for women and the former taliban stronghold of kandahar. Political games have been slow for women in afghanistan since the fall of the taliban in 2001. But the gains in the gym have only just begun this woman only Fitness Center in the conservative stronghold of kandahar is credit to the hard work. The mode. Also employs women its vital progress in a country where less than a quarter of women walk outside the home. Im delighted to work here because i can help women and exercise myself after all exercise is good for my health and the money i earn is a great financial help my family. Its not just the cardio machines here that are raising hard creates the owner says shes never seen that ongoing peace talks with the taliban could mean compromises that restrict women and threaten businesses like cars. As they were worried not only about our business and sports but about all sectors where women work. Our concern is that if the taliban reunites of the government what restrictions will they impose. Because given what ive been following on the here is i think the talibans mindset and ideas have not changed much. For now the women walking out here see the will push through their fears and work towards their fitness and health. And a quick reminder of our top story at this hour use a condom. Lockdowns and restrictions are the biggest risk facing the u. S. Economy a close 2nd to failure of washington to provide meaningful relief for. Thanks for watching. Imagine how many pushed homeless us rode out in the morning climb a tree Different Office story this is my platform when photos one week. How much worse can it really get. We still have time to ask im going. This. Process. Media and Information Literacy the 7th online session of the Global Media Forum code 19 has changed the way we communicate. This brings new opportunities but also. One solution media and Information Literacy. Is this enough to approach the challenges in our media landscape join our discussion starts 1230 u. T. C. Sound beneath your feet good music and daring to fly out on a mild summer evening. Mexicans want happy tourists. That our livelihood is almost 100 percent dependent on tourists without them everything falls apart. There is also covert a virus that knows no vacation. There has been. An exponential increase of infection since the beginning of the new normal living with my. Side leader is located on the west coast of mexico which is normally a tourist magnet if it wasnt for the pandemic. The day has just begun and is normally better plus n. C. R. Would be taking out his 1st tourists the beach would already be crowded and the 33 year old tours would be fully booked. If you want to learn to ride a horse the morning doesnt make him any income like most of the days and months before its his savings are exhausted although bay joe is an optimist his concerns are growing with each day i mean hes made. For me its very hard

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