Theyre not great for hunting. It what it really is purpose is to kill the maximum amount of things in the smallest amount of time. The biggest donor to the n. R. A. Is the arms industry itself various Companies Make direct financial contributions confident that their investments will bring their own kind of dividends. Connecticut based group makes no secret of the fact that it diverts 2. 00 to the n. R. A. From every weapon totaling 4000000. 00 over a period of 2 years just one of countless examples that explain why the lobby group boasts an annual budget of a quarter of a 1000000000. 00 money that ultimately translates into a handsome payback for the arms trade. The obvious reason manufacturers would give to the n. R. A. Is because the inner n. R. A. Drive sales i mean every time there was a shooting. People would buy more guns because they thought this is the one where theyre going to start taking away our guns and theyre going to start making it harder to buy guns. And sounding that alarm was the n. R. A. The n. R. A. Was driving those sales. And so its no surprise that gun manufacturers and gun shops would have these arrangements where they give back a portion of the profits to the n. R. A. And in return the n. R. A. Promotes the sale of firearms in the us which amount to around 3000000. 00 guns every year but thats not all the n. R. A. Exert its influence on lawmakers to ensure that votes on legislation go the right way in 2005 for example Congress Passed a law exempting arms manufacturers from liability should their products be used in a crime for the n. R. A. Its biggest triumph on the legal front in recent history. And the bill is passed last amended. We lobbied congress very heavily we made it a priority we judge people on the basis of their position on that. Ultimately they agreed and they supported the. Republicans and democrats alike it was very important to the bar and it is true that it was very important to american gun owners and very important to the survival of the 2nd amendment as Something Real what it has served to end of doing really is for moving guns from the conversation so its now almost impossible to talk about guns and relations in these Mass Shootings and you see that now today sort of the Chain Reaction events of consequence is that there was a commission stood up to such studies School Safety in the wake of parkland and last week that sort of os who is the secretary of education whos the head of the commission announced that they werent going to look at guns they werent going to talk about guns at all with regards to School Safety and she cited this act as part of it they say well you cant you cant blame guns see you know we have an act in congress that says. Guns arent the problem user its this whole guns dont kill people people kill people argument that you know its just because the bad person who had a gun the gun has nothing to do with it and so the n. R. A. Really pushed it again to protect the manufacturers that are. Giving them money that are supporting them. The n. R. A. Shapes the National Agenda and has ensured that firearms have become sacrosanct and an inviolable right. The lobbies young critics want to challenge that. Like 60 percent of americans they want to see new stipulations on the purchase of weapons a Clean Police Record and they want to ban on the sale of assault weapons to those under the age of 21. 00 today those young activists are protesting outside congress in washington saying evan thomas and. Jonathan who a big on and since the Parkland High School shooting survivors have attended a number of demonstrations to mark new killing spree sq together with other gun reform activists they want their fellow americans to sense their anger and frustration over the governments inaction. I am tired of politicians who step down there were 4 before actually sitting down and having this discussion im tired of enter a leadership good lord mocking but gun violence awareness in bashing young people who are changing the world. Marcel mcclinton from texas is part of a gun violence prevention group. Today hes organized a dyin in symbolic memory of the parkland massacre a demonstration that is also an indictment. Will soon die a. Massive nobody is always that you going through now and you make. It more going right were going to going to one of the ones going how building which is why we are showing of the capitol they take so much money from the n. R. A. You know you dont care about the who we hear about the money and they speak on behalf of how my dollars they get and i want to have what we want all the same if you want to sort of also. Marcel mcclinton house him self experienced the horrors of a mass shooting in his hometown of houston in 2016 he recalls how the murderous rampage began one sunday morning. 2 years ago in my church and there was a shooter on on the campus. It was outside of the parking lot and. He killed i think just one person but injured 6 and i want to save shot 2 Police Officers with their 15 the sounds dont get your head and. Says you know what at that time i guess i didnt get into government activism i didnt think anything of it. Its this trusting as a country as we call ourselves the leading country in the world and yet we kill most of our people and i say we call our people because our politicians are the ones doing nothing about it and so theres blood on their hands and yet they have the nerve the audacity to say that were the number one country in the world i know i think im proud to be an american i love their lives i want to live anywhere else but its sad that as a country we cant come together as one and say this is a problem lets fix it. Marcel mcclinton and his fellow activists know that bringing about change is immensely difficult his native to. This is a stronghold of the gun lobby and it was no coincidence that the n. R. A. Chose dallas to host its annual convention in 28. The organization boasted of 80000. 00 freedom loving patriots attending the event including guest of honor donald trump. The president pledged his unwavering support to make his point about gun ownership he mimicked the massacre they killed 89 people in paris in 2050 there were brutally killed by a small group of terrorists. They took their time and done them down one bar going boom come over here boom come over here boom oh but if you want to employ. Were just drawing the patients had a gun. Or every one of the cars in this room. Had been there was going. Opposition record. The to loose would have been shamed and it would have been a whole different story. Of the earth. In the short run hes a very good president for the n. R. A. Because he does their bidding he does what they want in the long run hes a terrible president for the n. R. A. Because hes a useful adversary to mobilize the other side right with the n. R. A. I really would like would be someone like george w. Bush because george w. Bush is a gun owner a gun user but hes not so offensive to people on the other side dont worry about the n. R. A. There are so you guys here for you are so fraid of the n. R. A. Theres nothing to be afraid of i think the clearest example of how the. N. R. A. Influences present time in the garden ministration is the fact that you have the president sit down with members of congress at that meeting at the white house that was televised and you had you know the president sit with some of the victims from parkland and from other shootings. And appear. To policy ideas that would specifically help reduce easy access to guns were going to. Give you. The Mental Health somebody and then that evening he had dinner with wayne la pierre and chris cox from the n. R. A. And weve never heard. About any of these policy ideas ever again. But those ideas have not been forgotten by young gun control advocates who have managed to secure some progress. To set for your Florida High School that was 1st fired from a shooting guard taking a road trip for change florida has now raised the age limit on buying a ar 15 guns from 18 to 21 courts in the state can have weapons taken away from individuals considered potentially dangerous but Tyra Hammonds and other activists are already planning the next steps in their campaign of prevention which also involves calling for action from the nations centers for Disease Control and we have our template policy which is the c. D. C. Saying that they need to understand that this is an epidemic that is happening and its crucial because they still dont believe that this is a problem in our society so they have not made it a priority to let the public know that gun violence is a huge topic that is or what weve been doing a 2nd is the safe storage policy that we want parents to know that that if youre going to see and believe the person for the gun owners should know where your gun is because you were the one who walked into the store to purchase it and youre the one who walked out and hes only responsible and of course universal background checks theres a couple more but like those are these are made with. Police the tsunami survivors of parkland and other School Shootings are now adding their voices about rage to the debate on the countrys gun laws but so far those voices have been falling on deaf or closed ears meaningful reforms that still seem unattainable but the n. R. A. Is not lowering its guard because this Younger Generation is determined to see a less violent and safer america. Theyre able to keep up. The call theyre able to mobilize people theyve become public figures. When i talk to people who work for america they they often ask me you know why dont you just. Get rid of them i dont want you to make guns illegal id try to remind people that there are so many calves we have so many hundreds of millions of guns in america. Thats beginning to change because the way change happens in American Society is we go into a part of the cycle of people see how bad it is and then they provoked the other way this is the beginning of something and moving forward well see that change there is plenty that can be done short of banning guns that could happen in the future its just a question of you know are we out an Inflection Point are we at a point where it actually is changing or is the n. R. A. Core to remain a powerful institution because its americas deadly love of guns is hugely divisive and ongoing battle for power corporate influence and money. The number of coronas infections is rising. Large groups of people are risk keeping the necessary distance from seems impossible. Researchers say it can be done. By the float downstream hands. This help reduce the spread of the virus to morrow to doing. 30 minutes on w. Literature in the age of corona. Award winning novels. Experiment and with an online book fair. And theme. Well it is a lot of literature is highest on. Costs in 60 minutes on t. W. Plato it is for me it. Is for. Beethoven is for. Beethoven it is for plato it is for every monoplane beethoven 2020. 150th anniversary here on d w. Good look at it. This is a deja vu news lot of from Berlin Germany marks a year since a neo nazi terror attack that left 2 people dead. German president Frank Coulter steinmeier says that every citizen has a responsibility to stand against hatred also get on the program. German chancellor Angela Merkel warns the country could lose control of the pandemic unless it acts now the chancellor and leaders of the countrys largest cities agree new measures for places where case numbers are on the increase. Is it rough play or revenge whats behind a series of orca attacks on sailboats off the coast of spain. Also coming up a musical legend. Most really a musician nick cage displays decades of creativity in an experiment she experienced exhibition. Next by sir welcome to the program. Germany has marked the 1st anniversary of a deadly antisemitic attack on a synagogue in the eastern city of hama it happened on the jewish holiday of a young kid for the neo nazi attacker couldnt get through the synagogues front door and so went on to shoot 2 people outside of the commemoration ceremony during president frank falter steinmeyer expressed shame and anger over the resurgence of antisemitism in the country. Union movement was moved have moved it was an occasion to mourn and reflect for survivors for the bereaved and for germany the ceremony and hala st. Mark the anniversary of an anti semitic attack that evokes germanys darkest history. I knew i was struggling and a year has passed already a year just a year or 2 a year ago today and nightmare came true here in holland in broad daylight in the middle of germany in germany of all places. And to expand. Earlier in the day the city came to a standstill for several minutes as people took a moment to remember the victims. In the courtyard of the synagogue a new memorial was unveiled the head of Germany Central Council of jews said the attacker had failed in his mission their teacher were to deviate from it but perpetrator wanted to impress the world by killing people who in his mind have no right to live how but he did not convince us of his inhumane ideas he did not impress anyone on the contrary in time. It was one year ago that a far right extremist attempted to shoot his way into the synagogue his intention to kill worshipers marking young kid paul but the people inside was saved by a wooden door that wouldnt breach instead the assailant gunned down 2 non jewish victims a woman passer by and a man i think about shark attacks against jews have been on the rice in germany recently the german president said it was up to all germans to fight anti semitism. Im does admit this most is anti semitism as a canary in the coal mine for the state of our democracy but the more overtly it is expressed the more of values of tolerance and respect for Human Dignity are under attack and before. The time left many germans wondering how widespread far right extremist views in germany the commemoration in holland was a chance to remember the victims but also to reflect on those concerns. And did correspondent kate brady was in hama for the ceremony it was a song of a day in hell is the city mark one year since the terrible attack it was a day not only to remember the victims of the shooting but to also show a sign of solidarity with the Jewish Community both here in helena but also across the country so Memorial Services took a more critical stuns highlighting again the failures made by police in the investigation after the attack but also the blind eye that have been turned towards far right extremism in germany for many years during his speech at a Memorial Service in this concert hall behind me german president from files a steinmeyer reminded German Society that it had a responsibility to protect the rights and values that germany stands for and to stand up as well against any kind of hatred in the country if we stand together we are strong he said german chancellor Angela Merkel and mayors of 11 of the countrys biggest cities have agreed a package of you measures to halt the spread of the corona virus germany fears are growing 2nd wave of the pandemic after infection rates in several cities including berlin and frankfurt passed a key threshold and triggered tighter restrictions. From her office in berlin angle americas Video Conference with the mayors of key cities sends the message germany urgently needs to prevent corona spreading in urban centers the other spirit the other thing we are the sense that the big cities there than areas are now the area now where we will see if we can keep the pandemic and control in germany as we have done for months so for if we lose control this that is precisely where we are right now it and the important thing here to contain the virus the mayors agreed a tough new framework it could see experts from germanys armed forces and the national Disease Control body sent into cities if the 7 day infection rate rises above 35 per 100000 residents their job would be to focus on Contact Tracing cities where that infection number is above 50 will require people to wear masks in public spaces and there will also be limits on alcohol sales and socialising berlin and frankfurt have already reached that threshold and experts are worried the situation could deteriorate as it has in some other countries the experience in other cities its like. Look into the future if we are not ready. To act on the problem now especially in cities and the element of this activity is to inform the general public to avoid misinformation and to rely on the corporation of of the general public including the younger people many young people in berlins bars of not yet change their behavior from saturday people in the capital will only be able to socialize in groups of 5 more if they are from only one or 2 households. Its global you know we have a rule which allows us to take action very quickly because were saying very clearly these places must be closed from 11 pm its easy to see if a bar is still open or not and if it is action can be taken quickly to get young people may find it hard to take a break from their social lives but as the chancellor appealed to them to observe the rules she also offered reassurance and this photo everything the return parties nights out fun without corona matters now is Something Else i respect and tell adair its on my. Hand if the rise in infections is not halted within 10 days the mayors have agreed to impose even stricter measures. Lets turn now to take a look at some of the other stories making news around the world. Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov has announced a cease fire between armenia and azerbaijan starting midday on saturday moscow hosted peace talks with the warring countries as follows nearly 2 weeks of deadly clashes over the disputed. Region. The 2nd u. S. President ial debate that was jus to take place next week has been canceled as comes after donald trump said he would not participate in a virtual debate with his democratic challenger joe biden organizers change the format safety concerns over the coronavirus. Hurricane delta has made landfall as a category 2 storm in the u. S. State of louisiana it brushed past the eastern coast of texas causing strong winds and big waves is the 10th named storm to hit the u. S. This year breaking a century old record. It wasnt long ago that orcas were commonly called killer whales although they rarely ever attack humans but lately a part of intelligent mammals has been terrorizing sailors off the coast of spain marine biologists are trying to understand why the orcas have suddenly started attacking boats. A group of. Spains Atlantic Coast peers who want to play. Serious 1. 100. Until the boat can hardly maneuver. There have been several such attacks since. It went very quickly to be behind and. Then suddenly there was a huge bump. And i fell on to the bench. Images of the attacks have been circulating on social media normally the highly intelligent mammals dont attack humans but this year at least 8 have had their riders broken on spains Atlantic Coast forcing the sailors to call for help. Authorities move quickly to ban small sail boats from the area. Into the group you see that its possible that these are extremely curious young all critters who just want to play with the boat this is their way of exploring the world. But why this spate of attacks now some experts see the orcas behavior as revenge in july fishermen attacked a group of all clears with harpoons but marine biologists say thats unlikely another theory fishermen are competing with all kinds to catch red fin tuna in the atlantic and has their numbers reduce the stress increases marine biologist bruno ideas he is that stories about the numerous attacks could stigmatize the orcas. People who dont understand whats going on might think the animals a bad and that could be harmful to the needy and uses it to. Be all chris have now moved further north and the sailing ban has been lifted but the animals unusual behavior remains a mystery. Novel guard rock musician nick cave has been baring his soul on albums and in concerts for decades well now the singer songwriters exposing his innermost thoughts in a new way showing his visual art notebooks and personal artifacts at an exhibition in copenhagen our reporter agent kennedy went to take a look. Strange isnt kindness the nick cave exhibition is in the basement of the Danish Royal Library in the iconic Black Diamond building in copenhagen the pieces of news in a. 1000000 little history. So tremendous rate. Welcome to the cave cave a sub through a new network of rooms that provide an insight into a manic rock star and represent a new artwork reflecting on the nature of identity and creativity. Part of the exhibition consists of painstaking reconstructions of caves former homes and workspaces the attention to detail is breathtaking. The idea for the exhibition originally came from koch youre a circus deneuve back. Cave overcame some initial reluctance and worked closely on the project. The exhibition also includes a generous part of nick caves own personal library. With the corona and joost restrictions on visitor numbers it does sometimes feel a little bit like having broken into nick caves home. Alongside the reconstructions the pieces include original artwork personal artifacts collected by the singer. Notes and literature. The result is a tense and frightening journey into the mind of one of the most original voices in the wrong. Londons royal ballet is finally back its been 7 months off the stage for britains biggest Ballet Company here they are keeping in shape at home for their big comeback at the Royal Opera House the offer is using the companys return performance as a test to see how it can get back to having live audiences and ill leave you know with the royal ballet thanks for watching. Combating the corona pandemic. Where does research stand. What are scientists learning. Background information and news. Hour carona updates. Coded 19 special next on d w. Has a virus spread. Why do we have it and when will this. Just 3 of the top

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