Republic of armenia are starting substantial negotiations with the aim of achieving a peaceful settlement as soon as possible. Now there is to be an exchange of prisoners and the repatriation of bodies. But for families like these caught up in this conflict their biggest dream is for a lost in peace. Earlier i spoke with correspondent emily shewan in moscow and also why this conflict is proving so difficult to resolve this is an ongoing conflict that has been going on since the dissolution of the soviet union and this is the worst fighting weve seen a century since the ninetys both countries this is one of many conflicts actually that is kind of rumbling along in the post soviet sphere what you have to understand is that both countries were part of the soviet union so it didnt really matter where the borders were they were part of one country it didnt matter that this ethnically armenian part or section was kind of within by john but now that the 2 countries are of course independent countries that has become an ongoing difficult conflict and this time of course the power balance has kind of been thrown off by the involvement of turkey defending what. The president of turkey calls its brothers john people in azerbaijan are ethnically turkish and that has kind of thrown the whole balance of this conflict off making it even more difficult to resolve to of course the fighting has been taking place on russias doorstep and yet. Hesitant to get involved why is that. Russias been the traditional peace broker in this conflict and thats a complicated role because both survive john and armenia are close allies of russia russia considers both countries to be part of its kind of traditional spear of influence because both countries are post soviet but russia has closer ties with armenia armenia as part of an Economic Union with russia part of a mutual defense pact as well but the kremlin i think somewhat distrusts armenia since nicole pushing on the president there now came to power in street protests in 2018 that is always a reason for the kremlin to distrust people people who come to power in revolutions or protests thats something that the kremlin is not a fan of and of course turkeys involvement as i said makes this much more complicated now. And the show and in moscow thanks so much for analysis. Lets turn now to some other stories making news around the world Russian Security forces have arrested dozens of protesters on the eastern city of khabarovsk its been a scene of months of demonstrations against the incarceration of the regional governor. In july supporters say hes innocent and was sidelined because hes not from president Vladimir Putins party. North koreas leader kim jong un is apologize for his peoples difficult lives kim was speaking at a parade in the capital pyongyang to mark the 75th anniversary of the ruling party the economy has been ravaged by the pandemic authorities have not officially reported any cases of covert 19. Here in berlin hundreds of left wing activists have protested over the eviction of residents from a house that had been occupied for 3 decades the property was one of the last remaining spots in the german capital some protesters threw firecrackers and set cars on. Authorities mobilize some 1500 riot police. Staying in germany and rapidly rising corona virus infections have prompted action from the authorities the capital berlin has joined frankfurt and cologne on the list of cities where new cases have exceeded a key measure bars and restaurants have to close early and there is some doubt about whether the new restrictions will be enough to stop the spike. 11 pm and its poor in with rain but that doesnt stop these young people here in berlin neither does the rise in corona virus infections in the past few weeks the police have had to clear public squares and parks people were ignoring hygiene and social distancing rules now the city is cracking down. On that since the end of the Summer Holidays the focus has shifted to young people who got infected during leisure activities especially in pubs people get infected because they dont keep their distance when it gets late. And absent if its a speech about. The new rules a strict no more than 5 people can gather at 11 at night private parties will be limited to 10 instead of 25 guests bars restaurants and kiosks will also have to close between 11 pm and 6 am bartended jango is frustrated. That time is crucial for us thats when the bar is running at full swing with lots of customers around and then to say you have to leave now were not allowed to serve you anymore thats the end for us. And what happens after young people have to leave the bars at 11 oclock well they actually go home just because i was on the form but im not planning to go home at 11 i want to live my life and enjoy it as much as possible so. Why does the rest of those who want to drink will get their drinks beforehand they get out of all from the supermarket and drink it anyway until 5 am no matter whether the bars or clubs are open of the boss of me because of moms assessment of course i want to go out for dinner in the evenings and sit together after 11 but personally i want to take people with a higher infection risk into consideration i can step back. The new restrictions are set to remain in force until the end of this month but if you affections keep rising because could be extended. Meanwhile france is struggling to contain a drastic rise in corona virus cases officials reported a record 20000 infections on friday alone a government imposed one of europes strictest lockdowns back in the spring and has stepped up its Testing Program but despite these efforts they werent able to stop the onset of a 2nd wave francois it is especially hard in the spring at the beginning of the covert 1000. 00 pandemic thats why the country ramped up tests and its now carrying out more than 1000000. 00 per week like in this lab led by josh extremists he says the situation has improved. To do so given the facts that the requests were twice as high as we had to make sure that we could technically carry out the number of tests requested since that is on the big question. Today is this situation as currently being resort city. Bad Rapid Testing is not the only solution cases are especially high in big cities like paris where the density of population is very high. This hospital in point of paris was going through a hard time during the 1st wave into our Divorce Court denoting the covert done response here he sees another main reason for the rise in numbers in france of you know sort of the french population suffer dish huge trauma during the 1st wave nevertheless with another wave were seeing a relative lax behavior in people who. Devotes personal responsibility is key in fighting the virus keeping a safe distance of meeting us few people as possible but since the virus is now heavily circulating in france the government is toughening rules in paris for example bars have to close down for now and ill take a look at some of the other latest developments in the pandemic confirmed coronavirus cases in india and the airing 7000000 there are hopes that the rate of new infections is slowing authorities are warning that europes 2nd wave of infections has struck well before the flu sayings and has even started they point to widespread covert 1950 among populations and everywhere in poland it has now become compulsory for people to wear a mask outdoors infections have also hit a new record high there. So sport now in the formula one driver Valtteri Bottas has received pole position at the eiffel compre in germany this is but has his 3rd pole of the season joining him in the front row is tame mate and World Champion Lewis Hamilton red bulls max fished up in qualified 3rd and german sebastian fettle 11th sundays formula one race at the neighboring will be the 1st since 2013. And in football Manchester United forward marcus rash that has been on it by Britains Queen elizabeth helping Vulnerable Children during the pandemic the forward made headlines after successfully campaigning for the government to extend Free School Meals fresh but has spoken about his own experiences relying on food vouchers as a child. And the 22 year old has promised to continue the fight for the well id like to do not im in this position is to speak directly to the Prime Minister and you know just really ask for for the voters to be extended you know knowing what they have how much theyve been helped on how much is going to affect them if they dont vote for us. My main focus is not so its a got a message across. A year out of chinas state broadcast of banned Americas National Basketball Association the sport is back on the air Chinese State television which holds the t. V. Rights for the league and game 5 of the n. B. A. Finals between the l. A. Lakers and the miami heat the n. B. A. Is chinas most popular sports lady was suspended after the manager of the Houston Rockets posted a profound kong to moxy tweet last october. Finally to brazil where one business woman wont let the coronavirus pandemic crush her enterprising spirit she lost her job in real estate and decided to turn her 969 volts whack and beetle into a flower shop the idea here is a hit with locals and rios copacabana beach district in the 1st 3 days the florist has made and nuff to cover a good chunk of the cost of a vintage car a rare example of a business blooming cheering is uncertain times. Youre watching danger news up next the origins of an ancient egyptian queen never t. T. Explored in our stock film well have more News Headlines at the top of the hour until then you can stay up to date on our web site thats d. W. Dot com im Rebecca Richards thanks for watching. Can you hear me down here is we going to do you can hire our studio is german chancellor when we bring you im going to a man and youve never. Surprise yourself with the broadest possible clue is medical really what we. Call somebody who took the problem for them on the way maurice and critics alike joined us from apples last stop. For more than a millennium ancient egypt was on last. Well all but forgotten the remains of this civilization built on the banks of the nile like barrett benita desert sand. To this day many have yet to come to light but archaeologists continue to uncover more of the egypt of the pharaohs revealing a little more of its incredible history every day thanks to the latest Scientific Technology in physics genetics and computer imaging some riddles from the past are now being solved. One of the biggest mysteries of ancient egypt is the fate of queen method. Whose name means the beautiful woman as. She was pharaoh i cannot ns principal wife and some say mother of one of the most famous pharaohs pluton car moved mommy has never conclusively been found so the search for her has become a holy grail for egyptologists and thieves the most contradictory fairest. Of all if you found out that this folly is actually there for it was a big dollar that our research took to get it all the samples they studied still contains d. N. A. Which i find surprising for the children it was a very royal city of sorts certain never to be lived here. All the proportions of her face are perfect shes probably the perfect form of. A team of experts follow the traces of never t. T. To understand how and where she died and why they see gyptian queen has become so legendary. Antonio fischetti a doctor of physics and science reporter will conduct research in europe while egypt ologist protein latonya dissolve and science writers. Will travel across egypt in search of never t. T. To find out want became of nafta t. D. s mommy we must 1st reconstruct the timeline of a history spanning over 3500 years the history of ancient egypt protein angio made egyptologist. Gives us an overview of this incredible civilization. Or 1000 to 5000 years ago when the pyramids were built as what we call the old kingdom docs did out there was the great time when they made the pyramids of khufu or coffee the ones we all know. Probably around 3500 years ago during the middle kingdom they made pyramids with brick and covered with stone that if you have clay then you around 2500 to 3000 years ago was the new can you live a little bit up here. Called the center of the great came in 332 b. C. F. And after his rule for 3 centuries there was ptolemy clear patter of arson nor these greek and macedonian pharaohs to decisions at the never lived around 1300 b. C. E. The 13 and will jump some 3300 years into the past to egypts new kingdom to try to shed light on her fact. Never t. T. Was born in looks or known in antiquity as thieves back then it was the egyptian capital so its in this legendary city on the nile that khloe dane and begin their research into the mystery of the beautiful never t. T. Where was she vera why does. The location of her tomb remain on known. Possibly moved these are the questions the experts will try to answer they city in the heart of egypt is famous for its temple whose entrance was once flanked by 2 all beliefs one still remains the other now stands on the plaza low concord empowers was one of the biggest pharaonic capitals and where we find the 1st traces of the future egyptian queen after t. T. The legend of never d. T. Really began on december 6th 1912 on that day in a manner in middle egypt the balanced of queen f a t t it was discovered german archaeologist looked fake for shot headed the excavation of the city that had lain barrett the 33 centuries in the ruins of a sculptors while he discovered the magnificent and surprisingly well preserved past of queen effigy. Now one of the worlds most famous artifacts it is on display at the noise museum in berlin. The pop of the proportions of her face are perfect that she has a bit of masculinity of especially in the chin giving her a slightly androgynous log or sheen it all 6 or panda we know this androgynous look is more seductive than absolute emanating absurdity whether these traits are really true to those of the real never g. D. Or not over a 1000000 visitors rushed to the noise museum every year to admire a likeness of asters now the emblematic representation of the queen around the world. The experts now know walk never teach the local like to help them in their search for money they need to learn. More about her history. It is vital to reconstruct our life story and the places where she lived one rival the mystery of her final resting place. Never d. D. Was born in themes into the high nobility that ruled egypt for centuries pharaohs one just political leaders but also the head of a religion with multiple gongs represented in various ways in modern day look saw that famous contact temples still bear witness to the egyptians reverence to these costs. Here the experts meet dimitriy labadee an egyptologist who specializes in never t. T. C. Era. Knock it off should she go garner has a gigantic side around 50 hectors this is absolutely gigantic a paradise for archaeologists found in the same area of modern day looks on this bus occurred its a sacred space that goes way beyond the sight of karnak sanctuaries or looks or that year old body and maybe its the whole site was sacred for the ancient egyptians since the founding of the city the greeks named levi sort of or was it an egyptian was it and dates from the 2nd millennium b. C. Or. For children or its a very royal city of the king came here often as it is queen never to be married in the 4th year of this rule of law if you. Go to certain points and all of us to the circles were coming to the most sacrosanct part of the car neck temple sanctuary where every pharaoh was initiated into their role this pharaoh for communication with the god of moonshot for the 3 every pharaoh since to most of the 3rd set forth here so forth before they all walked here including our going out and. It was him look so when. Met the future. Who she later married the couple worshiped in the contact temple but so far mom is havent been found here nor is there any indication as to where nasa t. V. Is to mind. So the experts head to the sites of the potters methods you do occupy media looks on to search for clues that might need them to the queens mommy the egyptian leaders sought calm and serenity from the chaos of the contact temple complex for years akiyama just deserts and fields for nothing tedious residents and finally they think thanks found it west of looks all in mt shasta. Is leading an excavation on the signed. Marker. Was it to you its just it was huge its bigger than Buckingham Palace its bigger than the white house it covers an area all the enclosures its about 150. 00 by a 100 meters so a huge huge area very often we have the kings kind of founding these palaces outside near the royal sit there the Capital Safety it was but there by like versa. We know a lot about the decoration of the palace because. It seems it collapsed perhaps during a rainstorm and so much of the painting on the ceiling and the floor got hers or not so much on the walls but you know it was very decorative or it was a. Little. Bit. One of the reasons that were trying so hard to protect and preserve. Its the last of these are all cities that sort of in its. Original landscape if you go to other royal cities like. Or there theyre being encroached by the modern town so fortunately. A little bit off in the desert so you can get an idea of how it would have originally appeared. Excavation gives them some pretty good idea how walking. And its environment looked like. Meanwhile antonio is in northern france to learn about the palaces interior notably its wealth of decorative elements base and egypt tofile has made a 3 d. Model of it. The most who knows how exactly did you make a 3 d. Version of this palace because i want to does it we used archaeological sources in documentation we were given the you know for this business or excavation manager peter luck of our own provided us with the plans we reconstructed from that it isnt from some small decorative elements as we were able to model the whole building in. The. On the to the field really and you but 1st of all we made an aerial view of the whole thing then we set about reconstructing the whole of columns that leads to the throne room and the subject when we constructed this colony it from elements found on the site and it was hopeless the overall blueprints of the room as well as the limestone bases of the colony. However the rest of the columns are wooden so now its a complete reconstruction the wood on the trunk of the columns was painted red tops or capitals plant motifs and were brightly colored to open all to them with a visual visit to just look at all it can you imagine that for t. T. Living in this palace was to film salute never t t likely lived here in our youth. So if we can assume that nephi t. T. Was indeed all worn in thieves by cheap also have died down. Could her mummy still be there. Where should we start looking. In the 4th year of his rule never to tease husband i cannot and turned his land upside down looking revolutionized egypts traditional religion imposing veneration of just one god otten the god of the sun or at. A. School where in this thread you say that this is the best place of earth in islam on the 1st absolutely or here in a temple that was redecorated by ramsays the 2nd around a century after argonaut and put in all likelihood its here or out in isnt it or the 1st idea that led to autism began. It was here the ark an art or built a temple dedicated to his new protective dady the sun god would only become the god once were on the other side of that door outside the temple complex your. Egyptians polytheistic religion in which they worshiped many die and his was replaced by a monotheistic one autumn isnt. Done in a collapsed contact temple archaeologists discovered little fragments dedicated to often the sculpted stones reveal the rising adoration of the sun god they also demonstrate egypts prosperity during that petite least try. A wealth derived from living near the nile and its fertile shoals. While excavating the fortifications around the con and temple complex archaeologists discovered the foundations of a ruined and hitherto unknown temple it didnt even appear on official maps. Claudine and learned that much evidence linked to acknowledge an answer never t. T. Including fragments of monumental statues were found here though nothing is left on the site today they must dig deep into the history of these temples of a

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