The past. Treating successful. Soldiers. Starts october 1st. W. Competing to become the worlds back office could south africa easing economic worries by becoming the Global Outsourcing capital well look at Research Showing found rushing to set up shop also coming up. A headache for belgiums fear make this will visit a prairie that struggling with new restrictions on pubs and cafes in brussels. Will bring some better news local booksellers are thriving right now in germany turns out the pandemic is proving a page to. Business. Welcome to the program. South africas economy has been badly hit by the corona virus pandemic so amazons recent announcement that it would be creating 3000. 00 additional jobs in Virtual Customer Service there was more than welcome south africa is becoming increasingly attractive to companies wanting to outsource jobs according to a recent study by Consultancy Firm mckinsey more than 100 business process outsourcing providers are employing around 270000 people in south africa or at least they were at the end of 2019 almost a quarter of those workers serve Companies Based abroad cities such as johannesburg cape town and durban expect the number of such jobs to increase by 2030 theyre expecting 780000 nationwide and 2 thirds of these employees will work for Companies Based abroad according to the forecast the reason why south africa is a top destination for outsourcing while it includes english Language Skills and the necessary infrastructure will go into that a bit more shortly lets speak to philip to vett associate editor at Business Insider south africa welcome to d. W. Business so what sort of companies are behind this trend many of these companies are names you leery of heard of acronyms such as c. C. I. These are companies that provide outsourced services the name would suggest to other companies so they kind of behind the scenes but then every so often you have the light of i. B. M. Or in this case amazon which has a big push into the south African Market and that of course is not just about the jobs but its also arrayed locally and i think internationally as a vote of confidence in south africa and specifically in the business processing our source space so i think a name such as amazon carries a great deal of weight in the context. When we think of outsourcing i think a lot of us think of india and that is because of the sheer weight of numbers that they have in that country but what is it about south africa the makes it attractive to these companies. A number of things that make india somewhat more attractive according to most recent studies its a familiar legal system its a Large Population of people who are english competent and can speak english with art at that without a great accent with a very noticeable exit but importantly for south africa is time zone simply we are we share a time zone with much of western europe that makes it much more convenient for European Companies to use than say the philippines or india or major competitors you have good Telecommunications Infrastructure you have a government which is somewhat more predictable than in other places around the world and generally youve had a long track record south africa now has about a 20 year track record of very successful business process outsourcing that makes it much easier to justify new investment in south africa we know also about south africas jobless problem i think the number of people in work at the moment is at a 9 year low well could this investment and job creation or expecting over the next decade mean for south africas struggling economy. Its quite a bit but for at the moment were looking at about 300000 people in these positions that is dwarfed by the likes of agriculture or mining for instance in other words the South African economy can be hit larry hard by a drought or by a change in Commodity Prices and in that case business process outsourcing is only providing a kind of a buffer but with the growth that is possible here in this sector in an economy which is desperate to move into services to move away from primary production from things such as mining and agriculture this becomes extremely important very quickly and can make a big difference in the economy Going Forward and just because theyre a little low on time but given the coronavirus is there a danger that during this tough period for south africa in particular with this harsh lockdowns could be overtaken by countries elsewhere in asia. Much as our africa has many concerned some quite present the the provision of water in cape town which is a major hub for us you know if you cant flush toilet you kooks into country operate the provision of electricity so some basic issues that we need to solve that make other destinations increasingly more attractive even without the lock down that is certainly a concern that is being floated locally philip divert from Business Insider south africa thank you so much for joining us mike of in 1000. 00 infections are on the rise across europe and that includes belgium brussels has now closed its famous beer bars and cafes in an effort to stem the outbreak its a blow to the businesses themselves but also to the people who supply them. Belgians love their beer the country is known for its many beer varieties and its bars and pubs but thats no consolation for coffee has been ever since the coronavirus head in march hes seen sales fizzle his clients especially bar and pub owners have slashed their orders. From one day to the next there were no more orders and no more payments from our customers. As youd expect because the entire Hospitality Industry was closed down all of a sudden everything changed for months after that our sales were only about 40 to 50 percent of normal. That situations not likely to improve anytime soon. To curb rising coronavirus rates belgium has closed all bars and cafes in the capital for a month through november 8th. And excell who with this new decision here in brussels many brewers have lost hope that theyll be able to stem the damage. And were also worried that this will spill over beyond brussels that given the rising infection rate kathies in the rest of belgium will also be closed. Dune is also worried its hard to say how long the local breweries will be able to keep their heads afloat during the dry spell. Now for a brief look at some of the other business stories making the News Facebook has announced a ban on ad that discourage vaccination it says the covered 19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of vaccines and social media giant has been under pressure recently to clamp down on december mation on its platforms. The Worlds Largest furniture chain ikea says it will buy back furniture from customers to resell as part of a brief Sales Promotion the scheme will coincide with black friday in the us some were run from the 24th of november until the 3rd of december in 27 countries. South during comic a hyundai is to build a new electric vehicle home in singapore a model which is seen here the news comes along side a generation switch at the top of the automaker with a sun set to succeed his 82 year old father. Who is chairman. And a Self Driving Taxi Service has begun operation in beijing for now passengers can enjoy rides for free in hi john district apollo taxis carry up to 2 adults but is still driven under human supervision for safety reasons later though passengers will be able to take control in case of emergency. Financial markets holding their breath as faxing makers turned in reports from ongoing trials on wednesday made among asian investors soured after johnson and johnson reports that it had temporarily halted its vaccine trial after a participant fell ill eli lilly also paused testing of an antibody trait out of safety concerns jittery and desperate for signs that a treatment or vaccine will come soon. They want germanys book industry appears to be thriving joining the pandemic the Worlds Largest literary trade expo the Frankfurt Book Fair is just getting underway with coronavirus restrictions in place of course owners of small bookshops say theyre saying something of a renaissance. Around a small bookstore has been busy these past months childrens and young adult literature are selling especially well now. Children are crazy about books reading sparks your imagination and books are wonderful if you have to do is pick up a book. Sales of childrens and young adult literature ive seen a 5 percent increase in germany this year but other segments of suffered sales of travel books dropped 27 percent through august year on year. Down a lot of down had a serious impact on the book industry of course just like in other industries we saw sales drop up to 70 percent on the other hand after the lockdown we saw our sales rise theyve been higher every month compared to last year for you know the thing was that the small book shops have been doing particularly well with the lock down and the cancellation of many cultural events many people seem to have rediscovered their love of literature kent their fondness for the book shop around the corner. I can make deliveries whenever even at midnight as an independent bookseller i can be a lot more flexible and people seem to want. To support local businesses especially now theyve gotten a taste of what its like when theyre closed. During the lockdown ebooks were popular afterwards people started heading back to the bookshops where they can also get tips on what to read when theyve got more time on their hands. The same time what with working at home and short time work you might have a bit more peace and quiet to pick up a book in the evening in. So many small booksellers have been writing out the pandemic surprisingly well. The building industry was prepared for a situation like this every bookshop has an Online Platform where people can place orders to book sellers got the books and put them in front of their doors for pick up they showed a lot of creativity and commitment and they really brought customers back to the book shops and asked. Our customers are incredibly loyal many of them offered to help me deliver books some brought by cookies or kick or stop by for a chat through the window of course it was a lovely time in that respect. And now it seems the next generation of book lovers hes waiting in the wings. And the glamour is back as fashion week tokyo finally kicks off this week following its aspiring meant in march because of the coronavirus pandemic rules still apply a runway but no audience the entire event is being live streamed 39 brands are participating and design is the trying to make real and Virtual Worlds to appeal to fashionistas and style watches event runs until saturday. Thats all from me in the Business Team here in belin thanks a lot for joining us. Good use crime fighters are back africas most successful radio drama series continues this season the stories focus on hate speech prevention and sustainable charcoal production. All of a sows are Available Online and of course you can share and discuss on africas Facebook Page and other social media platforms. Crime fighters to news now. Every journey begins with the 1st step and every language but the 1st word published in the. Eco is in germany to learn german why not. Simple online on your mobile and free shop d w z e learning course nikos fake german made. This is the doctor. Coming up today to join me about this current divides in. The ad featuring an interfaith family is criticised for the age of me promoting a muslim conspiracy to marry hindu brides. How deep is the village is divided into in there are. Enough honest on the concerns with civilian security as the father bob steps up attacks u. S. Troops continue their withdrawal from the concrete. Im going to hong kong

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