There are many reasons. And there are many alternatives. To make up your own mind. Made for minds. Me you tells the u. K. Its your native leaders in brussels say its up to the brits to perch on a post directly trade deal. Says thats no way to go about a negotiation also coming up. And United Airlines lose altitude after the carrier late bad a massive impact of the coronavirus pandemic on its bottom line. A global pop icon beyond say has become an avid alabaster we take a look at what else is making the fashion percentage gallus so popular. Places did a real business on robots in berlin welcome to the program the European Union says its up to the u. K. To budge if a post trade deal is to be reached among the e. U. Leaders meeting in brussels there was an atmosphere of cautious optimism that an agreement could be reached in the coming weeks however the suggestion that the onus is on britain to give ground has irritated the frets a chief negotiator david frost tweeted that he was disappointed by the use approach to the negotiations. Or Prime Minister baraks johnsons want to European Union that the u. K. Would be willing to walk away from talks altogether as a prospect we put to maria to matt says stephanie director of the brussels based think tank bruegel some of it might be political expediency posturing by the man at the end of the day if youre a producer youre looking after the best you can 3 you really do want a deal i dont think i can see a world in which you can do better otherwise as so you know the chaos you might ensue if we dont get a deal but i think that all everything will be done on both sides to actually get something even if its small and in fact he will have to be small in the sense that it will be the confines for something that we can build on in later years. But one u. K. Sector desperately hoping for a deal is the automotive sector car makers and suppliers in the u. K. Are closely linked to consummate continental European Partners most companies are already expecting an increase in paperwork but additional tariffs could put companies out of business. This machinery has come to a standstill for now car parts supplier good fish has no use for it in the u. K. Anymore chief executive Greg Mcdonald plans to send it all off to slovakia thats where he sees his companys future so these are the machines ive got mothballed ready to go all the lorry off to europe into a factory i havent got yet but if i had it. The other. Good fish makes plastic components for the Auto Industry in britain and europe brecks it has shaken up its Business Model the companys u. K. Production has already been scaled back if next year sees delays at the border with the e. U. It will be fatal for its just in time manufacturing operation. If one part is missing from a call all the calls are to come off the production line and that very quickly becomes an impossible process if the part of the wrong i was taught runs down and then it runs out on the line stop. So. You dont need much to go wrong. British car makers are already suffering investments have dropped 80 percent in the last 3 years much of the u. K. Car industry could die out without a Free Trade Agreement with the e. U. Besides delays at the borders thered be high tariffs as well. I think the u. K. Rules will see its kind of premium on luxury and continue in the future the kind of made in british element to a rolls royce or bentley is important but in terms of the mass industry you know if you think about nissan or toy or vauxhall which is owned by persia many of those plants actually export most of their production to the you know in the event of no deal and Tariff Barriers theres a question mark about whether that is viable so the mass scale industry could actually down the line disappear. Good fish is planning to move its car parts production to eastern europe. Jaguar land rover a Major Customer has already opened a large plant it its slovakian subsidiary. And Greg Macdonald has been there looking for factory space for his company. On a lease so in their quit over there hired people are already been speaking to agencies already got a team of people out there whod like to come and work for us they read about us by googling new came out of factory moving just like it a free trade deal with the e. U. Would make many jobs in britain more secure not just that good fish but throughout the Auto Industry. Across the atlantic now and shares in United Airlines began thursday trading with a steep drop is after the company laid bare the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on its finances revenues were down 78 percent year on year during the quarter yeah life says it was losing around 25000000. 00 per day during that period in lets cross to our financial correspondents in new york yen scores a young mans yet more astonishing numbers from a u. S. Airline. Definitely and just look ahead towards the new york theres still not that many planes in the skies above new york the Airline Industry is still highly challenge to just the revenue off a passenger planes actually a drop by 84 percent in comparison to last years quarter and you mentioned the cash burn rate the only good news is we saw in everett cash burn a 40000000. 00 a day in the 2nd quarter so now that came down to 25000000. 00 each a day at the stock of the United Continental lost about this reaper sent in value united itself was saying well they actually might be the best off the big Legacy Airlines im not sure if best is the best wording maybe the least bit might be more fitting. Back on the ground weve already had prime dave and now tessler appear to be the ones slashing their prices on their model s. At least theres a story behind this one please explain. It well i mean there is this Company Called lucent motors run by a former tesla executive and they came out it was a price tag for their new as the model just a little below 70000 dollars and that cost a lot musk the head of tesla for the 2nd time this week to lower the price for the model s. To a 69000. 42 you dont musk was saying that loose it was throwing the gauntlet and now the prophecy will be fulfilled the stock of tesla by the way down by a bit 3 percent and if you wonder about the numbers 60420. 00 thats not a coincidence either a lot must last a toy around was those the numbers 69 actually stands for a 6 position and 400 to any internet slick for a week so thats obviously why i must came up with the price take for the model s. And maybe makes me a bit square but i did not know the significance of the numbers they thank you. Now a brief look at some of the other business stories making the news budget carrier ryanair says its slashing a 3rd of its winter flights the airline blames european governments for mishandling travel during the pandemic brian as says the cutback will result in more unpaid leave and job sharing sharing the winter and that if travel bans remain in place more jobs will be lost. The Silver Screen is making a cautious return in india after months of shutdown despite the countrys virus cases surging past 7000000 bollywood is partially reopening some cinemas restrictions eased strict social distancing rules will apply. Now fashion made in senegal is trending the company sisters of africa is a well known label thanks to stop beyond say but other designers are also feeling the potential of the african market. Located along one of the busiest roads in senegals capital dhaka this is the africa show room in. This iniquities brand was cocreated by Helen Deborah in 2030 a clean tel is discreet she says even if her designs burst with color the brand relies mostly on word of mouth and social media in 2018 beyond say even ordered one of her dresses i offered her she was the last one the floor of dress that she wore to a birthday party. Its a wrap around dress that was in 2018 but we always have it in stock its been our best seller ever since. The floor address is now known as the beyond say dress to clients in the us well the black clothing smarter movement is driving customers to black owned Businesses Owners are reportedly worried it wont last but this is an africa cofounder bill ses indorsement definitely helped but her clothes were already trending amongst the african just poor. Financially weve always done well. Not to to africanamericans but to the African Diaspora who are really into the made in africa trend. Some designers fake Cultural Appropriation unless the industry can organize itself on the continent and scale up to meet Global Demand 26 year old design fatima zoravar works with locally with the fabrics shipped rice herself as a black owned business to 67000 instagram followers despite receiving little interest from the u. S. Over the past 5 to 6 years maybe a bit longer theres been real admiration for the made locally movement thats developed the man africans it is africa African Fashion is riding a wave of recognition for its creative output of 2 being ignored and copied for decades. Producers worldwide have capitalized on african symbolism to sell everything from cars to fashion the difference today is that creativity isnt coming from western brands inspired by africa but from african designers making inroads into the western fashion scene. Thats over me in the Business Team hey in bell and if you do all from us check out our website steve though we dont come slash business thanks for joining us to take. Into the conflict zone to survey. 53 divided america heading for its election my guest this week for Washington News koku chilly reacting number 2 of the problems of Homeland Security which of course the uproar in the course of the sages used access to coast tour in recent protests. To. Keep the peace complex the for. 60 minutes. You know that 77 percent. Are younger but thanks scott. Thats me and me and. You know what time it all forces. The 77 percent to talk about the issue. From a party to flash from housing boom boom town. This is a. Welcome to the 77 percent. This weekend g. W. That plato is for me to plato is for you. Is for. A token is for. Plato is for the. Beethoven is for cars play. Is for play beethoven 2020 the 250th anniversary here on d. This is state of the news africa coming up on the program. More power gagnes president alpha conde is seeking to extend his rule in what will be at tense and high stakes in makeshift on saturday. And g. W. Visits kenyas rift valley where rising water levels have flooded entire communities displacing thousands of inhabit. Hello im christine one day its good to have you have any president ial elections in guinea all set for this coming sunday incumbent president alpha conde is going for a 3rd term the 82 year old became the countrys 1st democratically elected leader in 2010 bringing hopes of progress of dictatorship and ministry of rule he says he needs more time to finish big projects guineas constitution has a 2 term limit for president s but in the march referendum voters approved changes to the constitution that conde argues reset the clock on his presidency the opposition says its illegal for conde to run they also accuse him of using deadly force to crackdown on dissent. Taking it to the street the opposition says president out for calm day has been in power too long and shouldnt even be running the last year the clashes erupted one conde said he planned to run for a 3rd term dozens died in a government crackdown. But a referendum boycotted by the opposition approved an amended constitution earlier this year that created the Legal Framework for him to run again. Conde is guineas 1st democratically elected president and a former dissident himself he claims its the opposition who represent oppressive policies. His rival salute the yellow rose to Prime Minister under the previous authoritarian government the 2 are backed by different ethnic groups and the ilo has accused the incumbent of exploiting ethnic tensions but conde says his Political Party is for everyone hes just a man of the people and denies he uses his authority against his opponents. We are proud of our independence and sovereignty and i do what the people of guinea want. This i told my activists i dont want violence i dont want you throwing stones insulting people dont block the roads. But. Opposition leader diallo says thats just what happened he claims barriers were set up to block him and his supporters. Unfortunately our folk on the day decided that i should not go strutting around in his strongholds and so all arrangements were made to her event me from accessing that is great city. In the run up to the election the United Nations said it was alarmed at an ethnically charged hate speech spreading across the country its feared that could lead to further violence. We go over to london freedom of when you hes in our west Africa Bureau in lagos hi fred good to see you so awful conde once a nother term in office and theres been much opposition to that but just had a small about his 10 years in office. And. Prison. Says he claims that he has changed things he has changed the economy of the contrie which he says that he is pretty son actually messed up with everything and then he now he says that for the last 10 years he has done incredible job in terms of economy and he has the kountry so. But then there will position on the other side the opposition says that this guy wants to stay in power something they dont want to see repeating itself tell us more about the opposition candidate what how much support does he have among the natives. He has i can say that he has significant support because this is a guy who has been hes a former Prime Minister he has aq. Prior to several ministerial posts during our contest rule so hes an experienced politician but also he has a massive support from the old regime for the people who are against the incumbent president there or. Expect each and every one actor to be behind him because they know him that he can deliver but also he has also another challenge there are people who see who see him as someone who challenged corruption because anything that happened during the rule of us on our country is actually in them to this opposition politician ok afraid as we heard in our report. President conde and mrs yellow they are backed by rival if any groups how is this likely going to play into the election. I mean the its a biggest challenge now in guinea because. The hells from. Any group and then. Theres also the. Opposition figure. Comes from a part of. These people who are very they have been tough language they have used hate the language and actually the International Community and some genius and. That if anything goes wrong if if if they rule any side if they lose they are afraid that actually there might erupt Serious Violence in the contrary but the u. N. And International Organization have already made statement calling on the candidates to be cautious on how they make statements so that they cannot fuel any virus so far they have been couple of people dozens of people have been killed but then they have to be cautious in the way they are talking to their supporters ok fred so is it is it all systems go for for for sundays election and given were also in the midst of a pandemic. I mean in this part of the region i mean when you look at the campaigns people. Campaigning and. So the pandemic itself doesnt have so much of that people are not so scare but theyre looking forward to go on and void from a dot com so we dont expect. Charring the pandemic to be a challenge for them towards forum but they are supporting coming this sunday no ok thats fred move on you know west africa period thank you for it. The lakes of kenyas rift valley are rising inundating homes and businesses water levels have been swimming for years but are particularly high this year following heavy rains to make matters worse to lakes lake but angle and lake korea which you can see on the map here have grown so much that they run the risk of merging together but lake aura is a save one lake while lake but in will is a freshwater lake providing Drinking Water to animals and people it would be an ecological disaster if the 2 lakes meet. So swollen from rising water levels that the shoreline changes every day. We see this early on in our trip when the axis rude unexpectedly becomes part of the leak. Nearby we find. Whos just arrived to open her barn restaurant that has been a dramatic change. This water this water just came in with a new one so it came slowly and slowly until it got to this level so without any notice you have to demolish within just a few seconds. Channa got has already been forced to move her business once its inevitable that she will have to move again and shes not the only one the structure were looking at is an entry point that was erected by the Kenya Wildlife service after their original gates were submerged by water on it took 3 months before the lake eventually caught up with this one and we can clearly see that this water is unrelenting what we cant see but we can certainly smell is the similar rigs thats also being brought to be this because obviously people here use trains and all their contents are now under water and the water is clearly unrelenting because all around us the ground is soggy and these little grooms all over the place. The extent of the flooding can be seen clearly from neighboring lake marin go the freshwater lake has expanded by 60 percent in the last 7 years this year has been by far the worst folks our tour guide grew up on the shores of the sleek work has been scarce as most of the hotels are now underwater. He leads us to one of many flooded schools in the area just revealing and usually seen all decaying buildings. But our last story is the most significant for folks i grew up here my foster until years of life are spent each year this was my playground its quite sad to see it drawn going through and dont know what im going to tell my kids scientists are warning that freshwater lake baringo and saltwater liquid gorier could merge the cross contamination would destroy the balance in the ecosystem. To understand what is happening to the lakes we head to the forest home to the rivers that feed the lakes in the rift valley mau forest is recovering from years of deforestation. David weston has been a conservationist for more than 50 years he says the destruction of the catchment areas is just one in a series of linked problems the pastoral people are settling down and staying in one place so what that means is every single day you have heavy grazing and that is really prominent around the baringo basin up in the hills on the side so all of that erosion has been washed off routinely so in 2018 we had rainfall which was the equivalent of el nino in 1908 then followed last year by these extraordinary rains which have continued for a whole year so that means that predation huge amount of runoff and siltation and its the combination of those 2 that have made these rift valley lakes and even other areas like amber sally just lift 10 sometimes 15 meters thanks back in bulgaria the storm brings. Its shores for shifts. China is visibly worried and soon her worst fears are realized the water level has gone up again this could be her last day on this land. Which the following day and construction has started on Higher Ground this is where china gets new home and business will be. Its a fresh an easy start no one can be sure the war to winterize this high because no one believes the water would ever get as far as it already has a good. Program ends here today but be sure to check out the stories on. Ford snatch africa were also on facebook and on twitter today will leave you with pictures of the lakes in kenyas rift valley till next time a. Passion drama competition rivalry marketing numbers atmosphere power fight at times and tuition love and money millionaire fans crimes files fans and friends. Im not laughing at the gym well i guess sometimes i am but mostly laughing when. The german thinks deep into the german culture of looking at the stereotype cracks in your sink to see a country that i dont care. Need to rethink his grandmother. Its all that a new i might go join me to meet again and bundled up in post. A priceless collection of ancient sculptures once shrouded in mystery and dust finally goes on this play in the italian capital the legendary toy lonia marbles coming up here on arts and culture and these sculptures can move well meet the meticulous swiss creator who makes the worlds most complex a tummy tuck its also coming up world bread day our correspondent and baking aficionados matis tells us how his recipes opened doors in the e. U. Capital. Welcome to arts and culture for decades the worlds biggest private collection of classical sculptures was kept hidden away and restored and dirty for decades the Italian Government pleaded with the collections owners the wealthy total lonia family to exhibit the works then came a breakthrough the family agreed now after 4 years of restoration a number of the marbles are finally on display in a row. The tonia marbles one of the most important private collections of classical art can now be seen in rome the history of the collection is as fascinating as the items on display. Do i need to giovani tolani i said son of a sand robot many antiquities at the end of the 18th century and throughout the 19th century most of which came from older collections so its a collection of collections in the literal sense and represents a crosssection of the collection of antiquities from 1402800 up what the rich are into all of which are. The collection boasts an extensive a ray of ancient greek and roman marble sculptures more than 600. 00 busts sarcophagus and free sets now restored after decades hidden in a basement 90 breathtaking masterpieces can be admired as visitors embark on a voyage through history. The exhibition explains many things it tells us the history of imperial portraiture for example it also tells us the history of ancient collecting. These one. For now the marbles can be seen in the museum above romes ancient forum. But organizers hope to lend the works to other museums once the covert 19 pandemic restrictions allow. Now some other stories making arts and culture news a 1st edition copy of shakespeares compiled plays has sold at auction for 10000000. 00 that makes it the highest price ever paid option for a work of literature the book printed in 1623 as one of 6 known copies it was bought by a private collector from the us. The label that manages the south korean boy band b. T. S. Has made a killing on the soul Stock Exchange in big Hit Entertainment soared during debut trading the company is now valued at 8000000000. 00 last week and over 100000000 fans watched the bt as concert live stream. Even starker allowing the band to defer military service because of their contribution to the economy. An annual ranking of the globes most in demand contemporary artists is out here in germany 88 year old remains safely in 1st place where hes been for well over a decade on the list of stars of tomorrow nigerian artist. In congo came out on top or work explores how we humans live with nature and how we exploit the planet for its resources. This friday world bread day and no one knows that better than de w. s own. Our e. U. Correspondent in brussels is also the networks premier baking nerd series baking bread manages to combine his 2 big clubs. Well today on baking bread making the tiger bread. Whats. Your best bread recipes. And im a european correspondent and after a long day of reporting on the European Union b. T. W. Correspondent likes to unwind with some baking so he came up with the idea for a column mary multimedia project baking bread it focuses on all of the e. U. Member states and their bread baking traditions the series also features recipes and tutorials. Spray with malta now step the dough. Several times. The dose will be tough and resistant type of the dough in a knot its a mixture of baking and politics honey and flower leavened with tales of corruption and culture. Ok great philosopher once that showed me a nations notes and i will show you its so this recipe starts with something weve jarmans enough to do recycling. Stretch out a bit of dough until youre left with a thin membrane if it looks so pate like luxemburg secret text structures you have to keep needing dont apply too much pressure just like with europe you partner us. And oh look at your feet yeah i read it for you yeah i did it baking bread is a love letter to a universal staple food that really satisfied this is substantial i like casals as well but after a course ill be under within an hour. In 2019 a book was published to accompany the series from danish right bread to italian for catchier there are 28 recipes to try yourself. Its been so popular its now in its 4th edition. There is nothing like homemade bread. And here is georg mottos the org this year it seems people have been baking more then ever what do you think it is about baking that makes it such a popular pandemic pastime. I think 2 aspects really are interesting here david and one is obviously time time being the key ingredient for a really nice loaf and time is something on the lockdown but also in your home office that you have you can structure your day more efficiently and secondly baking takes a lot of attention and you need to focus on the scent on the texture on the smell and that is if you want them an act of mindfulness and it reduces stress and i can tell that from my own experience but also other people have experienced that and that is something that comes in really handy in a pandemic it certainly is sensual as you correspondent part of your job of course is to get leaders in brussels to open up to you do you ever chat with them about bread oh absolutely i mean youve in the report youve seen my kit of s. R. T. Of the competition commissioner ive been chatting with luxembourgs Prime Minister on a flight back from a new summit in egypt about raisin bread the countrys loaf ive been exchanging my bread book with a german aquaculture minister and got in return to wine book which is quite good and thats the nice thing about brett either you have a recipe to share or you have a great bread experience to share would certainly taste better than golf doesnt it now can you tell us whats your favorite recipe in the book well look seeing that i talk to you from brussels you get a diplomatic answer also because an e. U. Summit is going on and that is an honest answer as well ive been selecting only my Favorite Recipes for this book so i like them all but what i can tell you is that the bagels from poland is one of my favorites from from what friends tell me and also the good thing about the bagel is you can prepare them overnight and then 1st thing in the morning you just put them in the oven and theyre ready for breakfast bagels from poland are they from new york. Well theoretically yes and theres quite a bit of a debate but historically wanted to has apparently happened is that jewish immigrants from poland brought the bagel with them and the up i shall make a comeback of ski as they are called in polish still resemble the bagel only theyre intertwined so they look a bit different in shape but the texture in the taste is very much the same thanks for the taste of course all of your recipes and videos are online i d w dot com slash baking bread and were off to switzerland now to meet a man called the wizard of automation and venter an artist foss was you know grew up in a family of watchmakers today he and his 6 assistants create intricately automated sculptures. Welcome to the wonderland of. Automation make it is top of his game and has an International Following he sees himself as part artist part mechanic removal or movement as life is intricate creations bring some poetry back into a world dominated by digital technology. Thomas hands are made to bring happiness for film dream and make magic creating automata into challenge people its like a magic trick at 1st people dont understand how it can work. Is automations are driven by a complex wind up making its much resembles that of an analog watch that it needs batteries or electricity and to pull precise preprogrammed movements one of france washingtons current project is Leonardo Da Vinci hes been working on this 80 centimeter 12 wind up android of the famous italian artist for a decade now. Actually very much you for us absolutely want to do complex mechanical drawings. These words of a helicopter or a horse. In addition i want it as you can see here its too late in the laboratory in mirror image to see. All of. This most complex automation to date is most who pushed you know a tribute to russian poet Alexander Pushkin the android consists of close to 3600 components which allow to write some 1500 poems signed them and illustrate them making it unique among automating the pushkin android was commissioned by a Silicon Valley entrepreneur. Sum up he said 70 years 7 years to complete it as with all of the trips to the us. We had lots of discussions about what techs we would use but the choice of him. Words of drawings and other things all over the now hes been in the states for 10 years or. More in a Digital World that completely clashes with a mechanical android lloyd. The roots of im sure its all humanoid robots can be traced back to ancient greece and egypt but they hang 18th century the age of enlightenment the development of complex social make sense that could play music. Teachers. Because one of them has brought this old craft back tonight. Well over more id like to preserve the knowledge ive gained making this rolling even writing the talents of a tool real or from all the research ive done for you all to be able to share it with future generations edition ourself or to your friends was you know as one of a kind creation said no real function but these mechanics in motion listener isis with a complexity and truly expand our imagination. Exactly 80 years ago Charlie Chaplin released his satire of hitler called the great dictator it was the 1st major hollywood film to take a clear stance against the nazis you can read more about story and other culture news online at d w dot com slash culture thanks for watching arts and culture. Into the conflict zone to suggest. A deep future guided america is heading for its election my guest this week from washington is Carol Cuccinelli the acting number 2 of the department of Homeland Security which caused uproar after the force of the sages used Excessive Force during recent protests in Portland Oregon can his Department Keep the peace for conflicts of. 30 minutes 50 dollars. More. We know that this is a scary time for the coronavirus is changing the world changing our lives so please take care of yourself keep your distance wash your hands if you can stay at how we are d. W. P. For here free we are working so hard it would seem to keep you informed on all of our platforms were all in this together and together make it free. Do you say to everybody Stacey Stacey stay safe please stay safe. We can start rewriting the software of sample bacterial cells. Were not creating life for growth were rewriting the program for a lot of the software or leave it all over so all we can redesign though theyll have Different Properties i dont have a clue or will be doing one changing their be no less of the opposite of the truth could give us better food for. That of using fossil fuel. To bake plants for. You could have already been sent to so the molecules of the lake. They left were just learning this is a new thrill. This is news and these are our top stories e. U. Commission president of the fonda line has gone isolation after a member of her staff tested positive for corona virus it happened as e. U. Leaders gathered in brussels for a summit on a raft of Critical Issues including that as well as europes response to sharply increasing infection rates across the block. There have been celebrations in the chair just kept it all bishkek after the resignation of the key

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