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Its too early to predict the procedure time. Exactly. The procedure itself is good, very good. In fact, the unpredictable factor is the slowest things like bleeding and the anomalies removed from the tool to prepare. The drill can sometimes cause depending on how much it bleeds can slow down the entire process. Philip can now check out the new crown on his tooth. It looks just like it did before, but maybe even a bit nicer. The entire treatment just completed in just one visit this piece with the result. And if he ever needed another crown, he definitely go to top. Lets talk about the parasites. You can catch picking berries or mushrooms and like the sheen of virus. This parasite takes its time until you notice that a dangerous parasite can sneak into the human body. Its called as you know, caucus multi local artists, also known as the fox tape worm. Its larvae grow for years unnoticed and destroy the liver or other organs. In many cases its fatal treated it can kill you, bianca vats, eos is only alive now thanks to an operation that removed large parts of her liver and diaphragm. So degraded that i might not survive only looking back, she started getting the 1st warning signs about 10 years before her diagnosis was shocked. And even over the years i had circulatory problems, dizziness, high Blood Pressure, and then Blood Pressure fluctuations. We often had to call an ambulance because i collapsed. What she didnt realise was that parasitic larvae were growing in her organs. Examination showed that there was something wrong with her liver, but the doctors assumed it was an alcohol problem. This lets see are the last year before it got really bad. My liver values were borderline, wildly about there to cleanse there. So they probably thought i drank a lot, but in fact i didnt drink much alcohol and i didnt smoke. Her nonspecific symptoms went untreated. Thats typical for rare infections. Theyre often only recognize that an advanced stage the in quotes, he would say the incubation time can be as long as 15 years. But the problem with this infection is that the symptoms only appear very late. And by then the larvae may have spread throughout the body before so you cant completely remove them surgically during that time, bianca vassie also became pregnant. After her child was born she felt worse and worse. Sometimes she had to drop everything because she was so exhausted. When her daughter leandra was about to start school, she suddenly began to have shot pains and felt pressure on the right side of her body beneath her ribs. Again, she consulted a doctor who talked often been fortunately, this doctor was on call was an internal medicine specialist. And he didnt ultrasound scan and noticed something in the liver. And heart of us is enough in the early part of us that he wasnt sure what it was. So he called a colleague and sent me over there. They said there was something large in my liver and i should get an m. R. I. A. S. A. P. Sorted. Oh its, its the new place and the doctors suspected liver cancer. They had discovered a 12 centimeter growth and signs of impending liver failure. And based on the c. T. Image, we discovered a very large liver tumor. The blood supply to the right side of the liver was already partly disrupted on the left lobe was clearly enlarged and 34 course boys did not follow up to us. And when i was told it was a tumor, then i called my mother and asked her to come the team of surgeons got to work right away. The affected live alone and part of her diaphragm removed, but it wasnt cancer. The diagnosis was an unfair question with a going to caucus of the box tape worm the tape where measures just 4 millimeters. It has a head and 3 to 5 segments. The last segment contains hundreds of new tape worm eggs. Ringback typically, infected foxes in other animals excrete the eggs. Humans with close contact with animals can ingest the eggs and bianca vastnesses case. That was probably her dog. The eggs hatch and the larvae make their way into the bloodstream and the liver there they develop into cysts. The gradually destroy the healthy tissue, much like a tumor. For 2 years after the operation bianca vassie asked her to take high doses of medication to kill off the remaining tape worm sis. Luckily her liver has regenerated and today the 50 year old is just grateful that she can live without pain and enjoy time with her daughter. Maybe you live in a place where there is enough sun to help you produce vitamin d. Im not, im living here in germany, so i need to use every single opportunity to get some sun. But this is not without risk because you need proper sunscreen, and theres a new, a turn it is made out of plants. Sunshine is essential for plants to survive. They rarely suffer from sunburn, a quality that helps them stay alive. After all, its not like they could move into the shade or put on sunscreen. They appear to have a built in system that protects them from the sun. Something Patrick Schmitz, from the university of mines, has spent 6 months researching. Ive never liked using some cream. So i started wondering whether there was an easier, more environmentally friendly alternative forms of this on a farm out of it. So i started to look at which Plant Extracts and ingredients could provide protection from somebody and be turned into a sunscreen pill thats been open bonded 1st, he selected plants known for their protective qualities. The molecular biologist studied all drawings to discover traditional healing methods. Pomegranates, for example, are known to possess substances that can strengthen our immune system. So that was one of the 1st things to come under the knife in Patrick Schmitz research laboratory. Then he took a polyp poti, fern which contains an extract said to guard against skin cancer. The humble broccoli was next on the list and a red micro algae grown in hawaii thats naturally rich in asked as and then these 4 make up the basis of the sunscreen pill. Mine for him and how to extract from the broccoli and the fern, prevented genetic mutations. Then we have important until accidents from the algae and the pomegranate, along with helpful with them. And thats what i should be time, you know, creating one of these pills is a painstaking process. 1st the plants are dissected, so that the desired substances can be extracted. Step by step, the tablet is created in the laboratory. It can then be taken just like a food supplement, but like smith believes it will be extremely effective to sons and not to the countless fuel savvy advantage that they offer consistent protection all over the body. Once theyre effective, 24 hours a day, as you take them daily. And unlike medication, these food supplements have no side effects and i live just one capsule contains extracts from 50 heads of broccoli alone. Then there are the other ingredients. Takes minutes, says one capsule, a day is sufficient to increase the skins natural protection against the sun as well as guard against skin cancer. But long term studies are still required to show just how effective it really is. If the new tablet passes the test, it would certainly be better for the environment. What i also use this, these capsules are made exclusively of edible substances that get broken down metabolized in the human body and dont harm the environment in any way. But some cream on the other hand, contain synthetic photo protection substances, and the wall itself, floats on water under strops marine ecosystems about a plan. Then theres the Plastic Waste by which further exacerbates the massive pollution of our seas. Im waterways the sunscreen. Tablets are due out on the market soon, but well have to wait and see whether the broccoli pills truly prove to be an effective substitute for conventional suncream. Thats a person they see the next week, and im so then lets all try to stay in good shape. To go beyond the obvious that as we take on the world were all about the stories that ever since to discover the documentary the u. N. Says the situation spiraling out of control in the

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