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Economy has been growing, it needs to boost its exports more. This will help with the, so thats a very important factor for, for china, but also more broadly for the region, it means that people will be able to look at exports again and that there will be free trade. And so the big winner is china, but i think the whole region will probably benefit the u. S. Was not involved just how much do they stand to lose by a excluded from all of this . Well, this is just a sign of the kind of the chaos thats been going on in terms of global trade. Over the last 4 years, intensified of course, by the coronavirus epidemic. The u. S. Will stand to lose quite a lot because it had hoped just out of previous trade agreements which, which dont trump withdrew from i think now with the new president elect in the, in the united states, we may see a move back towards more global trade but its going to take time because the u. S. Still needs to recover from the pandemic. So its going to be a while, i think before the u. S. Can really start to rebuild its standing in the, in the, in global trade. Lets look at this new powerful. 1 block from the european, perspective. How is that likely to affect the e. U. . Well, i think for the e. U. , the e. U. Sees china as a strategic competitor, but as very close working relations with, with the pretty much all the other 14 members of this, of this 15 member trading pact. So i think the is going to be, its going to welcome it will mean cheaper goods and it will mean easier access for european goods, presumably into this market. Going forward though, do europe needs the us to be involved as well . So i think its going to take that take that to happen for, for, to really benefit europe. And one big asian economy absent from this club is of course, india. Why is that . Well, india and china are now very, the relations are very tense right now. That was the reason that india wouldnt join the china trade pact. I think ultimately, you know, trade pact in asia given the way the importance that india has, can really be seen as a nation trade pact unless india is a central player. And so i think that were going to have to see were going to, i think, going forward. I think i mean more global trade agreements will have to involve china to see the india affair going in the daily business. Thank you very much. Lets now take a look at some other stories making headlines around the world. U. S. President donald trump has tweeted that his democratic rival, joe biden, won the president ial election earlier this month. But in a separate tweet, wrote that by only one in the eyes of what he called a fake news media. The us later said he conceded nothing, and rainer rated as unsubstantiated claims that the vote was raked. Lawyers say armenian opposition, figure are 2, and one has been arrested for allegedly plotting to assassinate the prime minister. This follows his detention last week at an antigovernment protest over the controversial Peace Agreement with neighboring azerbaijan. Some Ethnic Armenians in the disputed nagornokarabakh region burned down their homes before being forced to leave. At least 2 people have been killed and more than 60 injured in clashes with police during protests in lima. The congress of peru is holding a crisis session and there is growing pressure for the interim president to resign. Thousands marched in the capital on saturday to protest against the l. Sting, a former president britains prince. Charles has delivered a speech in the German Parliament as part of ceremonies for the countrys remembrance, day speaking in both german and english, Prince Charles emphasized the close friendship between the 2 countries. His visit comes as britain and the e. U. Remain locked in talks over a post trade deal. The p and Human Rights Commission has gunman have attacked a passenger bus in the countrys west killing more than 30 civilians. The latest violence comes as the leader of ethiopia has region admitted launching rockets into neighboring eritrea. The u. N. Says tens of thousands have already fled the fighting and warns that the country might be embarking on a dangerous trajectory, increasing the risk of genocide and war crimes. This womans duty in fighting inside to grow. She is one of the reasons of ethiopian refugees crossing the border. They are fleeing the violence in northern ethiopia. Just to the border there is lifting and stealing and killing. Can rwanda on the streets . People havent eaten in 3 or 4 days. I dont know where my kids are. And i did it on a mission. I look at it and then and in the 1st thing they need is food. Currently there is no food, nothing. This camp is running on the health of the people with the effort of the people. This would not be here. The exodus comes amid increasing tensions across the region. To cry in forces bombed an airport in eritreas capital. In retaliation against the countrys support for ethiopia, the move has stopped fears of a wider conflict in the horn of africa. But the destruction of tikrit is critical infrastructure, dams and institutions that serve the public will not be met with or silence. The conflict had been restricted to ethiopia, know that it spilled across an international border. Its become much more serious. Its feared the violence could spiral into a protracted and bloody civil war and destabilize the entire region. Lets go straight to the if you can capital out of a journalist and well get at you as following these events for us, samuel, good to have you with us. Again, were receiving reports of fresh violence and whats the latest violence, recent violence up and western parts of ethiopia. A bit far from the state to guy. But the latest says the leadership to guy has admitted sending rockets to making this, not just any conflicts, but something a conflict that involves well coming thousands of refugees now being more than 20000. 00. So its, its a disaster waiting to happen and we were just overwhelmed. Was with whats happening, unfamiliar with the situation, the leadership of the form of government because the federal government no longer says that the State Government to guy has been accusing a healthy theo power siding with ethiopia and war between ethiopia and eritrea. Thats against the insights which is part of ethiopia. So its, its something that started almost a generation ago and discounting with the government to be was a state of ethiopia. They became their own state in 1393. I think people should just forget about this region being affected. This is going to affect, you know, especially because this people will end up moving to or trying to make an attempt to go to a year old in many countries. Because sue done this. Many people with little resources and even the n. G. O. S and to have been looted their empty region. The state of to great is host to thousands of refugees. No, with having no n. G. O. S functioning properly. N. G. O. S country even transform the most basic food to the region because of the conflicts. So its just a cost 22. 00 and its just a disaster waiting to happen. Thank you. Some sports now and formula one british driver Lewis Hamilton made history at the turkish crown, pre equalled me as an all time record of 7 world titles. Hamilton started 6th on the grid, but find his way back at is done ballpark. Under tricky conditions. As victory comes nearly a month after overtaking show house race record of 91. 00 wins, and went on as a well on course to becoming the greatest of all time. Well, heres a look at his remarkable career. So far. Lewis hamilton the insatiable champion positives his mercedes to his 7th World Championship title, but the british drive, his hunger for victory is still not satisfied. Were going to continue to fight for more championships and were going to continue to try to improve, continue to race and do what we do. We love doing this year again, the Mercedes Team built from a car thats technically superior to the competition. And hamilton cruised from when to wind their way through the pressure and its really just about herself. And i mean, not having some fun, but yes, the focus, but its really about enjoying the moment. Its been amazing is a member of joining in 1908 at age 13. He started his career in the midst sadies cart team even then his toughest competitor was nico rosberg. Their rivalry continued his teammates in the midst sadies formula. One Team Starting in 2013 after rosberg bested hamilton for the World Championship for the 1st time in 2016, that he ended the long standing jewel by retiring. I think lewis has a bit more natural talent a little bit more and maybe the greatest ever like this. Hamilton van won 4 straight World Championships with 7 titles. He has now equaled his role model when he was a young formula, one driver at the time i got on the track and i could see michael ahead of me and i was like, wow, this is his vehicle. Thats mine. You know at the head. And then you push really hard to catch him love and all signs point to him winning even more formula one World Championships with miss avies. Lewis hamilton is on the way to becoming the most successful racing driver of all time. Youre watching the w. News. Next up is a documentary about life in easter land and whats left of it today starts november 16th on a d. W. And the thing about the stars in the sky is you can gaze at them whether youre behind a wall or knocked out onto my grandmother had a telescope, wed often look at saturn or jupiter, and its mearns. He was so calm and so much a tycoon. You know, he and i was born in january, 1901, a year after the wall fell. And remember, this happened because its incredible to think that my parents who seem so ordinary to me, grew up in a dictatorship, a place where tanks would sometimes roll through the streets that are just off points and discover if you can are used to be a law i knew that it had been built and that my mother and my grandparents were trapped behind it. That was the reality. I grew up with guns know a lot of it brother and sister fans and then tony ahead and and their grandfather here. He grew up here in bend i washed asset which mounts the border between east and west germany. Anderson, early age, how cruel that border was just coming in and after my own theatre. I remember you telling us that you once looked out of the window onto the cemetery and saw someone attempting to escape that. Yeah, thats right. But that was long before the wall was built. It was 1953 during the east german uprising. 3, we saw a man crawling on all fours between the gravestones. He was approaching the Church Grounds and our house was already quite close. But we can see also that he was surrounded by armed guards. When i was 13, it was a terrible thing to see. He was a lost cause and there was nothing we could do. We couldnt warn him. We hid under the bed clothes, pulled the blankets over our heads. And then we heard the gunfire. But couldnt you have yelled from the window and now you have what you have now and then what . Hed already been spotted. What if there was no point in warning him . Welcome him back. In a movie youd have distracted. The guards imitated birds or something before i could go to your kid to plant, lived in the eastern half of the city, his home and the church where his father was. Pasto were demolished when the berlin wall was built. Ben, i watched asa 2 was also demolished whether love of his life grew up. She became a hugely popular politician in the pastry unification years. Which was grandmas window. This one, those 2 right on the left. Now to the left window, the left one year of always or what it looked on the pavement. So if she stuck her head out of the window, she always said her head was in the western or backside, was in the east, her backside in the east or backside. Im quoting her if you havent yet. And youd knock on the window and knock on the window on my way to choir practice. Its funny to think that was right here. The floor was probably here and this is where grandma would show her bed around her desk right here. You know, you regain a huge head of kind when married for 35 years until her deaths in 2001961, the ballon will was built literally on the doorstep composed of 2 stars about the washed cause. I went out the door on her brown hours transfer to buy a newspaper in the us with you. And i saw that barbed wire had been laid out on the east side of the street when for the wish to stop it. And there were police armed with machine guns. It didnt mean much to the rest of the world. But it meant everything to a married couple who lived on one side and wanted to have breakfast with their parents on the other side. 1st, avoid grandparents who lived in the west and want to take their grandchild for a walk and home builder and park. And all the sudden you couldnt go from one street to another, from one side to the other, with the wall divided and germany for 28 years. The wall is now in memory. The city one again, studies humanities and works part time in the planetarium. Antonius studies physics, they live just a stones throw from the war memorial site and from where their grandparents once lived. I know where its vices. I know its where my grandparents lived, and nowadays you see tourists Milling Around here all the time. But of course, its also just where france lives and where i go to celebrate new years or watch a football match or whatever grieving in history sounds a bit over the top. But its everywhere. When you go out partying, you cross back and forth any number of times without thinking anything of it would no doubt have enjoyed that had grandchildren live. So need to wait. She grew up. She joined the social Democratic Party in 1909, gaining a reputation for plain speaking to successful reunification of the 2. Geminis was always one of her key concerns. Thats why i say we need to participate in whatever way we can get involved. You vote for, for i was aware from the outset that the moment she entered politics, greg, you know, would never let go. And politics would never let her go. She gave it her all and not just for self. For the people, shed suddenly been granted responsibility for pretty, for unforeseen, the 2nd half of the book, i would have loved to have spent a few days with her as the person. I am now discussing ideas with my going 30 years after the fall of the bell in wall antonia in france. Feel that differences between east and then western germany still linger there. Not sure if germany has growing together or apart with sending them on a journey across eastern germany to find out visiting places where people are venting their dissatisfaction and disappointment. Come on, lets have a song to sing fish there. So i havent caught the 1st fish, but it will. All right, no network. Theres not exactly reliable internet around here. But much of the former east germany is struggling in the communist era of the country was run down and on the verge of bankruptcy since 1909 nearly 25 percent of the population has moved away. Wow. Theres little industry left here. Antonia and funds are critical of coal mining, like many young people today, theyre worried about the environment. But in eastern germany, coal is still important. Like knight or brown, coal mining is a major employer and an integrity part of the regions identity. Zuko but slough has spent her entire working life in a coal mine. I feel as safe as im about to start up the excavator 1st, ill give a warning. And then ill set the excavator in motion. If i can dig all that up, you see the cable is connected to the mast and the mast lifts the arm. Its perfectly safe, which is wobbles, and it is. All right, ill sit down. Wow. It has been operating an excavator for 35 years, shifting up to 3000 tonnes of lignite, but germany is aiming to shut down all of its coal fired power plants by 2038 reunification hit this part of eastern germany holland. Now its facing painful action. But or is it a dish . But how do you feel knowing that it wont be long before these coal mines are closed down through the plane . Is that this is too much. Its a very emotional issue for us when we feel were being vilified. Were made out to be the bad guys. Were destroying the environment and were responsible for climate change. The fact that its my involvement, in my opinion, thats just rubbish. Thats what the Mining Industry does. A lot to protect the environment, but nobody talks about that. Of course, coal mining has an environmental impact, but the industry makes up for it. In the total look again, i cant begin to but cant you understand peoples concerns why theyre making these demands . Of course they dont think miners are terrible people. They think theyre perfectly normal, nice people who are doing their job as best they can. But they want to protect the environment and bring about change. So i look, ive got nothing against Environmental Protection but not in this radical well 8000 people work in the lignite strip mines here. The coal industry is by far the biggest employer in the region. Wide scale unemployment is looming, physical puts off, it brings back painful memories of what happened after 9 189. 00 after reunification. Its a very difficult subject for me. Ive had to say goodbye to friends to colleagues who are also friends. Its a very emotional thing. Youve lost your job, ive kept mine. Its hard for both sides. This is fair because i can play. And so were you just lucky . With your job safe because its skilled. No ones job was safe. One, you must have been afraid to. Of course. How much transformation can reach and withstand a few kilometers from the mine, moped enthusiastic gathered in the village of talent. This is where theres him soon. S 51 and the pads were manufactured back him up was then communist east germany with us, which ones are yours . When they were younger, france and antonia also rode my pads like bees. You have to cling to the noise, the smell. Its all still there. 30 years after the fall of the wall. Mopeds, a really big thing here again. Thats young kids today, like my son 14 or 15 year olds and tanker with them all the time on. Its great to talk about it isnt forced on postal, so lets go over. So there you go. Its a symbol of values. The good old days, great stuff. They told us. All right, lets take this one for a spin so you can sit on it while you push by and you can, i pick up all the men is glad to see the village taking pride in its heritage. But in recent decades, many locals left to find work in the west. The area house rebounded somewhat, but when the last mines closed they could be another exodus this fall short of you know it, but theres talk again about structural change. Once the older generation dont feel affected, they think they dont have long left anyway above us mom to your. But what about the young generation in this nation . In this theyll move away. If the regional gov dont manage to attract industry here. Id say its almost too late for that to be hollow. Dr. I thought this was you and all of your antonia and friends, a visiting kath and kim is a retired lawyer. Yet. How old were you when the wall fell to the manor. I was born in 47 so early forties projects, i was 36 when i started studying for the wall fell. Yes. And in 1900, i ended my studies which were under the eastern system. It was as if my entire world had collapsed. Ok, so then what . Oh, i see youve been studying a completely different legal system and wow, thats crazy. How infuriating. So you had just finished your studies and the wall fell, so it had all been a waste of time. A total waste of time. Every weekend, a colleague and i went to google to university in berlin, to attend and listen, ours on westerman law. Those were hard times. The a muslim heart. It must have felt very unfair your wrong. What do you think now . I mean, as a lawyer, when you look back on what happened then it was unfair. A new system was basically imposed on us. We had to relearn everything and not everybody was able to adjust for anything, it must have been really tough being in your mid fortys, having built yourself a whole life and then having to start all over from scratch. I cant imagine what that must have felt like if i just didnt give up. She went on to found a successful Legal Practice in front of her time. I was really shocked to learn how few east germans there are in executive positions. Its a good feeling for its you and i, and yes, out of 121 heads of federal ministries, only 3 of them are from the former east can now and its like that across the board. Why is that . Do you think many people in the east lacked confidence . And we were looked down on during reunification. Everything to do with the east was discarded. There are 16000000, east germans, but few of them hold top positions across academia, politics, business media. And you know whether someone is from he still west. Germany is a question that Still Matters to antonia, even though she was born after the fall of the wall. So was her boyfriend, nicholas. He grew up in western germany, not far from the danish border. By the nazis when history happens on your doorstep, a wall falls and 2 different systems collide. Then obviously its something thats going to interest you. Ok, but it wasnt obvious that the 2 systems were that different. You were interested because the state was the east germany was poor. Ok. Yeah. But the simple fact that a wall was built to keep people in is a huge difference. Sure. But my impression is that in the west, we realized that in the east people had fewer material, things of the fewer products, things like coffee bananas, bluejeans and so on and have kind of been a kind of so they were disadvantaged in that time ago. And so you knew that part and of course that you werent allowed to travel or not to be missed by a live report and you have western germans failed to grasp or see it meant to east germans to adapt to an entirely new system, to switch from socialism and a planned economy to democracy and to free market economy. All the rules had changed at work and in private knife to antonina has given me a different perspective. They made me think about it all, much more a lot, but this is back. But when im with antonios family, i still notice how much they talk about it. The fall of the wall, the east west issue. Well, its enough in my family. Its never mentioned. We never, or hardly ever discuss the east west question with for people in the west like my parents. It didnt make much of an impact. Nothing much changed at the end of one half of gemini, little changed to the other half the worlds turned upside down. On november the 9th, 1909, when the wall found was to no into november. Now it is now in our thoughts, the 9th of november, 989, was my sons 18th birthday. He came of age in communist east germany. So weve thrown him his 1st, big party balls of fire and then comment on wolf. Then we got a call from a friend telling us how the border was open. So i was like, what do you want about . Sure, right. Its open now. Itll be open tomorrow. I didnt take it seriously. But again, you got wind of it there. And then of course the party was over and in mine, 8 of us piled into my little 5 seater our car and drove to borrow much tighter. Theyre born on a bridge. On a fork of the crossing we heard was open to his eye. He hid them and i can still remember the particular quality of the light in the stony expressions of the Border Police who had no idea what was going on either. And we crossed over and there we were in west berlin. Its in this film. Is it nancy . Because he was deeply moving, were drove back after midnight. There and then again, i wanted to go to the brandenburg gate. I had the funding. As a teenager, it seemed so exciting. You were trapped behind a wall, you couldnt cross. And then at some point you could run, but when i saw the film footage, i just thought it uncool theyre wearing those crappy clothes, those horrible bright colors. As a teenager, i just thought, man who wears that sort of thing. And theyre hopping around on a wall of ice in the head of the typhoon there. But by my maid twenties, i found those clothes totally cool on the street from what you know already. I im pleased that sunday morning trance is helping his friend valerie james. Back and get ready to perform in the my laptop for the park next to the former wall. This famous for its weekly fee markets are told that they want to be there to snag a prime spot. But its pretty crazy as musicians that youre trying to able to do this like put on like a proper show in the streets, you know, and even the police walks by and its like, yeah, keep going, you know, thats awesome to tens of thousands of people descend on the park every sunday, a ready made up and coming bands with everything. Whats now one of the most free spirited places in the death strip where east german guards were under order to shoot to kill if they saw anyone trying to escape and then tony is youngest. Sister said syria has just moved to berlin. The siblings often come to the pong together. But how would you describe it to someone whos never been here . You see the history, you may know them, our park. Say youre describing it to friends from out of town. What would you say this . But this is a very good, id say imagine this was once the death strip. He was the wall and there was the wall. And now we can just walk along it and dance and play music. On monday, you can see that thats the west over there. You can see that the buildings on the one side are different from the buildings on the other. And i tell them how wonderful it is that all these people gather here and party together. Thats what id say. Almost 30 years, it was a no mans land between east and west berlin. Today, the maui park is a major tourist attraction each time you see, i love to dance in the park. For me, its life for me. Its like, i love the atmosphere of the place, the music, the people, everything about it. I really hope, you know, you have a, its kind of really open and no further, no boundary kind of place. If you want to do it, you would think. And if you want to be a hero of people should go into that. Ok, i like it very much. Its free and thats very good. Especially in the early to the wall was built in 1961. Youre going to begin ahead and made a conscious decision to stay in the east. They were critical of the communist system, but they believed in change from within i think the moment we were walled in we did feel like we were trapped for the but we did what we could to broaden our horizons and also to show our children that its in our freedom that matters the most and that with that inner freedom, you could do all sorts of things and achieve all sorts of things. So its a given and use that children that wasnt always easy to accept and is france. And then tony, as mother, she finished High School Just before the wall fell. Shed always railed against the restrictions of life in east germany. Does this thats basically stimulus. I felt like it wasnt real life or that we were somehow frozen in time and the world beyond was turning without you. If that was the dominant feeling for me. My. I longed for openness discussion. All i can say is i didnt find any of that there. And that was what i heard for and got, and you knew that there was this other world. I imagine the west was something completely different. We often went to the church of reconciliation and looked across the room. Just think we could actually see this other world. You could see the double decker buses and the people in the street living lives that somehow seemed more colorful, more vibrant, more full of life. It sounds ridiculous, but when i was 12, i stood in front of the mirror and swore to myself that i wouldnt stay that i would linger this is and does it make sure enough in august 1909 plan to fled to west germany via hungary and austria like tens of thousands of others that summer. No one family included, had the slightest suspicion that the wall would fold just 3 months later. Ishmael, i didnt know when i would ever see my daughter again. This is the she wouldnt have been allowed back and we werent allowed to go to the west and it was just awful for us better. But we never expected to be back for christmas the same year, but she was enough to go by with talking oh but if you asked for a copy of the book and middle school, i was a little higher. It would work. Ok. Different interfamily live in a village outside, but when theres almost always a full house and politics is a favorite topic at the dinner table. The family is alarmed by the rise of the far right in eastern germany. I keep telling people, go and vote, otherwise nothing will ever change that. And almost 25 percent of the people in the state of brandenburg support the right wing populist party, the a. F. D. C. With their political activism. They hit up once a keeping reggae nose

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