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Nationwide right is still far too high. Hopes of an end to the partial lockdown imposed of this month. Germany is one of many European Countries posting record high in fiction, writes this month. Lewis hamilton has secured a 7th formula, one world title after winning the in wet conditions. The 35 year old briton equalled Michael Schumacher all time record. Hamilton sealed his lightest title, 12 years after his very focused this is news from then you can follow us on twitter and instagram at news, or visit our website to be found at www. Dot com. Clean and affordable energy, responsibly consumption and climate action. Those are just some of the 17 Sustainable Development goals of the United Nations Member States adopted back in 2015. Kmiec symbol works for everyone and everything that is on our planet and progress. But many communities and ecosystems are benefiting from projects at n. P. R. And towards Sustainable Development. We introduce some of them and the people working to weaken it possible. How welcome to equal india are some of that i could by april 28th in all religions in india. What it last connected to the national grid, with the hope of receiving electricity for at least a few hours a day. But last minute challenge and implementation have meant that bought for rural india dont have access to electricity yet. A Renewal Energy expert in a waiter in west bengal, challenging the abundant all Energy Available in the region into lands that light up the lives of people who are yet to that city. Calif team shall leave this part of toby danis david routine. She lives in the forest fringe area of face because barcode a district with these leaves grow in abundance. Its a vital source of alternate livelihood for the marginalised indigenous communities of the region. The women use these leaves to produce pleats, working until late in the evening. That in and without electricity we can never finish our daily work. It depended on burning logs to make fire, to finish our choice and the it was a lot of struggle. But i think today chubby danis, working conditions have changed. Hands to her solar lamp. She is able to stitch up to 300 plates well into the night. For every 100, she earns 20 rupees or 23 euro cents. Now, she makes 3 times that of a previous earning. The solar lamp called a micro solar dome is a small device that can be fixed on any type of roof through a Government Program for remote areas. Villages can buy the solar lamp at a subsidized price of 500. 00 rupees, roughly 6 euros. So far more than 10000. 00, tribal families across the country have taken the offer in the last year gone, no children had the idea of having contributed substantially to the Solar Energy Lighting sector. Hes also known as a solar man of call cutter. His device as well as being powered by the sun, can also be run through conventional electricity sources in villages where the option is available. And this is not the reality. It is not me. But millions of people are not like the project mainly concentrates on indigenous tribes. Most of them living close to, or even in forests, villages here are remote and a lack of Water Resources and scattered every cultural opportunities means they are traditionally deprived, put into production is working at a Grassroots Level to promote livelihoods and has been carrying out the groundwork for the micro solar dome project engineer chontosh kumar. Mahato is part of the team. Michael during the initial discussions around the microsoft, there were several questions raised. Will it really be as effective . They had been a few options and they had to incur quite a bit, of course because of that. But this time we noticed that after a few families installed a microsoft dont the families that couldnt manage to collect the amount of 6 euros have now done so. And want to invest the money that the installation for these solar lights is carried out by the communities themselves. It ensures income generation, through general maintenance and the domes back treats need replacing every 2 and a half years. The demand is rising and its not just for light. The solar system also allows people to charge their mobile phone once at home. In many real areas, people have to walk kilometers, people reaching a charging station. For chubby dani and her family, the solar light has been a life changer here that they give us solar laps. Thanks to them. Were able to work in peace. I never know whether its cooking or stitching leaves, which has always been my job. Im able to do them well. Now, my son is also able to study it like children, even even in her village invested in that environmentally friendly light. And none of them has regrets. Not all renewal in a thumping that can be used without depleting our resources or damaging the planet. But we can also prevent damage by creating products that are sustainable. And once it can be sustainably disposed off in germany, businesses are starting to look at worst the cradle to cradle concept, creating a complete thought your economy for every product created. This means theres no ways to left behind. Lets see how this is being done. Astrid boobs in spends much of her free time thinking about wild plants. Her motto is you protect what you know. And shes on a mission to get people to know the wild plants around them better than the lion. And thats why she created the game to a memo, a memory game that you teaches people of all ages about plant life. And i think they had fancy, i would really like wild plants to be part of our lives. Again, i think in fact ill even go one step further. Id also like to see them on our menu because wild plants contain so many important nutrients that are often missing from the culture of vegetables we eat nowadays. And its made of owners and these wild plants grow at her house in potsdam, when she also gives cookery classes and teaches her to kindergartners. As someone who values nature, she was determined to have product would be environmentally friendly. She made sure that to a memo was produced to a standard called cradle to cradle. That means that things are produced based on the model of the natural world, the circular model of nature. Whenever you finished with a game, you can either eat out and it is edible. Its printed using natural plant based colors. Or you can just toss it in the compost or even in the forest. So you dont need to have a guilty conscience. No chemicals were used in the production process, but the cradle to cradle standard means more than just come possible. It also means that during decomposition little to nothing is released that could harm the environment. Printouts, loci is the 1st in germany that prints to this standard. Ralph inherited the company from his father and has transformed it into a fully green operation. Recently, i think its the responsibility of a company to make sure that its products dont harm the environment that we need to make a profit. So that both our staff from the company can make a living but were not looking to make a profit at the expense of people and nature. Of course, this means making every step of the process. The stain of all the printing machines provide Climate Control for the building, which uses a Water Research kill ation system. The machines are also c o 2 neutral, and the paper and printing colors both carry cradle to cradle certification, making the change from a conventional Printing House to a sustainable one was an easy decision fellow. Its not going to mentally much more expensive, but you do need to be willing to reorganize things. Because when you rethink production, a lot of things need to be completely overhauled. You need a whole new approach. This is a challenge facing the entire printing industry. More than half of the paper thrown out 12 wide ends up in landfills and more paper is produced every year. Paper can take up to 20 years to break down and that s. S. Releases c o 2 and me thing into the atmosphere. Alcohol and other chemicals from the printing process also see from the paper into the environment. Catapult magazine founder benyamin fried fish, began printing on a different sort of paper to save trees. This is the magazine as you where we changed over from normal paper to recycled paper. Here i calculated how many trees were filled with normal and on the back with recycled paper. If publishers would simply switch from normal paper to recycled paper, it would be a huge step to sure, it would be so much less damaging to the environment, not to its a viable solution for big publishers. The search is simple and catapult, says it costs them less than one percent more to use recycled paper. And if people opted for the same high standards as asked to put in completely sustainable printed products, become as common as wilds plumps. Sustainable to invent or really about energy and production. It also comes from the National Lead that of the indigenous question went public. In our next report, live in communities that have occupied generation after generation and care for the natural. Yet many a time. A legal transaction or an activist and fishing communities and schools will secure their land rights. You know what my father used to see the sea and the sea show to belong to the fish are fun. But i realize this is statement is not entirely true now. And so have many of the people who have been living here for generations like by random one his family and his ancestors have long since lived on the coast of south india. His village called by a look at the, is one of the oldest fishing villages in this region. But the proposed extension is threatening its existence and that of 69. 00 such religious right on the one varies that his family of 5 and his entire community might be displaced deficient ground would also be under Severe Threat from foil erosion and water contamination on their market. If the 1000000000 destress and develop an uninhabited area, we dont harming the environmentalists and that is true development. Here they are affecting so much, and the local people are not even benefiting in any way. For the profit of one company or individual there willing to sacrifice the livelihood of almost 50000 people. Less than 10 kilometers from the willits, one of indias biggest corporations. The dunny group, which mines school among other activities, has announced a 5000000000 euro plan to extend the hubble. They say will improve, grew till the group acquired the land from local government, whose records define these grounds as unused wasteland. And despite having lived here for countless generations, the Fishing Community has no real officially proving it over. And there are some people from earlier tonight, nations who used to have verbal contracts and resending about the lands and their rights over it. But these kind of or contracts mean nothing to anyone of one of the younger people in themselves, theyre trying to save their villages, asserting their rights in a different way through their knowledge of technology that could be done. So the current generation of youth who are graduates have learned how to use g. P. S. Systems and create maps that reflect how landis actually used here. On the senator to one of your dilemma. Now we are marking and claiming the right for our lands. So no p. Corporations like danny and reliance can take it from us in the future. I dont want in on it. So i went on, a fisherman turned activist heads this movement. He comes in, once fishing communities have marked out their land to the g. P. S. Systems. And combines this with go mental maps and historical records. He then works to get the local government to officially recognize the communities use of the land and the right to it reach them and i heard about mapping and how maps are used to define a space. This and land use, but one of them rather than i immediately came to my own village, called everyone together to see how to map and define our own needier 1st. Look at the human, we are one of the little of the who were the last 6 years. The team has mapped over 200 villages. They shut down a power plant after litigations based on the maps provided evidence as to how the plant was harming the local ecosystem. They hope the same will happen to prevent the current board expansion plans. Yet in the only the local people of the police will only deacon emerged as a hero to thieve, the environment and themselves. Everyone in the village must know about the different natural elements that compromise their thought on beings. The mangroves and sand dunes and how they are to be used. They know how their villages govern the dunny group says the Land Acquisition will be carried out by the government based on land use maps. The community here just hopes that the project will get them. And their land, the official recognition, they need to give them the legal tools to fight the expansion plans along with my father used to see this belongs to us for some and yet at least by the next generation, when it is my son or daughters time, i hope my fathers provide comes true. We will live by him for the we have so taking ownership of land, it will practice perhaps an important place if he were to look at agriculture, for example, chemical fertilizers, change the natural soil chemistry over time, making the practice unsustainable. But thomas can choose instead to use practices like organic farming to help the soil and make it suitable for repeated and a group of Young Farmers in the mountainous region, not with albania, is doing just that. See on lama takes lots of photos, the mountains of northeastern albania are so beautiful. He works for p. P n e a. The countrys largest environmental n. G. O. S. He promotes Sustainable Farming practices for the sake, both of nature and local people. So they can make a decent living and choose not to leave. This is the couric nick must see. That its what zia kitschy has a Market Garden. He grows fruit. His operation could inspire others to follow suit, especially young people. He cultivate berries. Traditionally, people gathered wild ones in the mountains and there are also your llamas says, such Market Gardens could be a fruitful source of income for more families around here. He worked for several years in italy. He saved up some money, came home and began farming work. Come up against it was almost, you know, he started with a roni of berries 5 years ago before branching out his venture is proving to be a success in july, his product was certified as organic by an agency in germany. And thats something hes very proud of, you know, when youre going to be undergoing a part of the film for the sick with the i dont use fertilizer. Everything is just the same as up in the mountains. The bacteria in the soil and the humans. They make the plants strong. Cash he doesnt need to do any marketing. Customers come to him to buy his produce. Hes been experimenting with a number of crops, red love apples, for example. Very recent cultivar with red flesh resistant to disease. Mayer has been mia and goji berries from china. They thrive here too. Ok, she also sells cuttings to those who want to emulate him. Passing on llama, i would love to see others do precisely that. He collaborates with local foresters, veterinarians, and agronomists. They advise small hold farmers in the mountains, for example, on how to get a bank loan purchase livestock, or set up a Market Garden to corrupt, correct nick nature park is a lovely place to hike. But visitors are few and far between because of the pandemic, lockdowns and travel restrictions, the people and flocks who live here are pretty much alone. There are many feeder is a shepherd. He has a hard time making a living. But unlike many of his contemporaries who go abroad, he wants to stay on llama often comes up here to the mountain pastures to talk to the locals. Find out what problems they face and help work on solutions you. They say its getting harder and harder to find places for their flocks to graze. The numbers of the sheep is decreasing every year. And lets say have taken over the past or the length of the basra area. This is the main problem that they are losing significant part of its a vicious circle. Im ready for spends the summer months up in the mountains. They spend the winter down in the village. Amorous mother doesnt need to worry about her son. He learned everything he knows from her. He knows he doesnt lead a comfortable life like people in the city. But he also knows that he has a lot more than his family did 100 years ago. I dont know. Of course i would like to have a big car, but you have to make a choice. If you love this kind of life up here as i do, then you cant go and live in a big city there. Still its tough tending sheep or growing crops here, and our aim for the next series that we need to support these activities and these families in order that they can, lets say, profit from the, from this that the view that they are doing. This is the main, i mean, think its often easier to make money abroad than to continue farming. Here. The area might be beautiful, but without jobs or prospects, young people will continue to go away. Far away. Now with street artist and better mindful of the wall street thought she creates works of art out of garbage to have people been face to face and understand the impact of all that is trashed. Lets take a look. Oversized sculptures, looking good enough to eat block the sidewalk, where passers by can stumble over them. Street artist, floor car makes installations out of junk. She set up her workshop in a suburb of paris. This is where she prepares her project. She got the idea for the series from the many discarded mattresses shed seen in atlanta using an old mattress as everywhere with me, its almost become an obsession. I absolutely had to develop a concept that had something to do with all that studied art at the sub on university in paris and developed an interest in waste products of all kinds. Our consumerist and Throwaway Society is the central theme of her works. Trash is transformed into a piece of cake. These objects attract peoples attention because they look at the top. And at the same time theyre familiar. That ones an old mattress that people once found disgusting or just overlooked, becomes interesting. And thats what fascinates me, that people will look at something they didnt originally want to see her transience objects of art pop up all over the city. Couldnt imagine making them for an art gallery. Here i can set out on my own and create really big objects with just my bare hands and to barricade the ears of all most interesting that this is even possible on the street. It wouldnt have any meaning for me in a room. The contact with people just isnt the same song for most of my search for junk, mainly took me into the multicultural, knows gravitas, trends with people dont have such ready access to the are the more you have since lost cause words stand in public spaces. They can be classed as public property. As such, they can be taken away by the trash pickup at any time. Then its not a matter of keeping an object around as long as possible. Im interested in whether i can actually complete it since how long it will survive and what reactions. In the end, all that law has left of her projects are the photos for our planet to be in good health, not only for us, but for our children and our childrens children. The stain of all we of life is a requirement i hope to be useful and all us children equal india have given you the inspiration to work towards a lady with that you again next week until then. Good bye. And what keeps us in shape . What makes us sick on top of my name is dr. Carson, because i talk to medical experts, watch them at work, and i discuss what you can do to improve your health. Stay tuned and lets all try to stay good news on the road building. Boom, nina, and enhancing for china, a self declared climate change. Trailblazer growth is what counts. Most of all and it feel to balance the minor detail in order to guarantee work. During the pandemic, many projects have been approved put out an ecological impact assessment. This doesnt match up, so how does it work to be 3000 in 60 minutes to start the upshot. Lets turn to my coming from a poor family to become president. And the challenges are credible story starts december 10th. Welcome to in good shape coming up. Veggie pills. Could broccoli protect you from sunburn . Faux tapeworm. How dangerous is this parasite to humans and shingles . How to treat this painful skin rash . Now heres your host dr. Coston like. Hello and welcome to that you have a good chicken pox when you very kid and its healed. Well, thats good, but dont be too sure about it. Because 95 percent of the worlds population still carry the virus inside the body. And this can lead to shingles, which can be a dangerous disease. And this is what im going to talk about this. Is he going in at the institute of fire up shes saying its going to be very painful and can decrease your quality of life. But not with this effect that can protect you from seeing that more than 50 percent of the patients who suffer from shingles are over the age of 60 like the patient. Now an extra pot of skin is red and inflamed with small blisters, some of them crusted over intervening because got shingles. 2 days ago she started treatment other dermatological clinic. Her doctor examines her and checks or pain levels regularly in 08 and 10 is the worst pain you can imagine. At the beginning, it was a 10 like fire, just like someone was holding a match to my skin. Yesterday it was 10. Today, its about 7. C. Its very typical for shingles that only one side of the body is affected and the rash occurs in a localized area. Shingles, also known as herpes zoster is a viral infection. While the symptoms appear on the skin, the root cause of the illness is deep inside the body. Shingles is triggered by the same virus that causes chicken pox. After a patient recovers from chicken pox, the virus retreats to the nerve tissue near the spinal cord. Made them be reactivated when the patient is weakened, causing it to multiply and produce a rash on the skin. In the aftermath, the nerves are of course, the pathways along which the virus spreads towards the skin. So these neural pathways are affected too. And thats where you get the pain. Shingles often occur when the immune system is weakened or the individual is under stress. Vinegars, husband is seriously ill. So she has to organize his nursing care. But she also recently lost her son. She was planning a trip to thailand to attend his funeral. I had everything organized and thought id managed it. I didnt realize that id actually ever done it. I thought about herpes zoster is not the same as the more commonly known, oral herpes, which is less serious, largely tests can show what form of herpes the patient has. The shingles is not treated correctly or in time it can cause lasting damage. It is another complication, is that shingles may lead to post or protect neuralgia, and that means the infection is over, but the patient continues to suffer pain, which may be considerable. Treatment includes medications, skin creams and painkillers. They reduce the risk of patients suffering from chronic pain. Theres a dedication to tell, i would have got it totally wrong. I thought you dont take pills for every pain, but that would have been a mistake. She also receives an infusion 3 times a day with antiviral medication. That stops the virus from spreading in just under a week, her rush begins to heal the risk of a 2nd outbreak of shingles is relatively slim, so thered be nothing stopping her from flying to thailand. She added, so im going to bury my son. Now. No matter what happens, im determined to do this, but in future ill take better care of myself to intervene because back on her feet. But its likely to be a few weeks before she recovers fully was assured, we just learned that many patients who had an outbreak of shingles are older than 60 years old. But some of them obviously are younger than 60 years old. Are there any reasons that there will be an operative change within a patient . Yes, they are. Especially if the immune system is not working properly. For example, of transplantation of organs, the immune system is suppressed and the virus can reactivate from the nerve cells and can disseminate and that is a danger and that can cause severe problems. Could you summarize the main symptoms for the main symptoms of first of all pain . Its possible that it comes 1st, then you have, you know, x. And team or police steers 1st year olds. And then that disappears, but the pain can persist and thats causing huge problems in elderly people. And therefore you have to treat those people. Are you as a doctor able to treat pain and what is a problem . Its possible to treat pain, you have trucks, and you have certain trucks that its a little bit weaker than others, and you start with weaker trucks and then if theyre paying us and disappear, then you have Even Stronger trucks that so yes, theres a scheme that helps you to treat those patients with pain that persists shingles. Very dangerous to the patients. I mean those blisters, right . Its the painful, but there are some city cases. It depends on the, on the localisation of shingles. If you get in the face for example, then you have problems because that is a situation in which it can be destroyed and that has to be treated. And shingles can even be life threatening. Can. They can be life threatening. For example, in immunosuppressed people patients, the liver can be affected or the lung can be affected, or even the Central Nervous system that can then destroy those important organs. And that is a really serious situation. Lets focus a bit on prevention. There are certain vaccines you can give to patients and that they wont get shingles. Can you give this to patients who already had shingles . Yes, this is possible, although one has to mention that single, its usually dont. We rarely so about 5 percent of patients with shingles. Get a 2nd attack so to speak, but you can immunize those people so you can give them the scene and that to prevent their 2nd attack. Yes, indeed. All his show is seen worldwide and there are certain countries which dont have it seems against shingles. There any other preventive measures they could take and some countries, there are National Vaccination programs for Young Children because as you know, probably the 1st of people with this causes chicken pox. And that is a disease the Young Children get. And later on, the virus persists and later on in older age you get then shingles. So people older than 60 especially. Ok, that was its the same virus. So if you sedate those Young Children, its not a big scene. Its a life scene. But if you back those children say, dont all very rarely get shingles. So that is also some kind of measurement to prevent the old prick of shingles. Its a very good deal with the Young Children that they dont get shingles. And when they get that, you cannot take the vaccine and give it to patients the chicken pox vaccine. The chicken pox vaccine has been tried. I mean there was another vaccine life seeing that coat. And that was the 1st effect seen available against shingles. It was just a higher dose of that scene that has been been given to children, but this life is not as efficient as the socalled sup unit. That is now used for prevention of shingles is going to only occur on the skin or destroy an eyeball. It can be nearly anywhere in the body, couldnt, that is true. The most frequent localisation is here on the trunk. And you can get, of course, also by the, you know, in the literally and also if youre immunosuppressed, the liver can be affected or the printing can be affected or the lung can effect. But usually that is the most frequent. You can the situation here on the truck and one site, but its not only a disease of the skin and of the nurse because its painful. Recent Research Suggests that it can only also increase the risk for getting stroke or heart attack. This. Indeed, studies have clearly demonstrated that the risk for stroke or Myocardial Infarction is off to the source or shingles. And that is probably due to the fact that the wires can multiply in the wall of the vessels and this is causing inflammation. And therefore the loon of the vessel is getting smaller and you get less blood in the certain areas of the praying. All of the heart muscle and that is causing damage. So yes indeed. This possibility, she knows is a reactivation of a chicken pox. And fictional young, they get it your childhood. But even if you didnt have chicken pox during being a child, can you develop shingles . As well, without chicken pox, there are no shingles. Thats not possible, but you can get chicken pox later. Thats adult and this is much more severe the deceaseds but as i say it without chicken pox is not possible. Thanks so much for this interesting talk. So if you havent been vaccinated against chicken pox or against shingles, you should do so. And in the meantime, write us an email in good shape for your Weekly Health show on t w covers many aspects of health care. We look at whats new in medical treatment, nutrition, fitness and beauty. We discuss these topics in depth with specialists and give you the chance to pose your own questions. So do get in touch my most favorite part of the show is not me talking. Its watching the reports, like the next one. Philip needs a crown, a routine dental treatment. But this time its a little different. Phillips crown is being prepared using a special 3 d. Procedure. This is one of the color, this is my 1st crown. And i basically decided to have it made this way because its much quicker because its i wont have to wait weeks for it or longer for the home of all. The 1st step is a dental impression. Usually this is done with a kind of paste that solidifies in the patients mouth, but here the dentist places a camera inside the mouth and takes a digital impression. The computer then makes a 3 d. Model of the teeth and designs a perfectly fitting crown. The patient can have a say in things like color the computer chooses between various different sizes of ceramic block to make the crown from the block is then inserted into the machine which chisels it down to the custom shape required mostly make crowns 80 percent of what we make or crowns, so we can also use this process to make small dental bridges and fillings that are created externally and inserted called inlays. And it takes no longer than 15 minutes to create the crown. The dentist then checks that it fits and makes a few more small adjustments by hand until its perfect. He then adds the color and place to the crown and prepares it for the final step called firing. The brand new ceramic crown is super heated in a special oven. After about half an hour, its ready to come out and is left to cool enough. Even more modern technique is 3 d. Printing a machine built to the crown layer by layer based on digital data. More experience and training is required before the technology can be introduced into the industry. We can work use really good crowns now with digital technology. Whether we end up using the 3 d. Printer or the milling machine is a whole other question, but its doable without a doubt as well. So smaller depicting a last minute come to crown can now be inserted and fixed in place with the special a taste of the ceramic material is at least as durable as a conventional crown. It takes roughly 2 to 4 hours to produce an insert it. But its too early to predict the procedure time. Exactly

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