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Immunized group. And so thats how you get the 95 its just 95 percent, which is really good because the other Team Last Week by pfizer was around 90 percent. So were getting more data that we could. This virus is ok so that this all sounds like good news. One of the things that people are going to be concerned about is the speed at which these things are going to be a big developed. Normally, it takes years for these things to develop to hit the market with done this in less than a year. So does that mean that safety is being compromised or, or what has happened to allow this to happen so quickly . Yes, safety is not in for anything. Were actually slowing it down in terms of base 3 trials. Remember a couple months ago we were trying to speed up politically and i was not good. Whats actually happening is 8. The money is now flowing at a much faster rate. Were in the middle of a global pandemic. Really Financial Resources are readily available. And in terms of infection, vaccines rely on a natural infection in the community to observe. And then, then you can conclude. And in certain ways the infections are soaring across the world as you know. And that actually allows you can actually see the effects much more quickly, but i do want more and these are theory, preliminary results. Theres 30000 people and you need to follow them for months and years. So these are just a early signals, but its promising. Now how long the immunity last that we have to see and how many people will take it. Thats the other concern, because you could have a 100 percent effective vaccine. If only half the people take it on half as effective, prove. So if you have to follow the if it steps are set to follow the results for months and years, what does that say when manufacturers are hoping to get this out of the market and into peoples arms or whatever in the next a month or so . Yes, so i think in terms of racing to get it out we, we know that in terms of the early thing, some of the months and years were trying to answer is, does it have, for example, immunity that lasts for months and years. Thats the long term unity question. Doesnt protect you 2 years down the road. Thats what takes much longer. And in terms of, you know, severe events, the fact that all all 11 servier events observed or were in the Placebo Group or none in the immunized group. Thats actually a really good sign, so, you know, well see more get more safety data in the coming month or 2. And if downtowns out well, which is a car, looks pretty good. Then we can start rolling it out. And then for a long term immunity, well have to wait and see. Well, good talking to this at the solex. Very, very hopeful. Thank you so much for joining us at a cafe golding, theres an epidemiologist and health economist. Thank you. We want to look as our germany is about to see stricter coronavirus or restrictions as infection numbers remain stubbornly. High. Chancellor merkel is Holding Virtual meetings with leaders of the countrys 16 states to discuss the next steps. Partial lockdown measures were introduced 2 weeks ago and force the closure of bass, restaurants, regimes, and gyms. Despite this numbers of new cases have not dropped significantly. According to germanys Public Health body new infections rose by nearly 11000 on monday. And heres a look at some of the other developments in this pandemic. The number of u. S. Cases has now passed 11000000 the highest in the world, the death tolls maybe 250000. Sweden is limiting public gatherings to 8 people following a surge in new cases. As we can, has taken a different approach to most countries under voided lockdowns relying instead on voluntary measures and from state New Zealanders will have to wear masks on public transport in all planned and on planes. Nationwide. This follows several small outbreaks in oakland for well, the European Union is facing a fresh political crisis after poland and hungary blocked the a use a new long term budget. 1. 8 trillion a euro package was due to come into effect on the 1st of january and includes a 750000000000 euro coronavirus rescue deal. A youth leaders finalized agreement last week, but poland and hungary have you know, objected to a new mechanism that would tie funding to respect for the rule of law. The 2 countries fear this would mean in the e. U. Withholding billions in brussels accuses poland and hungary, of eroding Judicial Independence and media freedoms. So what are the likely ramifications for the e. U. . I asked brussels correspondent barbara valle, normal negotiating is over and it has never happened before at this point in time that the e. U. Budget had been vetoed. There was always a lot ahead going and going back and forth. But after the summit and after the European Parliament has said, ok, we agree on this or that package that was it done deal, but this time now the both countries are now sort of really sticking, putting a stick into the spokes at the very last moment. What happens now is that they can be found Technical Work around the european budget can just continue on the basis of last year for a while. And the Corona Recovery Fund can buy a complicated procedure made into a different type of contract that only 25 european governments agree upon. But all this is going to take time and create a major headache. Everybody is really angry about those 2 and on thursday we will see what happens because theres going to be a Virtual Summit of the european leaders. And they might very well sort of gang up on hungary and on poland and say, do not to do this unless we will really tell you what will happen next year in other issues. If you block this now, bob revisal in brussels. Well take a look now at some of the other stories making headlines around the world, the leader of ethiopia, that region has urged the u. N. And the African Union to condemn ethiopia for using high tech weaponry, including drove them said its military offensive against the region. The 2 week conflict threatens trigger a civil war that could destabilize the region. Moldovas Electoral Commission says the president ial election has been won by pro e. U. Challenge at maya sound. You should replace the moscow batting, cumbered evil dog on a former soviet republic of moldova gained independence in 1901, and has close historical, cultural, and linguistic ties to neighboring romania, 1200 migrants arrived in the Canary Islands over the weekend. Although as you say, more than 40 wooden boats made the journey from from western africa, the Spanish Islands have seen a surge of migrant crossings. This year. 17000 have arrived since january and the government in armenia is under a new pressure over peace deal that requires it to hand over territory to azerbaijan. The agreement ended 6 weeks of fighting over the unicorn of karabakh region. Armenias foreign minister has announced his resignation. Meanwhile, as the by john has agreed to extend the deadline from a need to withdraw from a disputed district by 10 days. Residents of a cow bhajan district began a mass exodus ahead of sundays initial deadline. As by john said, it was postponed, postponing the deadline for humanitarian reasons, and denounced the burning of homes by a medians leaving the area, the extension fathers, and of people from media and mediation from russian president vladimir putin. He brokered the deal and has put Russian Troops on the ground to enforce it. Well, they w correspondent, emily show, in attended the latest to protest in the armenian capital and told us what was going well, were here in the center of yerevan where several 100 protesters have gathered to call for the call question on the Prime Minister here to resign. They have been chanting leave, they have been chanting, that is a traitor. After all people here in armenia, many people see the peace deal that crushing on signs last week with azerbaijan and representatives of russia as well as the capitulation. And they say that himself is personally responsible for the huge loss of life that armenia saw in the past few weeks of fighting in and around not go in a car bomb over 2300 soldiers were killed on the armenian side alone. And today weve seen some consequences from these ongoing protests that have been happening in year of on the foreign minister of armenia resigned. But pushing yon today into how the press conference and spoke in the parliament. And he doesnt seem to be resigning anytime soon. One of the police, so theres actually a Holding House that has the fighting stopped. This cease fire has been holding so far. There were previous cease fires that broke almost immediately and fighting, continued. But now russian peacekeepers are on the ground in the territory and are arriving as been arriving in the past few days. And armenia in the coming days and weeks will be handing over territories that have so far been under armenian control. Even they were, even though they are azerbaijan, according to international law. And weve seen and heard reports as well, of people kind of burning their houses in those territories because they dont want their ease arriving as areas to have anything at all. So they were, sentiment continues, even if the fighting has ended so many show it in the i mean capital you are about i was just 6 weeks until christmas. Santa claus has found his way to shopping malls across the united states. But even he has to deal with tight restrictions during this ongoing pandemic, and find ways to say jolly well social distancing this well in bridgeport, connecticut. He says he has to sit behind a glass screen that everyone can still join in the festive spirit. And despite the years changes, hes still checking whether kids have been naughty or nice and theres still a chance for a souvenir, santa selfie. Its time to remind you of our top story at this hour. Theres been another promising breakthrough in the hunt for a covered 19 fancy u. S. Drug makers of the douglas say 6. Periodontal vaccine has a success rate of nearly 95 percent. Its a chill up to date, sophomore view of the top of the hour. And that didnt use a covered 19th special news up next, im going to the fight against the corona virus pandemic has the rate of infection been developing. What does the latest research say . Information and contacts the coronavirus update coming 19 on t w. How does a virus spread . Why do we have it . And when well just through the tax and weekly radio show is called spectrum. If you would like information on the coronavirus or any other science topic, you should really check out our podcast. You can get it wherever you go. Your podcast can also find us at science. The worst possible choice for doctors treat yosh when they have to decide which critical patients to admit to an intensive care unit, and which to turn away to most probably die. It happened in the 1st wave in bed. Other countries may be faced with the same situation in the 2nd wave intensive care units are nearing capacity and some Health Care Workers are at their limits. Too many people get sick. Getting the right care may be out of reach for the hospitals this time. Well this next belgian hospital, the c h u has reached its limit. Its transferred at least 40 patients to other hospitals within the country and abroad. The hope is that other european nations remain in a position to help out, and that Health Care Systems arent suddenly overwhelmed. The start of a journey that could help safe lifes this. Babson covert 900 patients is about to be transferred to a hospital in germany. 1st patient for today is quite easy for us because hes nothing to be to say that is so hes grieving, but you have to money for everything. Part fills the car to forget the Blood Pressure in the countries and some of the patients and everything off. So thats a little bit challenging unless such a small of the 359 year old. Freddy needs intensive care support with the wards filling up here in years. He volunteered for transfer to monster in north west germany, because he can speak german and he gets how are you . Im fine, thank you for sharing transferred friday worse. The breathing mask. This plastic covering his mentor, protect him and everyone around him. Belgium has become the epicenter of europes 2nd, coronavirus space. Yashin, the french speaking part of the country, has been hit especially hard. That too many sick people, not enough bats. Doctors here fear that soon have to decide who will get treated and who wont go on it if the you hoping their European Countries and we normally have all they need to say should patients, we dont want to do worse than we usually do at the moment were still managing, but our biggest fear is that in a couple of weeks well no longer be able to cope to help prevent such a situation, belgium has and is unpredictable and could change at any time. We have very happy that we can help at this moment in time is to have to pass it in belgium, competitive capacities. Im nearing the possibility its so good that were going to have known as in the set perhaps in the future. Germans have to come to belgium for the all the question of european for the veritie. Its good neighborhoods and its really a close call and insist over now or friday. And the crew will have arrived on the other side of the bullet are providing some relief for the hospital here, yash, which is now able to take in another covert 900 patient. The death toll is still rising in belgium, but there are fewer bad talk applied by covert patients than during the peak over, a week ago. You wouldnt. Factions are rising in the u. K. , but they stay constant in italy and spain and even fallen slightly in germany. And by a lot in france, lets bring in get moxon anesthesiologist and head of the pop out of intensive Care Medicine and intermediate carrot and university hospital. Based on those trends, would you say europes 2nd lockdown is starting to work . Yes, i think this is fair to say because we had to do rise this in the, at the end of the week, but its not an exponential rise anymore. So we have sort of a plateau and we have to see the next days. But obviously these are the 1st on the grounds of the successful lockdown. And what about the hospital situation is, is europe doing a better job of handling hospitalizations in this 2nd wife . It is more difficult this time because we have more stuff, you know, almost sickness and current seeing. But yes, i would say so because were trying to be open and ready for taking any patient but also due to the other operations which are necessary as well. So its sort of the other way around, is that not . Not as bad as far as the patient situation goes, but as far as stuffing goes more of a challenge, is that what youre saying . I mean, they were the patients early in the immortality of our ventilator. He said gently, well, its 50 percent in the 1st wave. And i mean, we have done a lot of research and we have now a lot of experience how to handle these patients, how to protect our stuff. So i do hope that the, the outcome of the 2nd wave, its got to also we have some medication out xom it as though. And then daisy via really do more anticoagulation and if hopefully less and some both this but still very sick patients and its very difficult to treat them and they always need very long time to treat. So the duration of treatment is its really weeks in i. C. U. So this is very unusual. Will it come to triology again in europe like in back to my italy . Well, i am happy to on does that for at least for germany, i do not expect that we will have the situation of tree os because we have still a couple of thousands empty beds available. We have 12000 emergency capacity evade ago, which is then obviously needs stuff from other parts of the hospitals. But having no this flattened current and lined. I mean i do expect that we have more. We have today, 3400 i. C. U. Patients. Every school with 9000 treated in germany. I do expect more, but we will not be in the situation of 3 hours because our politicians, our government has done the knocked on measurements early enough. So germany is in a good position. Would you say to help out other countries when it comes to taking patients . And thats where this way, i mean its not that we have even the largest get the city is in has an end. But obviously in europe we need to support it. And for an example, yeah. And also hysteria. There is that the only us, you know, as we do in minsk that theres no Coordination Center for dutch and belgian patients. So whenever these 2 countries need support, they go to directly to this, to our colleagues and, and theyre looking with out patient bed capacities available. And at least these patients to these hospitals. Which makes sense along those border areas, of course, here in europe and in germany, tell us what the doctors and nurses learn the 1st time around whether 1st time around was quiet and use a situation because it was a new virus, a new disease. It was basically everybody was afraid of getting the vices ourself, keeping in mind that in italy, for example, in the 1st mate around 50 percent of the head of the stuff in the hospital is infected. And so we had to learn how to protect ourselves and what are the specifics of these patients. Now we are basically in a more robust and experience situation and i really our teams are doing and super job because theyve basically that just finished their 1st months on. And now then the middle of the 2nd one and they so its really tough, but theyre doing a super job and treating these patients day and night. 247. And its really great. Its good to hear. And also good to know that hospitals themselves, a safer places. What, what do we need to do to be ready for the next pandemic . I know its very early to ask, but what do we need to do . Weve learned a lot of lessons already from this pandemic. Yes, youre right. We learned a lot and we have to make sure that when the pendennis all will be, we still remember that we, we had to learn our lesson and bring this all into reality. So one example is that we need more stock basically fall the protection for medication and trucks. We probably need in europe, at least production sites, both of these carry in cotton and crucial stuff. And not only a production side as well in the world, maybe in china already. And also what we need more and more network. So i think this pandemic really did point out that we need to make more out of the potential of the digitization. So we need it. For example, in intensive care, we need national and European Networks as a party, like we do it here with telemedicine for an example. To make it really happen that the same quality of care is basically delivered elsewhere in europe and a pox on university hospital. Thank you. Very much for your time today. My pleasure. Take care. U. S. Says its experimental vaccine is 94 and a half percent effective in preventing the new coronavirus. A late stage trial involves 30000 adults including many high risk or elderly people. In alice is based on 95 infections among it to spencer received either the vaccine or of those only 5 infections occurred in those who receive the vaccine, which is administered in 2 shots about a month, a pot. And that now has you over to our science correspondent, Eric Williams has been looking into the questions youve been sending us on our you tube channel. What about long term complications . Disabilities in the future. Doctors or especially worried about the impact of heart damage in patients. Tissue death and storing there is permanence and poses Lifelong Health issues will obviously only know the long term effects of covert 19, all survivors when much more time has passed. But there are already indicators that those effects will be significant. The doctor who treated british Prime Minister Boris Johnson last spring called the disease, this generations polio. Its a sobering prediction that implies that he at least expects Long Term Disability related to cope with 19 to grow common, and lots of other experts agree with them. Ive been fizzling for any other developments on the dot com slash w. s crime fighters are back on the lookout for those most successful radio drama series continues to burn. The only persones are available online, and of course you can share and disco song, w, africas facebook, and other social media platforms. Crime fighter 2 mean, you know, when you hear us were going to do you and how the last 2 years german chancellor will bring you an angle out man, or as youve never hard to have a surprise to. So with the broadest possible who is magical, really, what moves home some who talk to people who followed her along the way. I admire those. Im critics, a lot of hours the worlds most powerful woman shaping her legacy. Joining us from eccles law stops here and this is state of the news africa on the program today. The escalating conflicts in the horn of africa, ethiopia, and federal troops all say it should be nearing victory as they battle the dolls with forces loyal to the t. P. M. Live in to grab a. But are they fighting alongside Eritrean Forces . And if so, why is there a tray involving itself in this conflict

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