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Welcome to the program. German carmakers will get more money from the states in a meeting with top executives of the industry. German chancellor Angela Merkel promised companies another 3000000000 euros in state aid. The sector is grappling with plummeting sales in the pandemic. The prospect of Higher Mission standards and accelerating shifts towards electric mobility. The incentives include 1000000000. 00 euros to extend a 2 a 2025, a consumer rebate rebate for buying electric cars that had been planted and next year another 1000000000 euros will be used for a scrapping program for older trucks. And the government will also established a 1000000000 euro fund to finance innovation and transformation and germanys leading export industry. Now the Automotive Industry also wants more support for charging stations to make driving in the car. More convenient, right now when it comes to talking stations 400000, drivers in europe, germany is and 3rd place still far behind nations such as norway or the netherlands, but ahead of countries like italy and greece. Now, earlier i spoke to peter fenn full of the outs on consultancy, and i wanted to know whether it was a good idea to fork out even more state aid to a sector that seems to simply have been late to the party. Good morning. So definitely yes, if you look at the german Automotive Industry, which is millions of jobs in direct me directly employed, its absolutely not only right, but its always absolutely necessary to support that industry to keep industry in its transformation. What do you make of the fact that the states doubling its purchase incentive on manufacturers are not having to pitch in more . Definitely demand a fixture is the need to understand the situation of not only deal with ems, but also off the supplier industry. And this is potentially the biggest crisis to have a faced in their 100 plus years history. So if you look at the at to program is to boost electric vehicles and not only support them but also push them to a transformation to electric mobility. I think that mishas, i read that balanced, and if you look what it is stake, it absolutely makes sense to do build on the success of to programs like the new box. You want to extend it and to help to notch to market in the right direction. And it said it, its there s 3 players who need to play in india to make it successful. Its the government, its the industry itself. And of course its the consumers. So we need measures in all 3 levels to make this a challenge success not only for the child, but also the reach to climate goals of the European Union and of the federal republic of germany. Now if we look at the ema building sector, obviously the big job or not here will german carmakers be able to catch up with this additional Financial Support from the state . Definitely the answer is a definite yes. If you look at the clip, acknowledge shes like the electric power train drive state that the german industry has not forgotten how to build excellent cars. So you can tick tick off all as if you look at the product pipeline, what is right on the market . What is coming in the next 2 years, the german industry has a compelling offer for, for many, many, many consumers and consumer groups. So thats fine. In terms of source to clearly, there is a big fuss about tesla. Some things are really very good. What this law has done in the past, but the german industry as a whole has fully understand what is behind his fully under taken on the challenge of digitalisation. And they are really working hard on it. So i would say there is a very fair chance that the chairman industry can catch up and potentially overtaken some segments. Could a friend of all time consult the same . Thank you for results. Now obviously fossil agone as the worlds biggest carmaker is to directly benefit from any state help, but the company has also Just Announced it will invest more into electric mobility, 73000000000 euros. In the coming years to be precise, the companys c. E. O. Says yes it is going to be a race with tesla. Wanted to know how fossil agonise fairing so far. The fully electric vokes, wagon id 3 goes from 0 to 100 Kilometers Per Hour in 8 seconds. The compact car starts at 36000. 00 euros it boasts a range of 360 kilometers and a top speed of over 200 Kilometers Per Hour. This promotional video highlights the tesla model 3. The midsize car is the companys most inexpensive model, but still not available in europe. It has a bit more range, but cost 7000. 00 euros more. With this id 3 and other models folks wagon aims to break through the hype surrounding tesla, which currently leads the electric Vehicle Market in sales in the eastern german city of speak, oh v. W. Is refitted an entire factory to produce electric cars. This plant alone can produce 300000. 00 electric cars annually. It could soon overtake teslas total production. V. W. Is known for its combustion engines, but will the company be willing to convert more factories for electric Vehicle Production . We are already planning our next factory ended will also be able to produce electric models including the id in china. It will be extremely fast as always v. W. Is aiming to be climate neutral by 2050. It has been equipping combustion vehicles using similar Modular Systems like this one for a long time. Modular construction of many car brands under one roof is a key reason for v. W. Use worldwide success. Now the company is putting that system to use in the production of electric cars. 346 people lost their lives in 2 fatal crashes of boeings 737 max airliner in the last 2 years of the nightmare. And their crash has triggered a hail storm of investigations. Alstad executives and calls boiling some 20000000000. 00 after more than one and i have years on the ground, the 737. 00 max could now take off again. Hundreds of people lost their lives in 2 separate. Boeing, 737 max crashes just months apart. That led to the grounding of the models, entire fleet in march 2019. But now it looks like the planes could soon be airborne in the u. S. Again, the countrys federal Aviation Administration is expected to lift its grounding order on wednesday. In particular will not approve the plan for return to Passenger Service until im satisfied that weve got a quote we address all of the known safety issues that played a role. d in the tragic loss of 346 was the regulator and bearing were found to have made a horrific culmination of failures that led to the crashes. A recent investigation in the us found fault with boeing, engineers, a lack of transparency in company management, and grossly insufficient oversight by the f. A. A. The aircraft will still rely on software linked to the 2 crashes, but the regulator is demanding new training to hand lead. Inspectors will check the jets in person before a flight significant is granted. The 1st flights could be as early as this year. American airlines has planned a 737 max flight from new york to miami every christmas. Boeing will certainly welcome the news of it as the go ahead, but amid a shop drop in demand during the pandemic, a new european terrorists getting the fleet ready might be a scramble and now to some of the other Global Business stories, making the news 2 thirds of German Companies are convinced, working from home will play a bigger role in day to day life. Even after the pandemic. Thats according to a survey by deloitte. They found a majority of companies are ready to invest in whole office infrastructure, hoping it will cut, cut off his rental costs. South korean car maker him day is facing a lawsuit over electric vehicle batteries, owners of the recalled kona evie have filed a class action demanding compensation after a string of fires. The move comes as g. M. Recalls 70000 cars powered with the same batteries. Palm oil is everywhere, its and half of the goods we buy at the supermarket, indonesia and malaysia produce 85 percent of the worlds supply. Now for female plantation workers, the relentless demand for the oil comes at a high price. An a. P. News investigation has uncovered dangerous working conditions and even sexual abuse. Vast swathes of borneo are holding to the most vast a tile unsought off to oil in the world through an army of invisible woman 3 king. They have box harvesting Palm Oil Plants for just 2. 00 per day, and a lifetime of Devastating Health problems for it and that we can feel pain in our stomach and hips as we have to carry 20 kilos. Chemical tanks. Its also cost for many of the women borderless, colorless, long lasting. The oil inside the palm, fruit is in high demand, often finding its way into so, deodorant, and cosmetics that make up the 500000000000. 00 Global Beauty industry. To satisfy soaring demand, Oil Producers rely on intensive toxic Pesticide Use with little protects of equipment through the want to get them. And i think any month on our findings, in column one tonne showed female workers got pneumonia or were blinded by the past aside. But it also happened in sumatra where one was contaminated by habit sites and the company wouldnt take any responsibility. Women are also vulnerable to sexual abuse. One described an attack from her boss that went unpunished by police. First of all, he harassed me. Then when we were at the plantation, he began to threaten me by saying, if you dont give me your body, i will chop your neck with this axe. And then he started to open my shirt and write to me. When he finished, he spat on me. She now lives with the consequences, another victim of the world, unrelenting consumption of palm oil, and the rest of our program for the war. There was a walk im doing. All right, so i dont, you dont need dot com business for simply follow our solutions. You know, im Chris Caldwell in bowling for me and the entire team. Thanks for watching. And yourself a success of the fight against the corona virus. Pandemic as the rate of infection in developing. What does the latest research say . Information and contacts the coronavirus update. 19 on t. W. How does a virus spread . Why do we panic . And will consider through the tax and a weekly radio show, its called spectrum. If you would like and information on the crown of virus or any other science topic, you should really check out our podcast. Wherever you are podcast, you can also find us and one slash science Contact Tracing is vital in breaking the chain apps through some of the work, but much of it is manual. Covert rate surge keeping track of endless lists of contacts is almost impossible. When the numbers are going up, so fast and indications are so large that the system is simply not functioning well anymore. Experts say thats not an argument against Contact Tracing. Rather, they say it needs to be ramped up as one example of where Contact Tracing was working. But new infections are on the rise again. And critics like the government reports from the city of 60000000. 00 in which the corona virus is spreading. And one of the teams that are fighting to stop it was the last image on as a dentist, at least she was until the pandemic started it. Shes been a contact traces since march 1 of around 35000 in turkey. Gonna turn a book seen from here, the size of the city candy. Scary. And i sometimes wonder where this endemic is headed. But as a doctor, i have a responsibility. I try to think positively and knowing that i help people is what motivates me and keeps me going there on a tracing team manages around 10 house calls a day. They work in shifts almost around the clock. The goal is always the same track down test and isolate those who have been exposed to someone with 19 and all of this as quickly as possible. First case today is the cool x. Is all family. The mother recently tested positive. Now the father has symptoms to clear the clear, clear. If the test is positive, gergen will also try to trace his contacts. The whole family has to stay at home for the next 14 days. After each visit protective clothing has to be changed. Job is time consuming and strenuous, but its worth it. She says few countries expound at their contacts racing capacity. To the extent turkey did. These teams were keen to slowing the spread of the virus in Spring Health officials say. But now, like elsewhere in europe, the number off infections here is on the rise again. As in many other countries, peoples vigilance here has slackened in a recent survey. More than half of the respondents in turkey said the coronavirus does not affect a worry them. And critics also blame the government for this lack of concern because the Health Ministry no longer reports the number of new infections every day. But only the number of symptomatic patients john uncuffed, angelo of the opposition c. H. P. Says the government is hiding. The real scope of the pandemic is thought will the cuba cost so slim here in istanbul alone, the number of cases is 20 times higher than the tally from the ministry of health from. Im saying this with regret, but the figures and information we have given are not correct. Were going to let you know john is on her next house call. Although she does not want to take part in political discussions. She knows the debate about the numbers, but doesnt want to get involved. That more and more people disregard the coronavirus rules frustrates her being, which is surely good. It makes me sad. We are putting so much effort into this. But whats the point . If so many act as if nothing can happen to that one. And if this doesnt change that, we wont see an end to this pandemic. Google hopes that she will soon be able to work as a dentist again. But she also knows that her new job will be needed for quite a while also be escorted is director of the institute of Public Health it good to have you on the show. Again, how important is Contact Tracing for your job as an epidemiologist . I think its very important, its a crucial step in fighting that and that makes so you need to have test results. Obviously the laboratories need to be in place and functioning. And then you need to have staff where actually trace track down people who may be infected, test them, and isolate them if they test positive, its a very important and crucial aspect. And what about these Contact Tracing apps . I mean, surely, we could do things so much quicker and more effectively with these apps, but do they actually help stop over 90 . There certainly is. The issue with these apps is that that they will not work on all the smartphone platforms. So you need to have a relatively new generation smartphone plus the software, not all can afford to have a smartphone. So if not all of us have a smartphone, then it already has limitations. And so thats why it can assist the process, but its not the solution to stop the pandemic. Yeah, theres already a divide there, emerging between rich and poor. What about the skeptics though . The people who just dont trust the technology . Well, theres always a, you know, you have issues in terms of the data protection, which is a very important point. But i think specially here with the germany that did a very good job in making sure that none of personal data is actually transmitted. But of course, that is a concern, and some people may feel uncomfortable. So we need to work to really make sure that people understand the importance of having this app should be available for the smartphones that we are wearing. And the importance is as well that it only functions if a certain amount of people do actually download the app. That is correct. If you dont have the, if you dont have a smartphone, the app will not realize that you are close to someone who may be infected and will not give that signal to you that you may be at risk of getting the infection or having a contact that is in fact that, so its very important that people download and work with the app, obviously that this app is actually working. And this mechanism in turn, terms of tracing with the app is actually functioning to be talking about the functionality in the effectiveness of these apps. Why, why did we get a europe wide app at the very beginning of this crisis . Thats a very good question. I think the European Union is not really taking a good steps in acting jointly. So we obviously need to have a good functional european solution. And we should have had a european app that if you travel to france or to spain of today the, any other european country that it works there as well. And not just within your local setting. How did it stand both managed to do such a good job of Contact Tracing . Initially before the 2nd wave . As you have shown, the report had mobile teams, theyre going from door to doso to say its a lot of manual work to trace to people who have been in contact with someone who is in fact that. And that really helps. As i mentioned before, its a crucial step and were doing the same job in germany. But if you reach a point where you have just too many cases, the systems just dont work anymore. Youre overwhelmed with the number of cases. And no matter how well organized you are at one point in wont be enough, you wont have enough staff, you want to have enough people on the phone. You want to have enough people on the ground where actually able to trace and test and isolate. So thats why the system works very well up to a certain threshold and then the system stops to work. Similar things happened in germany about meds and september. So would you say germany is also overwhelmed by the situation . Yes, we county overwhelmed by the situation. So were behind the way if you, if you wish, and we need to get in front of the wave and actually be able to test and trace. And thats why we having the measures in place to actually have the number of people who are testing positive in the range where we can start to trace and test an isolated again. How do you see the situation developing now in the coming weeks and months if well, what we have to understand is like the socalled lockdown is not a cure, its a reset. So to say so you reduce the number of people who are infected to a threshold where you can act with the tracing and testing and isolating. And this soon as you open up a little bit, the number will increase again. And then the point that the question is whether you can achieve a balance where you can, you are below the threshold where the can do their work and we can trace and test. And, but the risk is that you go over and then we having the issue as we have right now. So the situation of the and then make will be resolved as soon as we have a vaccine available and enough people who are vaccinated to be his core director of the institute of Public Health that are lynch. Its a thank you very much for joining us today. And the interesting stuff. Thank you for having me. Well enough from a time for you to us. The questions is our science correspondent, eric williams, which colbert 19, diagnostics are most useful from an epidemiological point of view. There are basically 3 types of diagnostics that play useful, but different roles in the fight against covert 19 and the 1st 2 are for determining whether someone has the disease or not. The Gold Standard for doing that is whats called a polymerase Chain Reaction or p. C. R. Test. And it works by amplifying tiny amounts of any viral genetic material available in a sample up to levels where it can be detected, although no test is 100 percent reliable and p. C. R. Tests are very accurate on the downside. Theyre also slow and fairly expensive, which is a drawback when numbers of cases are rising rapidly. The 2nd class of detection diagnostics called antigen tests work by detecting viral proteins directly. Antigen tests are cheaper and they can deliver a result in minutes, but theyre also less accurate than p. C. R. Tests, which is a particular problem when it comes to what are called a false negative results. Thats when people actually have the virus. But because the test says they dont, they dont isolate still the speed and low cost make antigen tests, important tools and scenarios where infections are spiking and, and a lot of people need to be tested quickly and they can often be performed on site. So samples dont have to be sent off to specialized labs. The 3rd diagnostic and the covert 1000. 00 pandemic thats playing an Important Role is whats called a serial logical test, generally called an Antibody Test which detects proteins called antibodies that form in the body. As part of the immune response, they can tell doctors if someone wasnt fact at least in the recent past, i see a logical tests also play a key role in Vaccine Development since they can show whether a candidate is having the effect that we want, which is to prompts the immune system to produce antibodies. Well yes, there, ive been fizzling for any other developments on the wires which while website dot com slash codeine take to be cool. Theyre constantly growing. Living costs are rising. Theyre becoming more densely packed in the cooler and now cities are pulsing to the beat of corona. Theyve become breeding grounds for the virus or is it the end of the world . A new beginning, city planning in the flux made in germany every 30 minutes. W. Mean one to change something. That is what haidar ali believes, im a person should come to soon as i find a solution i go through. The former minister of ecology knows this one with me for a station. This in a coal mine turned into silt. The next time, fortunately, shes not my community is more support for unions. W. The power of foreigners where i come from. I never saw the sun where it needs to have gone up, and brazil in the sun was always the man since the portuguese word for sun is masculine. When i move to germany as a 10 year old, i want to come to it on t. V. That would change how i see the world, because in germany, this family didnt seem in now but the side of a good listener, styrene a ponytail, instead of a deep voice, exterminate the guy seemed absolutely incredible. I realized how language shapes the thinking, how definitions are not only a mental image, just cut, a whole perception of the world is inside save my life and was one of the reasons i became a journalist. Im a starry talent and i use my words to help with intercultural understanding. My name is the one where you and i work and to, this is the news live from berlin. U. S. , president borders thousands of troops to leave afghanistan and iraq, fulfilling his Campaign Promise to bring american troops home from conflicts, overseas. But u. S. , military officials and nato allies are warry that this would leave a dangerous void. The extremists will explore. Also coming up power as the German Government prepares to pass legislation allowing it to enforce restrictions, curbing the spread of the corona

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