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To the scale ability on to the manufacturing and crimes and assessment, which is really a big advantage given the unprecedented need we are having. And the moment and last year i would like to highlight that also as an eco and oxford, a vaccine is also part of callbacks, which is an initiative by the savvy and the little actual to really make the Vaccines Available for low and middle income countries. So i think this is certainly a plus b. That we always been saying, unless not everybody is not safe, nobody is safe. How quickly can be rolled obvious thing that either has ordered that the doctor that is because entered now today morning is really they intervene. So we have to wait for the full data to become available and that would be presented to the regular people. Easier is called how much are they . And once that is approved, i think the anticipation is by mid december. We will have the a cool and probably rolling out into the Frontline Health workers and also care home, which is now the priority in the u. K. ,. When im going to finance university in the u. K. , thank you very much for the support player. Germany is also optimistic about its timeline for corona virus, vaccinations. The countrys Health Minister now says Vaccination Centers could be ready in mid december and stressed the importance of dealing with multiple vaccine developers. Meanwhile, the government is in discussions about how to stop the virus from spreading further over the upcoming holiday period. A glimmer of hope in germany defrost coronavirus vaccinations could take place within weeks. Sugi simply want to quickly begin to offer back to nations as soon as a vaccine is available. Unless theres a reason to believe that we can stop at the latest, at the beginning of next year. Maybe already at the end of this year. And it isnt. Yeah, it was. Vaccinations will be rolled out in 2 stages starting was vulnerable. People. The need is urgent. The latest partial lockdown has failed to cut infections. By the way, tathata belies the daily rate. It means that we have not yet managed to bring the numbers. Fact to a low level, we have basically only managed to get past the 1st step so far. Studies to stop the exponential increase of infections and we are no stable, but our numbers are still very, very high. Fight, too who wants . Patience is wearing thin, leading to end to long down protests and fears. The far right is instrumental izing tensions. But many of germanys 16 federal states are doubling down, saying the partial lockdown must be extended and intensified with tighter caps on gatherings. With christmas, just weeks away, the pressure is arm. Chancellor Angela Merkel meets state leaders on wednesday. Then, if the season time. There are some of the other developments in the make global virus cases are approaching 60000000 according to a tally by Johns Hopkins university. The global death toll stands at almost 1400000. India is planning to put off the winter session of Parliament Due to the rising number of virus cases in the capital delhi and china is testing millions of people and imposing local lock downs. After multiple new cases were discovered in 3 cities across the country last week, 3 prominent hong kong activists have been detained after pleading guilty to that involvement in last years prodemocracy protests, joshua won ivan lomond agonist due to be sentenced next week and could face up to 5 years in prison when they arrived knowing it could be their last moments of freedom, it would not freeze uprising their father sent to the me. They did haitian today. Proved correct. This prison vehicle a school. Its hong kong to baucus, the activist, joshua wong, magnus channel, and i have been led into custody after they face trial over very role in massive prodemocracy protests in 2019. Perhaps the protests wished me this day in prison, but im persuaded that neither person both know election battle is not any other arbitrary power. Will stop us from activists on the 3 were charged with all the nies ing and taking part in an authorised assembly, which carries a maximum sentence of 5 years. They decided to plead guilty after consulting with their lawyers, knowingly accepting jail time, hoping to draw global attention to what they say is a Justice System manipulated by beijing. China denies this insinuation, but says it supports the hong kong Justice System. And you wonder who the bush is not a diplomatic issue. We support the relevant departments of the Hong Kong Government to perform its duties. In accordance with the law after pleading guilty to the charges, told supporters he would not tell to beijing or surrender. Saying he wanted to demonstrate the value of freedom to the world. But our correspondent has been following this story for us from beijing. He says, the trial of 3 activists is part of the why the compay now against hong kongs prodemocracy movement. Weve seen quite a number of arrests and processes in these past few weeks. It looks very much like a campaign to intimidate the participants. And the activists of last years protests, joshua long and the 2 others are most likely going to jail. Next week. We will have the results, the final verdict of this process. They have, however, been tried under the old colonial laws under the hong kong laws by more or less independent Hong Kong Court and not under the draconian new Nation National security law. That introduces the arbitrariness of chinas legal system into this city. This would have been much worse for them, but heres billing are reporting them and didnt use asia. Well have more on that story coming up after this show. Lets now take, a look at some other stories making headlines around the world. In the u. S. , joe biden is pushing ahead with preparations for Office Despite president on the drums. Continuing refusal to concede the election media say biden will nominate Anthony Blinken as secretary of state when he announces the 1st of his cabinet picks. Lincoln served as deputy secretary of state and deputy National Security adviser during the obama administration. The Foreign Ministers of germany, france, and britain have met in berlin to discuss the future of the iran nuclear deal. The 3 countries have spearheaded efforts to keep the 2015 agreement alive after the us President Donald Trump abandoned its germany has expressed hope the new u. S. Or its version. Might we vive, be a cold. Turkey has accused germany of breaking International Law after german soldiers boarded a turkish cargo ship without requesting official permission. The soldiers intercepted the ship overnight on suspicion. It was carrying weapons to libya abandon after turkey protested to the e. U. Mission. Human Rights Groups say below as police have arrested more than 300 demonstrators in the capital, minsk, thousands protested for the 16th. Straight sunday, calling on president of example of the schenkel to step down. They accuse the president of rigging the elections in august. Government has condemned unrest that led to the burning of the countrys Congress Building on saturday. The protests were part of growing demonstrations against conservative president a for approving a budget thats sparked outrage. Most of the funds were marked for infrastructure projects, while spending on education and health care was cut in the morning after workers clean up the debris. What demolish government says protestors who set fire to the countrys Congress Building on saturday are guilty of terrorist acts. But a Human Rights Group said the Police Used Excessive force against them. At least 12 were injured and dozens of others arrested. It was was, i kept my hands raised in the air, but 358. Policemen still came and beat me. They put their boots on my head. I think there are images of that. The truth is that its just not right. We must remember that we are no longer in a dictatorship and will die. No, i mean what you write most ilia admit we had a long yesterday i was arrested for documenting the demonstration in the square. Im a documentarian and a photo journalist. I was doing my job when the Police Attacked me and illegally arrested me. But he has managed emit a little bit, and thousands of demonstrators had gathered in central Guatemala City to protest cuts in education and health care spending. The new budget was negotiated in secret and approved by congress before dawn on wednesday. Thank you. God mark want that. I had the people cant stand it anymore, is it over there . Burnt the building because theyre angry. And because the president doesnt help them and his own party, the people are needed and theyre suffering. They are hungry and in mississippi that who is going to help them eat if the president has all the money he had and i like that, but i could almost see it pass yet that theyre not going to meddle. Vice president responded to the protests with a drastic proposal for the good of the country. I have asked the president that we both present our resignation from office him as president and myself as Vice President , but we must do it together. But president aleksander refuses to step down clinging on to power despite the widespread outrage to france. Now where the government has proposed a sweeping new security bill following a series of reasons, terror attacks, among other things, the new law would make it a criminal offense to publish images of Police Officers with intent to cause them harm. That sparked an outcry among journalists unions and free speech complaints. So the reports from this french documentary, the monopoly of violence, is a hard hitting examination of Police Brutality in france released earlier this year. The film focuses on the yellow there spot tests, as well as allegations of police abuse in the suburbs. Filmmaker, david differend related footage, provided by journalists as well as ordinary citizens, posting on social media. But making a film like this may not be possible in future with the french government, proposing a new security law. Part of which cracks down on the broadcast and sharing of images of Police Officers. Differences, the law erodes basic freedoms and puts france on a slippery slope. Synfuels Police Violence has existed in france for decades, especially in the suburbs. Today its well documented, its filmed. Social media allows for the easy broadcasting of these videos. What lawmakers want to do is stop the circulation of these images, and at that point, youre not in a democracy anymore, that is only prevented it will cost the French Parliament has been debating the controversial law. One of its provisions, stipe, relates jail time and a fine of more than 50000. 00 for anyone broadcasting or sharing identifiable images of Police Officers with the intention of harming them. Its large demonstrations here in paris as well as in several other french cities. Journalist unions and Rights Groups are up in arms saying that recording officers in action is essential to being able to condemn the actions of violent offices. Many believe the law which applies to both journalists and citizens will lead to a sense of impunity, of police at demonstrations that often turn violent. I know friends who are really scared to go to demonstrations because of the violence, the rubber bullets and the tear gas used by police. And the one thing that protects us is taking a video. The law wants to protect Police Officers so that they can hit people without consequence. Journalist or journalists have been hit and injured by police, especially in the last couple of years. And until now, the Police Version of events could be question thanks to images and videos. Campaigners here fear that the new security law could have a Chilling Effect on press freedom. They say that of citizens and journalists are dissuaded from filming the police. It may make it harder to hold certain officers to account. The french government, however, says the law is necessary to protect Police Officers in the line of duty. The countrys Largest Police union, which has been pushing for the law, agrees with the government. Dotted olivier revathi says indiscriminate posting of images of officers, especially on social media, has led to a dangerous backlash. Today, several of our colleagues of victims of had a small they or their families are threatened. In certain low income neighborhoods, even find walls with the names of Police Officers saying that their daughter or their wife would be raped. Its completely unacceptable. The new law can protect and put a stop to the recent terror attacks and growing unrest. The protests have prompted the french government to take a harder line on security, but the proposed law is only expected to deepen divisions and fanned further mistrust between the police and the public. Joining us now from paris, sania, why is this law being proposed right now . Well, i think the current atmosphere in france certainly plays a role. You know, the recent terror attacks drawing on risk demonstrations. All that is certainly part of the government take a tougher line on security. But there are also commentators, you know, who say, you know, domestic politics also plays a role in this. It, you know, crystal much cause took the stance. That security is an attempt to appeal to voters of the right ahead of the next president ial election, which takes place less than a year and a half ago. But i think more broadly, the french government has defended this bill and said that, you know, restrictions, images of Police Officers. I disagree in order to protect officers and when is the families from the targeted in on line camping . Well, just to make this clear, this bill would make it a crime to circulate an image off a Police Officer with the intention that they be high. But who decides if the intention was to harm someone . Well again, or that is exactly the problem, you know, Rights Groups here, and that includes prances or human rights watchdog has said that this particular clause in the bill article 24 that you mention, this is very, very problematic because its big. Its open to interpretation and very difficult to prove because the question is really, how courts will determine whether, you know, images will stick with the, with the intent to cause harm. So i think this is problematic, and there are fears that this could be, you know, open to abuse, and ultimately this need make it harder for journalists to cover partisan demonstrations, but to leak, you know, i mean, this is not only about journalists, you know, the big applies to citizens too, and there are experts here in france will say that, you know, video to digital is very often filmed by passers by and posted on social media. What it means for the media reports. And it has also led in the past 2 to cases of Police Brutality to the fore. And there are concerns here that this may not be possible any more once the new laws but m. P. s are scheduled to vote on this bill as a whole. On tuesday it will then go to the senate. Thats friends up a house, committee expect will it pass . Well, you know, last week we saw a very heated debate in the french farm and authors. And they were lawmakers, were divided on it, especially in peaceful you know, left and centrist parties who were really concerned about the impact of this particular clause on press freedom. But that article was eventually approved after a statement was added, that it would get, you know, kind of the right to inform. But i think all this is not been really enough to, to ease the concerns of kapinos here. And i think we are likely to see, you know, for the protest against this proposed legislation in paris as well as another french cities, solid sun, a funny reporting from paris. Thank you. So ana, some sports news now and germanys Business Leader on sunday mind spooked up the 1st win of the season with a 31 victory over fellow strugglers cry, book french strikers on philip mudd to die. Was the hero for the away side. Scoring all 3 of their goals. Yeah. And maurits least as struggling mines arrived in freiburg looking for a change in fortunes. Much would depend on the form of join felipe. The strikers 4 goals in 7 games, the only bright spot in a terrible start to the campaign. And the tater showed his worth with less than 2 minutes on the clock. The frenchman charging clear before slotting home, kohli, one nil to the visitors, potato was on hand again to make it 2 nil in a 34 minutes by rival keeper, florian muller, making it far too easy for the frenchman imitator completed a stunning 1st half hat trick 5 minutes later the titanfall causing no problems for the red hot 23 year old. Freiburg got one back in the 2nd half through veteran strike and neils pieces and the 4th and final goal scored at the busy end of the pitch. In 31. 00, its ended 3 goals from the tater and a valuable 3 points for minds. World footballs governing body fifa has banned the head of the game in africa from all football duties for 5 years because of corruption. From madagascar have been hoping to win a 2nd term as African Confederation president in march. She says Ethics Committee found him guilty on a host of charges including offering and its setting gifts. And the misappropriation of funds was supported by the for president john owen. Frontino johnny and fronted up during his 2017 election campaign. He could appeal the band to the court of arbitration for sport. It is regarded as the toughest race in sailing the vandy globe. This year, some 33. 00 solo skipper set sail from france among them the 1st german to ever compete in the event that while navigating nonstop around the world is not only fighting the elements, hes also helping science to better understand global warming. In a sailboat against the elements forest hammond is the 1st german ever to compete in the van de globe. The solo nonstop race around the world is racing vessel. A state of the art sailboats with wings. It really helps. And right now were mostly flying. Were just touching the water with our foil and a little bit with the stern. Its aggressive and powerful. And in no way romantic. 2 weeks ago, 33 boats set out from france. 27 men 6 women selling 45000 kilometers off and still using autopilot. But outside help is bound to on a course heading around the cape of good hope. After that, the Antarctic Ocean awaits them with its icy temperatures and waves as high as houses. Its a 70 to 80 day solo right around the globe. Finally, the deadly cape horn, before racing back to france at speeds of up to 75 kilometers per hour. Only around half of the competitors will make it to the finish line. It was always on only live in the moment anyway, and i try not to think about how far ive still got to go. When you look at my progress on a map and i look like im calling along at an excruciating the slow, snails pace around the world. But when i look at the surface of the water and im moving pretty quickly. So i made for the races. 1st storms crops up early. Unlike a few of the other competition favorites, herman was able to bypass them unscathed, surrounded by roaring noise, snatching sleep only a few minutes at a time. This is what he has spent years training for. Hes able to move loads weighing several times with the help of nice to trim the huge sales spending to tennis courts. His butt maybe jam packed with high tech, but hes the one who has enough to get his way through the winds and rain. The packs leaders have completed around a 3rd of the route. Hammon shown as the great boats in this animation has maneuver to see explore a vessel to 6th place, but also doing his bit for sun, a little troubled waters. This research boy is set to record data on global warming. Think highly of it and i find that sailing is always a great metaphor for the power of nature and natures energy, which i think we should be trying to harness such as an other areas like wind energy, for example. And why not have cargo ships with sails . You know, youre going to fox or on this sail as endeavor. Great distances, dreams and goals lie ahead of him. Or is othello on the wrong day globe . Its a journey hell be on until at least the middle of january. Youre watching news coming up next in news asia. Just a warning to other hong kong democracy activists face prison terms after pleading guilty to incitement charges. Is this the end of the citys prodemocracy protests and the humble ink stand thats blocking the path of Digital Documents into granite. She will have these stories for you and a lot more after a short break. More world news at the top of the hours left iraq. In the meantime, theres always a web site with all the latest News Business office for the gavel, for this message at the get go to coming up. Bobby upstart rails against come up shuttling to touch it because despite coming from your family loves to become president , the could be challenges america. Those objects, the books, credible story of bobby wind starts december 10th on t. W. Were all set to go beyond the obvious as we take on the world. The, there are all about the stories that matter to you. And really, what ever is running now to let them know that you made for mind about this issue. When i arrived here, i slept with 6 people in a room, and it was hardest for i even got white hair. Language. This keeps me and they tell me to entrap, lets say, you want to know their story, influence her fighting and reliable information for migrants. This is the wus a show coming up today and admission of guilt for the death of hong kongs democratic movement. Prodemocracy activists, joshua wong and 2 others are detained after admitting guilt over a cold, much but the protest. But in the face of an increasing your search of beijing, where does that leave hong kongs protest movement

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