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Measures and the slowing of a surge in new cases of covert 19 votes to gave all women a period products for free becoming the 1st night in the world to do so. Only yes, welcome to the program u. S. President elect. Joe biden has introduced 6 key members of his cabinet and each has decades of experience in their particular field. He said diplomacy and multilateralism are back and his new team will lead by example. The transition to a Biden White House is picking up speed after President Trump cleared the way for a transfer of power. 3 weeks after the election, the trumpet ministration has finally given president elect joe biden, the green light to begin the transition process. President donald trump personally directed his administration to cooperate in the handover, but he has yet to officially concede defeat. Instead, he pardoned it took in the white house rose garden as part of a thanksgiving tradition. I hear back grant you and he also used the opportunity to remind americans what he stands for. As i say, america 1st should go away from that america 1st president elect joe bidens nominations for the top posts of his cabinet point in a very different direction away from trumps america 1st doctrine and towards diversity and multilateralism work in government. Its a team that reflects the fact that america is back ready to lead the world, not retreat from it. Once again sit at the head of the table. Bidens choice is our policy veterans like his longtime adviser, antony blinken, named to secretary of state. We cant solve all the worlds problems alone. We need to be working with other countries, we need their cooperation. The best known of the nominees is former secretary of state, john kerry, poised to become bidens climate change. And boy, in this crisis, the whole world must come together. Youre right to rejoin paris on day one. I expect with great former Federal Reserve chair janet yellen is to serve as treasury secretary. Shes trusted in the financial world. And if confirmed, she would be the 1st woman to take over. This pivotal role with optimism about new Coronavirus Vaccine spreading and political uncertainty, seemingly diminishing. The dow surged past 30000 points for the very 1st time on tuesday. So i think people like the cabinet post were seeing from biden, they like the idea that this sort of long period of uncertainty about how much difficulty weak see and outgoing tromping ministration make. I think people like that thats over i think people like janet yellen as an idea for a new treasury secretary, shes a known quantity, was pretty able set of hands and a tough moment for everybody. President trump quickly claimed the latest market rally as the fruit of his own administrations work. But the markets seem to be banking on the current u. S. Leader, being on his way out of office. Well, for more on this, lets cross over to washington where our correspondent Stephanie Simons is standing by for us. Hi stephanie. Now joe biden has nominated some political veterans. Now. What can we expect from his administration . Yeah, as mentioned in the report, you can absolutely expect the counter process and the counter design of what you believe, doll trump and all tribes policies as well as administration stood for. So i think the bottom line is, is the difference that america is as is the blink is said, bank at the table. And that means basically that the us is going to want to lead again. And that also requires, of course, that this administration, the Incoming Administration understands that america actually needs to lead again, this is something, of course, arguably the trumpet was ration in the eyes of many experts and observers here never acknowledge they didnt want to lead. They want america 1st, focusing on domestic jobs and economy. And with that, leave Everything Else in front of the door. Speaking global terms here, this is going to change absolutely dramatically, but make no mistake. To put this in context, the by the administration and they know that the incoming bad mistress would be absolutely ill advised if they focus only on International Relations Global Global cooperation with allies. It is also very important for this administration. You will see that in the coming days when he introduces other cabinet picks, it is also absolutely critical that he keeps a little bit of this america 1st american jobs economy focus. Dont forget, 12000000, americans are still without a job due to covert due to the covert 1000 crisis here. So certainly its going to look a little bit different will say, to the trumpet, ministration and biden has chosen a very diverse cabinet for a while. Can only be described as a very divided nation. How do you think thats going to play out stefan . Can they, can they unite the country . I think this, i think they think they can, and i think thats really the end. And alice is shows that this is, they think, the only way they can do this. Where are you believe donald trump and his ministration was decisive and polarizing people. They trying joe biden, and his administration here proven by those picks and by probably others too to come. They have trained the counter concept here again diverse, a multitude of very, very experienced people, but from different walks of lives. And that will bring, hopefully they think america together, and that is absolutely critical. Youre absolutely right. Well, what i President Trump because well be making coal to president elect joe biden, to congratulate him on his victory. Because at the moment its sort of very young, clear what exactly his next steps may be. Yeah, i think thats pushing it a little bit. I dont expect, and i dont know anybody who would expect president donald trump, to pick up the phone and feel the correctly call to president elect joe biden. He didnt even concede the only thing the president did today, for example, was a 32nd News Conference where he said the dow jones hit a record high. Thank you all because i did this, then this press conference was over and the 2nd biggest thing he did today, he pardoned a turkey. This is light hearted to dish and at the white house today was pardoning day for the turkey away of the things giving a holiday coming up here. So that was as far as donald trump went today, is i think a very, very, very high possibility that he will not call president elect. And he will not ever use the word conceit, Stephan Simons in washington, thanks for that update. Well, here are the other stories making headlines this hour. An ethiopian rights body says that a local youth group, aided by police and militia killed at least 600 people in iran page in the region. On november 9th, the Ethiopian Human Rights Commission said members of a group called summary, carried out the massacre in the town of my protesters have gathered in central paris to oppose a security bill. Frances lower halves of parliament approved the changes that will make it a criminal offense to post photos of Police Officers online in some cases. And i just ation has been criticised by activists and journalists here in germany. The leaders of the countrys 16 federal states have reportedly agreed to extend coronavirus lockdown measures into december and possibly into the new year. The shutdown targets, hotels, restaurants, and james tight restrictions on socializing will also remain in place for exceptions are being made for holiday celebrations. Just last week, chancellor Angela Merkel had called for tougher measures in some aspects of the countrys lockdown, but it was met with resistance. The pressure is on for the German Government to ease restrictions for the most important time of the year for many christmas celebrations. Right . No balance john diamond marked square, would usually be packed with people and show you the christmas market. Its been canceled. People will be allowed to gather at home for christmas, but in smaller groups, many accept the reality. This year is different. Theres going to be naturally some position, its nationally to happen, but it is what it is. You know its, theres no policy thats ever going to be 100 percent approved. I believe in god. I dont understand why restriction would be east for christmas. Perhaps one should stick to them, but i also see what happens with people when they are lonely and happy. So i much about it, but i just talk about it because i also see how it is in hospitals. Thats where i work. Yes, its sad not to celebrate christmas as usual, but how else the measures taken are important and necessary . Theres always skype, so is see the decision on christmas is expected to become firmed wednesday following talks between state premiers and chancellor Angela Merkel. The overall situation remains critical. Guys for so long as you have High Expectations as a parliamentary group. Until now we have begun to see a short trend of law of figures in terms of inspections, which means the exponential growth could be stopped. But thats not enough. We need large figures, especially for christmas. So our christmas isnt the only separation thats on the line. Many say that the much loved tradition of new years eve, fireworks needs to be reigned in. But a nationwide ban on fireworks sales does not appear to be on the cards in scotland today voted to make a period products free to all women becoming the 1st nation in the world. To do so, the Scottish Parliament voted unanimously to approve the measure which guarantees that anyone unable to pay for a tampon or sanitary pads can access them for free. Those spearheading the landmark bill say they hope it will consign period poverty to history or joining me in studio to discuss this is d w reporter matthew moore. Hi matthew. Is it fair to say that this is a pretty huge move that this Scottish Parliament has that . So yeah, i think its definitely an important milestone for a number of reasons. You know, the person who bought this, the politician who proposed this has been component campaigning for years and she described as a proud day for scotland. I sure hope the other countries will follow. And scotland has been something of a true blue when it comes to period products. And the discussion around this issue in 2018, scotland became the 1st country in the world. It made history again, became the 1st country in the world to make sanitary products available, free of charge to student soon, universities and schools. And this law goes a bit farther and makes them available to anybody who needs them free of charge and public places. Well, i mean, even mentioned as well, period poverty that break it down for us. How significant is this for somebody for a woman or a girl whos struggling to pay for the products there . Well, its a hugely significant if youre, if youre on the, the poverty line. If youre a lawyer, this is a cost for girls and women that they have to pay every month. In some cases it can be 15 euros or 20. 00 a month. So over the course of a lifetime, i could be thousands and i think the important thing is, as if youre struggling, if youre forward who, who kind of have to make a choice between food and sanitary products. The government in scotland is saying you dont have to make that choice anymore, so you dont have to go through the indignity of not being able to take care of yourself in a way that men dont have to worry about. So its a huge, its a huge landmark decision, and its certainly a big step forward. Now, like you said, its, you know, big step for scotland on this issue book. Could this have a knock on effect internationally . Could we see other countries or jurisdictions doing something similar . I think that the campaigners who brought this rule to kind of began this journey certainly hope so. And i think they hope that it would do 2 things. I think i hope that it will shift the debate. So not only are we kind of able to talk about periods in public and about the issues that women face, that men dont also that it will shift the debate in terms of what, what we will as a society, what kind of support we willing to give to women who maybe didnt in the past. Thats right, matthew moore, thanks for bringing us that update. Well, this is the end of the show. Thanks for joining us. And dont forget that you can stay up to date on the old and the latest news and information on our web site d, w dot com. And of course, you can also follow us on instagram and twitter for me and the rest of the team, including matthew moore. Take care and see you soon. And you hear me now on. Heres were going to tell you and how the last 2 years german scientists now when you bring your uncle a man called and you surprise yourself with what is possible. Who is medical really want to talk to people and follow along the way. Maurice and critics alike join us from echols, lost dogs to name a guy is a doctor from the democratic republic of congo, and a Nobel Peace Prize laureate he travels the world campaigning for a course of action will work to do in that we consider the cause for which we are fighting to end rape and Sexual Violence against women during war. A noble cause he didnt call no unfortunately, the change has been slow in coming and the women, the rape victims expect a lot from our advocacy to know to put with him in the fight for peace. The 61 year old is head of the German Institute for medical mission. Schneider has been supporting dhoni mccuaig in the d r c. And in germany for years off and he said its not only mine, its your nobel prizes. Well, what are you doing to change their lives . And this challenge is also our cause. We dont just want to applaud him and say, great man, we want to support him and make sure that were doing what we can to help him in the fight for peace and comfort. But how can she help tony mccuaig in his fight against Sexual Violence . And for peace in the democratic republic of congo, where you get that. Theres one that said, you know that dr. Mcgregor dota movie get impressed me right from the start with those physicians by then. And what unites us is this common vision of the situation is disadvantaged. In neglected people and must be improved, that they have the same rights and that their dignity must be restored as he of a vote will be to have to be uppermost that the low why are you clapping . Were happy to see you. Youre happy. Are you feeling . All right. I mean, your name is the nice one. Army doctor mcgregor operated on denise bonnano a few days earlier. The 30 year own was brutally raped by militias with a tree branch. Usually only victims with the most serious injuries are brought to panzi hospital. Many arrive with a severely damaged pelvic region, and often they are incontinent each month about 150. 00, new right victims arent mentioned, considered a disgrace to their family and Village Community. The women here have often being cast out stories where they are very isolated will shrivel. Sure. Most of the time they arrive completely alone. It was awful, but it is rare that their husbands or family members the company of the 3rd more even though some come from very far away. A pleasure. Lou, the woman i talked to back there, comes from knowing the flow were almost 500 people were killed there before the elections. So the story is your 1st rounder. But even when they come from far away, often 2000 kilometers or more, they are all alone without family there. But for my mommy is 27 years old. And hes from a village called el gato. Several months ago, she too was kidnapped by militias. She was raped and jags, now she is expecting a child was the arab that. d was at the panzi hospital, while meenie has found not only medical care, but also a community of women in similar positions. Was the time was, was clearly was there. Yeah. I forgot to introduce you to our friend who was there here to film us. My day is really flat out, refuse social water as time when youre in canada has been caring for victims of Sexual Violence. For many years. At panzi hospital, women receive both free treatment and psychological care. I. Many of the women and children here are severely traumatized. I was including mommy was i was at the prison. Its a catastrophe. We thought the rapes would stop at some point, but no, they go on and on every day, even now today. Yesterday, new women arrived again. I live here in the villages. There are many militias who continue to lives, rape, kill us all about it, many of them a few. I do now who live there and the truth. I am in the news over there was sad to see some women here do not want to go back because they are scared of being raped again. 6 when they meet so soon it is this child being some of being brutally raped by one others by 2 by 3 or even by several men in and it doesnt depend on the age. They even rape 5 year olds, 10 year olds, 20 year olds, and even 18 year olds, dead zone. This is, i remember the kind of revenge. It was, i mean a spirit and this horror, herself armed perpetrators, right . Tough for several days. One is the father of the child she is carrying as he was always take care of yourselves. And if your baby can you feel it move and your husband should have he left me after i was taken away . No, no, i havent heard from him since. When did he already know that you were pregnant . I only noticed later, they dragged me into the 1st to how low i cried so much. I was beaten and raped again and again, less then other women who were they helped me to escape. Thats how i got hurt and that the baby in your belly may 1 day go to school and have an education and then they can take care of him and he will pay for the school. Itll be all right without a father. Mommy will give path at panzi hospital, but will she be able to accept and love her child . The democratic republic of Congo Shan States North Eastern border with you candor, bro. Wonder and burundi. The region has rich deposits of gold, tungsten and cold, some materials which High Tech Companies from industrialized countries need to manufacture their products. The mines are often controlled by armed groups who terrorize the inhabitants of nearby villages. It was 30. 00 and i have very clear was that that i know that these are all these are also in the democratic republic of congo, german physician Gisela Schneider works with rosemont data. They want to improve health care in the conflict on region. But the situation in the province is difficult. In recent months, hundreds of thousands of people have fled from armed groups who loot reg and kill. And then there is a boa. The virus has been haunting the north east of the democratic republic of congo for over a year, and thousands have already died. Shari is the village near bania, the capital of a tory province. 20000 refugees arrived here in just a few weeks. Gisela schneider has come to survey the situation to help says here is local representative of new south Rosemont Baron hands, the Nonprofit Organization moussaka. But there are too many refugees in a small village to manage adequately, fashionably, is the structure is completely overburdened with primary care of the refugees. Lusaka is doing their best to help, but theyre not a big humanitarian organization with a lot of experience. Theyre just trying to help people here the best way they know how a church has been converted into an Emergency Shelter with over 300 fugitives are staying here. The air smells of urine and cold sweat. There is a lack of everything. Is just one drug. Its unbelievable. Ive only briefly spoken to a few of them, but pretty much all have colds. They have coughs which will turn into pneumonia, or in some cases it gets cold here at night and they dont have anything to cover themselves with. Plus, theyre malnourished. Not to mention hygiene issues. If diarrhea spreads here, this whole group will be in danger. And then of course were in an area that is a huge risk. Im sure the upper, when the 50 g. s 1st arrived, the death rate was very high. After 5 days we already had 10 dead since we started providing them with medical care, we have been able to reduce the death rate significantly. We treat pregnant women and children under 5 1st because they are the most vulnerable. And everyone here. Everyone needs Urgent Medical attention. The kidnappers, this is fire. That was the refugees last all the way out. And they have witnessed terrible atrocities, including the mother of this young girl, 24 year old martha to do what she had to look like. You know, they ran towards the villages with machetes and weapons in their hands. They had baloch lovers over their heads, that then they started to set fire to the hearts and cut off the heads of the people. I grabbed my children and ran for my life that i mean, and i think i knew it. I knew, well, i lost my parents in one of the 1st who was mowed, that i was very young when my father and mother were killed about that. Really a few years ago i lost 2 of my children in the war as well. That now i have fled to you dont know where my husband is. I am all alone with my children and sherry, i will alone as if i had cherokee right here. This is where we sleep. I dont have another option. Everything i had, even my mattress was burned with my house. When it rains, the water runs right down here, past me and my children are monsters. Daughter in the cell is 3 years old, jani is 7. Martha only had kasama leaves to feed her children. She was due to give birth to her 3rd child in a few weeks. It was unclear where she could give pass safely, and how she would be able to support 3 children on her around Nobel Laureate Danny Mcquade has made it his mission to inform the wild about the atrocities happening in the democratic republic of congo. Conflict has already cost more than 6000000 people their lives. 4000000 congolese are currently homeless. They are internally displaced. And only a week ago we learned that over 300000, people had to flee. They have lost their homes and are out on the streets. Then there are the hundreds of thousands of women who are raped in the panzi hospital alone. We have treated more than 50000 women to date 3 meet. All of them are victims of Sexual Violence. And among them are older women, as well as babies. The baby dinny mcquade, his work has cost him some of his freedom and the hospital is guarded around the clock by u. N. Soldiers the Nobel Peace Prize winner cannot leave the hospital without security forces. A few years ago, he barely survived an assassination attempt, and he received Death Threats again in 2020. Hes a role model for young doctors and a hero to his patients. It is for them that he puts his own life and risk you will be operated here. You do not have to pay anything. I think ive told you. Dont worry here. You wont be asked for money. Truth sphere. Dooney mcquay guy is the son of a preacher. He says his faith helps him bad the suffering that surrounds him. He operates almost every day. Donations enabled him to purchase modern equipment. Today the University Hospital is considered a center of excellence for treating right victims on the front, usually room for him. The 1st woman i am operating on comes from wally kali. She has already had 3 surgeries wasnt a whole show, this will be the 4th. She said look at school johansson conversion. Soon, she is very traumatized. She was brutally raped, louverture, her vagina was completely destroyed. And inside she had a very serious infection that everything true to herself. And so we are cleaning everything and will give her antibiotics. And hopefully she will get better and just get home and write a little check for every time i operates. It gives me a bit of relief, so it allows me to feel that i can make a small contribution to reduce the suffering of people to the teeth. But unfortunately, i believe that as long as there is impunity here, this will continue. This is because for 20 years it has been the same people committing these atrocities and they feel as if they can go on like this without facing any consequences for their actions. Is wonderful to move. So quickly to solve all circles. I think it was, was, was, was, was, was, was, was, how are you doing . Where do these children come from from all over with these are often somehow false and he says he will also see this in his documents. Their fathers, a soldier, his own militias, the children dont know them. They are alone and some who live with their grandparents in bangkok. How are your children dealing with . What are your names . Jobs one company was i was was, was there he was, was there. I was in the women and children traveled for 2 days to visit dont eat mccuaig says for children from india, these women are a delegation from which i treated here in 2005. They have come to see me together with these children who were born after their mothers were raped. Some of they were abandoned by their mothers, by their fathers. And i would not though, when your dealer, for example, there is he is the leader of the right key militia or the nonlocal. Cudi is still there. Hes in the forest outside, the village of superior one group comes after the next. They rape and pillage. 41. 00. The women founded an association. Im talking 200 often you want to become a doctor to, you know, really a christian electrician. Wow. And you be like, you just a little be like me. I was like write a letter to him and tell me is that why youre sitting next to me . Youll be like me. So that means youll become a Nobel Peace Prize winner. So bored, im glad we will Work Together for peace. We will listen to your voice. Thank you. Copy. I say its fair to we share the world. There are others . Yes. Was here was yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Was their fair share. Thank you. Thats very kind of you. Thank you so much. This sick use is on form by the amount of these children did not ask to be born mason, but they were killed a vision and then to a society that projects and stigmatizes them and Society Without pity. So peachy, its a pretty when children are treated this way from a very young age. They become traumatizes awful and have overloaded memories. Sue, shelter. Mommy is getting psychological treatment. Perhaps she can overcome the trauma, in spite of her haunting memories and accept and love her child. Thats the one to love the child. But i know our Village Community says that as a woman who was raped, i cannot return to my village. My husband has left me, he will never forgive me and he will never accept the child and he says it in panzi hospital, one meanie also learns to weave. And so by asking us, this training is an important part of the holistic treatment as to money or encana and the other social workers want to help the women become independent so that they can support themselves and to ensure that they fight. And there is good that way, perhaps more meaning could take care of her child without other financial assistance. I hope that i can feed us by selling baskets. And money might be enough, the medicine to know and even for school, no doubt. But how can one mean a return to her village when militias continue to live nearby . How is she supposed to overcome her fear when the perpetrators have no prosecution to fear . This is bukavu, the capital of south kivu province. During the almost 25 years of war and conflict, its population has grown to almost a 1000000. The german physician Gisela Schneider, is on her way back to a tory province in the north east. It already has been particularly plagued by conflict and ebola isnt of course, in the end we couldnt, she sleep chooses not to go to countries where Many Organizations work for funds, but we try to go where others dont go, or where few stay for a longer time to listen, where in the it to every region including you. It means so much to people there when you come and stay. When they say no one else comes on to sacrifice his life was not on the other side, i was ongoing conflicts make it very difficult to effectively cut tail a life threatening virus or a boa was a recess. I can feel fine. Am in no way using this elbow greeting because there is a bowler in this region. There has been 12 cases here, which is quite a lot. So there should be no hand to hand contact him. No, its change of body that they were, they started this elbow grease thing and everybody thinks its great. Its a good way to greet someone when you cant shake hands. So its great. I was was. d there was a gather with rose, mom, bella wants to establish a Health Insurance system in this region. I thank god that i met the people from mustafa was that my child was gravely ill. I had lost hope that he could get there. So my thinking then i found out about the Health Insurance. I became a member and they helped my child. She was i am happy and grateful to music i ever was. I dr. Mcgregor doe to mcgregor has shown what it means to really kaffir women to build something that helps women to live independently to bone. I think hes a great role model and he does this with many women whove experienced violence and found a good find. A family have a Little Machine youre a must see for ladies and gentleman, rape is being used massively as a weapon of war. Tory, this Deadly Weapon destroys the body. Twee, destroys the spirit destroys the community and even destroys the church. All the reports of the united nations, about the plundering of Raw Materials from the democratic republic of congo, and about the serious human rights violations. Especially the well known mapping report. All of these reports have not lead to consequences. So has to sort through its already province is rich in oil and mineral resources. Hunger for these results is fills our national and International Fight here, where tribal conflicts are manipulated for economic interests. On the road from boneyard to mahogany, refugee tents can be seen intermittently. The displaced are victims of perfidious political interests in which neighboring countries such as rwanda and uganda, also have strengths. There are congolese policeman and u. N. Soldiers stationed here to provide security in the region. But the area covers thousands of square kilometers, and launch palm, virtually inaccessible. Only those who have weapons have power their families who have not or cannot leave, have to live in fear every day. Congolese Police Officers escorted us during the film shoot. But those invalid just added fenceless, and exposed many have had to abandon their fields and are now dependent on humanitarian aid. Their houses were often burned down, and family members killed. We drove to a village that was recently attacked by armed groups. To the end was the end. It is located directly on the main road from banja to uganda. There is no state authorizing air. Most people have fled. Only a few have remained in value when i finish see feel a now been duped. They catch him least that night. It was on the tuesday in a beacon about steam. You were in civilian clothes and armed. Others were wearing soccer jerseys, line no claim. They were providing security. We want to see me. So then they stopped cars and drivers and passengers from their seats with them. And i was there, i saw it. And youre terribly afraid if we hear even one shot we start running for our lives. Interning province, borders uganda and is twice the size of belgium. Many refugees live in the forests without any protection on medical care. Many die, others make it to the capital of the province. Where there are camps with tents, water, food, medicine and most importantly, protection un soldiers stationed in bosnia there are over 16000 people in this camp alone. Most are women and children and they have made temporary homes for themselves. But some have been here for over a year and a half. In october, 2922, people died here. Even large aid organizations cannot meet demand. And a measles epidemic had broken out in the town, but before they are committed, these are conflicts. This is a brutal war. That is the 2nd good now mean course that both he and in this war, those attacking us or our neighbors, the lendu deported their nose was feeling whether there were others with them. We cant be sure about that because when we were attacked, we immediately fled to the people here in the syllabus that is, in the form of what we experienced where massacres was that the party might just as she did, must suck. Im going to have nothing left clam up. I have lost everything. All of that. Let me see if i know that i burned everything. I had to something to this story. I dont know whats going on or run for our lives with their children is what it is. There are so many dead. None of us understand what it was like i will be under its happened. Can explain this to others who demanded. We have known demanded that the congolese government revealed the course that they still have and school bus was, was driven from its being useful. So i have met with leaders around the world and they appear to care deeply me by thats what nothing has come of it. The situation is still ongoing. My response. And so this is not a war between nations and or between different ethnic groups or tribes in giving, nor is it a religious war. This is not about fanaticism sounding here. We are, but this is about the control of Natural Resources through cold and she has just like you, this war could be ended if the political will to do so. Was there room to talk or the whole world knows about it. He said there are reports about these crimes, but these reports are written and filed away without achieving anything. Sid, so i think that there is no doubt this is about greed for wealth, where the profit is taken off the backs of the weak there forever. After more than 20 years of war, many people here have known violence displacement and expulsion their entire lives. The country as a collective trauma and the global green for is also, as is contributing to their plight. Every day new refugees arrive in a small village of shari, hoping to find protection and help. Dr. Gisela schneider tries to help people here too, but the need is overwhelming. Many die of starvation. Martyr is far along in her pregnancy. She isnt giving up and tries to support her 2 children even if there is food only once a day. Most of the time this is to solve a par age in the long term eating, mainly because samba will lead to mao nutrition which has is specially serious consequences for joran that you know, that the summer he was there was to the last time that i dont have enough of anything. I have no money. I cook without salt and oil. My children are crying from hunger. I have nothing to prepare for the girl. I do not know how to pay the hospital when i have to give birth. You could easily, however, there are such that now theres the last roseman bana and gives a national i dont want to drive martyr and the other women with small children to a Health Center in banja. The women hardly speak about the terrible things they have experienced. Rape is had to busan jacked. That was that one of the novel was my master will be giving birth soon. She needs prenatal care to check whether everything is ok and then we have to organize where shell give birth in the little one also needs care. Things like whether shes been vaccinated need to be checked. Families not one little some children have edema from our nutrition. Others have meningitis, malaria or chicken pox. Gisela schneider can only help some of them. The congolese state office even less support the concept here is helping you to help yourself. Martyr. A displaced person was happy she was being examined before giving bath. And her youngest daughter also urgently needed medication. And a phone call informed rose, that a measles epidemic had broken out in shari. The midwife seemed satisfied with the babys development of the of hours. Martin failing i feel a little better now. This i feel very weak because im so hungry. And i dont know where my husband is and what happened to him. That worries me if you asked around to hear about it, no one has seen him that scares me. Manto will be having her baby and for weeks rose will continue supporting the small family. This help and a mom for her children. Keeps monta going. Under gods curse, i live for centenary year, thanks to their inner strength. These women have exceptional resistance should live. This is, this is where i see a miracle and it works in these women version. But unless you know often i cannot even imagine its possible because the women are brought to our hospital completely destroyed. Jamila aided and dehumanized, and these women have an incredible enter strength. And so they manage to stand up again and fight for their rights for the rights of their children. And the community, it is all for this, greatly encourages me and my team to keep going this simple for what it pulled a year. Cliquey. Although how are you still on the way to make his rounds, dr. Mccuaig stops by his patients common room. Mommy will stay at panzi hospital for a family weeks as a pregnant right victim. She would not be welcome and have village for the 1st time in her life. Shes learning the alphabet. He has she feels accepted for. If my being a handy guy in my midi hand was my only in need of the car window. I would have loved to learn to read and write, but we had hardly any money otherwise i would have gone to school. If i was there today, even if i did not wish for this child, i would like to send to school. You know what day that is my train. Why meenie has experienced understanding cat and help a panzi hospital, but half of returning to ha, home village is great. But yet what is . Here is the moment i feel good. I feel like a child. I could do so good, but what worries me is how i can survive at home without a husband and the militia still there. And i dont want to experience this again. The most important thing is peace. From the money going to the women have given me the task of conveying to the whole worlds, their demand for peace. She was for this is the message i have to deliver to the international community. The answer does not depend on me, but i consider it my duty to continue on this mission. And i will not stop carrying this request for peace into the world. I hate it when someone says, i didnt do anything because i knew nothing about it. Because he didnt say what the wont look so way. The war in the democratic republic of congo continues, and the number of rape victims is rising every day. And i was showing just what this is. Someone told me that would be my dream, that one day will you get that and i can experience that real peace. Lets see if something has to happen now to stop the Sexual Violence against women and children so that they can live and prosper so that their dignity is respected and that these surgeries and i was young and needed. That is a wish. I thought it is easier to have peace and healing when victims receive justice. And so Nobel Peace Prize winner fight song. I thank the women continue to hope and pray to god to bring peace to that country. I live to kick em. I do good. I did it, were all in this together. It was the slogan on social media back when the coronas pandemic started around the world. It is since then weve come clear to our suffering economic inequality in the coming hours. The to reinforce 30 minutes on d, w. Its good to go to parliament, its going to be why, despite coming from a poor family, the pop stars wants to become president. Challenges and god doesnt want to be a storm starts december 10th on the doubling of french Food International gateway to the best connection self in the road and rail located in the heart of europe. Connected to the experience outstanding shopping and dining offers triallists services. Biala, gassed at frankfurt. Airport city managed by from this is the news live from berlin, germany for piers, for christmas during it and to make state leaders agreed to extend the Current Limited lockdown and sit out a special plan for gatherings during the holiday period. Also coming up, toil thirtys, talk of civil protests latest with charges of royal defamation. The crackdown comes ahead of a plan to rally today, drawing attention to the kings of boston personal wealth and us president elect. Joe biden announces his 1st key cabinet choices. Its

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