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Finding effective vaccines is a crucial part of tackling the coronavirus pandemic. Madonna and pfizer biotech have now both applied for emergency approval moderna hopes its vaccine could get the green light by christmas. You end the year. Yes. All those that are advisory meeting is likely to be on december 17th. If you hire people seaboard that between the 17 and christmas to go, the product is approved. If the u. S. Food and Drug Administration gives the go ahead, inoculations could start within hours of them led by u. S. Vaccination, logistics chief general gustav panna seems to me dont those hes a baby on the way. Yeah. So as soon as we get approval or urge arcana and hes teams are going to get hold of a vaccine we have. And so our shipping in the conference is going to vaccinate americans within 24 hours on the pro or the Company Hopes its latest trial results will lead to speedy approval in other countries too. In trials of the vaccine with more than 30000 people, only 30 participants became seriously ill. All of them had been given placebo shots. This makes the vaccine 100 percent effective against severe cases of covert. 19 reported side effects include pain at the point of injection chills and fever. These symptoms usually resolve within one or 2 days. You know, on a personal level, when we saw the 1st interim results, i think we were all really, really relieved and enthusiastic. I can tell you when i saw the final results last night, they came in a little bit earlier than that. We had planned for i love myself to cry from the 1st or the company says it will keep monitoring to check for any further side effects. Well, earlier i had the opportunity to speak to chi, a science journalist, and molecular biologist. And i asked him if these vaccines are approved within weeks, when can we expect vaccinations to actually begin the vaccination . It will start, you know, within hours or within a day in the u. S. Some of the vaccine has already been distributed to 2 different sites. So the idea is that the moment that the green light is given, next nations would be ready to start a course in europe. You know, Different Countries make might be on a slightly different schedule in terms of how already they are to start vaccinations immediately. But certainly, the idea is once the ones i mean to the next scene, that is there should be used immediately once once the green light is given. Well, germany has tightened its covert 1000 restrictions. As of today, chancellor Angela Merkel on the leaders of germany 16 states agreed on the measures last week because infection rates remain high here while the restrictions will remain in place until at least december 20th, but are likely to be extended into january and include the following check this out, that is going to come up behind. The private gatherings will be limited to 5 people from 2 households. Children under 14 are exempt. Facemasks must be warned when people go downtown and in workplaces, while the number of customers allowed in a large shops a has been slashed, cut in half, and sports and leisure activities are still heavily restricted. Lets get you more now where a man or a lush, as is one of berlins, that many christmas marcus. Lets get a sense of what its like and no hustle and bustle behind you. Amah. Exactly. Thats mostly no Christmas Markets. He, theres some stands there behind me that you can see that are closed at the moment. You know, Christmas Markets are here in germany are very popular as more than 3000 of them around the country brings the in a 160000000 each share. It does so brings its, generates an income of more than 3000000000 from 3 to 5000000000 a year, a city, its a huge business. But as you can see behind me, tis no lights, no christmas carols, and then to space an empty place. The pandemic is really hitting the capital of germany quite hard. So it is sick christmas traditions and its christmas. Lets talk about the christmas traditions were charged huge in this country. How well they were strictures that have gone into effect today affect the holiday season. Well, you know, it is been dot com censors between i got america and the state premiers to to look into an exception to the restrictions for christmas time between the 20 for the 23rd of december until the very beginning of january where people will be allowed to celebrate christmas and to meet to meet up with their families, which have to 10 people and not a 5 that you just mentioned. Doze restrictions, interestingly, wont be lifted around christmas given d 7 days. Infection ways to the figures are still way too high to see the way too many factions see to allow any and any light to restrictions to be implemented even for christmas. So as far as the Christmas Spirit goes, this would by no means be another normal christmas here in germany and even less. So here in ballin here in the german capital right reporting. Thank you very much. And i want to tell you now about some of the other stories making news around the world. Deforestation in brazils amazon for a rain forest has surged to its highest level in 12 years. Thats according to official figures. While the National Research agency says destruction has risen sharply under right wing populist president , jerry eberle, so mad while this year alone, an area 7 times the size of london has been stripped. Bare officials in the u. S. Have upheld joe bidens election victory in the states of arizona, and wisconsin biden won arizona by 10000 votes despite the trump campaign, appealing against the results all separately in a key appointment president elect biden has named former Federal Reserve chief janet yellen as his choice for treasury secretary job a landmark paris bookstore is calling for crisis help. Shakespear and company is a magnet for tourists and provisions alike. While the shops turnover has fallen by 80 percent. Since the pandemic broke out, but orders have flooded in the house since staff alerted social media to its plight and covert 19 has dominated world headlines this year. But there is another pandemic that still affects and kills nearly ns of people around the world. United nations figures show that almost 30000000 people were living with hiv last year. Thats nearly 700000 of them died. But prevention and treatment measures are showing promise in the last decade. The number of new infections has decreased as you can see right here behind me on the graph. And so has the number of deaths caused directly by aids or factors related to the immune deficiency syndrome. But yet, experts predict that the trend now will reverse this year because of the covert 1000 pandemic. Analog downs causing is shortage of hiv medication, and estimated there could be an additional 1400000. 00 deaths caused by hiv. In south africa, one in 5 people has hiv. A new drug is raising now hopes for more effective prevention. As our correspondent, if you increase reports from cape town, almost 2 decades, the Nonprofit Organization hope has been an important point of contact for those living with hiv, like she in the cape town township off till 6. 30 years ago, luis morris worked in a textile factory, but then her life took a difficult to, an accident, left her unable to work out all problems followed and then she became infected with h. I feel like i need me at home my, my family didnt want to have anything to do with me. After my h. I. V. Diagnosis. They cut off contact. And even now, if my neighbors knew that i have a chevy, they would only say hi from a distance. They wouldnt invite me to their homes. It means i also keep my distance is not easy. Being a hiv positive, you have to somehow accept that people behave in a certain way towards you. I find it sad when dr is on rainy could and is used to hearing similar stories to me. At least half of the community has a Family Member that somebody that they know that they can be positive, but its, but its so common here, but people dont speak about it. They people are not open about it. They might speak to us about it. The math speak to the Service Providers about it, but they will, they finitely not speak. They. Theyre not open about the status. They worried about discrimination. Although stigma still a massive problem in many communities, south africa has made mess of progress in the fight against hiv aids. Over the past years, most people, the vast majority of those living with hiv, know their status and are on medication. And just recently, researchers announced possibly for the good news. The preventative drug prep has been available for several years around 90000, South Africans protect themselves against hiv infection by taking a daily tablet. Now a study into a similar preventative drug that needs to only be injected every 8 weeks, has found it to be even more efficient. Women particularly have challenges with taking a pill a day. The issues of the habit of taking a pill, but also people experience a lot of social pressures. So women are judged as living with hiv. If theyre taking pills that look like antiretrovirals, they may have judgments about their sexual activity. And partners may feel that they are wanting to be unfaithful, so there are many barriers to taking a pill a day. And what the injections were able to do is overcome some of those challenges by being discreet and convenient. Independent researchers also see the injection as an important development, but further research is necessary to find other options to prevent hiv in women. Young women are the hardest hit group in south africa. And we lag behind sometimes you know, so we jews who have hopefully in cape town also believes the injection could be a great help, but it may not be available for a number of us. In the meantime, more argent issues remain due to the cover to pandemic. Few a. J. Patients are going to play next. As a result of a number of new infections, a new born says on the rice, a worrying trend, after all the hard work to stop the spread of the virus. All right, id like to welcome now where from the university of bonn, professor drake streak, he is an epidemiologist and an expert on hiv and the corona virus. A very good day. So good to have you with us. How much of a setback has it been for the efforts to fight hiv aids . Since the pandemic broke out . Yeah. Hello, and im very glad actually about, you know, bringing attention to the hiv aids pandemic again, because indeed they have much concerns that the court 19 pandemic will pushed aside our efforts and h. L. V. In aids prevention. Now of course we dont know the impact yet at that age. Hiv aids had all of that covered. 9 of them and happen in each of the 8. But the estimates that when you have 6 months of lack of delivery of it and to provide a medication that you get up to a 1000000 more aids death in a year or so, which would push back that i want absolutes almost a decade. So it does not seem to be as bad, but we only know next year and the new aids reports come out. Now as you know, better than anyone, there was this seems to medical breakthroughs that when it comes to fighting coping 1000 in terms of developing a vaccine that the Technology Used for these vaccines be used in the fight against hiv aids. Well, there might be some benefits that people have brought from the development of the m. And a big scene. However, it takes a long time to actually generate a working vaccine and test this working for it seems so to give you an example of the big scene that were currently that is currently being tested and so on. Africa was started in 2017 in the phase 3 trial and be out waiting until next year. But this has shows any kind of efficacy. So its much slower than in the current pandemic. But i have some benefit from the cold ninetys. And i think in terms of new technologies, lets talk a little bit more about that because the 1st vaccinations against covert 1000 are expected to take place in a couple of weeks time. This is 4 decades after hiv was 1st diagnosed in the united states. Youve outlined some of the challenges. I mean, are you just heartened by that . Well, i mean, its very modest to compare the 19 pandemic to invade, to be pandemic because 19 has, is that its a virus, maybe half naturally, unity and can form naturally immunity. Of the aids there is no caves that nature, that somebody can cure them of from each upbeat. So its much harder to actually find a big scene if the meter doesnt show us how to do it. So this is of one side of the token, so lets just generally hard to find a big theme against such a virus. On the other hand, it is true that not much and not not of the same kind of effort has been put in place against hiv. And aids that it was now for the covert. 9 to pandemic. And in conclusion, as a doctor and a health expert, what message do you have for global let Health Policy makers on the World Aids Day . Well, i think the most Important Message we also have is that they should be aids. Pandemic is far from being all work. And that every person who is infected with aids or be needs to be treated because a person that does that tested early and treated efficiently, cannot give the virus to another person. And its not only saving life, but its also helping to end the aids pandemic. Professor hendrick, a streak at thank you for joining us. Thank you. Well now, according to you and aids the region with the Fastest Growing a hiv epidemic in the world is Eastern Europe over the past decade. New infections in the region have risen by almost 30 percent. Well, there is a country that bucking that trend though in that country is ukraine. Improved testing and treatment is helping people there live life to the full, to diffuse nikolaj talk to 3 ukrainians about how hiv changed their lives. But i was given enough, had a lot of nos in my life because of my h. I. V. Status without a doubt about it. I thought hiv was something that only affected prostitutes and drug addicts. And that if you were quite normal, nothing bad could happen. And it wasnt what i did will go, it will never tell anyone about this. That was my 1st reaction to major positive test results. Ive had a chinese since i was born. My dad died of aids when i was 7. A year later, my mum told me i had a child. As a kid, you dont get what everyone else is thinking, but your life is over. That you going to die. But my mum told me id have to take pills and that was it. It was borger so but an organ was not a reason for going to cost. My partner became seriously ill and the doctors didnt have a clue that i was one day. The man i was dating decided to tick off the condom without telling me a month or so. Later i had tonsilitis and a rash. I just remember thinking, i know what this is. The pitiful id had enough of keeping it secret. So i decided to tell my classmates at college. Yes, i may try to be positive. I ended up telling everyone, maybe i was just lucky, but the reactions were great, and i ended up going out with the prettiest girl in our group, which was what the one in the 21st century age doesnt have to be a game changer. If everyone has access to testing and treatment, this disease is manageable problem with who i get messages from other people with hiv, thanking me for speaking out about my status. Theyll tell you that theyve had hiv for 10 years, but only their mothers know what. So many people are giving up on themselves and their lives. Theyre convinced that theyll never have a serious relationship or a decent job. They just end up cutting themselves off from everything. I tried to show them that its not the age of the status, its doing that to their lives. Its their fears that are the problem with. Theres no reason to give up to sports news now and in formula one Lewis Hamilton will miss this weekends a secure gong play in bahrain after testing positive for the coronavirus or hamilton claimed a record equalling 7th world title just last month with 3 way systems spare his Mercedes Team says the brits is doing well despite showing mild symptoms. South ice. Well, the pandemic might have forced the delay of the tokyo olympics, but organizers are already hoping to get locals in the mood for them next year, while the giant Olympic Rings are back on display in tokyo bay after undergoing months of maintenance. The rain show the olympic colors during the day, while lighting up the sky at night. Its all the games are scheduled to open on july 23rd, 2021 with the paralympics following from august 24th. While the pandemic has brought much of life, as we know it to a standstill, including the world famous gong, allows venice. Well, normally the boats would be busy ferry in tourists, around the citys canals, but with barely any international travel, an important source of income has dried up, leaving venice is gone. The liers, desperate for work they are the symbol of the city. For centuries, gondolas have been an integral part of life in venice. But the coven 1000 pandemic has emptied its famous canals. Gondoliers can only sit and wait for the tide to turn in their favor. Sort of place since theres no money coming in this last summer was a disaster. International tourism is gone from america, china, japan, australia, canada, before the whole world came to venice in the past, millions visited the city each year. Now gone to lirs. Dont expect more than one booking a day. Since venice relies on tourism job alternatives are few and far between there would be, are more, you know, 93 hope we will recover in the short term. But we cant make any predictions because we have no control over when this pandemic will end. This virus which has hit the whole world. And which has hit venice so hard as well. Would be good. I mean, current commander in a place that was once struggling with an overflow of tourists is now fighting to keep its economy afloat. Without them want to take you back now to where the breaking news story that were tracking for you this hour German Police have arrested a 51 year old man after he allegedly drove a car through a pedestrian zone in the western city of tokyo, police say 2 people were killed and up to 15 injured, some seriously margins the personnel are on the scene, attending to the injured and securing the area. Lets try and find out more about what just happened, anita haas, is tracking this story for you and you know what more have you learned . Well, were guessing, of course a lot more reports now also from eyewitnesses. And those include the man of clear who went to central to look at the scene himself. And he said that there is possibly a child amongst those people who died. So we have to recap quickly. At least 2 people were killed when that car raced through central town. It was of to destin area. Many people out Christmas Shopping at least 15 people injured. Thats what were hearing. The police are saying that there is no current danger, but still the whole area has been cordoned off. They have arrested the driver who is a 51 year old german from here. And theyre going to investigate about his motives or what has caused they say, act a bit later, and theyre going to give a press conference in roughly 2 and a half hours time. They say that they cant say anything about the motivation at the moment. Here, nasr, thank you for that update greatly appreciate it. Youre watching the kickoff for is up next. Dont forget, you can get all the latest news and information around the clock on our web site. Thats w dot com. Im labeled iraq in berlin on behalf of the entire team. Thank you so much for spending part of your day with us. Well see you at the top of the hour. To go to a stunning upset. Her even fail to be clogged and drawn into the position in the bundesliga. And turbulent times, the shock of the club were made at the bottom of the table after another stinging defeat. To glad i could go on television is for me, is for beethoven is for him. Beethoven and beethoven is for beethoven is for every one of the main tovan 2020 vision and 50000, or verse 3 here on d, w from the ghetto to parliament. Everybody go into knows bobby why despite coming from a poor family, the pop star wants to become president challenges or god as in late august, the credible story of bobby was starts december 10th on v w

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