It a Seismic Shift fulfilled. Not just a Game Changing distribution plant the next year the past fans rejoicing and cinema down in the dumps. Welcome to the program. Venezuela holds parliamentary elections on sunday but the opposition is boycotting the vote call by president Nicolas Maduro Opposition Leader the head of the National Assembly claims the polls will be rigged to strengthen mature of his grip on power and this follows years of turmoil that have seen venezuela become increasingly isolated and desperate. An epic predawn line for gasoline in venezuela shortages widespread hunger broken down institutions all made worse by International Sanctions yet despite it all president Nicolas Maduro has clung to power his nemesis speaker of the assembly and selfproclaimed president one guy though now working from home 37 years old hes made a career out of denouncing maduros policies hes organized the National Referendum after the vote aimed at invalidating the upcoming elections. Of action called by the dictatorship will be held without any of the necessary conditions theres no right to elect and be elected no independent arbitrator no possibility of participation by Political Parties. But his call for a referendum has split in the already weakened opposition. But this is not participating in these elections is not only suicide but also an irresponsible attitude to the suffering of the venezuelan people. There is nothing to decide because all the competitors were chosen by the regime. So who are you going to allow them to. Then israel has been in political crisis since the disputed election in 2018 that son Nicolas Maduro win by a wide margin most of the International Community including the u. S. And the European Union said the election was not free or fair they took quite a side as Assembly Speaker he was next in line to be president under the venezuelan constitution standoff followed quite oh held mass rallies and attracted International Backing but he failed to convince the military and state on. Since then maduro has consolidated power sidelining the National Assembly and installing a parallel legislative house filled by loyalists. Meanwhile why those popularity and influence have shrunk dramatically. Some coming election is likely his last stand up big win by my duros ruling party which is almost guaranteed for me is no longer speaker that will leave my dear old without any serious competition. I will miss join t. W. Latin america correspondent to Johan Ramirez welcome johan lets start with those claims the election is going to be rigged merited not. Lets see just the facts. Debate for this election. Also. If he chose the. Other world. Leaders of his Political Parties they are they decided to participate in this election so he choose all of this and they are even forcing people to vote for the 2nd man in the regime this week that those who want to vote want to eat he said that those who want is where are going to go into. Congress hunger quarantine thank you imagine our politicians say right now its a statement so under these conditions im going to ask them for this election and this is what i have the real. Issues sorry about your hungry mayors. And i will see if we can but some stage in the course of the evening. Apologies for the technical issues. Other news now but ashes started to move range of refugees to a camp on a recently formed island that critics say is vulnerable to cyclons and dangerous flooding almost a 1000000 range and live in crowded camps on the mainland the United Nations says no refugees should be moved there against their will many have pinned their hopes on what bangladesh says will be a better situation. 3 hours on a navy vessel brought these for him to refugees to an isolated island off the coast of bangladesh this will be their new home at least for a while they have been on the move for years 650. 00 since fleeing myanmar now they have been shipped to another uncertain situation. And i heard that right now that we are not citizens of any country and so we are moving to wherever there are more facilities for us. We were not happy at the camps we heard from seniors as well as the television that we will get more from the facilities. On the island of passion char this camp built by the Bangladeshi Navy can house 100000 people the silt island formed just 20 years ago critics say the low lying land mass is prone to flooding and dangerous cyclons. Some families say their relatives are being moved there against their will. Love their 1st thing my son and his family to go he didnt want to go but they forced him i came to see him probably for the last time. Anyone i wanted if my family goes to the island they will die because of the floods. Bangladeshi Authorities Say all relocations are voluntary and that the new facilities are better than in the currently overcrowded mainland camps on the island flood defenses have been built to keep back threats from rising seas but so far no independent inspectors have been allowed to view facilities. The United Nations Refugee Agency is demanding urgent access to see if the island is safe for habitation. Known a rare moment of bipartisanship lawmakers in the u. S. Congress are preparing to block president trumps order to withdraw u. S. Troops from germany the pentagon announced in july that it would withdraw about a 3rd of the 6000 u. S. Troops based here but the final version of the annual defense bill going through congress and which still needs to be voted on support c. Continuing presence of u. S. Forces in germany it also requires a full Impact Assessment before troops are withdrawn. Or rather if keys vetter c. D. U. Member of the German Parliament Foreign Relations committee we asked for his message to u. S. Lawmakers as Congress Prepares to review this bill. We are very happy now to listen to this new arrangement from the hill and our message is the american soldiers and the families of very well come in germany and we need them for our mutual security its a question of Transatlantic Trust and its also a question of transatlantic burden sharing and my cleat to our american colleagues is please demand also from germany more engagement in the european neighborhood and with this 4 start reforested alliance of the presence of american soldiers in germany the american side could also demand from the members of the European Union and nato Member States to in whist more in their security in the ricin e t in the western balkans in the mena region and also as regards ukraine so this would really be a step forward in our mutual friendship and interest oriented relationship. Top. Officials are warning that next year is shaping up to be a humanitarian catastrophe as the longer term effects of the coronavirus pandemic become felt as speaking on the 2nd day of a special u. N. Summit on covered 19 the head of the World Food Programme david basically said that for a dozen countries famine was knocking on the door the u. N. Said this week that 40 percent of people now need humanitarian help because of the pandemic. Lets get more by from Spokes Person yes sarah virtue welcome to day w what are you hoping will come out of the special assembly. Well what we were really hoping to get. All our states. Is that we were all together. To fight. Not only. Agree. But also importantly and here all his. Followers. Agree on a fair and equitable access. To all you know haitian protests that will help us. Indeed just pick up about that point and and then listen to the head of the world health organization. Talking about just that we simply cannot accept a world in which the pool and marginalized are trampled by the rich and powerful in the stamp it for. This is a Global Crisis and the Solutions Must be shared equitably as Global Public goods not as private commodities that why did inequalities and become yet another reason some people are left behind. How do we ensure that. People in developing countries are not left behind. Well we were over they should have set up a mechanism its called koach and basically because hold the countries to sign up for it and found it so we make sure this was we have boxee all hopefully you are seeing this all proves to be safe in the physicians we can pull actively negotiate of prices that manufacturers and ensure that the priority groups in and re contrary oxon the cement payees so basically what we want is that Health Care Worker frontline words boller all groups of organization holders and those that went on to law and medical condition. Had access to the vaccine as a priority in every country because no single country can be just that. No one is safe until we are all safe for the economies so integrated and free mom 370000000000. 00 off of all us all are being lost during the pandemic what to me often for only a fraction of. This would be paid off in a massive days really if we manage to Work Together to to to to to stop this pandemic by by targeting those who need to both seeing them all over and you worry that the promise of a vaccine is going to make people lower their god so that we end up seeing another huge hit infections around the world. This is indeed a huge risk this we are facing now with this positive news that are coming at the beginning we will have only a limited number of doses so it will take months and months before we manage to widen the Vaccination Campaign to 2 to 2 Wider Population so contrary should should see this only as a hope but not as a sign this pandemic is over fortunately virus is still without us seeing a number of cases rising you know many countries and what we have right now is should the tional Public Health measures that can help us try to limit the number of deaths and number of people who are getting sick and this is basically trying to mold where the viruses thats being those who may have been exposed making sure the people who are infected and those who have been in contact with them they haul and thats where we can try to to bring the transmission chain then we all have we all have a role to play run trying to minimize the risk by very mass keeping this washing hands so marci is the good news that we are not there thank you for joy of satanic youre sort of rich from the world health organization. Now a new poll is out showing the residents of germany mainly support virus related to contact restrictions over the Holiday Season the measures are still face resistance so d. W. Hit the streets of berlin to get peoples perspectives and ask if theyre likely to comply. Germany is a month into a passion look down that hasnt managed to significantly reduce coby 19 infections and was a Record Number of their sometimes day to countries queuing up for a low key christmas and new easy. According to a new study a quarter of germans think there is trick sions being taken by the government go too far but over half of them think they are appropriate. A 5th would welcome even tougher measures. Despite blatter wein infection rates most state authorities still plan on losing restrictions for the Festive Season to a low chairmans together we said to 10 family members to news is being met with caution half of germans welcome to christmas measures but only a 3rd of them approve of the relaxing of restrictions for new years eve in berlin the 7 day incidence rate is too high so authorities there have already announced there will be no easing of restrictions and while most people understand not everyone is happy about it. On the one hand i find it right on the other i dont think its feasible because christmas is a very important celebration for people so i dont think theyll stick to the rules at least not in the way it would like but im skeptical. But i dont think christmas is so important. I have taken part in the festivities for the most 20 years its so so really nicely but its difficult. Is this is the spirit its probably necessary but difficult its in the name of family celebrations and 5 adults is not a lot for a family it will be hard to implement and only a few people will stick to do is take. A vaccine maybe inside soon but for now the long and hard winter predicted by Angela Merkel is unfolding. Well as the Holiday Season approaches many countries are considering how best to allow for festivities was spreading the virus so weve asked some of our correspondents around the world whats happening with. Cape town is a popular christmas destinations for travelers running away from the called in their home countries normally it is very difficult to find a hotel during this time of the year but this year things are going to be different although south africa opened its borders for. The National Tourist with the negative comments test results only if you are coming with a very different. View from him was going to be that just most would be the same people do most of the job in a team has affected my Mental Health not so usually when i go home for christmas and be cheery and im the bubbly one but no you know im taking a cloud of sadness home that is not necessarily the monkey people getting together. Dividing the split people which is a bad thing. For everybody not just for our shelf but all families coworkers colleagues sisters and brothers. But i think she can assure. You to the pandemic the number of new covered infections is rather low for now but on the rise again epidemiologists want of a spike in cases because of the christmas celebrations most events year where already cancels the good news for those already here if youre looking for silence and contemplation on a lonely beach your chances are quite good this year it doesnt get much more christmassy than this londons Oxford Street usually buzzing with Holiday Shopping but this year standing around in big crowds isnt top of anybodys christmas list the u. K. Is still under strict restrictions bought from the 23rd until the 27th of december will be a brief relaxation of the rules up to 3 households will be allowed to meet in signs and in many of this is the 1st time well have seen families indoors since march but as Prime Minister Boris Johnson to sit is a season to be jolly it is also a season to be jolly cathal and there are concerns we risk undoing the gains made in the event as lock down so for some the question this christmas is not can we meet loved ones it should wait. I think people deserve a bit of a break i mean i understand the implication but i know given. Citizens of this country they would be or they would do it anyway so the government its about i am spending it this is my point. And thats going to be a nice changes will never get together thats usually a recipe for disaster i dont have any pen. Unfree a. J. Im waiting to be invited. But take a look now at some of the sorest making headlines around the world china has released images of its National Flag being on felled on the moon just before its unmanned spacecraft lifted off carrying samples of you know rocks to study here on the mission is the latest in a series of increasingly Ambitious Space Missions as beijing sinks to catch up with the u. S. And russia. A new video has been released showing the collapse of the us i see both observatory on the island of puerto rico on the Worlds Largest radio telescopes to see both suspension cables snaps on the 1st of december before engineers could conduct a controlled demolition you may recognize the structure from the 1995 James Bond Film golden. Legend rebirth a nightclub forced to close because of coronavirus pandemic is reopened as a covered 19 test center kickout or was a popular venue for swingers and fetishists club has advised its new visitors coming for a rapid virus test to arrived with their clothes on im not ready to party. All coronaviruses also prompted a major rethink for Warner Brothers for next year shares in cinema operators have nosedives after the studio said it would similar taney as the debut all of its films next year in cinemas and on its 2 street streaming service for the its policy applies only to the u. S. Markets its a policy to rest parts twists that many in the Film Industry say they didnt see coming. Times call for creative solutions. Describe their historic gamble. Revealing that they would be releasing their claim to 21. 00. In a major shake up for the entertainment industry. For the way it is the latest salvo in the streaming wars which pits warners video on demand h. B. O. Mocks. Netflix. Plus. Film fans welcomed the news its a Great Company i have always liked that. I think thats a great idea for Profit Margins i guess so i dont have anything against it i think its good. Studio executives said the strategy would be in place for just one year offering a glimmer of hope that lucrative Box Office Revenues will return and already hard hit companies plunged you know what people are going to be looking for that kind of a theater experience because quite frankly they already got enough of the home theater experience you know to. The Warner Brothers pit marks the beginning of a new chapter for hollywood the question is will it change habits forever. So lets get more on this from scott. Scott so one presumes that this is a reaction to. How big a deal is the actual. Itself its credible i dont think anyone and dissipated this its such a radical radical shift basically what waters doing for their customers in the usa for 15. 00 a month you can see big big movies essentially for free so from for wonder woman doomed to make tricks for basically going to be giving them away for free with these subscriptions and this huge push to get people to sign up for for h. B. O. Max and this interest because warner was the one studio that since corona starts with the pending make it brought out a big movie they release 10 it worldwide but obviously people want to look crunch the numbers in the u. S. On that film and found it didnt make the money that they wanted to and so they were taking it theyre weighing the risks and saying instead of releasing these big movies in the us were going to wait until we make sure that the cinemas are going to be open again that will go back to normal will be full again before we bring our big movies there until that time were going to going to put them out on line so what about the cinemas and already forced to close because of covert best there is less for them to look forward to opening for now yeah and i think its a disaster for the cinemas they seem to be quite caught off guard here apparently some of the bigger senate chains only knew a couple of hours before warner announced this that they were going to do this already there are some of the bigger chains are talking about renegotiating their agreements with warners because they say if wonder woman is going to be coming out online and instead of the same time in the us were not going to charge 1516. 00 whatever the normal prices for a theater ticket we both get it for free at home so will be an interesting procedure now to see how cinemas negotiate with with with the warners and maybe get different different price structures but. For a lot of people are saying now that the cinemas if this could be the last blow for some sort of a change in the us theyve been hard hit theyve been losing money this entire year if they dont have any movies to look forward to that they can have exclusively to draw people back in it might take even longer for them to get back on. I feel so other studios like to follow this lead i think i can be looking at this to see how warner does. You could see a company like disney take this approach they already have a big streaming Service Disney plus theyve done this with a couple of their films brought them out online although disney is always charged extra for the films they release exclusively on un disney plus if this works for warner i think you could see some of the studios copy it the thing is though this is going to be a loss leader for Warner Brothers is a big big movies they cost a lot of money to make they cant really make that money back alone with their h. B. O. Max streaming service so itll be interesting to see if in the end it works out for them that they grow their service big enough that they can get enough revenue to make up for the losses if that works then i think this could be a paradigm shift and you could see other studios fall their lead ok scott ross wrote from date of the arts and culture thank you so much for that. Well finish with a story for your cat lover firefighters in the turkish city of is may were called out to a new genre of rescue after receiving calls about a strange noise coming from below ground 1st responders going to work with a thermal monitor and a camera and they quickly located a cat trapped inside an underground cable nobody knows how to count to go there it is now reported to be doing well. Apparently has a very healthy appetite. No way to start the weekend all right stay with us ill be back were here at just a moment to take you through the day tonights taking a closer look at this a rare bipartisan unity in the u. S. That congress over the american troops is just one more world news as well for the top of the. Grappling soundtracks. Expressing feelings i am not very creative yet but i would love to be considered an artist monday looking for new perspectives. To help not rigidly players break through via camera doing things differently. Come to the place where we reflect on society are its time to. Come on the dole. In the far north. Beyond the inhabitable world. Its lonely. Barren. And breathtakingly beautiful the arctic a powerful expanse of bitter cold. And the sound of global warming. We take the journey around the north pole meet profiteers and talk with people experiencing a changing environment the ice disappears earlier and it keeps retreating its a heres the last years have been smelling rough. Makes it hard lets face it. Our future depends on what happens here in one of the most fragile ecosystems on earth. Northern lights life within the Arctic Circle starts december 21st on w. Now in a rare display of bipartisan unity the u. S. Congress is agree that president trumps decision to withdraw u. S. Troops from germany must be reversed thats just one of the provisions of the final justice of the National Defense authorization act which Congress Still has to vote on the president has already threatened to veto im phil gale in berlin and this is the day

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